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Новости за 21.04.2017


Trump's budget director floats a deal with Democrats on the wall and Obamacare, and they're not having it

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

As the possibility of a government shutdown looms, the horse trading over what to include in a funding bill has begun in earnest.

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said at a Bloomberg Live event on Friday that for every $1 in funding that goes toward a border wall in the funding bill, the Trump administration would put $1 of funding toward Obamacare.

"We'd offer them $1 of CSR payments for $1 of wall payments. Right now that's the... Читать дальше...


United CEO Oscar Munoz will not become chairman next year as planned (UAL)

AP Photo/Richard Drew

United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz will not become chairman of the company next year as was previously planned, according to a Friday SEC filing.

Munoz initiated the change in his employment contract that would have allowed him to assume the position in 2018, a United spokesperson told Business Insider.

Munoz has left "future
determinations related to the Chairman position to the discretion of the Board," according to the regulatory filing.

Munoz... Читать дальше...


A top financial adviser explains why he thinks annuities are a raw deal

New Line Cinema/Netflix

With more than 30 years of experience in the financial industry, Ric Edelman has heard and seen it all, and there's one topic he's sick of: annuities.

"Annuity products are a very common sales pitch because they generate big commissions for the guys who sell them to you, but they're not in your best interest at all," said Edelman, founder and executive chairman of Edelman Financial Services, one of the nation's leading financial advising firms, and author of the new book "The Truth About Your Future... Читать дальше...


Milo Yiannopoulos announces 'grand comeback tour' at UC Berkeley

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Conservative provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos announced that he was planning to launch a comeback tour after his abrupt resignation as editor from the far-right website Breitbart News earlier this year. 

The multi-day event, which he called "MILO'S FREE SPEECH WEEK," is scheduled be held in Berkeley, California — one of the cities known for its promotion of free speech since the 1960s — sometime later this year. He said the event would presumably draw activists... Читать дальше...


Qatari hunting party held hostage in Iraq since 2015 freed

Thomson Reuters

DOHA/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Twenty-six Qataris, including members of the Gulf state's ruling royal family and two Saudis, were freed on Friday after being kidnapped and held in Iraq for nearly a year and a half, Qatari officials said.

Qatar-based Al Jazeera television showed Qatar's Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani greeting the men with hugs as they arrived in Doha on Friday on a private jet from Baghdad.

Their release was a boost for tiny Qatar which has... Читать дальше...


Celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern shares his top travel tips

Getty Images

You probably recognize celebrity chef Andrew Zimmern from his television shows, like “Bizarre Foods” or “Driven By Food.” Zimmern is always on the road filming and traveling to new places, so we sat down with him recently to talk about what he takes with him in his carry-on, his go-to flight entertainment, his favorite travel products, the ingredient he won’t leave home without, and more.

Read on, and learn.

His favorite travel bag:

Kira Turnbull

“I have a hundred bags. Читать дальше...


STOCKS CLOSE FLAT: Here's what you need to know


US stocks closed little changed on Friday after swinging around during the day, as the White House signaled that big tax-reform news could come next week.

But crude oil took a decisive turn lower, falling below $50 per barrel, amid concerns that US drillers would undermine OPEC's efforts to cut production. 

Here's the scoreboard: 

  • Dow: 20,547.76, -30.95, (-0.15%)
  • S&P 500: 2,348.69, -7.15, (-0.30%)
  • Nasdaq: 5,910.52, -6.26, (-0.11%)
  • WTI crude oil... Читать дальше...


Ford CEO reveals his company’s plan to get cars to hit 54 miles per gallon by 2025 (F)

Rebecca Cook/Reuters

Ford is aggressively trying to achieve an average fuel economy for its fleet of 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025.

That might come as a surprise considering the company was one of several auto companies that pushed the Trump administration to revisit emissions standards earlier this year. But Fields told Business Insider that hitting the fuel efficiency standards on time is still very much its plan. 

"Our intent is to meet the standard," CEO Mark Fields told Business Insider. Читать дальше...


It's been more than 75 years since one of World War II's worst atrocities — the Bataan Death March

(AP Photo/U.S. Army)

After the surprise attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Japan turned its focus to elsewhere, sweeping through the Pacific.

In early January, Japanese forces landed in the Philippines, US territory where tens of thousands of American and Filipino soldiers were stationed.

Allied forces put up a fight for 99 days, but Japanese pressure, plus a lack of supplies and illness, wore them down, and the 76,000 troops who surrendered — more than 20,000 Americans among them ... Читать дальше...


Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are facing the same question — but for very different reasons (GS, MS)


What's going on in the fixed income, currencies, and commodities business? It's the question that has dominated earnings calls for Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs this week, but for very different reasons. 

Morgan Stanley reported earnings of $1 a share on revenue of $9.7 billion in the first three months of 2017 on Wednesday, beating analyst estimates by a lot. The beat was driven by a big quarter for the investment-banking unit, with revenue of $5.2 billion, up sharply... Читать дальше...


