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Новости за 16.02.2017


Jake Tapper: Trump’s presser was ‘unhinged’

CNN’s Jake Tapper responded with astonishment Thursday after President Donald Trump’s White House news conference — ostensibly called to announce his choice of labor secretary — turned into a sweeping attack on the press and defense of his administration. Here are Tapper’s comments in full: “It was a wild press conference. And I think that, […]


‘Day Without Immigrants’ squeezes Hill, Pentagon

Washington felt the pinch of the nationwide “Day Without Immigrants” demonstrations Thursday, with government institutions, including the Capitol and Pentagon, affected by the general strike. The disruption also hit DC-area restaurants, schools and businesses. The Architect of the Capitol, which manages much of the support staff on the Hill and contracts with food services, also […]


GM’s talks to dump European unit sparks backlash

General Motors may finally be prepared to jettison its struggling business in Europe. Just one problem: GM’s acknowledgment that it is considering a sale of its Opel and Vauxhall brands has set off a major political backlash in Europe that threatens to strangle any deal in its cradle. Politicians and union leaders in Germany, France […]


Transcript: President Trump’s exchange with CNN’s Jim Acosta

President Trump devoted much of Thursday’s press conference, which he called to announce a new nominee for secretary of labor, to attacking the media. He criticized the press in general and had this exchange with CNN’s senior White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Jim? JIM ACOSTA, CNN SENIOR WHITE […]


Trump promises new immigration order as DOJ tells court to hold off

President Donald Trump vowed Thursday to roll out a new immigration executive order next week that will be tailored to the federal court decision that paused his travel ban. “The new order is going to be very much tailored to what I consider to be a very bad decision,” said Trump during a news conference, […]


Automakers hope to catch a break from Trump on fuel economy rules

America’s automakers are hoping to get the Trump administration to revisit strict fuel economy and emissions requirements laid down by the Obama White House. Automakers are worried they might not be able to meet long term fuel economy goals because of cheap gas. Low gas prices make it harder for automakers to sell as many […]


Trump pressed on Electoral College claim

President Donald Trump again overstated the size of his Electoral College win on Thursday, only to quickly fold and blame the claim on bad information. Trump claimed at a news conference that he had the largest Electoral College win since Ronald Reagan. When told later in the news conference by NBC’s Peter Alexander that information […]


‘Big Little Lies’ becomes big-league HBO miniseries

Bubbling over with big-name stars, “Big Little Lies” is an enticing HBO limited series, one with echoes of several other prestige dramas. Featuring Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman in key roles, in terms of addictive appeal think of it as a more leisurely paced, soap-opera version of “True Detective.” Based on a bestselling novel actually […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police received a report about an incident of harassment that occurred Wednesday on Cross Roads Boulevard in Beccaria Township. According to state police, two females alleged being subjected to unwanted physical contact. State police will continue the investigation. Clearfield Borough Police received a call from a resident who had questions […]


Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton’s ‘deal breaker’

Gwen Stefani is serious about her love of roller coasters. She also really loves fellow coach on “The Voice” and boyfriend, Blake Shelton. Stefani appeared on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” Wednesday and said she was nervous about taking Shelton to Disneyland for the first time. “He won’t do the roller coasters,” she said. […]


Canada Goose: Maker of $1,000 parkas files for IPO

Canada Goose has built a business around selling parkas for north of $1,000. Up next: Selling investors on an IPO. The family-run firm announced on Wednesday that it’s planning to list shares on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GOOS”. The company got its start in Toronto in […]


Say goodbye to this classic Monopoly token

Monopoly fans cast four million votes last month to decide which of the board game’s classic eight tokens should stay around — and which gets the ax. The results are in: Say goodbye to the thimble. This means that the thimble token — which has been around since 1935 — won’t be included in the […]


U.S. auto workers hate NAFTA … but love robots

Sal Moceri gets visibly agitated at the very mention of the word “NAFTA.” He think the trade deal killed the American Dream. “NAFTA was one of the worst contracts ever negotiated for the American worker,” the 61-year-old Ford worker told CNNMoney. Moceri has one of the coveted jobs that President Trump wants more of in […]


