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Новости за 16.03.2018


The 'Avengers: Infinity War' trailer has arrived, and it looks like some of your favorite Marvel characters are going to die

Marvel Studios/YouTube

  • The full trailer for "Avengers: Infinity War" is here, and it looks darker than any of the other Avengers movies.
  • There will probably be some major deaths in the movie, and the trailer suggests that.
  • But the trailer also shows all of the Avengers teaming up with the people of Wakanda for an epic battle. 
  • It hits theaters April 27. 

The full length trailer for "Avengers: Infinity War" is finally here, and things don't look good for our heroes. Читать дальше...


Jennifer Garner says she can't watch that 'embarrassing' viral clapping moment from the Oscars

The Ellen Show/YouTube and ABC

  • Jennifer Garner talked with Ellen DeGeneres about her viral meme moment from the 2018 Oscars on "The Ellen Show" Friday.
  • The hilarious shot showed Garner, 45, looking confused while clapping.
  • Garner told DeGeneres that she can't watch the clip because it is "too embarrassing." 
  • "I have no control over this. What am I doing?" she asked herself. "I don't know. What is wrong with me?"
  • The actress had a hilarious initial... Читать дальше...


6 dead after pedestrian bridge collapses near Florida International University; police expect no more survivors

Getty Images/Joe Raedle

  • A pedestrian bridge in Miami collapsed Thursday, killing six people and trapping eight cars underneath.
  • Miami-Dade officials said nine people had been transported to hospitals.
  • Search-and-recovery efforts continued on Friday, but authorities told media they no longer believed they would find anyone alive.

Six people are dead after a newly installed pedestrian bridge in Miami, Florida, collapsed on Thursday, instantly crushing... Читать дальше...


Walton Goggins says the 'L.A. Confidential' TV show will not be a remake of the movie — and that's a good thing

Warner Bros.

  • CBS has ordered a pilot for a TV series version of the James Ellroy novel, "L.A. Confidential," which was an Oscar-winning movie in the late 1990s.
  • Walton Goggins will play the character of Jack Vincennes, which was played by Kevin Spacey in the movie.
  • Goggins told Business Insider the TV show will not be a remake of the movie, which is a good sign.
  • There's so much great stuff from the book that the movie left out, especially elements of the Vincennes character. Читать дальше...


Best Buy's CEO says he uses 5 criteria to decide whether someone's a leader (BBY)

Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

  • Best Buy CEO Hubert Joly has five criteria to determine whether someone has leadership potential. He calls them the five "be"s of leadership. 
  • The "be"s involve points on purpose, clarity, service, values, and authenticity. 
  • Joly has lead Best Buy's turnaround effort over the last five years, with impressive results. 

Best Buy's CEO has five criteria to determine whether someone is a leader. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH... Читать дальше...


A new 'Avengers: Infinity War' trailer is here and shows the entire team in danger

Marvel Studios

  • Marvel premiered the second trailer for "Avengers: Infinity War" Friday morning.
  • It will be the third "Avengers" movie.
  • The massive cast includes the Avengers, Spider-Man, the Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, and more.
  • The trailer shows Gamora warning the Avengers about her father Thanos (Josh Brolin).
  • He is trying to gather together the six powerful Infinity Stones.
  • The entire team is shown to be in trouble.
  • "Avengers... Читать дальше...


This couple quit their jobs to travel around Europe in a Ford transit van they converted for less than £4,000 — and their cat and dog came too

Facebook/Marion & Flo - The Travelling Shed

  • Marion Henry and Florian Fradet, both 25, quit their jobs in marketing and engineering for a life on the road.
  • They converted an Old Ford Transit into a mobile home for under £4,000. 
  • They've taken their pets Lewis and Sacha with them, too.
  • They have now clocked up over 26,000 miles throughout Europe. 

Many of us dream of packing it all in for a life on the road where all you have to think about is your next swim or picnic spot. Читать дальше...


Theresa May has embarrassed Vladimir Putin at his own political game, Russia expert says


  • Theresa May has "outsmarted" Vladimir Putin over the attempted murder of ex-Kremlin spy Sergei Skripal, according to a Russia expert.
  • Professor Anthony Glees said May has shown that it is a "probability that borders on certainty" that Russia was behind the nerve agent attack.
  • Rallying support from the US, France, and Germany was a major victory, which has made Russia look isolated.
  • May's handling of the Skripal case has impressed voters in Britain. Читать дальше...


7 crew members killed after US military HH-60 helicopter crashes in Iraq


  • A US military Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk crashed in western Iraq on Thursday.
  • All personnel aboard the helicopter — believed to be seven crew members — were confirmed to be killed.
  • Rescue forces have been dispatched and an investigation is ongoing.

A US military Sikorsky HH-60 Pave Hawk crashed in western Iraq on Thursday, the Pentagon confirmed Friday morning.

"All personnel aboard were killed in the crash," Brig. Gen. Jonathan P. Braga... Читать дальше...


Winn-Dixie is closing almost 100 stores as part of bankruptcy filing — see if your store is on the list


  • Ninety-four Winn-Dixie, Harveys, and Bi-Lo locations are closing in the Southeast as the regional grocery chains' parent company prepares to file for bankruptcy.
  • Southeastern Grocers announced on Thursday it would file for bankruptcy by the end of March.
  • We have the full list of grocery stores that will close.

