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Новости за 20.03.2018


The grueling diet Instagrammers love has 5 big problems that make it almost impossible to stick to


  • The Whole30 monthlong eating plan cuts all sugar from your diet except fruit. The creators say it's meant to tame your "sugar dragon."
  • People on Instagram clearly have success with the temporary cleanse, showing off impressively sculpted, transformed bodies.
  • But the diet may not be the best choice if you're looking for a more long-term change.

The Whole30 is a 30-day food plan meant to change your relationship with food. But the program... Читать дальше...


7 signs your relationship wouldn't survive long distance

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

It's no secret that long-distance relationships can be tough, but they can also be extremely gratifying. There are the ups, including the first time seeing your significant other after a few months, and the downs, including working through things like trust and doubt.

Not every couple can handle the emotional trials and tribulations of a long-distance relationship. These are some signs that you and your partner just might not be ready to go the distance, at least for now. Читать дальше...


China's growing submarine force is 'armed to the teeth' — and the rest of the Pacific is racing to keep up

REUTERS/China Daily

  • Countries in East Asia, led by China, have been pursuing a military buildup for years.
  • Submarines, flexible platforms with strategic uses, have been a particular focus.
  • Uncertainty about the balance of power in the region has stoked countries' pursuit of military hardware.

In October 2006, a Chinese Song-class diesel-electric submarine capable of carrying torpedoes and antiship missiles surfaced within firing range of the aircraft carrier USS Kitty Hawk. Читать дальше...


5 reasons you need to stop weighing yourself now

  • Weighing yourself isn't always a reliable method for monitoring your health, as weight fluctuates day to day.
  • Stepping on the scale too often can have negative side effects. 
  • Weighing yourself frequently can create mental obstacles and even lead to overeating.

Stepping on the scale can be a nerve-wracking endeavor. After working hard to track calories, hit the gym, and drink plenty of water, it can feel like all your hard work doesn't count unless the number on the scale reflects it. Читать дальше...


13 of the craziest things people have seen in their hotel rooms

Alan Light/flickr

  • Hotel guests come and go, but sometimes they leave unusual objects behind in their room.
  • One travel blogger visiting Laos discovered a giant tarantula in his hotel room.
  • Another man found a loaded gun under his pillow and was upgraded to the Presidential Suite.

These unsuspecting employees and guests share their strangest (and for some, scariest) experiences at hotels around the world.

A prosthetic limb

Mark Kolbe/Getty... Читать дальше...


This bike seat is also a lock

This seat is also a bike lock. The Seatylock is designed to secure your bike and seat. It unfolds into a 3-foot lock in seconds. Lift the lever. Pull the lock apart. Unlock the links. We tried the Seatylock ourselves.

Читать дальше...


People are struggling to find the hidden bunny in this colorful Easter-themed puzzle — can you spot it?

Lenstore UK

  • For Easter this year, online retailer Lenstore UK created a tricky spring-inspired hidden object puzzle.
  • Lenstore's image features a busy scene with butterflies, flowers, and Easter eggs.
  • Check out the puzzle below, and see how long it takes you to find a tiny, white bunny hidden somewhere in the image.

There's a special joy in solving hidden object puzzles that are designed to trick you.

For Easter this year, online retailer Lenstore UK created a colorful... Читать дальше...


Here are 5 ways to keep your portfolio growing during volatility

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

  • Do these few things to stave off volatility.
  • Buy foreign stocks, commodities, and hold cash.
  • Also don't rely on your VIX ETF.

If there’s one thing investors hate, it’s volatility.

After seeing global markets head higher and higher for the past decade, it’s hard to see markets fall by 5, 10, or 15 percent (like we did in February).See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: What would happen if humans... Читать дальше...


Toys R Us owes pregnant women a ton of money — and it's refusing to pay up


  • Toys R Us is refusing to pay customers with Babies R Us baby registries their "endless earnings" rewards dollars.
  • The toy chain owes expectant mother Sarah Maiellano $340, and she won't see a penny of it. 
  • "I'm incredibly disappointed that Babies R Us has chosen to not honor its promise to registry customers," Maiellano told Business Insider.

Toys R Us owes expectant mother Sarah Maiellano more than $340 in Babies R Us store credit as part of... Читать дальше...


We've waited years to drive Nissan's new Rogue Sport crossover to see if it's worth $27,000 — here's the verdict

Benjamin Zhang/Business Insider

  • The Nissan Rogue Sport is helping Nissan beat Honda and Toyota in the race to sell the most crossover SUVs.
  • The Rogue Sport arrived in the US for the 2017 model year but has long been a hot seller internationally as the Nissan Qashqai.
  • The base Nissan Rogue Sport starts at $21,640 while our top-spec SL AWD test car cost $31,380.
  • We loved the Rogue Sport's styling and functionality but was disappointed by the anemic performance of its 141 horsepower engine. Читать дальше...


A ton of beauty products that never go on sale just went on sale — here's how to save on your favorites


  • Macy's is having a huge sale on select beauty products for its VIP Sale.
  • Items in the sale are discounted 15% off until March 25.
  • If you're shopping online, enter the promo code "VIP" at checkout to get the discount.
  • Beauty purchases made online include free shipping and returns. 
  • The sale is happening in Macy's stores, too.