White House considering outsider to review intelligence agencies

The White House is considering tapping Stephen Feinberg, founder of a New York investment firm and a longtime friend to President Donald Trump, to conduct a review of US intelligence agencies, according to US officials with knowledge of the plans. There are still many issues to work out, especially because the Director of National Intelligence […]


Snapchat’s IPO has a Twitter problem

One week after Snapchat’s parent company filed paperwork for its long-awaited IPO, Twitter released yet another disappointing earnings report that tanked its stock. The two events might seem unrelated, but Twitter’s struggles are perhaps the clearest reminder to potential Snap Inc investors of the risk in backing flashy social media companies. “The Twitter story does […]


Snapchat sets IPO valuation of up to $22 billion

Snap Inc., the company that brought you disappearing messages and puking rainbow filters, may soon be worth more than $20 billion. Snapchat’s parent company is looking to price its upcoming initial public offering at between $14 and $16 a share, according to a company filing on Thursday. At the high end of that range, Snap […]


Told to go: What’s next for this undocumented mom?

Like parents around the country, Jeanette Vizguerra kissed her kids good night and sent them to bed. She didn’t know if she would be there the next night to do the same. Vizguerra is an undocumented immigrant. She was due to check in Wednesday with Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents. Such check-ins are routine. But […]


Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa don’t talk

There’s apparently a reason why Regis Philbin has never been back to his old morning show with Kelly Ripa. The former “Live! with Regis and Kelly” co-host recently appeared on “Larry King Now” and said he and Ripa have not kept in touch since he left the show in 2011. “[Ripa] got very offended when […]


Ocean oxygen levels drop 2% in 50 years, Nature study finds

Climate change is extending far beyond the threat of melting polar ice caps — it’s putting a dangerous stranglehold on life in oceans, too. A new study published in the science journal Nature Wednesday found that the ocean’s worldwide oxygen content declined by more than 2% between 1960 and 2010. Scientists have long warned about […]


Bodies of missing Indiana girls found; police say they were killed

The bodies of two missing Indiana girls found in the woods near a creek have been identified, and their deaths are being investigated as a double homicide, authorities said Wednesday. Autopsy results released Wednesday confirmed the identities of the teens as Liberty “Libby” German, 14, and Abigail “Abby” Williams, 13. The girls’ bodies were discovered […]


How soap, chairs and clothing could stop mosquito bites — and diseases

Known to health experts as the most deadly animal on the planet, the minuscule mosquito, with its dreaded whine, is responsible for millions of deaths from multiple diseases each year. In 2015, more than 210 million people had malaria, with an estimated 429,000 dying from the disease. That same year, more than 1.4 million people […]


Amidst US-Iran tensions, wrestlers emerge as sports diplomats

The journey to the Wrestling World Cup in Iran has been an exhausting one for the US team – not so much because of the long trip from the US to the Iranian city Kermanshah with two stopovers in Frankfurt and Tehran. It was the diplomatic hurdles that had stressed Team USA out. The wrestlers […]


North Korea’s ruling family: Who is Kim Jong Nam?

In 2001, the North Korean regime, then headed by Kim Jong Il, was dealt an embarrassing if minor setback. The leader’s son, Kim Jong Nam, was caught sneaking into Japan on a fake diplomatic passport — so that he could visit Tokyo Disneyland. His choice of destination wasn’t the only reason for red faces in […]


‘Telephone terrorism’ has rattled 48 Jewish centers. Is anyone paying attention?

Samantha Taylor was at Orlando’s Jewish Community Center for a morning meeting when she heard reports of a bomb threat crackle from the director’s walkie-talkie. Her daughter attends preschool there; she ran to the classroom and evacuated with the students and teachers. While police and bomb-sniffing dogs searched the building for several hours, the teachers […]


Indians lament sale of iconic Ambassador car

Suhel Seth, 53, still remembers the license plate of his first car. “WNF322,” he says of the car he drove when he was just 22. It was a black Ambassador, and “it was wonderful,” he says. For generations of Indians, the Ambassador was a majestic presence on the country’s roads. The car was modeled after […]

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Экология в России и мире

Маршруты для прогулок в мегаполисе: 7 экотроп Москвы

Путин в России и мире

В Москве стартовал Национальный конгресс эндокринологов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

«Просто не афиширую»: куда пропала Волочкова с театральной сцены


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