Almost 100 Winn-Dixie, Harveys, and Bi-Lo locations are closing in the Southeast as the regional grocery chains' parent company prepares to file for bankruptcy. Читать дальше...


Winn-Dixie is closing almost 100 stores as part of bankruptcy filing — see if your store is one the list


  • 94 Winn-Dixie, Harveys, and BI-LO locations are closing in the Southeast as the regional grocery chains' parent company prepares to file for bankruptcy. 
  • Southeastern Grocers announced on Thursday it would file for bankruptcy by the end of March. 
  • We have the full list of grocery stores that will close. 

Almost 100 Winn-Dixie, Harveys, and BI-LO locations are closing in the Southeast as the regional grocery chains' parent company prepares to file for bankruptcy. Читать дальше...


Astronaut Scott Kelly: 'I think that China will overtake the US in the space business — if we allow them to'

NASA via Reuters

  • Scott Kelly, a former NASA astronaut who lived in space for nearly a year, visited the offices of Business Insider.
  • Commercial companies like SpaceX, Blue Origin, Boeing, and others are hoping to establish a permanent presence in space with NASA's help.
  • However, Kelly said "China will overtake the US in the space business — if we allow them to."
  • Kelly would like to see the ISS last longer and new space stations established at the moon or... Читать дальше...


Netflix's 6 original Marvel superhero shows, ranked from worst to best


Netflix made a deal with Marvel Comics back in 2013 to produce four Marvel-universe shows and a mini-series.

The deal expanded last year, when Netflix released its sixth Marvel show, "The Punisher." Its latest Marvel release was the second season of "Jessica Jones," which premiered to positive reviews this month.

To find out which of the Marvel Netflix shows have fared the best among critics, we turned to review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes for the composite critical receptions of each series. Читать дальше...


The pedestrian bridge that collapsed in Florida, leaving at least 4 dead, was designed to make students safer

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

  • A bridge at Florida International University's campus collapsed on Thursday, resulting in multiple injuries and casualties to those who were trapped beneath it.
  • The 950-ton bridge, which was set to be completed in 2019, was designed to make it safer for students to travel between FIU's campus and Streetwater, a city where around 4,000 students live.
  • The bridge was installed in a single day on Saturday through a method that was supposed to increase safety for workers... Читать дальше...


The CEO of a $2 billion startup says there's a fundamental reason this company is the most successful one he's built

Flatiron Health/Facebook

  • Nat Turner is the cofounder and CEO of Flatiron Health, recently sold to Roche for $1.9 billion.
  • Flatiron creates software that is changing the way oncologists and researchers track and study cancer treatments.
  • Turner, 32, is a serial entrepreneur, but said this is the first time he's passionate about his company's purpose.
  • He said this mission not only has a societal benefit, but attracts better employees and investors, and inspires everyone to work harder. Читать дальше...


A rare piece of real estate hidden in plain sight underneath a New York City church was put on the market for $7 million

Hannah Schaffer

  • A New York City church is selling the last remaining crypt in its catacombs for $7 million. 
  • These catacombs — beneath the 200-year-old Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral — were previously off-limits, but the church recently began public tours in 2017. 
  • The crypt available inside is one of the only remaining full-body, in-ground burial plots in Manhattan.

One lucky family can now opt to live in Manhattan for eternity — for a price of $7 million. Читать дальше...


Heavyweight boxing champion Anthony Joshua wants to fight in UFC one day — and he named two of its biggest fighters as potential opponents

Getty Images

  • Heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua could leave boxing and compete in UFC.
  • Joshua admitted he would need a few fights to get used to the submission aspect of life in a UFC octagon, but has his eyes on two major UFC stars.
  • Fights against hulking heavyweight Francis Ngannou and former light heavyweight king Jon Jones would be "good scraps," according to the Brit.

World heavyweight boxing champion Anthony Joshua is keen to challenge himself... Читать дальше...


25 under-the-radar places in Latin America to visit in your lifetime, according to the world’s top travel experts


From the darkest depths of Peru to the crystal blue underground cenotes of Mexico, there is something incredibly alluring about Latin America.

However, the best off-the-beaten-track destinations are usually discovered by word of mouth, often among travellers on the road from hostel bunkbeds or over a local beer.

We’ve done the hard work for you and asked some of the world's most respected travel experts — including those in the know at the likes of Lonely Planet and Secret Escapes... Читать дальше...


Bermondsey is officially the best place to live in London in 2018

pisaphotography / Shutterstock

  • Bermondsey has been named the best place to live in London in 2018.
  • The Sunday Times Best Places to Live guide chose the Southwark neighbourhood thanks to its food and culture.
  • Other entrants in the top 10 included Clapton and Notting Hill.

The Sunday Times has named Bermondsey the best place to live in London in 2018.

It highlighted 10 locations across the city as part of its Best Places to Live in 2018 list... Читать дальше...


THE IoT PLATFORMS REPORT: How software is helping the Internet of Things evolve

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly as companies around the world connect thousands of devices every day. But behind those devices, there’s a sector worth hundreds of billions of dollars supporting the IoT. 

Platforms are the glue that holds the IoT together, allowing users to take full advantage... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об энергоэффективном жилье

Путин в России и мире

В мире могут закрыть поставки из Китая. «Святой Ленин» на встрече В.В. Путина и Си Цзиньпина повышает качество жизни народам России, Китая, всего мира.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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