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Новости за 22.04.2017


Trump releases statement on Earth Day as his administration continues repealing environmental regulations

AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais

President Trump released a statement on Earth Day declaring that his administration is committed to maintaining the health of the environment.

"My Administration is committed to keeping our air and water clean, to preserving our forests, lakes, and open spaces, and to protecting endangered species," the statement read. 

He went on to say that environmental protection should not come at a cost to working families, and that the White House was... Читать дальше...


There are 5 elite US service academies that prepare the next generation of the American military

Robert Libetti/ Business Insider

Admission into the United States service academies are highly sought after. The United States Military, Naval, Air Force, Merchant Marine, and Coast Guard academies have acceptance rates ranging from 9% to 18%.

In addition to their highly rigorous admissions processes, they enjoy an esteemed reputation for educating and preparing top-ranking members of the US military and intelligence communities for service.

But to gain acceptance, you have... Читать дальше...


Two former prisoners reveal how they turned their lives around after their release

Doe Fund

For some former prisoners, the hardest part about serving time is figuring out what to do when they get out.

Between finding a place to live, earning enough money to support themselves, and adjusting to a changing society, life as an ex-inmate can be overwhelming and stressful.

For some, it can lead to re-offending. According to a study by the Bureau of Justice Statistics that examined data from 30 US states between 2005 and 2010, two thirds of released prisoners were arrested for a new crime within three years... Читать дальше...


Mexico's unrelenting violence is climbing to new highs

REUTERS/Carlos Jasso

In March, Mexico had more than 2,000 homicide cases in a month for the first time since summer 2011, when the country was mired in the throes of a bloody cartel war.

The country also had more killings in the first quarter of 2017 than in the start of any year in at least two decades, according to government data released Friday.

Unlike in 2011, when a bloody cartel fight in Ciudad Juarez pushed the national body count to new heights, the current violence has been spread over a number of states. Читать дальше...


Traders are getting worried about the 'place to be' in the market (QQQ)

Justin Sullivan/Getty

Tech companies are expected to have the best earnings season in the S&P 500 this quarter. Investors aren't taking any chances. They're snapping up options that protect against a drop in the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 index, pushing the cost of those hedges to the highest it's been since December. It's a huge swing in sentiment in just seven weeks, when investors were the most unhedged on tech stocks since late 2014.

So what's changed? For one, first-quarter earnings growth forecasts have surged... Читать дальше...


A stock market behemoth is looking to invest millions in new startups (NDAQ)

Thomson Reuters

One of the top stock exchanges in the US has launched a new venture investment program to find the creme de la crème in the fintech space.

Nasdaq announced the launch of Nasdaq Ventures, which will aim to find innovative financial technology firms with which they can collaborate, on April 20.

The program will invest between $1 million and $10 million and take minority stakes in the fintech ventures. Every potential investment will undergo "rigorous review," according to a news release out by the firm. Читать дальше...


A major dairy producer collapsed — now it's making nut milks and business is booming


When New York City's Elmhurst Dairy opened in 1925, founders Max and Arthur Schwartz hand-bottled milk from 200 cows. They then delivered the bottles, which sat in containers of ice, in a truck throughout the city.

Over the next few decades, Elmhurst became one of the biggest dairy companies in NYC.

But these days, making milk isn't as profitable as it used to be. Business declined in recent years to the point that Elmhurst wasn't making enough money to keep operating. Читать дальше...


The 15 highest-paying jobs in finance in the US, according to LinkedIn

Paramount Pictures

It's true that there's a lot of money to be made in finance. But which positions really rake in the big bucks?

In order to find out, LinkedIn collected data using its Salary tool, which asks verified members to submit their salary and collects data on wages.

The only positions featured on the list are those that receive at least 20 salary reports from LinkedIn members in the US. The jobs are all taken from the banking, capital markets, financial services... Читать дальше...


