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Новости за 12.01.2017


This $15 Apple Watch stand is clearly the best you can buy, end of discussion (AAPL)


For $15 on Amazon, you could do a lot worse than buying this Apple Watch stand, which looks like an original Apple Macintosh computer from 1984.

It's called the W3 Stand from mobile accessories company, Elago.  

Even if you don't own an Apple Watch, this would be a great gift for someone you know who has one. Hell, I'm getting one for my mother right now.

Check it out:

This is the W3 Stand for Apple Watch by mobile accessory company Elago, which fits the Apple Watch's nightstand mode perfectly. Читать дальше...


This space mission could save Earth from killer asteroids — but NASA keeps hitting the snooze button


On January 4, NASA announced two new space missions to explore the solar system: Lucy, a probe that will visit swarms of ancient asteroids lurking near Jupiter, and Psyche, which will orbit the all-metal core of a dead planet.

These winners of the Discovery program, as it's known, will each get $450 million to build their robots, plus a rocket to launch them.

"This is what Discovery Program missions are all about — boldly going to places we've never been to... Читать дальше...


7 tricks to motivate yourself to clean your house even when you don't want to

Wikimedia Commons

A friend of mine, who is obviously much grosser than I am, wanted to know how to motivate herself to clean her home on a regular basis.

After, all cleaning and decluttering have psychological benefits — but they can also be boring and annoying.

To help out said friend who is definitely not me, I did some research on the most effective ways to trick yourself into not being a slob.

Here's the best of what I found:

1. Break it down into smaller... Читать дальше...


Lance Bass reveals 'the toughest part' about competing on Fox's new cooking show

Michael Becker / FOX

Former NSYNC member Lance Bass got to indulge his passion for cooking on Fox's upcoming culinary competition show, "My Kitchen Rules," which debuts Thursday at 9 p.m.

An adaptation of an Australian show, "My Kitchen Rules" pits celebrity duos against each other as they cook and critique each other’s food.

The teams will take turns hosting dinner parties with menus designed to impress their rival competitors — including Brandy, Ray J, Andrew Dice Clay, Naomi Judd... Читать дальше...


Amazon's plan for 100,000 new jobs in the US may not exactly be what Trump was looking for (AMZN)

REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Amazon is adding 100,000 new full-time jobs in the US over the next 18 months.

The announcement, which comes a month after Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' meeting with President-elect Donald Trump, certainly plays nice with Trump's job-creation rhetoric and should help Amazon ease its tension with the president-elect, who frequently criticized the company during his campaign.

But the new jobs may not exactly be focused on the traditional labor-force jobs in areas like manufacturing or infrastructure... Читать дальше...


General Mattis told a touching story about his 94-year-old mother at his confirmation hearing

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

In his opening statement at his confirmation hearing Thursday, retired Marine Gen. James Mattis said it would be an honor to serve again, mentioned myriad challenges in the world, and brought up a touching personal story about his mother — showing how his family's military ties and career have come full circle.

"Finally, on a personal note, I’ve worked at the Pentagon twice in my career," Mattis told the Senate Armed Services Committee. "A few people may know I’m not the first person in my family to do so... Читать дальше...


THE IoT 101 REPORT: Your essential guide to the Internet of Things


You’ve likely heard the phrase Internet of Things, or IoT, at some point if you have been following any tech news in the last several years.

But at the same time, you might be scratching your head figuring out what it is or what it means past a flashy buzzword.

Simply put, the IoT refers to the connection of devices (other than typical fare such as computers and smartphones) to the Internet. Cars, refrigerators, juicers, wine racks, heart monitors, ovens, watches, and more are all candidates for connection. Читать дальше...


Weight Watchers' new — and surprisingly effective — points system doesn't take into account how much weight you want to lose

Weight Watchers/YouTube

It seems like every Weight Watchers commercial features people — namely Oprah, these days — bragging about how many pounds they've lost.

But the calculation at the heart of the company's lauded new program, Beyond the Scale, doesn't actually take members' weight loss goals into account.

The company started Beyond the Scale at the end of 2015. It assigns foods points based on their nutritional values, giving members a set number of SmartPoints they can eat per day (and week). Читать дальше...


Microsoft Cortana has made its picks for the divisional round of the NFL playoffs

Paul Sancya/AP

Microsoft Cortana — a virtual assistant that predicts the outright winner of every NFL game on Bing — opened the playoffs with a solid showing, going 3-1 over wild card weekend.

The algorithm, which correctly picked 64% of games during the regular season, only missed the Raiders-Texans game, unwisely riding the Raiders despite the fact that Connor Cook hadn't ever started an NFL game before. 

After wild card weekend comes the divisional round of the playoffs... Читать дальше...


FX boss: I 'worry' about what Silicon Valley will do to TV

Getty Images

PASADENA, California — FX Networks President John Landgraf addressed Apple's announcement that it will be producing original television shows during the Television Critics Association press tour on Thursday.

Earlier on Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Apple is taking meetings with Hollywood studios with the intention of producing original TV shows, including scripted programming, and movies by the end of 2017.

Its first original series is "Carpool... Читать дальше...


US Senate committee backs Montenegro's bid to join NATO

Associated Press/Mindaugas Kulbis

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has approved a resolution supporting Montenegro's membership in NATO, sending it to the full Senate for a vote.

