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Новости за 27.01.2018


THE TECH COMPANIES IN PAYMENTS REPORT: How technology giants are using their reach and digital prowess to take on traditional banks (GOOG, GOOGL, AAPL, FB, MSFT, AMZN)


As headlines like "Amazon Is Secretly Becoming a Bank" and "Google Wants to Be a Bank Now" increasingly crop up in the news, tech giants are coming into the spotlight as the next potential payments disruptors.

And with these firms' broad reach and hefty resources, the possibility that they'll descend on financial services is a hard narrative to shy away from. To mitigate potential losses under this scenario, traditional players will have to grasp not only the level of the threat... Читать дальше...


Extravagant weddings, official state visits, and lavish decor — here's what it's like inside Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club

Gustavo Caballero/Stringer via Getty Images

When President Donald Trump and his family aren't on foreign trips, at home, or golfing in Bedminster, New Jersey, they're likely at the Mar-a-Lago Club, the seaside resort he calls "the winter White House."

The Palm Beach resort, which was built in the early 20th century and is Florida's second largest mansion, serves as the first family's weekend getaway, and the president has used it on multiple occasions to host important dignitaries. Читать дальше...


Chelsea Manning attended a party hosted by far-right conservatives to 'gather intel' on the alt-right

  • One of the highest profile whistleblowers in US history is running for the US Senate in Maryland.
  • Chelsea Manning, who leaked 750,000 sensitive government documents to Wikileaks, attended a party hosted by a leading spokesman for the alt-right movement.
  • Manning apparently went to learn about her political opposition and "gather intel."

Chelsea Manning went to a rather awkward party on Saturday night. It’s something she’s been able to do since May 2017... Читать дальше...


UBS: These 15 companies will benefit the most from tax reform


Americans should start to see the impact of the Republican tax law next month. The Internal Revenue Service has directed employers to update their income-tax withholdings to reflect the new law by February 15.

UBS thinks certain parts of the economy will disproportionately benefit from consumers' bigger paychecks.

"We find that lodging, entertainment, housing, other transport (i.e. air) should benefit most, with incremental growth of ~3% above prior baseline levels... Читать дальше...


Forget tax cuts — there's another clear reason stocks look unstoppable

Getty Images/Pool

  • The effect of tax cuts on the stock market is being overstated as the S&P 500 continues to hit record highs, according to Credit Suisse.
  • Looking at two performance measures, the firm says it's clear that the market's torrid rally is instead being driven by two tried-and-true catalysts: earnings growth and economic strength.

It's easy to look at the timing of the stock market's blistering move to record highs and assume that Republicans' tax law is to thank. Читать дальше...


Morgan Stanley's new managing-director list is out — read the names here

Shutterstock/Marco Iacobucci EPP

Earlier this month, Morgan Stanley announced a new class of 153 managing directors.

The names of the newly promoted managing directors were released Monday.

Of the new promotions, nearly 100 came from the Institutional Securities, Investment Management, and Wealth Management divisions. Ninety-five of the new MDs work in the Americas; 38 in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; and 20 in Asia.

The 153 promotions bests the 2017 tally of 140 and is just shy of the 156 the year before... Читать дальше...


35 big tech predictions for 2018


Technology is increasingly disrupting every part of our daily lives.

Smart speakers and voice assistants let us interact with our homes and with retailers in new and seamless ways.

Smartphones are taking over as the dominant shopping device.

Viewers continue to move away from traditional TV toward digital platforms.

And the list is growing.

Nearly every industry has been disrupted by digital technologies over the past 10 years. And in 2018, we expect... Читать дальше...


All 49 of Netflix's notable original movies, ranked from worst to best


As Netflix will be releasing 80 new original films over the course of 2018, it's worthwhile to take stock of all that the service currently offers. 

While the company's first entry into the realm of big-budget films, the Will Smith-led "Bright," has been scorched by critics, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings has hailed the fantasy-action thriller as a commercial success that critics are "disconnected" from. 

On the opposite end of the critical spectrum, Dee Rees' period drama... Читать дальше...


I’m not buying Apple’s HomePod for two main reasons


  • Apple's latest major product is about to launch. It's called the HomePod, and it costs $350.
  • The HomePod is a Siri-powered smart speaker, similar to Amazon Echo and Google Home, but it touts sound quality comparable to premium speakers.
  • There are some huge problems with Apple's proposition that limit HomePod's potential appeal.

Apple's HomePod is almost here — you can pre-order one for $350 right now, and Apple says it'll arrive on February 9. Читать дальше...


Inside the mysterious LA sex club that costs up to $75,000 a year and is rumored to have hosted Gwyneth Paltrow as a guest


  • Snctm is an elite members-only sex club.
  • Rumored guests at Snctm's events have included Gwyneth Paltrow and Bill Maher.
  • The club's founder is currently feuding with its first member, Phuong Tran.

Snctm, a members-only elite sex club that hosts international events, is in hot water — and it could potentially jeopardize the privacy of its wealthy members.

The club — where a basic membership costs $20,000, while the special "Violet Key membership"... Читать дальше...