The is EU mulling over legislation in the fight against online hate speech

EU wants to harmonize how online hate speech is removed Online platforms not liable for content posted by users BRUSSELS, April 22 (Reuters) - The European Union is considering legislative measures to harmonise how online platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Google take down hate speech and incitement to violence, a draft document seen by Reuters shows.

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I'm an entrepreneur who's hired over 50 freelancers — here are the 6 traits I look for

Alex Jasin

I've had some bad experiences with freelancers. If you've worked with freelancers, you know it can be a crapshoot.

You post a job, then hope the right person applies. Sometimes it works out, and sometimes it doesn't.

After having the process blow up in my face one too many times, I knew I needed a better process for hiring. It was just costing me too much time and money.

Thanks to this six-step process I'm about to share with you, I've finally built a team... Читать дальше...


21 things you should never say when you meet someone new

Flickr/Sebastiaan ter Burg

Whether you're introducing yourself to someone at work or meeting a possible client over coffee, your opening words leave a lasting impression.

"Words, poorly and unconsciously chosen, can indeed hurt not only first impressions, but also your credibility, relationships, and opportunities for career advancement," says Darlene Price, president of Well Said Inc., and author of "Well Said! Presentations and Conversations That Get Results."

Price says that when you're nervous... Читать дальше...


The salaries of your favorite TV and movie characters are not what you expect


Not even James Bond is living as large as you think.

The online marketplace for businesses Bizdaq researched the average salaries for the jobs of various TV, film, and other fictional characters.

Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) from "The Devil Wears Prada," tops the list with a salary of $2 million. Liz Lemon (Tina Fey) from “30 Rock," takes a close second. As the head writer for a TV show on NBC, her estimated salary is $1.1 million. 

While James Bond’s $101,093 seems hefty to the average person... Читать дальше...


15 things both Trump and Obama wanted to trim from the federal government

REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

There’s little doubt from the budget offered last month that Donald Trump wants to take the government in some radically different directions than that of his predecessor in the Oval Office, Barack Obama.

Trump’s initial blueprint for fiscal year 2018 calls for massive increases in military spending and immigration enforcement, along with hefty reductions in foreign aid, environmental protection and a grab bag of social programs.

But beyond the headlines... Читать дальше...


The GOP needs new ideas for lowering taxes

Win McNamee/Getty Images

If there’s one thing that’s united Republicans since the Reagan era, it’s enthusiasm for tax cuts. But these days one gets the unmistakable impression that the Laffer curve dream has died.

For one thing, the Trump administration has reportedly abandoned the ludicrously large tax cut the president campaigned on last year.

And in an interview with the Financial Times, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has acknowledged the obvious, namely that it... Читать дальше...


Why Trump's claim that he's expanding the military is absurd

Richard Ellis/Getty Images

Among President Donald Trump’s peculiar Easter-morning tweets was this. 

If Trump is implying that this buildup is the result of his choices and actions, the claim is not only false but impossible.

Tweet Embed:
Our military is building and is rapidly becoming stronger than ever before. Frankly, we have no choice!

The Trump administration has not yet spent an extra dime on defense, nor enlarged... Читать дальше...


Instagram is ruining food as we know it (SBUX, YUM)

Kate Taylor

If you've been on Instagram in the last week, you know what the Unicorn Frappuccino is.

Or at least you know what it looks like.

The magenta and blue drink became an instant viral sensation on social media this week after Starbucks debuted the limited-time offering on Wednesday.

But for something that contains nearly 80% of the FDA's recommended maximum daily sugar intake, discussion of the drink has centered more so on its looks rather than its taste. 

(For the record... Читать дальше...


The best time of day to do different types of tasks

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

Picture this: It's 1:30 p.m., and you're just getting started on an important project that's due to your boss first thing the next morning. But rather than brilliant ideas flowing from your head to your keyboard, you're struggling to stay alert.

If you're like most people, early afternoon isn't your most effective time to work — and there's a scientific reason for it.

