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Новости за 19.01.2017


Bill Gates warns that a new kind of terrorism could be coming, and the 'potential damage is very, very huge'

Getty/Alex Wong

DAVOS, SWITZERLAND — Bill Gates warned at the World Economic Forum on Thursday that a new form of terrorism could be coming and that we are not prepared for it.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is part of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation, which focuses on creating vaccines that could stop the outbreak of future diseases.

And while the organization has about $700 million to work with, Gates worries it won't be enough to stop a related threat. Читать дальше...


'I would deal with President Trump's business no different': Trump's Treasury secretary addresses the president-elect's conflicts of interest

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Steven Mnuchin, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for the secretary of the Treasury, is in front of the Senate Finance Committee on Thursday, taking questions on a variety of topics such as regulation and the economy.

In addition to taking tough questions on a loan program run by a bank owned by his hedge fund, Mnuchin was quizzed on the duties of the Treasury secretary by Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon and ranking member of the committee.

During questioning from Sen. Читать дальше...


Samantha Bee torches Trump's treasury secretary nominee, known as the 'foreclosure king'

"Full Frontal With Samantha Bee"/TBS; YouTube

Samantha Bee took a look at Steve Mnuchin, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for Secretary of the Treasury, on Wednesday's episode of TBS's "Full Frontal."

Bee questioned the veracity of the president-elect's promise to "drain the swamp" in government, given that Mnuchin is one of five Goldman Sachs alums to be chosen for a Trump cabinet position.

"Trump was lying," the host said. "As the saying goes, keep your friends close... Читать дальше...


China is stopping 103 coal power projects as part of its move toward more renewable energy

Getty Images/Kevin Frayer

China has announced plans to cancel more than 100 coal plants currently in development, scrapping what would amount to a massive 120 gigawatts (GW) of coal-fired electricity capacity if the plants were completed.

For a bit of context, the entire US has approximately 305 GW gigawatts of coal capacity in total, and this massive adjustment leaves room for China to advance its development of clean, renewable energy.

Despite China's much-publicised pollution problems... Читать дальше...


Kanye West wasn't invited to perform at Trump inauguration because it's 'traditionally American'

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Kanye West may be a friend of President-elect Donald Trump, but Trump's team reportedly didn't have the hip-hop artist in mind for Friday's inauguration.

Tom Barrack, chairman of Trump's Presidential Inauguration Committee, told CNN's Erin Burnett that the inauguration wouldn't be an appropriate venue for West, a hugely influential but polarizing figure in music.

"He's been great, he considers himself a friend of the president-elect, but it's not the venue," Barrack said. Читать дальше...


Here's how Mark Zuckerberg thinks the VR industry will evolve (FB)

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Apps and Platforms Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Virtual reality (VR) technology is still around a decade away from providing consumers with a good VR experience, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told a courtroom on Tuesday.

Zuckerberg spoke on behalf of Facebook-owned VR company Oculus amid accusations the company stole technology that went into building the Oculus Rift VR headset. Читать дальше...


US carried out 'precision airstrikes' against two ISIS camps in Libya

US Air Force

The Defense Department announced today that the US bombed two Islamic State camps “28 miles southwest of Sirte” last night. The “precision airstrikes” are the first American bombing missions in Libya since Dec. 19, 2016, when the US announced an end to Operation Odyssey Lightning, which helped clear the jihadists from Sirte. Both B-2 bombers and drones were used in the air raids, according to the Associated Press.

“While we are still evaluating the results of the strikes... Читать дальше...


Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens are trending toward the Hall of Fame and Curt Schilling is not

The Baseball Writers Association of America announced on Wednesday that Ivan Rodriguez, Tim Raines, and Jeff Bagwell were voted into the baseball Hall of Fame. But what was more interesting about the results is how the writers are now treating designated hitters, players associated with the steroid era, and cantankerous pitchers (see chart below).

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The government just closed its investigation into the first Tesla Autopilot fatality

National Transportation Safety Board

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has closed its six-month investigation into the first Tesla Autopilot fatality and is not seeking a recall.

The auto safety agency did not find evidence of a defect that would have required a safety recall of the cars, NHTSA spokesperson Bryan Thomas said during a press call on Thursday.

"A safety-related defect trend has not been identified at this time and further examination of this issue... Читать дальше...


The new 'Logan' trailer shows off female Wolverine with Hugh Jackman


A female Wolverine? You better believe it. 

Fox released a new full-length trailer for its latest "Wolverine" spin-off, "Logan," and it essentially confirms what many fans were thinking — we'll be seeing X-23, the female Wolverine clone in the film.

