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Новости за 16.03.2018


Khloe Kardashian's best maternity looks so far


  • Khloe Kardashian announced her pregnancy on December 20.
  • She has been spotted wearing long overcoats and form-fitting dresses
  • Her holiday look featured a silver jumpsuit that wowed fans.

Since last September, pop culture fans have been spiraling with rumors of whether or not Khloe Kardashian is pregnant. For months, many speculated the alleged pregnancy, looking for clues in everything she posted on social media. Eventually... Читать дальше...


9 Vladimir Putin quotes that offer terrifying insights into his mind

Alexei Druzhinin / RIA Novosti POOL / Associated Press

• Vladimir Putin is likely on the verge of winning his fourth presidential term.

• As president of Russia, Putin has overseen the country's slide back into authoritarianism, according to the Economist's Democracy Index.

• Over the years, he's made a number of ominous or enlightening statements that shed some light into his way of thinking about the world.

Vladimir Putin is once again on track to win the Russian presidential election. Читать дальше...


The 19 biggest celebrity breakups of the year so far

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

2018 may have recently started, but some celebrity couples have already broken up. Some pairs were together for a few months before calling it quits, while others were together for more than 10 years. 

From movie stars to reality TV stars, keep reading to see which celebrity couples have split so far. 

Julie Bowen and Scott Phillips

Rich Polk/Getty Images for Los Angeles LGBT Center

"Modern Family" actress Julie Bowen was married to Scott Phillips since 2004... Читать дальше...


Trump's pick for secretary of state reportedly set up 'kill teams' of commandos at the CIA

Thomson Reuters

  • The CIA is reportedly using small teams of commandos to kill suspected terrorists.
  • The program was launched by CIA Director Mike Pompeo.
  • Pompeo has been picked to take over the State Department.

As director of the CIA, Mike Pompeo reportedly set up small teams of commandos to kill suspected terrorists, according to a report by BuzzFeed.

Pompeo, who has said the agency would become more "aggressive" and "vicious," pushed for such... Читать дальше...


Hong Kong's richest man retired at 89 years old — here's his incredible rags-to-riches life story


  • Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing announced his retirement on Friday, at 89 years old.
  • Li is the 23rd richest person in the world with a estimated net worth of $35.4 billion
  • Often called "Superman," he has an incredible "rags-to-riches" story that saw him go from impoverished in southern China to building a conglomerate that spans across 50 countries and 323,000 employees.

Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing announced on Friday that... Читать дальше...


Hong Kong's richest man retired today at 89 years old — here's his incredible rags-to-riches life story


  • 89-year-old Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing announced his retirement on Friday.
  • Li is the 23rd richest person in the world with a estimated net worth of $35.4 billion
  • Often called "Superman," he has an incredible "rags-to-riches" story that saw him go from impoverished in southern China to building a conglomerate that spans across 50 countries and 323,000 employees.

Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing announced on Friday that he would... Читать дальше...


The NASA astronaut whose DNA changed after a year in space talks about his underachieving childhood, his identical twin and fellow astronaut brother, and how leaving Earth changes people for the better

Sarah Jacobs/Business Insider

  • Retired NASA astronaut Scott Kelly had four missions in space, including a 340-day trip aboard the International Space Station in 2015-2016.
  • On our "Success" podcast, he describes himself as a distracted kid who figured out his life later than his identical twin brother Mark, who also became an astronaut.
  • He shared some of his best moments in space, like seeing the entirety of planet Earth, as well as the worst, being helpless when his... Читать дальше...


11 Bill Murray stories that sound too wild to be true — but are

Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

  • Bill Murray seems to have a habit of surprising fans and doing incredibly funny gestures for them. 
  • He's shown up at people's engagement photo shoots, played bartender at fancy parties, and has even read poetry to construction workers. 
  • Murray has done this so often, it has inspired a new documentary called "The Bill Murray Stories."

Bill Murray's eclectic antics around strangers and fans has become something of an urban legend... Читать дальше...


HBO drops 15 new photos from 'Westworld' season 2 — here are the new characters you'll see

John P. Johnson/HBO

Warning: Minor spoilers ahead for "Westworld" season two.

"Westworld" returns for its second season on April 22, and fans have yet another peek at what's to come. In 15 new photos released by HBO, we have a look at new characters and familiar faces — including the return of Charlotte Hale (Tessa Thompson).

Keep scrolling for a look at all the new pictures from "Westworld" season two.

First we have the Man in Black — aka William — standing among the... Читать дальше...


L.L. Bean cancelled its blockchain and sensor experiment amid layoff announcements

L.L. Bean

  • L.L. Bean has cancelled an experiment that would put sensors connected to the Ethereum blockchain inside of some of its coats and books, according to The Wall Street Journal. 
  • News of the cancellation came hours before L.L. Bean announced layoffs as the result of flat sales in 2017.
  • The project used Loomia fabrics, which contain sensors that track how an item is used.
  • Users could then send that data to the Ethereum blockchain, where it's accessed by companies looking for customer insights. Читать дальше...


Glassdoor reviews of Nike's headquarters allege there's a 'boys-club' atmosphere — and now a second exec is out (NKE)

Reuters/Beck Diefenbach

  • Two Nike executives have reportedly just left the company.
  • Trevor Edwards, Nike's brand president, resigned effective immediately on Thursday. Now, sources have told The Wall Street Journal that Jayme Martin, a vice president and general manager of global categories for Nike, is also leaving the company.
  • The departure of these executives comes amid a probe by the company into alleged improper behavior by employees, though the nature of that behavior is unclear. Читать дальше...


