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Новости за 08.02.2017


Trump labor nominee said 40% of his workers were once undocumented

Donald Trump’s nominee for Labor Secretary, fast-food executive Andrew Puzder, has in the past said that a large number of his employees were in the country illegally. The CKE restaurants executive made the comments, reviewed by CNN’s KFile, while speaking about how the E-Verify system–a database that enables businesses to check the citizenship status of […]


Warren on whether Sessions would discriminate as AG: ‘Yes’

After being silenced by Senate Republicans, Sen. Elizabeth Warren continued urging her colleagues to read Coretta Scott King’s 30-year-old letter opposing Jeff Sessions — saying she sees King’s concerns that Sessions fought against civil rights as “directly relevant” today. “Yes,” Warren flatly told CNN’s Manu Raju on Wednesday when asked whether she believes Sessions would […]


Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo elected as Somalia’s new president

Somalia’s Parliament elected former Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo as the country’s new president Wednesday. Farmajo was declared victorious after incumbent Hassan Sheikh Mohamud dropped out of the contest following the second round of voting. Amid rising security concerns, the 328 members of Parliament met at an air force hangar in Mogadishu to cast their […]


Mother of slain backpacker writes angry letter to Trump over terror list

The mother of a slain British backpacker has written a scathing letter to US President Donald Trump after her daughter’s killing in Australia appeared on the White House’s list of 78 underreported terror attacks. “My daughter’s death will not be used to further this insane persecution of innocent people,” Rosie Ayliffe wrote in a statement […]


‘History of Comedy’ probes a dark side of stand-up

The most important hour of “The History of Comedy” — an eight-part CNN documentary devoted to stand-up — might be the most serious and sobering: the high toll comedy exacts on its practitioners, from depression to substance abuse. The tears of a clown almost sounds like a cliché, but given the high-profile examples of comics […]


The last thing Europe needs: another Greek crisis

How’s this for déjà vu? Another debt crisis is brewing in Europe. Greece needs European creditors to release cash from a bailout agreed in 2015 so it can make debt repayments, but officials are at loggerheads. Investors are starting to worry, demanding higher returns on Greek debt. Adding to the confusion is a warning from […]


President Trump blasts Nordstrom for dropping Ivanka’s brand

President Trump tweeted Wednesday that Nordstrom’s treated his daughter Ivanka “so unfairly” when it discontinued her fashion line. Trump tweeted form his personal account — @realDonaldTrump — but it was then retweeted by the official @POTUS account, which had so far been reserved strictly for government issues. Nordstrom announced last week that it would no […]


Drudge takes on the GOP: ‘Just lots of crazy’

Donald Trump is president, the Republicans are in power, but Matt Drudge is ticked. Drudge, the proprietor of the influential conservative news aggregator the Drudge Report, registered his displeasure with GOP-controlled government in a series of tweets on Wednesday, lamenting a lack of focus on policy promises that helped Trump and the party dominate in […]


Seattle to cut ties with Wells Fargo over Dakota Access pipeline

Seattle is fed up with Wells Fargo. The city’s council voted on Tuesday unanimously in favor of cutting banking ties with Wells Fargo and avoiding any new investments in the company’s stocks and bonds. Seattle’s break-up with Wells Fargo was mostly driven by anger over the bank’s role as one of more than a dozen […]


Grammys set to be a night of tributes

This year’s Grammys won’t forget about all the giants of music the world lost last year. The ceremony will include tributes to both Prince and George Michael, the Recording Academy, which puts on the Grammys, announced Wednesday. “While the primary focus of the Grammy Awards is to celebrate and honor the year’s best in music, […]


India says its economy will bounce back from cash crisis

India expects its economy will recover rapidly from a slowdown caused by last year’s self-inflicted cash crisis. The Reserve Bank of India said Wednesday it expects growth to rise to 7.4% in the fiscal year to March, 2018, bouncing back from the shock of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s November ban on 500 and 1,000 rupee […]


Donald Trump’s universe of alternative facts

“It’s working out very nicely.” President Donald Trump’s travel ban had been in effect for less than 24 hours when, 10 days ago, he offered a smiling review from the Oval Office. “You see it at the airports,” Trump said, “you see it all over.” Indeed, millions of Americans with access to television and internet, […]