The mysterious girl Logan (Hugh Jackman) comes across in the first trailer also appears to have claws made of adamantium. Instead of three claws she has two extending out of each hand. Naturally, there's a group of bad-looking guys coming to take her away. Читать дальше...


A CEO who meets every new hire gives his best job interview advice

Matt Kaness

Job interviews are scary.

That being said, it's not too hard to figure out how to survive them, especially as you gain professional experience.

But how do you truly rock a job interview?

According to Matt Kaness, the CEO of online vintage-style clothing retailer ModCloth, it doesn't hurt to pretend like you already work at the company.

That doesn't mean strolling in and acting like you own the place. It means you should get into the mindset of figuring... Читать дальше...


Mark Zuckerberg is suing hundreds of Hawaiians to protect his 700-acre Kauai estate

REUTERS/Rick Wilking and Trulia

Mark Zuckerberg paid close to $100 million for 700 acres of beachfront property on the island of Kauai in 2014.

Now the Facebook billionaire is suing a few hundred Hawaiians who still have legal-ownership claims to parts of his vacation estate through their ancestors, as reported by the Honolulu Star Advertiser.

Three holding companies controlled by Zuckerberg filed eight lawsuits in local court on December 30 against families who collectively... Читать дальше...


There will be no one in charge of America’s nuclear arsenal when Trump takes office

President-elect Donald Trump is set to take office on January 20th. Trump has yet to fill many federal appointments, and has ordered most Obama appointees to step down once he takes office. This poses a problem in some government departments, like the National Nuclear Security Administration, which secures and operates the country's nuclear weapons arsenal. The department will be leaderless come noon on Inauguration Day.

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Mobile sales drive unexpected UK e-commerce growth

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Online retail sales in the UK topped £133 billion in 2016, beating expectations with a 16% jump from 2015, according to the latest e-Retail Sales Index from Capgemini and IMRG.

The uptick, which was 5% higher than the firms initially forecast, marks a trend reversal after online retail sales growth in the UK has decelerated in recent years. Читать дальше...


Trump’s anti-immigration stance could result in a $60 billion food shortage

Reuters/Mike Blake

Donald Trump has been very clear about his intentions to deport an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the US and build a wall along the southern border.

Besides the human cost, Trump's anti-immigration stance could also strain American farms. Of the 1.5 to 2 million people working in agriculture today, at least 50% to 70% of farm workers are undocumented, according to a recent report by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). 

If the agriculture... Читать дальше...


How to ace an interview at Stanford's business school, in 6 steps

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

If you’ve made it to the interview stage at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), congratulations are in order.

The school has the most competitive admission stats in the world, and with only an eight percent admissions rate, receiving an invite proves that Stanford already considers you an exceptionally strong candidate.

Arguably more than any other program, Stanford looks for applicants who have formulated a worldview and understand who they are and what matters most to them. Читать дальше...


11 fitness 'truths' that are doing more harm than good

Flickr/Nathan Rupert

Whether you want to tone up, slim down, or give yourself a mood boost, you've likely taken a stab at tweaking your fitness routine.

Unfortunately, there's a lot of "fitness" advice out there that won't help you meet your goals and could actually be doing you more harm than good.

For example, which matters more for weight loss: exercise or diet?

Are marathons the best way to get fit?

The answers to these questions might surprise you.

Exercise... Читать дальше...


Trump's EPA pick isn't clear on what are considered toxic lead levels – but scientists are in the same boat

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general picked by President-elect Donald Trump to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, immediately drew blowback during his confirmation hearing on Wednesday for saying that he “hasn’t looked into the scientific research” on precisely how much lead exposure is unsafe for children.

Critics slammed Pruitt’s response as an uninformed and dangerously naive perspective on a critical environmental health issue. But, in fact... Читать дальше...


The Fed keeps making the same mistake

Susan Walsh/AP

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has shown a knack for needlessly boxing herself into promises about the likely path of interest rates that have proven wildly incorrect in the past – and damaged the central bank’s credibility in the process.

Memorably, the Fed kicked off 2016 arguing it would likely raise rates four times over the course of the year. In the end, it barely got a single rate hike in, at its very last meeting of the year.

Now, Fed officials including... Читать дальше...


THE RETAILER MOBILE WALLETS REPORT: How stores can benefit from developing their own digital payments apps

BI Intelligence

Retailers like Starbucks and Dunkin' Donuts are winning over consumers with their mobile wallets — apps developed by stores to make it easier for their customers to pay, and to deliver valuable perks. 

And these retailer wallets are leading the overall mobile wallets industry, thanks to their ability to rapidly push out innovative features like rewards programs, coupons, mobile order-ahead, and custom marketing.

This may be surprising considering that retailer... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию


«ВКонтакте» проведет фестиваль для фанатов поп-культуры в Москве

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