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Новости за 28.02.2017


Russia, China veto UN resolution on Syria chemical weapons use

Russia vetoed a Security Council resolution Tuesday that aimed to place sanctions on the Syrian regime for the use of chemical weapons. The resolution, therefore, does not pass. China also vetoed the resolution. The veto was the seventh time Russia has blocked a Security Council resolution aimed at Damascus, protecting its Syrian ally from any […]


Hundreds protest against West Bank settlers’ evacuation

Hundreds of protesters gathered Tuesday in the West Bank settlement of Ofra, where police were evacuating settlers from nine houses that the court found were built on private Palestinian land without a permit. Police, wearing blue sweaters and hats emblazoned with a Star of David, faced off against crowds of religious activists who clogged the […]


11 wounded as car crashes into marching band at Mardi Gras parade

A vehicle in the Gulf Shores Mardi Gras parade in Alabama plowed into a marching band from behind, sending several people to the hospital Tuesday. At least 11 people have been injured, including three who were critically hurt, Gulf Shores city spokesman Grant Brown said. At least three people were taken to South Baldwin Regional […]


Shamed retail baron pays $450 million to protect pensions

The billionaire former owner of collapsed retail chain BHS has agreed to pay £363 million ($451 million) to safeguard the pensions of his former employees. The payment by Topshop magnate Philip Green will benefit 19,000 former employees of the department store, which stumbled into bankruptcy in April. The collapse of BHS led to 11,000 lost […]


The U.S. already spends more on defense than any other country

President Trump wants to jack up U.S. military spending. He’s likely to find some support for that. The defense budget has been curbed in recent years and many lawmakers in both parties are concerned about the country’s military readiness. But even with the cutbacks, the United States still spends far more on defense than any […]


‘Holy crap!’ Serena Williams surprises players on public tennis court

Many tennis fans might wonder how they would fare playing against the world’s best. Yet few expect to be challenged during a friendly match on a public court. That’s exactly what happened in San Francisco on Sunday when 23-time time grand slam champion Serena Williams asked two unsuspecting recreational tennis players if she could share […]


Jeff Sessions pledges crackdown on violent crime

In his first major public speech since taking office, Attorney General Jeff Sessions pledged Tuesday that a Justice Department crackdown on violent crime will reverse what he views as a dangerous new trend. Standing before a packed ballroom of the National Association of Attorneys General, Sessions harked back to his early time as a young […]


MGM National Harbor: Vegas-style dining comes to D.C. area

Chef Marcus Samuelsson’s face lights up when asked to tell the story behind his “Yes, Chef” cocktail, made with pineapple juice, ginger beer and vodka and served at his restaurant, Marcus, inside the new MGM National Harbor resort and casino. In 2009, Samuelsson explains, he oversaw the Obamas’ first state dinner at the White House. […]


Alabama Mardi Gras parade canceled after car hits band members

The Gulf Shores Mardi Gras parade in Alabama was canceled Tuesday after a vehicle in the parade struck a marching band from behind, city spokesman Grant Brown told local media. The city issued a statement saying the parade has been canceled “due to an injury at the start of the lineup.” It was not immediately […]


DNC highlights stories of those facing deportation by Trump administration

Tom Perez is rolling out a new effort to highlight the stories of immigrants deported by President Donald Trump’s administration as one of his first moves as the new Democratic National Committee chairman. The initiative — dubbed “Faces of Trump’s Mass Deportation Plan” — includes the DNC soliciting and sharing stories of those targeted for […]


Iraqi commander: ISIS leaders ‘running away’ from Mosul

The commander of Iraq’s federal police has said ISIS militants in western Mosul are looking to cut and run from their defense of the group’s last remaining stronghold in the country. Cmdr. Ra’ed Shaker Jawdat said ISIS militants were increasingly cut off from each other, and that its leaders were fleeing the remaining pockets of […]


Republicans brace for Trump’s prime-time message on Obamacare

For Republicans eager to dismantle Obamacare, President Donald Trump’s prime-time address to Congress Tuesday night is shaping up as a high-stakes proposition. More than five weeks after Inauguration Day, Trump is set to deliver a speech that lays out his vision for the country and highlights his most urgent policy priorities. Trump has said that […]


Pairings Set for Northwest AAA Wrestling

ALTOONA — The eight regional qualifiers from the Clearfield Bison wrestling team have learned their opponents for the 2017 PIAA-AAA Northwest Regional Tournament, which is once again being held at the Altoona Area High School Field House Friday night and Saturday. Preliminary Bouts: 106 – Peyton Smay (12-15) D-4/9, 3rd vs. Kevin Sampson (5-5), Obama Academy, […]