Confirmation slog drags on with Sessions AG fight

Senate Democrats promised to drag out the fight Wednesday over President Donald Trump’s nominee for attorney general, Sen. Jeff Sessions, as they put pressure on Republicans to commit to party-line votes to confirm his Cabinet. The final vote for Sessions — one of Trump’s closest advisers and his earliest supporter in the Senate — is […]


Why opioid overdose deaths seem to happen in spurts

Drug deaths in America sometimes seem to come in groups; just look at Ohio. At least 14 people died of opioid overdoses in Cuyahoga County over the weekend, CNN affiliate WEWS reported. Already this year, more than 60% of the autopsies conducted at the Montgomery County Coroner’s office in Ohio involved drug overdose deaths — […]


Undocumented workers put Puzder and Ross in an unusual spot

It’s an issue that’s sunk Cabinet nominees in the past: Hiring an undocumented immigrant. But two of President Donald Trump’s key Cabinet picks — Andrew Puzder for Labor secretary and Wilbur Ross for Commerce secretary — may still have a path to confirmation despite having hired undocumented workers. It’s an especially ironic position for the […]


HSAs: Big tax break or gimmick to benefit the wealthy?

They are just three little words — health savings accounts — but they are generating a lot of buzz as Republicans contemplate plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. Based on a long-held conservative view that consumers should be more responsible for their health care spending, expanding the use of HSAs is part […]


Yemen requests no US ground missions without approval

Yemen’s government has “requested” the United States stop ground operations in the country unless they have the government’s full approval after an anti-terror raid authorized by US President Donald Trump killed civilians, two senior Yemeni defense officials told CNN on Wednesday. The Yemeni officials said the government had sent a firm message to the US […]


Lawrence Twp. Doesn’t Send Question of Consolidation to May Ballot

CLEARFIELD – A large crowd gathered last night at the Florian  Banquet Hall on Mill Road in Lawrence Township, as the supervisors intended to vote on whether or not to put the matter of consolidating with Clearfield Borough on the May ballot.  The supervisors were not to decide on consolidation itself, only whether or not […]


Clearfield Commissioners Approve Borrowing up to $2.5M Tax Anticipation Note

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County is having cash flow issues and approved a proposal for a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN) of up to $2.5 million at Tuesday’s work session meeting. “We don’t begin receiving our tax funds until April,” said Commissioner Tony Scotto, chair. “Our balances are a little bit low right now and we still […]


The letter Elizabeth Warren was trying to read

In 1986, Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King Jr., wrote a letter to Sen. Strom Thurmond criticizing Jeff Sessions, who was then a nominee to be a federal judge. On Tuesday night, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren attempted to read part of the letter on the Senate floor. Republicans cried foul — charging […]


Trump stresses ‘close’ relationship with Turkey in first call with Erdogan

President Donald Trump reiterated US support for Turkey as a “close, long-standing” partner, during a phone call with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday. It was the two leaders’ first conversation since Trump took office in January. Trump welcomed Turkey’s efforts in the battle against ISIS, according to a White House readout of the […]


Iranian baby barred by travel ban arrives at hospital

Baby Fatemeh Reshad could soon on the mend — and just in time. The 4-month old Iranian infant who has a life-threatening heart defect arrived Tuesday at a Portland, Oregon, hospital, officials there said. Fatemeh and her family had been ensnared in President Donald Trump’s immigration ban that barred travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, including […]


Sanders, Cruz debate Obamacare: CNN’s Reality Check Team vets the claims

Sens. Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz debated the future of health care in the US Tuesday night, and CNN’s Reality Check Team vetted the claims. The team of reporters, researchers and editors across CNN listened throughout the event and analyzed key statements, rating them true, misleading or false. Reality Check: Sanders on universal health care […]


When it comes to school, harsh parenting can backfire

Most of us modern parents worry at some point (maybe daily!) whether we are parenting our kids the right way. At a time when we see countless examples of helicopter parenting and entitled children who can’t cope with setbacks, there are plenty of reasons to be asking ourselves if we’re firm enough with our kids. […]

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» провело свыше 3 тыс. экологических исследований в I квартале 2024 года

Путин в России и мире

Транспортный коридор «Север-Юг» станет катализатором социального и экономического развития стран Евразии и глобального Юга

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Денис Мацуев

Денис Мацуев: желаю «Спартаку» и ЦСКА показать в дерби искромётный футбол


RT: куриный шашлык в России за год подорожал на 25%

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