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Новости за 04.03.2018


See Steve Jobs' surprisingly lackluster job application after he dropped out of college in 1973

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

  • Three years before starting Apple, after dropping out of college, Steve Jobs filled out an application for a job. 
  • He filled it out with minimal information, but he did indicate his interest in tech and digital. 
  • The original job application will be up for action from March 8th until March 15th — and it's estimated to sell for about $50,000.

Is it possible that a really bad job application helped launch the personal computer revolution? Читать дальше...


Putin doubled down on a familiar and misleading claim when he explained why he'll 'never' extradite the Russians charged in the Mueller investigation

NBC News

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin told NBC's Megyn Kelly last week that he would "never" extradite the 13 Russian nationals who were charged by special counsel Robert Mueller with conspiring to interfere in the 2016 US election.
  • He denied any knowledge of their actions and added that the defendants "do not represent the Russian state" or "the Russian authorities."
  • The assertion spoke to a key tactic the Kremlin often employs: using "cyber proxies" who operate... Читать дальше...


Facebook cofounder Chris Hughes reveals how one conversation he had with Mark Zuckerberg in the rain at Harvard set the course for his life

Adam Hunger/Reuters

  • Chris Hughes was one of Mark Zuckerberg's roommates and a Facebook cofounder who helped with user experience and media outreach.
  • One rainy night in 2004, Hughes and Zuckerberg had a conversation that resulted in Hughes getting a 2% ownership stake.
  • The stake was worth $500 million when Facebook went public in 2012.
  • Hughes has recently reflected on that fateful night, saying it's a motivation behind his current crusade for a guaranteed income for low-income Americans. Читать дальше...


GOLDMAN SACHS: Here's one overlooked strategy that will help you make a killing in the market this March

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

  • Goldman Sachs still sees plenty of opportunities to profit from single-stock moves in March.
  • The firm says the options market isn't adequately pricing in the effect of corporate analyst days, and it provides 10 trade recommendations to take advantage of that.

As earnings season comes to a close — and as the S&P 500 looks to rebound from its worst month in two years — investors are hungry for the types of large single-stock moves that create money-making opportunities. Читать дальше...


10 movies that tragically got zero Oscar nominations — and why they really should have


With the Academy Awards being handed out on Sunday, all of Hollywood will converge for the industry's biggest night to celebrate the best work of last year. But are they really?

There's a handful of movies that didn't get a single Oscar nomination and it's kind of criminal that the Academy didn't recognize them.

So the least we can do is give them a shout out.

From "Wonder Woman" to "The Lost City of Z," here are 10 movies that should have received Oscar nominations. Читать дальше...


THE DIGITAL-ONLY CHALLENGER BANKS EXPLAINER: The new breed of bank threatening to beat retail banks at their own game


This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Weighed down by a sluggish global economy, turbulent capital markets, and heavier regulation after the 2008 financial crisis, many big banks have scrimped on innovation.

In doing so, they've failed to keep up with customers' embrace of and demand for all things digital and mobile. That's opened the door to a new breed... Читать дальше...


International adoptions have dropped 72% since 2005 — here's why

Thomson Reuters

  • Many countries that had previously allowed its children to adopted by foreign parents have now stopped the practice.
  • The reasoning includes children's welfare and politics, but is mired in controversy.
  • There are also significant costs associated with stopping foreign adoptions.

When Ethiopia stopped allowing its children to be adopted by foreign parents in January, it became the latest country to eliminate or sharply curtail the practice. Читать дальше...


12 rich, powerful people share their surprising definitions of success

Michael Buckner/Getty

  • Successful people don't necessarily consider themselves successful because they're rich or powerful.
  • Instead, they often talk about relationships, well-being, and societal impact.
  • Below are 12 legendary figures' definitions of success, from John Paul DeJoria (hard work) to Maya Angelou (enjoying your work).

When we talk about a "successful" person, we're typically talking about someone who's got billions in their bank account... Читать дальше...


McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Burger King are reaping the benefits of the death of the American middle class (MCD, YUM, QSR)

Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

  • McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Burger King are winning the fast-food budget wars, according to a new report.
  • With McDonald's new $1 $2 $3 value menu and Taco Bell's $1 menu, fast-food chains are working hard to win over bargain shoppers in 2018.
  • Value is more important than ever, with "less free spending money lately" emerging as the top factor that customers cited for eating at a particular chain less often.

Fast-food customers... Читать дальше...


The Florida Senate decided to arm teachers instead of banning assault rifles in a party-line vote

Reuters/Jonathan Drake

  • Weeks after the horrifying school shooting in Parkland, Florida, the state's Senate voted in favor of a bill to arm teachers, and rejected another proposal to ban assault weapons.
  • The shooter at the Florida high school used an assault rifle to kill 17 people.
  • The vote took place along party lines.
  • "Elections are going to be fun!" shooting survivor David Hogg tweeted.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) - The Florida... Читать дальше...


A ban on assault weapons is a lot more complicated than it seems

Alex Wong/Getty Images

  • Gun control advocates are calling for a range of measures they say will help prevent future mass shootings like the one that took place at a Florida high school on February 14.
  • Chief among their proposals is a ban on assault weapons, including guns like the AR-15, which was used in the Florida shooting.
  • But how such a ban would actually work — and which guns would be categorized as an assault weapon — remains unclear.
  • A look back at history offers some context as to why. Читать дальше...


The biggest tech companies in the world have bought up a lot of smaller startups

Beck Diefenbach/Reuters

  • One of the ways the mega-tech companies grow is acquiring smaller startups.
  • Those acquisitions tend to be done either to fend off potential competitors by absorbing them, or to add new capabilities that complement what a company already does.