The committee backed the small Balkan state's bid to join the military alliance last year, but it did not come up for a vote in the full Senate, where a two-thirds majority is required for approval of new NATO members.

Committee Chairman Bob Corker said on January 11 he hoped for "swift action" in the Senate this year. Читать дальше...


How to make a week's worth of meals for under $15 at Trader Joe's

Getty Images/Michael Nagel

Ramen and mac n' cheese aren’t your only meal options when money is tight.

Finding a restaurant where you can get multiple meals for under $15 is quite a feat to accomplish. That's why Trader Joe's is actually the place to be when you're on a tight budget.

All five of these meals are nutritious and guaranteed to not break the bank, so dig out those coins from under your couch cushion and get shopping.

Shopping list:


Goldman Sachs says millennials didn't inherit a spending habit companies have capitalized on for years


Millennials tend to do a lot of things differently than their parents. They'd rather pay for an Uber than a new outfit. They're cutting cable. And, apparently, they hate napkins.

These spending habits continue to fascinate — and frustrate — retailers as 20- and 30-somethings defy the consumption patterns that previous generations followed for years. One major difference: Millennials are far less likely to buy something because it's convenient, something many companies capitalize on. Читать дальше...


A 31-year-old who's been traveling the world for 5 years explains how she affords it

Courtesy of Nina Ragusa

A month before her 26th birthday, Nina Ragusa landed in Bangkok, Thailand.

She had been living in Tampa, Florida, preparing and saving for open-ended travel for the past two years.

During the day, she worked at a foreclosure law firm, and a few nights a week, she moonlighted at bars and promotional events.

About five years later, Ragusa has only been back to the US twice.

In the meantime, she told Business Insider via email from her current home in Darwin... Читать дальше...


9 reasons why military mortarmen are so deadly

Sgt. Paris Capers/US Marine Corps

Mortars used to be considered artillery weapons because they lob hot metal shells, sometimes filled with explosives, down on the enemy’s heads.

But the mortar migrated to the infantry branch, and the frontline soldiers who crew the weapon maneuver into close ranges with the enemy and then rain hell down upon them. Here’s what makes the mortarman so lethal:

Mortarmen can emplace their system and fire it quickly.

US Marine Corps/Lance Cpl. Читать дальше...


POWER RANKINGS: Where every NFL playoff quarterback stands heading into the divisional round

Matt Rourke/AP

The NFL season has been narrowed down to just eight teams, and a lot of what happens over the next few weeks will be decided by the quarterbacks.

The list of quarterbacks still standing in the playoffs includes the best in the game. It consists of quarterbacks who have combined to win eight Super Bowls, 12 conference championships, and four MVP awards. It also includes a rookie and a signal caller who lost his job just four weeks ago.

Here is a look at the quarterbacks... Читать дальше...


Morgan Stanley just named 140 new managing directors

Morgan Stanley

Morgan Stanley just promoted 140 staff to the title of managing director. 

The bank informed staff of the promotions on January 12, according to people familiar with the matter. The full list is expected to be announced next week, according to one person. 

This year's list is shorter than last year's, when 156 individuals were named managing director.

29% of the new MD intake is female, according to one person familiar with the matter, the highest percentage on record. Читать дальше...


This guy has a near-100% response rate on Tinder — here's how he does it


The INSIDER Summary:

• This 25-year-old uses personalized name poems to reach out to his Tinder matches.
• He's become such a hot commodity he's had to turn some women down.

What's the key to getting those right-swipes? We've got a few tips for you, but if you're 25-year-old Montreal native Joe Bagel (not his real name), you go old school. How old? Think Cyrano. Think Shakespeare. Do it with poetry. Like a sort of digital wandering minstrel, Bagel seduces with his own brand of balladry. Читать дальше...


Danish badminton player sets new world record with a 265-mph smash


Badminton: one of those sports you know about because of the Olympics and because of your one friend whose parents set up a net in their backyard once for a barbecue. 

But as is often mentioned during the Olympics, badminton is one of the fastest sports in the world. Indeed, the shuttlecock is the fastest object in sports.

Enter Danish professional badminton player Mads Pieler Kolding, who stands tall at 6-foot-9. On Wednesday during a doubles match in India’s Premier Badminton League... Читать дальше...


THE CLOUD COMPUTING REPORT: An introduction to cloud solutions and their use cases

BI Intelligence

Cloud computing — on-demand, internet-based computing services — has been successfully applied to many computing functions in recent years.

From consumer-facing, web-based productivity apps like Google Docs to enterprise database management suites, the tools businesses rely on are increasingly moving to the cloud.

But developing a cloud strategy is no easy task. Public cloud solutions will likely come to dominate the market over the next decade, but business constraints... Читать дальше...


9 signs your internship is about to turn into a full-time job

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

During one summer internship, I received an excellent piece of advice that's stuck with me ever since.

A few weeks into the program, I was introduced to one of the firm's directors. I knew I'd be returning to college in August, but I was enjoying the work and became curious about the company's hiring process. So I asked the director what differentiated the interns that received job offers from those who didn't.

Her response surprised (and scared) me at the time. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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Паркинг на 300 машино-мест появится в ЖК «Новая Щербинка» Подольска

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