5 things for Tuesday, February 28: SpaceX, North Korea, plane crash

Here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door. You can also get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” delivered to your inbox daily. Sign up here. 1. Moon tourism Two thrill seekers are paying SpaceX a pretty sizable chunk of change to make a weeklong trip around […]


Iraqi forces target dozens of militants at ISIS meeting

Iraqi militants and government troops targeted an ISIS meeting in a town outside Mosul, killing and injuring dozens, according to the Popular Mobilization Unit’s (PMU) media unit. PMU artillery targeted the meeting, which was being held near a police station in Tal Afar, a largely Turkmen town around 70 km (43 miles) west of Mosul, […]


Clearfield Cagers To Play D9-AAAA Title Games Thursday

BROCKWAY — A girls-boys District 9 Class AAAA basketball championship doubleheader matching Clearfield and Punxsutawney teams has been booked for Thursday at the DuBois Area High School gym, District 9 Basketball Committee chairman Jim Manners announced Monday afternoon. Tip-offs are set for 6 p.m. for the girls and 7:30 for the boys, with the winners […]


Trump to sign order reviewing EPA water rule

President Donald Trump will sign Tuesday an executive order requiring the Environmental Protection Agency to review Obama-era water regulations to make sure they are not harming the economy, according to an internal EPA email obtained by CNN. The order — which is currently in draft form and subject to change before Tuesday afternoon, when Trump […]


In CASD: Jackson Reports on Meeting with Drug and Alcohol Commission, Board Hears About Student Trip to Presidential Inauguration

CLEARFIELD – Information from the Clearfield-Jefferson Drug and Alcohol Commission and a report about the Presidential Inauguration topped last night’s Clearfield Area School Board meeting. The school board has been concerned with drug and alcohol problems within the schools and addressing the issue early and consistently. Board member Mary Ann Jackson reported on a meeting […]


Trial Under Way for Inmate Accused in Houtzdale Riot

CLEARFIELD – On Monday in Clearfield County Court, the trial got under way for an inmate accused of assaulting corrections officers during an April of 2015 riot at the State Correctional Institution at Houtzdale. Isaiah Samir Lakeem Hall, 26, an inmate of state prison, is standing trial on charges of criminal conspiracy/aggravated assault and aggravated […]


Clearfield Students of the Month for February

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Area Junior-Senior High School is proud to announce the February Students of the Month.  Students are selected by their teachers and guidance counselors on a basis of performance in class, participation, helpfulness, kindness, attendance and academic achievement.  Pictured, from left to right, are seventh grade students, Toxie Korb and Alexis Benton; Principal […]


Jimmy Kimmel explains Oscars flub: ‘It was the weirdest TV finale since ‘Lost”

Jimmy Kimmel would like to explain. Kimmel, who was the host at Sunday’s Academy Awards, opened ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” Monday by explaining just what went wrong during the big Best Picture mix up that had “La La Land” announced as the winner even though “Moonlight” actually won. “I don’t know if you know this, […]


As atheist China warms to the Vatican, religious persecution ‘intensifies’

From an altar in a dingy backyard four hours from Beijing, Paul Dong is conducting mass. He’s also breaking the law. Dong and his parishioners are among millions of illegal Christians worshiping in officially atheist China. According to a new report from US-based NGO Freedom House, persecution of Chinese Christians and other faith groups has […]


First-time homebuyer? Avoid these states

It’s not easy being a first-time homebuyer these days. Around the country, home prices have been rising, inventory is limited, and banks have tightened lending standards. But California is the toughest state of all for first-time homebuyers, according to a new report from Bankrate.com. Buyers in the Golden State face low affordability, tight inventory and […]


Fidelity slashes online trading fees

Online trading just got a lot cheaper for Fidelity customers. The brokerage firm has reduced its online retail prices for trading U.S. stocks and ETFs to $4.95 from $7.95. “It’s a bold move and the first time a large brokerage is below $5,” said Ram Subramaniam, president of Fidelity’s retail brokerage business. The $3 drop […]


Focusing on religious oppression in China misses the big picture

How bad is religious persecution in China? This is a question I’ve thought a lot about over the past few years. Since 2010 I’ve been working on a project documenting a religious revival in China, and seen new churches, temples, and mosques open each year, attracting millions of new worshipers. But I’ve also seen how […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об эффективности экологических проектов в России

Путин в России и мире

Президент Азербайджана Ильхам Алиев прибыл в Москву по приглашению Путина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Губернатор Поморья встретился с президентом Беларуси Александром Лукашенко

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Ru24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский взял Залужного в заложники? В Киеве начинается новый скандал

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Моргенштерну* не нужны деньги? Рэпер рассказал о своем отношении к богатству


Мосгорсуд оставил экс-замглавы ФТС Ягодкину под стражей

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