In the brick and mortar world, decades of consolidation has led certain conglomerates to wield massive amounts of control in the banking, consumer goods, alcohol, and auto sectors.

And although... Читать дальше...


Traders are fleeing the stock market in record numbers — but a pair of secret weapons are keeping it afloat

Getty Images / Ian Forsyth

  • Investors pulled a record amount of money out of exchange-traded funds and mutual funds in the first three weeks of February, according to data from UBS.
  • The firm says US stocks hung in there admirably considering this pressure and attributes their resilience to two secret weapons.

February was not kind to stock traders.

It started with a bang, as the benchmark S&P 500 suffered through its first 10% correction in years. Читать дальше...


THE DIGITAL COMMERCE AND GEN Z REPORT: How retailers and brands can reach and appeal to the next generation of consumers

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Generation Z, also known as iGen or Centennials, is arguably the most pivotal generation to the future of retail. By 2026, the majority of Gen Zers will reach adulthood, and their spending power will reach new heights. Retailers and brands need to start establishing relationships with Gen Zers now to ensure success in the years to come. Читать дальше...


Millennials' eating habits are wildly different from their parents' — and the food industry has to face urgent consequences (MCD, K)

Cate Gillon/Getty

  • Millennials have a strong preference for convenience, and eat at restaurants more than any other generation, according to Bernstein analysts.
  • This year, their purchasing power is set to surpass baby boomers', making it crucial to understand how their spending differs from their parents'.

Millennials, the largest living generation, are poised this year to have more spending power than baby boomers, according to analysts at Bernstein.

And so... Читать дальше...


A Moscow city council staffer doused Russian presidential candidate and socialite Ksenia Sobchak with water in sub-zero temperatures

Ben A. Pruchnie/Stringer via Getty Images

  • Russian presidential candidate and socialite Ksenia Sobchak was doused with water in Moscow on Sunday by an aide to a Moscow city council member.
  • The attack came after Sobchak poured water on a political rival during a debate when the man called her an "idiot" and a number of sexist slurs.
  • Sobchak's attacker yelled the political rival's name as he dumped a bottle of water on her.

The campaign office of... Читать дальше...


These 3 companies could sprint ahead of Wall Street when it comes to cryptocurrency

Bloomberg TV

  • 2018 and 2019 could be a big for the cryptocurrency market, according to Fundstrat. 
  • The firm predicts bitcoin will hit $25,000 by the end of 2018, and sees three companies possibly launching their own digital coins. 

Fundstrat, the research firm, is predicting the next two years will be big for bitcoin and the world of crypto. 

In a note out to clients, analysts led by Tom Lee said at least three companies could issue their own digital tokens in 2018 and 2019. Читать дальше...


11 truths about flying only flight attendants know

Luca Bruno/AP Images

  • Flight attendants tend to know more about flying than the average passenger.
  • To unearth their secrets, we turned to the experts and asked them what most people don't know about flying.
  • Among the secrets were that you can't actually open the plane door mid-flight (though some have tried) and that many flight attendants avoid drinking the coffee.

No one has more insider knowledge about flying than flight attendants.

By talking to these veteran globetrotters... Читать дальше...


Obama's former chief of staff is blaming Mitch McConnell for 'watering down' their response to Russia's 2016 election interference

Thomson Reuters

  • President Donald Trump and others have frequently blamed former President Barack Obama for a weak response to Russian election meddling in 2016 under his watch.
  • Obama's former chief of staff is now blaming Sen. Mitch McConnell for failing to sign on to a tough statement rebuking Russia, saying he was the one who wanted to water down the statement.
  • Obama's power on the Russia issue was reportedly limited in 2016.

President Donald... Читать дальше...


One group of stocks could be poised to defy mounting fears of a trade war

Reuters / Brendan McDermid

  • US stocks took a dive on Thursday after President Donald Trump affirmed he'll seek tariffs on steel and aluminum, sparking fears of a trade war.
  • Small-cap stocks held up better more large-cap-focused indexes, suggesting it could serve as a haven of sorts if selling persists.
  • Small companies will feel the pinch of rising prices on raw materials, or an economic slowdown, but they are less dependent on overseas markets that might shut out US exporters. Читать дальше...


How Jennifer Lawrence's 'Red Sparrow' director helped get her comfortable with the sexually explicit role

20th Century Fox

  • "Red Sparrow" director Francis Lawrence gave us insight on what he did to make his movie's star, Jennifer Lawrence, feel completely comfortable on a set that included a lot a nudity and sex scenes.
  • He had a three-hour talk with Jennifer in her backyard after she agreed to do the movie.
  • Though not done on purpose, shooting a nude scene the first day of shooting helped.

Director Francis Lawrence was wrapping up editing on “The Hunger Games... Читать дальше...


The 12 key principles of financial success in today's world

Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images

  • It is a good idea to establish clear principles to live by when it comes to your personal finance.
  • Some examples of rules to follow are to regulate your 'splurging' and to take on a new debt with caution.
  • The goal is to have low expenses, but to also have the money needed to handle any unexpected costs that may arise.

Whenever a person makes a thoughtful decision, it's usually based heavily on a set of internal principles... Читать дальше...


3 crypto exchanges are planning to hire more than 1,000 staff — but it's not going to be easy

Thomson Reuters

  • A slew of crypto exchanges are looking to hire, with Coinbase, Kraken, and Circle preparing to double their head count in 2018.  
  • Between them, they're looking to add around 1,250 staff. 
  • "There is a significant shortage of people who have expertise and acumen in this space," said Mike Poutre, the chief executive of The Crypto Company, a crypto market structure firm.

If you know someone looking for a job in the crypto, tell them the exchanges are hiring en masse. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

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Певица Анастасия Стоцкая появилась на публике в откровенном наряде


Женщина погибла в результате ДТП в Кузьминках

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