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Новости за 01.01.2017


Climate change is going to be very bad for the global economy

REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino

Extreme heat, it turns out, is very bad for the economy. Crops fail. People work less, and are less productive when they do work.

That's why an increase in extremely hot days is one of the more worrisome prospects of climate change.

To predict just how various countries might suffer or benefit, a team of scientists at Stanford and the University of California, Berkeley, have turned to historical records of how temperature affects key aspects of the economy. Читать дальше...


The most controversial part of 'Rogue One' has finally been explained


Warning: Spoilers ahead if you haven't seen "Rogue One."

As "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" continues to dominate the box office, more and more people are getting in on the conversation about one of the movie's characters.

Grand Moff Tarkin, the commander of the Death Star and one of the prominent villains in 1977's "Star Wars: A New Hope," is brought back to the screen in "Rogue One," thanks to advances in motion capture.

The actor who played Tarkin in "A New Hope," Peter Cushing, died in 1994. Читать дальше...


16 signs you've 'made it' in America

Max Whittaker/Reuters

The American Dream has transformed over time.

To find out what it means to Americans today, personal-budgeting company You Need A Budget and market-research company OnePoll surveyed the financial aspirations of 2,000 Americans.

The result is a list of 30-plus signs that indicate achievement of the modern American Dream, ranging from paying for a Netflix account to shopping at Whole Foods to owning a second home.

Below, find 16 signs from the survey that you've "made it." And remember... Читать дальше...


The best movies and TV shows coming to iTunes, Amazon, and HBO Go in January

Universal Pictures

With 2017 right around the corner, it’s time to check out what’s coming to your favorite streaming service.

There’s the thriller “The Girl on the Train” on iTunes, you can watch Carrie Fisher try to destroy John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd in “The Blues Brothers" on HBO Go, or watch all the “Lethal Weapon” movies on Hulu.

Below are all the titles that will be available, and we've gone ahead and highlighted some in bold we think you should definitely check out. Читать дальше...


6 things unsuccessful people do in the New Year

Ryan Pierse/Getty Images

2017 is almost here.

However, if you're going to start off on the right foot, you've got to have a good strategy and mindset.

Business Insider spoke with Ryan Kahn, career coach and founder of The Hired Group and creator of the "How To Get Hired" online course, about what not to do come January.

Here are eight mistakes that unsuccessful people make in the New Year — along with some advice on how to turn things around:

1. They don't reflect... Читать дальше...


Oil prices should be a lot lower than where they are now

Ali Jarekji/Reuters

Oil prices continue to edge up as 2016 comes to a close, a dramatic turnaround for the industry compared to the start of the year.

In January, oil prices were melting down, dropping below $30 per barrel. The industry was panicking, slashing spending and jobs, and it was hard to see any evidence of a rebound. By December, things look much different. The industry is adding rigs back to the shale patch, oil prices are rising, the market is moving closer to balance... Читать дальше...


What the science says about every popular diet — and whether they can work for you


There are so many diets out there, but figuring out which one will actually work for you can be tough.

Luckily, scientists have found that most reasonable diets can help you lose weight, compared to not following a diet at all. Overall, studies have shown that diets rich in plants and low in processed foods are the best for weight loss.

But many popular diets aren't based on sound scientific principles.

If you're setting a New Year's resolution to lose weight in 2017... Читать дальше...


'Star Wars' actor says there's an 'enormously different' version of 'Rogue One' out there


Since the release of the "Star Wars" standalone movie, "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," we have begun to realize how much tinkering was done to the movie not just in the reshoot phase but throughout principal photography. 

The most recent example is an interview with actor Ben Mendelsohn, who plays Orson Krennic in the movie, in which he hinted at the amount of alternative footage there is for the movie. So much that he believes an "enormously different" version of it could... Читать дальше...


'Why the magnitude of this?': Trump's incoming press secretary questions US sanctions on Russia

Skye Gould/Business Insider

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top aide to President-elect Donald Trump said in an interview aired on Sunday that the White House may have disproportionately punished Russia by ordering the expulsion of 35 suspected Russian spies.

Incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said on ABC's "This Week" that Trump will be asking questions of U.S. intelligence agencies after President Barack Obama imposed sanctions last week on two Russian intelligence agencies... Читать дальше...


Here are the must-see movies that are going to win Oscars in 2017

Amazon Studios

With the start of a new year comes the narrowing of the Oscar field.

Since our last pass at predicting the people and films in the running for the 2017 Academy Awards, the pretenders have fallen off, and we've gotten a chance to catch all the most serious players. Now it's time to get serious.

With multiple Golden Globe nominations, "Hacksaw Ridge" may be more of an Oscar contender than once thought. But it will have strong competition from movies like "La La... Читать дальше...


Prankster alters LA's landmark sign to read 'Hollyweed'

AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The iconic hillside sign overlooking Southern California's film-and-television hub was defaced overnight in honor of marijuana.

Residents awoke on Sunday to find "Hollyweed" staring down at them in four-story, white letters from Los Angeles' Mount Lee, where a version of the picture-ready "Hollywood" sign was first erected in 1923.

City surveillance cameras captured footage of someone dressed in black about 3 a.m. whom police believe was behind the conversion, Sgt. Читать дальше...


The US and Russia are dominating the global weapons trade

Thomson Reuters

In 2015, arms-transfer agreements reached a total value of $79.9 billion, down from the 2014 total of $89 billion, according to a report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service.

The US dominated the trade, making agreements valued at $40.2 billion, which was 50.29% of all such agreements.

That number was up from $36.1 billion in 2014 and was well ahead of second-place France, which made agreements worth $15.3 billion, 19.16% of agreements made globally in 2015. Читать дальше...


This essay got a high-school senior into Harvard, Yale, MIT, and other top schools

Brenden Rodriquez

Harvard University freshman Brenden Rodriquez is immersed in the strenuous course load required of his mechanical engineering major.

But before he was accepted to the prestigious Ivy League school, he had to first navigate the tricky process of writing a stellar admissions essay.

His hard work certainly paid off. In addition to Harvard, he gained acceptances at Yale, MIT, Columbia and the University of Virginia.

Rodriquez brilliantly merged two of his passions ... Читать дальше...


Trump's plan to move the US embassy to Jerusalem is a terrible idea for Israel, Palestine, and the region


Among the many alarming ways in which President-elect Donald Trump might upend traditional American foreign policy, one of the most immediate and troubling concerns his pledge to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

Other successful presidential candidates, most notably Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, made the same promise, only, once inaugurated, to emulate all of their predecessors by invoking the executive waiver to the 1995 congressional mandate to relocate the embassy. Читать дальше...


Shooter kills at least 11 and himself at New Year's Eve party in Brazil


RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - A gunman stormed a house party and killed at least 11 people and himself during New Year celebrations in the southeastern Brazilian city of Campinas late on Saturday.

Police in the state of São Paulo said the shooter is believed to have been angry over a separation from his former wife, who was among those killed. Local media reports said the couple's 8-year-old son also died.

A police spokesman could not confirm the identity or age... Читать дальше...


Savers won't tolerate negative interest rates

... there cannot be any question of abolishing interest by any institutions, laws, and devices of bank manipulation. He who wants to "abolish" interest will have to induce people to value an apple available in a hundred years no less than a present apple. What can be abolished by laws and decrees is merely the right of the capitalists to receive interest. But such laws would bring about capital consumption and would very soon throw mankind back into the original state of natural poverty. — Ludwig... Читать дальше...


7 money goals every 30-something should set

Sebastiaan ter Burg/Flickr

By the time you turn 30, you should have outgrown the irresponsible money habits you were able to get away with in your 20s. 

Now, it's time to develop some grown-up goals that will set you up for a successful financial future for years to come. 

Below, Business Insider rounded up seven money goals every 30-something should aim to complete before they hit the big 4-0. 

Grow your income as much as possible

By your 30s, you have a good... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Более 9 тыс сотрудников Росгвардии обеспечили безопасность в День Победы в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Моргенштерн* раскрыл доход от платного телеграм-канала


Синоптик Ильин спрогнозировал дальнейшие колебания температуры воздуха в столичном регионе

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