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Новости за 16.03.2018


I tried all of Starbucks' flavored K-cups and these are the only ones worth buying


  • Starbucks has eight different flavors of K-cups, but not all of them are what they're cracked up to be.
  • Toasted Graham and Cinnamon Dolce are easily the tastiest of the bunch.
  • The mocha flavor was the most disappointing and tasted almost artificial. 

Getting your daily coffee fix is easy when you're the proud owner of a Keurig. It's cheaper than daily Starbucks runs, and much, much quicker than waiting in line for a cup (read: or three).... Читать дальше...


32 of the most — and least — healthy granola bars you can buy


  • We analyzed 230 popular granola bars by their nutrition labels to figure out which are the most healthy.
  • Ideally, bars should not contain added sugar or more than 2.6 grams of saturated fat and should contain around 5 grams each of fiber, protein, and fat.
  • We found the RXBar to be the healthiest brand overall, with two KIND Bar flavors coming in a close second.
  • Some of the most unhealthy bars were flavors of LÄRABAR, Nature Valley, and KIND. Читать дальше...


I tried the popular Japanese beauty treatment that's supposed to give you long, luscious hair — here's the verdict


  • A "head spa" is a popular Japanese beauty technique that is said to give you long and luscious hair.
  • The hair treatment entails a scalp massage that gently hits pressure points and increases blood flow, which helps repair dry and oily scalps.
  • You can get the treatment done at a hair salon or do it yourself from the comfort of your own home.

A popular treatment in Japan for impeccably shiny and healthy hair is finally making its way to the States ... Читать дальше...


Costco has more than 700 stores in 12 countries around the globe — and its Japan stores are some of its best (COST)

Cassiohabib / Shutterstock.com

  • The first Costco store opened in the US in 1976.
  • Since then, it has expanded to Europe, Australasia, and Asia.  
  • We compared the experience of shopping in its stores in Japan versus the US.

A love of Costco transcends all geographical borders.

While America created the Costco phenomenon, its operations now extend far beyond the confines of this country and into Australasia, Europe, and Asia. 

Costco opened... Читать дальше...


10 differences between American and European hotels that might surprise you


  • European and American hotels have many different features you should be aware of before traveling.
  • The room sizes and beds are often smaller.
  • Bathrooms are designed with different features, like bidets.
  • You need to buy a converter for outlets.

Planning a vacation to Europe is no small feat.

You have to deal with all of the headaches related to traveling by plane, figure out how to transfer your money without losing too much of it... Читать дальше...


WHERE ARE THEY NOW: The cast of 'The Suite Life of Zack & Cody' 13 years later

Disney Channel

"The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" made living in a hotel look like a dream. 

The Disney Channel series featured twin brothers Dylan and Cole Sprouse as Zack and Cody Martin. The twins lived in the Tipton Hotel, because their mother was the lounge singer. With the help of some of the hotel's wacky employees, hijinks ensued and often landed the kids in trouble. 

It's been 13 years since the show first premiered, so here's what the cast has been up to since. 

Cole Sprouse played the studious twin, Cody.


The 25 highest-paid coaches in college basketball

Michael Reaves/Getty Images

College basketball coaches can make a lot of money.

As revenue deals increase and schools compete to stay atop their conferences, both long-tenured coaches and impressive journeymen can come to make a ton of money with just a few years of repeated success.

That said, in order to get to the top of the coaching world in terms of compensation, you have to have been in the game for a long, long time.

A recent report from USA Today ranked the top-paid coaches in college basketball... Читать дальше...


We tried the Costco pizza that people are crazy about — here's the verdict (COST)

Hollis Johnson

  • Costco is one of the largest pizza retailers in the country.
  • A slice costs $1.99, and a full pizza costs $9.95. 
  • It's a decent pizza considering the context — and the deal alone makes it more than worth it. 

Costco is one of the largest pizza chains in the US.

Yup, you read that right — with over 700 locations and, therefore, food courts, Costco is considered the 14th largest pizza chain in the country. It's technically bigger... Читать дальше...


Striking time-lapse shows how the 'construction marvel' bridge that killed 6 people was installed in just a few hours

Getty Images

  • A pedestrian bridge at Florida International University in Miami, Florida collapsed on Thursday, killing six people.
  • The bridge was installed in just a few hours using a series of techniques called Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC).
  • A time-lapse video shows the installation process. It's unlikely that ABC methods directly led to its collapse.

On Thursday, a section of a pedestrian bridge at Florida International University (FIU) in Miami... Читать дальше...


A popular Instagram account displays the ugliest homes in the world — and the pictures are horrifying

  • Home decor is usually a matter of personal taste, but there are a few instances where "ugly" is undisputed.
  • @pleasehatethesethings is an Instagram account that documents the most epic fails in design and home decor.
  • Some of the worst offenses are a blood-red bathtub, carpeted walls and ceilings, and a shower head that sprays the toilet.