Starbucks is already running out of the Unicorn Frappuccino — and baristas are overjoyed (SBUX)

Kate Taylor

If you were procrastinating on trying Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino, you might be out of luck. 

According to the company, many stores have already sold out of the beverage, which debuted on Wednesday, Starbucks said on Twitter on Friday. 

Customers who were unable to get a Unicorn Frappuccino of their own have taken to social media to complain. 

Tweet Embed:
when you want to try the #unicornfrappuccino... Читать дальше...


REVEALED: Apple documents offer first look at the tech giant's self-driving-car technology (AAPL)

California DMV

Apple has developed an "Automated System" for self-driving cars, and the company is planning to put staffers through a training program to operate the vehicles ahead of testing on California roads.

Apple documents obtained by Business Insider through a public-records request provided the first look at the technology that the company is building for self-driving cars.

Apple obtained permits to test self-driving cars on California roads earlier this month. But... Читать дальше...


Facebook says the first technology to replace smartphones will be controlled with our brains (FB)


A prevailing theory in the tech industry is that smartphones will one day be replaced by normal-looking glasses that display virtual information onto the real world.

Leaders like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg believe the nascent technology, known as augmented reality, could eventually replace all screens, including TVs. They say that when you can display virtually anything onto the world around you, the need for physical displays is essentially erased.

The problem is that... Читать дальше...


Exhausted Starbucks baristas 'hate' the complicated-to-make unicorn drink that's taking over Instagram (SBUX)

Kate Taylor

As photos of pink and blue Unicorn Frappuccinos flood Instagram feeds, a rebellion has been brewing on the other side of the counter at Starbucks. 

The aesthetically-pleasing beverage has been wreaking havoc on Starbucks' employees since it was introduced as a five-day limited time offering on Tuesday. 

Tweet Embed:
Omg I haven't worked at Starbucks in like 3 years but I KNOW your barista has planned ur death... Читать дальше...


Rick Perry signals the Trump administration's continued issues with the Paris climate deal

Michael B. Thomas/Getty Images

DALLAS - Energy Secretary Rick Perry said at an Earth Day Texas event on Friday that the Paris agreement was "not just a document that a bunch of folks got together and signed," signaling the Trump administration's continued division on the landmark climate deal.

President Donald Trump — who has called climate change a "hoax" — said on the campaign trail that he would cancel the deal.

But his administration has discovered that the diplomatic and... Читать дальше...


These 10 maps will change the way you see the world

Maps are all imperfect because they portray the globe in just two dimensions. Most maps, like the Mercator projection, distort the size or shape of landmasses, which skews our perceptions of how big continents and countries are compared to one another. When you consider square mileage though, a whole new world appears. Inspired by this map of Africa's true size from German graphic designer Kai Krause, we created 15 map overlays to open your eyes to some real geography.

Читать дальше...


There's going to be a 'Fast and Furious' spin-off with The Rock and Jason Statham


It looks like we are going to see more of Hobbs and Deckard in action together.

Deadline is reporting that Universal is in the early stages of developing a spin-off movie from its successful "Fast and the Furious" franchise that will focus on Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Jason Statham's characters.

It's an idea that likely began to get traction after the audience reaction to the two in the franchise's latest movie, "The Fate of the Furious." The actors shared... Читать дальше...


Terrorism experts: Trump's prediction about the French election 'sounds like wishful thinking'

President Donald Trump told The Associated Press on Friday that the terrorist attack in Paris the day before would "probably help" Marine Le Pen, the far-right leader of France's National Front, win France's upcoming presidential election. But experts say it's unclear what kind of effect the attack will have on the vote, the first round of which comes Sunday.

Читать дальше...


Stanley Fischer defends the revolving door between Wall Street and the Fed —without mentioning he's part of it

REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen

Federal Reserve Vice Chair Stanley Fischer’s academic and policy credentials are hard to match. During his days at MIT’s economics department, he was a teacher of teacher, lecturing to Ben Bernanke, the ex-Fed chairman, and Mario Draghi, the current European Central Bank president.

Still, like Draghi and Bernanke, both of whom have had stints in finance, Fischer is hardly a pure academic. He spent three years working on Wall Street, where he amassed a small fortune. Читать дальше...


Trump meets Egyptian-American aid worker released from Egyptian jail

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday welcomed back to the United States Aya Hijazi, an Egyptian-American charity worker whose release from jail in Egypt was sought by Trump when he met Egypt's president early this month.

Trump and his aides had engaged in behind-the-scenes diplomatic efforts to gain her freedom after attempts by the previous Obama administration failed.

She was released from jail on Tuesday after nearly three years of detention on human trafficking charges. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Цветение березы началось в столице

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: на территории Польши и Прибалтики готовят атаки на восток

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Случай на концерте Metallica в России


Сотрудники Росгвардии задержали мужчину с наркотиками в Москве

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