If you're looking to replenish your beauty supplies, you'll be happy to learn that... Читать дальше...


Blake Lively says she refuses to hire a stylist because she has 'control issues and a big ego'

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images

  • Blake Lively recently said that she doesn't have a stylist and prefers to dress herself.
  • She often works directly with designers for custom pieces or requests the looks she sees at fashion shows, planning her outfits for large events many months in advance.
  • "Probably because I have control issues and a big ego — that's probably the honest answer."

Blake Lively does all of her own styling, which is a rare occurrence in... Читать дальше...


Facebook's value drops almost $50 billion in 2 days (FB)

Markets Insider

  • Facebook had its sharpest two-day decline since September of 2012, down 9.5%. That wiped out $49.6 billion off the company's market cap. 
  • The FTC is investigating the social media platform's use of personal data. 

Shares of Facebook finished Tuesday down 2.9%, following a report the Federal Trade Commission is probing the company's use of personal data.

The FTC is looking into whether the social media giant "violated terms of a consent... Читать дальше...


The most popular plastic surgeries in the US

Evolution Media

  • There were nearly 1.8 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures performed in the US in 2017 alone, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
  • Tummy tucks, eyelid surgery, breast augmentations, liposuction, and nose reshaping are currently the most popular procedures. 
  • Minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, such fillers and Botox, are also on the rise.

The decision to get plastic surgery is a personal one. But as a nation... Читать дальше...


12 animals that are in danger of disappearing forever

Mistvan/Wikimedia Commons

A rhinoceros subspecies is almost extinct.

On Monday, the world's last male northern white rhino, Sudan, died at 45 years of age.

Sudan — who is named for his country of birth and lived under the protection of armed guards at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, away from poachers — suffered from a degenerative muscle and bone condition and was euthanized. 

Fortunately, scientists were able to gather genetic material that could one day be used... Читать дальше...


Trump showed off Saudi Arabia's massive US military buys in giant charts — here's everything that's on them

Associated Press

President Donald Trump met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman at the White House on Tuesday and boasted of massive defense deals signed between the kingdom and the US. 

The president had several charts with him that showed the type of weapons, vehicles, and equipment being bought by Saudi Arabia. The charts showed how much money the deal were worth, and which US states were going to benefit the most from them.

One of the charts showed off eight purchases the Saudis have finalized... Читать дальше...


10 of the most extravagant push presents celebrities have received after giving birth

Ali Fedotowsky/Instagram

  • A push present is a gift a new mom receives from their partner after giving birth to a baby.
  • Celebrity push presents are more extravagant than ever.
  • Kylie Jenner recently received a $1.4 million Ferrari from her boyfriend, Travis Scott.
  • More sentimental gifts, like the engraved necklace former Bachelorette Ali Fedotowsky received, are also popular.

Push presents are the gifts people get from their partners after "pushing" out a baby ... Читать дальше...


How to Build a Robo Advisor: Advice for Starting a Robo Advisory


With the tremendous growth in robo advisor assets under management (AUM), financial institutions are scrambling to figure out how to build and become a robo advisor.

Starting a robo advisor service combines financially savvy with big data analytics, as well as a comprehensive understanding to how robo advisors work.

How Do Robo Advisors Work?

Robo advisors are platforms that leverage algorithms to handle users' investment platforms. These services analyze each customer's current financial status... Читать дальше...


Some voting machines in the US are so old officials can't even tell when they've been hacked

REUTERS/Chris Keane

  • Old voting machines pose a security risk to the integrity of US elections, cybersecurity experts warn.
  • A total of 41 states have voting machines that are at least a decade old.
  • Many of these machines leave no paper trail of votes, making it nearly impossible to tell when hackers manipulate the vote.
  • Some lawmakers are calling for reforms, but Congress has yet to provide the necessary funding.

For all the hubbub about election... Читать дальше...


HERE WE GO AGAIN: Congress is scrambling to get their act together, and another government shutdown is just days away

Alex Wong/Getty Images

  • The government will run out of funding at the end of the day Friday.
  • A massive $1.3 trillion spending bill to avoid a shutdown is in the works.
  • But Congress is struggling to get its act together, with the House already pushing back the bill's release and a planned vote.
  • There are still ongoing debates over immigration, infrastructure, and gun-related provisions in the bill.

With the clock ticking on the next government shutdown deadline... Читать дальше...


Cleanses are pointless diets masquerading as 'healthy' — here are 4 simple reasons not to do one

Joanna Slodownik/Flickr

  • Cleanses and detox diets are popular, but they're expensive and don't have any lasting health benefits, two nutritionists said.
  • Your body can detox itself without any assistance from cleanse diets.
  • Cleanses may also lack important nutrients — and starving yourself of those nutrients can make you feel awful. 
  • Plus, once a cleanse ends, you'll likely gain back any weight you've lost. 

Cleanses and detox diets are a comforting idea. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Больно не будет: Инопланетяне и природные катаклизмы в конкурсе короткометражного кино ММКФ-46

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг


Кудряшов победил Робутти в бою новой суперсерии «Бойцовского клуба РЕН ТВ»

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