Home decor is usually a matter of personal taste, but there are a few instances where "ugly" is undisputed.

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North Carolina fans are frantically googling Lipscomb after facing unexpected competition in the first round of March Madness

Jared C. Tilton/Getty Images

  • North Carolina fans were unsure what to think as the start of their game against Lipscomb was tighter than expected.
  • Fans frantically wondered "Where is Lipscomb?" before the Tar Heels regained control of the game late in the first half.
  • The Lipscomb Bisons are from Nashville, Tennessee, and made the tournament after winning the Atlantic Sun Conference.

As No. 15 Lipscomb played No. 2 North Carolina to virtually a standstill... Читать дальше...


Adrian Lamo, the hacker who turned in Chelsea Manning, has died at 37

Wikimedia Commons

  • Adrian Lamo, a hacker who informed the government about Chelsea Manning's theft of secret documents, has reportedly died.
  • Lamo, who had been previously convicted of illegally hacking into the New York Times' website, was 37.
  • His cause of death hasn't been disclosed.

Adrian Lamo, the hacker perhaps best known for reporting Chelsea Mannning's theft of secret documents to the government, has reportedly died.

His father, Mario Lamo... Читать дальше...


HBO dropped 15 new photos from 'Westworld' season 2 — here are the new characters you'll see

John P. Johnson/HBO

Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for "Westworld" season two.

"Westworld" returns for its second season on April 22, and fans have yet another peek at what's to come. In 15 new photos released by HBO, we have a look at new characters and familiar faces — including the return of Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson).

Keep scrolling for a look at all the new pictures from "Westworld" season two.

First we have the Man in Black — aka William — standing among the... Читать дальше...


Congress wants to question an NRA lawyer who reportedly raised concerns about the group's Russia ties

REUTERS/John Sommers II

  • Lawmakers want to question National Rifle Association lawyer Cleta Mitchell, who reportedly raised concerns about the group's Russia ties.
  • The revelation comes as investigators probe whether two prominent Russians illegally funneled money to the Trump campaign through the NRA.
  • Both individuals were involved in efforts to arrange a backdoor meeting between then-candidate Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin during an NRA convention at the height of the 2016 election. Читать дальше...


This is exactly how often you should be getting a haircut, depending on your length

Flickr / Beth

  • Haircuts may be a pain, but they're also an important part of self-care. 
  • Since every hair texture is different, you should talk to your stylist to come up with a timeline of how often you should be getting a trim. 
  • Both shoulder length hair and long hair need less maintenance with the former requiring a haircut every 8 weeks and latter every 3 months. 

Haircuts are like workouts: You dread doing it, but then feel so amazing when it’s... Читать дальше...


The HQ Trivia-style gaming platform for classrooms just received $17 million from investors including Microsoft


  • Education gaming app Kahoot raised $17 million in funding in its most recent funding round, led by Datum Invest AS.
  • Past investors Microsoft Ventures and Northzone also participated in the round.
  • The company has expanded its reach globally, and the company now says it's used in more than 50% of American classrooms worldwide, with 70 million monthly active users. 

Since game-based education platform Kahoot kicked off in Norway five years ago... Читать дальше...


Here's how we can teach machines to be fair

  • Automated decision-making in machine learning can lead to discrimination.
  • If this discrimination is not prevented, it would cause irreversible damages such as distrust of the technology and the companies that develop it.
  • This is just one of the risks relating to machine learning.

Erica Kochi is the Head of Innovation at UNICEF and also leads the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council

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US security officials say Russian hackers could shut down nuclear power plants and electric facilities in America

Mark Zaleski/AP

  • The US accused Russia on Thursday of orchestrating cyberattacks against American energy facilities.
  • The hackers have been targeting US interests since at least 2015.
  • Reports indicate the hackers could have shut down nuclear power plants, water, and electric facilities, but instead gathered intelligence that cybersecurity experts fear will be used for future attacks.

The US has accused Russia of launching cyberattacks that allowed... Читать дальше...


6 myths about dairy you need to stop believing


  • With all of the conflicting information surrounding dairy and whether or not it's good for you, it's hard to know what to believe. 
  • Although skim milk has the lowest fat, it is not the healthiest option because of how much you need to drink to feel full. 
  • Dairy doesn't cause congestion or guarantee stronger bones. 
  • Dairy is not the only source of calcium. In fact, both soy milk and orange juice have more calcium per serving. 

Is skim milk the healthiest choice? Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о сохранении экологии Севастополя

Путин в России и мире

Первый пуск «Ангары-А5М» с Восточного запланирован в 2027 году

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Иоганн Себастьян Бах

Бах vs Бетховен в Петрикирхе


Глава Балашихи Сергей Юров награжден благодарственным письмом Президента РФ

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