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Новости за 26.04.2017


The 'jingle mail' that marked the US housing crisis could be coming to Canada

Reuters/Wolfgang Rattay

This comes up constantly in discussions on the current house price bubbles in some cities in the US and Canada, and whether a US-style crisis could happen in Canada: The housing bust in the US during the Financial Crisis was marked by banks receiving “jingle mail” from homeowners who saw the value of their homes plunge and their equity turn negative. These folks didn’t feel like paying the mortgage anymore and just turned in the keys to the bank though they had jobs and could have made their mortgage payments. Читать дальше...


Facebook and Google completely dominate the digital ad industry (GOOG, FB)

REUTERS/Robert Galbraith

Google and Facebook together accounted for an astounding 99% of revenue growth from digital advertising in the US last year, according to an analysis of IAB estimates by Pivotal Research senior analyst Brian Wieser on Wednesday.

In a note to clients seen by Business Insider, Wieser said that both ad giants captured a combined 77% of gross spending in 2016, an increase from 72% in 2015. Facebook specifically accounted for 77% of the digital ad industry's overall growth, he noted. Читать дальше...


Hedge funds are celebrating Trump's tax plan

Thomson Reuters

BOSTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. hedge fund managers began warming to President Donald Trump soon after his surprise election ignited a powerful stock market rally. Now, his dramatic tax cut plans give them even more reasons to cheer.

Trump, looking to make good on pledges for sweeping tax reform, on Wednesday unveiled plans for a cut in the tax rate to 15 percent for so-called pass-through businesses. While the proposal is being billed as a boon for small businesses from pizzerias to investment management firms... Читать дальше...


Only 28% of Trump voters believe Russia tried to influence the 2016 election

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

A Washington Post/ABC News poll released Wednesday found deep partisan divides concerning voters' views on Russian interference in the election and President Donald Trump's allegations that President Barack Obama spied on him and members of his campaign during the election. 

While the intelligence community and leaders in both parties agree that Russia attempted to influence the election, just 28% percent of Trump voters believe it.

Meanwhile, 83% of Hillary Clinton voters... Читать дальше...


The DNC chair used a creative workaround to blast Trump's budget after being criticized for his profanity

George Frey/Getty Images

Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez may be cutting back on the use of expletives he's embraced on the stump.

Speaking to Rev. Al Sharpton's National Action Network conference in New York on Wednesday, Perez refrained from calling Trump's budget proposal a "s---ty budget," a favorite line of his recently. Instead, he employed some creative innuendo.

"They call it a skinny budget," Perez said. "I think of another word that begins with an 'S' that I won't use. Читать дальше...


'Homeless billionaire' Nicolas Berggruen just bought a $40 million mansion in LA


The so-called formerly homeless billionaire has scored himself yet another L.A. home.

Nicolas Berggruen, the notoriously nomadic investment titan who was once known for his lack of a permanent address, has shelled out more than $40 million to buy the former home of socialite Edith Mayer Goetz in Holmby Hills, The Real Deal has learned.

The seller is Gary Wilson, the former chairman of the board of Northwest Airlines, who put the 2.2-acre property on the market for $45 million earlier this year. Читать дальше...


Verizon's go90 boss is out as Verizon fights to save the video service it's spent over $200 million on (VZ)


Chip Canter, the GM in charge of Verizon's millennial-focused go90 video service, is out, the company confirmed to Business Insider.

Canter, a former NBCU exec, joined go90 last April, a few months after the service's launch. Go90 was conceived as an ad-supported cross between YouTube and Netflix that would broadly appeal to young people, but it has struggled to attract an audience since its debut in October 2015.

In preparation for go90’s debut, Verizon made big content deals with little oversight... Читать дальше...


White House briefs entire Senate during a scary moment of tension with North Korea


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration hosted senators for an extraordinary White House briefing Wednesday at a perilous moment with North Korea, marked by the unpredictable nation's nuclear threats and stern talk of military action, if necessary, from the United States.

All 100 senators were invited and transported in buses for the unprecedented, classified briefing. President Donald Trump's secretary of state, secretary of defense, top general, and national intelligence director... Читать дальше...


Everything you need to know about Echo Look — Amazon's new device that will judge the way you dress

Alexa can already help you with lots of different things using just your voice, but now she can see you as well. The latest iteration of Amazon's Echo now comes equipped with a camera that can take photos and video of you to help you decide what to wear in the morning. Having a connected camera in your bedroom might creep you out, but if you're ok with it, Alexa could be your new personal fashion consultant.

Читать дальше...


If moderate Republicans flip on the health bill, they will regret it

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The immediate politics of the latest iteration of the Republican healthcare bill make sense for some Republicans, particularly for members of the House Freedom Caucus who would like to not be blamed anymore for the bill's demise.

But this new proposal is ugly for moderates, both substantively and politically, and they are likely to pay a political price if they support it.

There is nothing in this revision for those Republicans who opposed the American Health Care Act. Читать дальше...


A former US Marine has been arrested in Tijuana in relation to multiple crimes


Tyler James Yeager, a 39-year-old former scout sniper in the US Marines, has been arrested in relation to multiple home break-ins near Tijuana and is under investigation for possible involvement in two homicides.