US soldiers tested the new targeting system that can turn artillery into a 'giant sniper rifle' — and they liked what they saw

  • US soldiers recently finished another round of testing on the Army's new artillery targeting system at Fort Greely.
  • The new system has been praised for its size and sophistication.
  • One Army official has said the new device can turn artillery "into a giant sniper rifle."

US Army Field Artillery soldiers recently wrapped up testing of the Joint Effects Targeting System Target Laser Designation System on the rugged terrain of the Cold Regions Test Center at Fort Greely in Alaska.

Читать дальше...


Far-right candidate Danny Tarkanian switched races to let a Republican senator run unopposed at Trump's request

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

  • President Trump asked Republican Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian to drop his primary bid against incumbent Nevada Sen. Dean Heller and instead run for the House.
  • Tarkanian has agreed to switch races, according to his wife and local news reports.

At President Donald Trump's request, Republican Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian will switch races to run for the House seat in Nevada's 3rd Congressional District and end his primary challenge against incumbent Sen. Читать дальше...


12 magical photos of cherry blossoms in bloom

REUTERS/Toru Hanai

Cherry blossoms are such a stunning sight that many people actually plan trips around them.

Generally, cherry blossom season goes from around mid-March to mid-April, but Mother Nature can be fickle. Instead of hoping to catch sight of the beautiful flowers, we've compiled stunning photos of them in full bloom, from some of the world's best vantage points.

Keep scrolling to see 12 magical photos of cherry blossoms in bloom, as well as some fun facts about them you never knew before. Читать дальше...


The Miami bridge that collapsed, killing 6, was built in a few hours and considered a 'marvel' of modern construction

Getty Images/Joe Raedle

  • The pedestrian bridge that collapsed in Miami, Florida, on Thursday was installed using the Accelerated Bridge Construction method.
  • The bridge was installed in just "a few hours" on Saturday, and officials immediately hailed it as a "construction marvel."
  • Local and federal officials are now investigating the cause of the collapse, but it could take days to find out what happened.
  • At least six people are dead and recovery efforts are ongoing... Читать дальше...


13 things everyone should do this spring

Unsplash/Ben Duchac

Spring is all about getting a fresh start. Trees get leaves again, flowers start to bloom, and the weather finally begins to pick back up. It's the perfect time to get outside and get active before the temperatures become unbearable. 

Here are 13 spring activities that will help you get rid of your winter blues and kick off a new, sunnier season.

1. Spend time outdoors


You've likely been locked up inside all winter trying to escape the cold temps... Читать дальше...


CRYPTO INSIDER: Bitcoin is approaching the 'death cross'

Wikimedia Commons

Welcome to Crypto Insider, Business Insider’s roundup of all the bitcoin and cryptocurrency news you need to know today. Sign up here to get this email delivered direct to your inbox.

Bitcoin bulls you've been warned.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: These bionic arms make kids feel like superheroes

See Also:


Bottled water from major brands like Aquafina, Nestle, and Dasani contains tiny plastic particles — here's what that does to your body

REUTERS/David Gray

  • Studies suggest disposable, plastic water bottles can harbor hundreds of tiny bits of plastic, and we're drinking them down with bottled H2O.
  • Microplastics are all over the place: in our salt, contaminating our seas, and running out of our taps, too.
  • But there are even more of them lurking in bottled water, which is concerning.

You're drinking plastic, I'm drinking plastic, we're all drinking plastic. Bottled water drinkers may be drinking the most plastic of all. Читать дальше...


Hawkeye isn't in the trailers for 'Avengers: Infinity War,' and people's reactions to the snub are hilarious


  • Hawkeye, one of the first Avengers, isn't in any of the "Infinity War" trailers, and he isn't on the poster, either.
  • Fans are speculating what his absence means, and it's hilarious. 

Hawkeye is the forgotten Avenger, even when he's on screen. 

Despite the fact that Hawkeye, played by Jeremy Renner, has been with the Avengers team since 2012's "The Avengers," his character is not featured in the trailers or the poster for "Avengers: Infinity War." In fact... Читать дальше...


THE DRONE DELIVERY REPORT: Opportunities and challenges in automating logistics with drones

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Among the many ways that drones can transform business operations, few have received as much attention as delivering packages to consumers’ homes. Drones could allow companies to bypass the many challenges involved with the "last mile" of delivery — the last leg of the journey when a package arrives at the customer’s doorstep. Читать дальше...


Jessica Alba made it clear that she won't be airing her 'dirty laundry' when it comes to motherhood anytime soon: 'My parenting mistakes are none of your damn business'

Paul Hiffmeyer/Disney Parks via Getty Images

  • In a recent interview, Jessica Alba stated that she doesn't feel the need to share every parenting mistake she makes to the public.
  • The actress emphasized that she doesn't judge celebrities who do share things on social media, but explained that she personally doesn't use it as therapy.
  • Alba, a mother of three children, owned up to not being a perfect mother, but that doesn't mean everyone else has to hear about it.
  • ... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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Виктор Цой

Бразильский футболист: «Я — большой фанат Виктора Цоя»


В России набирает популярность новый вид пассивного дохода: в чем суть

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