This lull in productivity is actually dictated by your body's natural circadian clock... Читать дальше...


A dark and familiar cloud is hanging over France's high-stakes presidential election

Thomson Reuters

France's upcoming presidential election has turned into a de facto referendum on whether to halt or strengthen the nationalist fervor sweeping the west that propelled US President Donald Trump into the White House last year and spurred Britain's exit from the European Union.

Russian president Vladimir Putin, who has been accused of meddling in both the US election to help elect Trump and the Brexit vote to help fracture the EU, has two horses in France's race — the far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen... Читать дальше...


I'm black, I'm a student, and I'm tired of racism on my campus

Ryan Loew/PublicSource

I was lying in bed when I received a text message from a friend at 12:30 in the morning.

Our president of the Student Government Association, a white male student, used his Snapchat to alter an ad for blacklight mini golf to “black golf.”

The picture had circulated with Tiger Woods as the spokesperson, “welcoming his people.”

The administration of Washington & Jefferson College defined the posts as “offensive and inappropriate.”

They... Читать дальше...


Starbucks has a secret size that's not on its menu, and it's bigger than a bottle of wine (SBUX)

Kate Taylor

If you think a venti is the largest size cup on Starbucks' menu, you're wrong.

The coffee chain actually has a secret, off-the-menu size called the trenta, which holds a whopping 31 ounces of whatever drink you order. For comparison, a standard bottle of wine is a little over 25 ounces. 

You can only order a trenta for cold drinks, specifically iced teas, iced coffee, cold brew, and Refreshers.

Starbucks reportedly used to sell trenta Frappuccinos, but no longer does ... Читать дальше...


Thousands of people turn out around the world for the March for Science — here are the photos

David Zalubowski/AP

Scientists and their supporters are taking to the streets in more than 400 cities and towns around the world on April 22 — Earth Day — to voice their support for the value of scientific inquiry.

The March for Science is expected to draw tens of thousands at its main event on Washington DC’s National Mall. The day started with teach-ins and a rally, and the march will proceed from the Washington Monument grounds to Union Square at 2 p.m. Satellite marches are taking... Читать дальше...


Former Air Force data scientist explains why the US won’t see a violent political revolution anytime soon

Max Whittaker/Getty Images

This post from Sam Harris, an entrepreneur, engineer, and former data scientist at the U.S. Air Force, originally appeared on Quora as an answer to the question, "Is the United States on the brink of a political revolution?"

No. We don't have enough teenagers.

When I was an officer in the Air Force, I was a data scientist, and at one point we were tasked with determining what level of violence in Iraq could be considered "normal" so that we could declare victory and leave with dignity. Читать дальше...


Der Spiegel's latest cover features Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un sitting on a warhead in diapers

Der Spiegel

German news weekly Der Spiegel is out with another cover that's critical of US President Donald Trump.

This time around, it includes North Korea's Kim Jong Un. 

The two leaders are shown straddling a warhead on a spring and appear to be wailing. 

Tensions have heated up significantly in the Korean peninsula amid growing worries that the Hermit Kingdom could soon conduct another nuclear test.

North Korea conducted two nuclear weapons tests last year... Читать дальше...


Young investors are piling into Snapchat but they're overlooking a huge issue (SNAP)

Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Young investors are piling into Snap.

The firm is among the top stocks of investors under 30 on the mobile trading app Robinhood. And the brokerage firm TDAmeritrade attributed a boost in activity during the first quarter of 2017 to a high number of Snap trades fueled by first-time traders. 

In many ways, that's not surprising. Snapchat's users skew younger, and many individual investors like to invest in companies they interact with as consumers. For example... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об эффективности экологических проектов в России

Путин в России и мире

Путин: Нынешний разворот России на восток стал возможен благодаря БАМу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске прошла рабочая встреча Александра Лукашенко и Александра Цыбульского

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский взял Залужного в заложники? В Киеве начинается новый скандал

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

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