Residents in the area, frustrated by a slew of robberies, started a private Facebook page and distributed flyers with Yeager's California identification card, which was reportedly left behind at the site of a break-in.

Mexican authorities said on Tuesday that... Читать дальше...


Al Gore: There is a 'better than 50/50 chance' the US will stay in the Paris climate agreement

Anthony Harvey/Getty Images

According to Al Gore, the odds are good that the US will stay in the Paris climate agreement — something that has been debated extensively within the Trump White House. 

During the TED 2017 conference in Vancouver, Canada, Al Gore came onstage for a surprise question-and-answer session with TED curator Chris Anderson.

Gore, who has spoken with the Trump administration about climate issues, told the audience, "I think there is a better than 50/50... Читать дальше...


Fiat Chrysler's CEO is betting Google's self-driving tech is an 'unbeatable solution' (FCAU, GOOG)

Thomson Reuters

Fiat Chrysler Automobiles turned in its best quarter ever for the first three months of 2017, and CEO Sergio Marchionne was in a good mood on the company's call with investors. 

Marchionne has been an outspoken critic of electric vehicles, arguing that nobody wants to buy them and that he loses money on the ones that FCA does produce.

But he seems to be more excited about self-driving tech, as FCA's expanding partnership with Google's Waymo demonstrates. 

This week... Читать дальше...


The salary you need to earn to buy a home right now in 23 of the most expensive housing markets in America

Sean O'Flaherty aka Seano1 atwal singh, Wikimedia Commons

In the final quarter of 2016, home prices in the US climbed past expectations as the housing supply reached record lows, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR).

On average, 87% of the 150 housing markets tracked by NAR experienced rising home prices in 2016, up from an average of 75% in 2014. More than half of the markets (52%) now have a median sale price either at or above their previous record high.

... Читать дальше...


STOCKS DO NOTHING: Here's what you need to know

Reuters/Kevin Lamarque

Stocks closed little changed on Wednesday, during which we also saw the unveiling of the White House's new tax plan.

The Dow and the S&P 500 dipped into the red, while the Nasdaq finished flat.

First up, the scoreboard:

  • Dow: 20,975.09, -21.03, (-0.10%)
  • S&P 500: 2,387.45, -1.16, (-0.05%)
  • Nasdaq: 6,025.23, -1.67, (+0.00%)
  • US 10-year yield: 2.302%, -0.027
  • WTI Crude oil: $49.25, -0.31, -0.63%

1. Читать дальше...


7 super-successful entrepreneurs share their best advice for people who want their own business

Taylor Hill / Stringer / Getty Images

The 30 companies (and their young founders) on our 2017 list have been pulled and prodded, picked at, and pondered.

And still they stand — thanks in large part to novel business models, in-demand products and services, and revenue to back them up.

Indeed, these young firms represent the best of what this next generation has to offer.

But they have a long way to go. After all, every big business was small once.

Here, we pulled... Читать дальше...


A key part of Trump's tax plan is unlikely to benefit most Americans

Reuters/Carlos Barria

The White House unveiled President Donald Trump's updated tax plan on Wednesday, and it was short on details. 

It included one line on an aspect of tax reform that Wall Street has been looking forward to: repatriation. There will be a "one-time tax on trillions of dollars held overseas," a summary of the plan handed out to reporters said. It did not add what the tax rate would be.

Trump promised this because US companies have parked up to $2.5 trillion... Читать дальше...


'Voodoo economics on steroids': Democrats blast Trump's tax plan

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Democrats on Wednesday blasted President Donald Trump's outline for tax reform.

After the White House rolled out the one-page summary of its tax reform plan, Democrats in both chambers of Congress attacked the plan.

Rep. Ted Lieu called the plan "Voodoo economics on steroids," while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called the plan a "wish list for billionaires."

"The same Trickle Down Economics that undermined the middle class are alive... Читать дальше...


The Trump administration officially opened its office to aid victims of crimes committed by immigrants

Associated Press/Susan Walsh

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration on Wednesday opened an office dedicated to helping victims of crimes committed by immigrants — an initiative criticized as misguided because studies have shown immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens.

The Victims of Immigrant Crime Engagement, or VOICE, will keep victims informed of the immigration proceedings of suspects and generally walk them through the complicated and often drawn-out immigration court process. Читать дальше...


The return of Joe Lonsdale: How the cofounder of multibillion-dollar company Palantir was vilified in Silicon Valley, then bounced back

Business Insider/Julie Bort

Joe Lonsdale was a little bit nervous as he shook my hand and flashed his trademark wide grin. His tall, broad-shouldered frame, in a white dress shirt and black dress slacks, towered over my 5-foot-3 self. No jeans. No hoodie. He dressed respectfully for this rare interview with a journalist.

We were on his home turf at his airy San Francisco offices, and he had A-list public-relations pro Dena Cook at his side. I got the impression that this moment sums up his personality perfectly... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: москвичей 7 мая ждет аномально холодная погода

Путин в России и мире

В городах России выступят летом юные вокалистки из Приамурья

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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