Hillary Clinton gives thanks to 'activists b----es supporting b----es' in bizarre video

Carlos Barria/Reuters

  • Hillary Clinton gave thanks to "activist b----es supporting b----es" in a video posted to Twitter Friday night.
  • The video was posted shortly after The New York Times revealed that Clinton requested to keep senior adviser Burns Strider on her 2008 campaign staff even after he was accused of sexually harassing a young aide.
  • Her reaction to the report, and the video on Twitter, received mixed reaction online.

Hillary Clinton... Читать дальше...


How setting up 2,000 random coffee meetings among my employees completely changed my company


  • #Randomcoffee is an initiative that pairs employees from different departments of the same company together, to meet over a cup of coffee. 
  • It allows people to gain new insight into the workings of other departments and bring new perspectives to problems.
  • The majority of employees want to establish a friendship with their colleagues, and a #randomcoffee provides an opening. 

LinkedIn Influencer Ryan Holmes published this post originally on LinkedIn. Читать дальше...


BAML: Markets are 'starting to get a little stretched' — here's how we're bracing for a sell-off

  • Markets are "starting to get a little stretched" as they grind higher, says James Barty, the head of global cross-asset and European equity strategy at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. 
  • With US stocks already up 6% this year, Barty's team has moved the options positions they are using to protect against a sell-off to higher strike prices.
  • Stocks could have another double-digit gain this year, thanks to earnings and economic growth, he said. 

Markets everywhere... Читать дальше...


Analysts are looking at the 20 cities still in the mix for Amazon's HQ2 — and one city keeps coming out on top


  • Amazon recently announced its short list for its HQ2 contest.
  • Atlanta keeps popping up in analysts' reports of the most likely of the 20 shortlisted contestants to be picked for the e-commerce giant's second headquarters.
  • Still, it's not a surefire bet.

Things are looking sunny for Atlanta.

In the first published report of analysis since Amazon's official HQ2 short list came out, GBH Insights put Atlanta in the top spot. GBH... Читать дальше...


WALL STREET PAYDAY: 4 banks made a killing from Monday's $20 billion in biotech deals

Scott Olson/Getty Images

  • Biotech mergers and acquisitions are off to a hot start in 2018.
  • On Monday, French drugmaker Sanofi spent $11.6 billion to buy US hemophilia firm Bioverativ, and Celgene spent $9 billion on cancer specialist Juno Therapeutics.
  • Investment banks stand to make as much as $185 million in fees for advising on the deals.

Two major biotech acquisitions dropped on Monday: French drugmaker Sanofi spent $11.6 billion to buy US hemophilia firm Bioverativ... Читать дальше...


MORGAN STANLEY: We're convinced these 7 stocks will explode higher over the next 2 months


  • Morgan Stanley says corporate earnings growth, which has been a crucial driver of the stock market's record-breaking run, will start slowing around midyear.
  • The firm has identified seven stocks around which it has high positive conviction this earnings season.

Earnings season has been a bright spot for the stock market for several quarters. You could even argue it has been the root cause of the equity explosion that has served investors so well. Читать дальше...


How drones will change the world in the next 5 years

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

The fast-growing global drone industry has not sat back waiting for government policy to be hammered out before pouring investment and effort into opening up this all-new hardware and computing market. 

A growing ecosystem of drone software and hardware vendors is already catering to a long list of clients in agriculture... Читать дальше...


Trump may have just hit a 'watershed moment' that could end in a trade war

  • President Donald Trump has long preferred a more protectionist trade stance.
  • His administration began to move that way with new tariffs on Monday, and there is potential for more trade barriers in the coming weeks.
  • Trump and administration officials also talked up the idea of a protectionist US, with some caveats, during a trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

President Donald Trump's pugilistic campaign style led the then-candidate... Читать дальше...


I've been learning French on the Duolingo app for over a year now — here's what it's like to use the app

Screencap: Fionna Agomuoh/Business Insider

Many often count learning a new language among their New Year's resolutions, and given how we live in the digital age, many require an app for such a task. 

Enter Duolingo. The platform is one of the most popular language-learning apps in the world with 23 languages available and several more in the works. 

After getting several recommendations to use Duolingo for learning a language, I embarked on teaching myself French in 2016. Just over one year later... Читать дальше...


Where you live plays a big role in how healthy you are

Simon Bruty/Getty Images

  • Geographic location matters when it comes to health. 
  • Researchers found that people in economically prosperous counties live, on average, five years longer than those living in economically distressed counties.
  • Shared economic prosperity is good not just for the economy, but for our health as well.

According to a recent report, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and West Virginia have the worst health in the U.S. Читать дальше...


'Blue Planet II' producers discovered life where we didn’t know it could exist — here's what that was like

AMC Networks

  • While the "Blue Planet II" team was exploring the Mariana Trench, they managed to film an ethereal snailfish approximately 5,000 meters underwater.
  • No one knew before then that creatures as complex as fish could live in water that deep, surrounded by so much pressure.
  • "The deep is always going to surprise us," said the episode's producer.

The most otherworldly and alien parts of the ocean are in the depths — the Mariana Trench could easily bury Mount Everest. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве в парке нашли труп мужчины

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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