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Новости за 19.01.2017


Snapchat's ad targeting is starting to look more like Facebook's

Michael Kovac/Getty Images

Snapchat has long resisted the kind of hyper-targeted ad tracking that makes Google and Facebook billions every year.

But now the Venice, California company will show ads based on what its users buy in the real world, thanks to a partnership with Oracle Data Cloud announced on Thursday. The move comes as Snap prepares a public offering that could value its business at $25 billion.

Oracle's treasure trove of data will let advertisers serve ads in... Читать дальше...


The Raiders officially go all-in on Las Vegas — and now it's up to the 31 other owners

Ethan Miller/Getty

In the latest sign that Raiders owner Mark Davis is not bluffing about leaving Oakland, the franchise officially filed paperwork on Thursday to relocate to Las Vegas, Clark County Commission chair Steve Sisolak announced on Twitter.

With the paperwork filed, Davis will now need the support of 23 other NFL owners to back his relocation bid. Owners are next slated to meet in March, when the Vegas vote will likely happen. And while no vote is a sure thing until all the ballots are counted... Читать дальше...


Don't buy extended warranties

Joe Raedle / Getty Images

When you need to repair your car, refrigerator, computer, or a major system in your home, it’s comforting to think you won't have to break the bank to pay for the fix.

That’s why so many people are open to the idea of buying extended warranties that cover repair costs from the many companies that sell them. 

These protection plans are also sometimes called service contracts or protection policies. But by whatever name, our advice is the same: Skip them. Читать дальше...


We all have a bunch of prejudices, but psychologists found you can still learn to control how you act


Imagine playing a game where you’re seated in front of four decks of cards.

On the back of two decks are pictures of puppies; on the other two are pictures of spiders.

Each deck has some cards that win points and others that lose points. In general, the puppy decks are “good” in that they win you more points than they lose while the spider decks are “bad” in that they lose you more points they win. You repeatedly select cards in hopes of winning as many points as possible. Читать дальше...


This Israeli ace pilot fought off 11 enemy jets alone

brewbrooks CC BY-SA 2.0

Israeli Col. Giora Epstein, one of the world’s greatest fighter aces of the jet era, was leading a flight of four planes during the Yom Kippur War when his team spotted two Egyptian MiG-21s. Epstein pursued the pair and quickly shot down the trail plane.

But that’s when the Israelis got a surprise. The pair of MiG-21s were bait. While the four Israeli planes were pursuing the surviving MiG they could see, approximately 20 more MiG-21s suddenly hit them with an ambush. Читать дальше...


Here's why 'I just don't have time' is a terrible excuse not to start a business

Business Insider

Starting a business sounds great.

But who has the time?

GrowthLab CEO Ramit Sethi stopped by the Business Insider offices to talk business, entrepreneurship, and productivity, so we asked him: What do you tell people who say they just can't find the time to start a business?

"The time excuse kind of drives me nuts," he said. "The classic response to this is 'Hey, Mark Zuckerberg has time to do it.' But you're not Mark Zuckerberg. Neither am I."

In fact... Читать дальше...


'American Crime Story' is taking on the Monica Lewinsky scandal in a new season

AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

“American Crime Story” is reuniting with author Jeffrey Toobin for a future season, Variety has confirmed.

“ACS” producers Fox 21 TV and FX Productions have together optioned Toobin’s book “A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President” for use for an upcoming installment. The book pulls apart the threads of the Clinton sex scandal that devoured the late 1990s, framing it as a legal thriller surrounding Paula Jones, Kenneth Starr, and Monica Lewinsky. Читать дальше...


A bunch of military veterans have taken over Sen. McCain's office to protest Rex Tillerson

Screenshot/Facebook Live

A group of military veterans gathered in the office of Arizona Sen. John McCain on Thursday to demand that he lead a vote against confirming Rex Tillerson as secretary of state.

About 10 veterans came to McCain's senate office and stood in military formation. The protest was live-streamed on Facebook.

“We have a real concern about an oil executive becoming secretary of state," said Matt Howard, a Marine Corps veteran of the Iraq War. "We know that this... Читать дальше...


THE CHATBOTS IN BANKING REPORT: How chatbots can transform digital banking

BI Intelligence

Difficult market conditions and competition from digital savvy entrants have been challenging traditional banks. But a solution is emerging that will enable these legacy players to innovate at relatively modest costs: chatbots.

Chatbots are software programs that primarily use business-to-consumer (B2C) text-based messaging as the interface through which to carry out any number of tasks. They appeal to banks because they require less coding and are therefore cheaper... Читать дальше...


Whether or not you break up with your partner could come down to something as simple as a shared gym membership

Don DeBold/Flickr

The decision to break up with someone can be complicated.

They make you angry, but they also make you laugh. They drive you nuts on a daily basis, and still, you're crazy about them.

Also, you co-adopted a puppy last year and it would be really hard on her if you two split up.

The puppy is what psychologists call a "material constraint"; other examples include a house you co-own, a joint bank account, or vacation plans you've already paid for. Research... Читать дальше...


An overlooked tool on LinkedIn could help you land your next job

Carl Court / Getty Images

Is your LinkedIn profile up to snuff?

Having a strong profile can be very helpful to your career, especially if you're looking for new opportunities.

But even after you've uploaded your professional headshot and garnered a few glowing recommendations, there's still more you can do to put your profile to work.

Business Insider recently spoke with career expert and "Girl on Top" author Nicole Williams about how to take your LinkedIn to the next level. Читать дальше...


2 Senators say they'll push for an investigation into whether Trump adviser Scaramucci violated Russia sanctions


During a confirmation hearing for Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin, Sen. Ben Cardin said that he would push for an investigation into President-elect Donald Trump's adviser Anthony Scaramucci for possible violations of sanctions against Russia.

Cardin told Mnuchin that he plans to send a letter from Sen. Mark Warner and himself to the Treasury asking for an investigation into Scaramucci and his fund.

Scaramucci is a co-founder of SkyBridge Capital, an investment firm that manages some $12 billion. Читать дальше...


See inside the $5.3 million Washington, DC home that the Obamas will move into after they leave the White House


January 19 is Barack Obama's last day in the White House. After the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump, he and his family will be on their way to Palm Springs for vacation.

When they come back to DC, they will be settling into a home in the Kalorama section of DC, as Politico reported back in May.

It's not the White House, but it'll do.

Though smaller than the Obamas' former Pennsylvania Avenue address, the house is still a lavish residence in a desirable neighborhood. Читать дальше...


DARPA is demonstrating a robotic co-pilot for planes and helicopters


The Pentagon’s research arm is now demonstrating an entirely new level of aircraft autonomy which blends the problem-solving ability of the human mind with computerized robotic functions.

The Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, or DARPA, program is called Aircrew Labor in Cockpit Automation System, or ALIAS.

A key concept behind ALIAS involves a recognition that while human cognition is uniquely suited to problem solving and things like rapid reactions to fast-changing circumstances... Читать дальше...


A $4.5 billion photo app that is huge in China is trending in the US — here’s what it does (AAPL)


A popular Chinese photo-editing app has suddenly burst into popularity in the West, covering social feeds in airbrushed photos with huge, sparkling eyes.

Although Meitu has been around since 2008, it has become an overnight success, and was trending on Apple's App Store on Thursday.

Meitu is a lot like other photo-editing apps — it has Bitmoji-style stickers, Instagram-style filters, and Layout-style photo collages.

But the app really shines in its "hand-drawn"... Читать дальше...


Here’s a look at the final bloody trailer for the new 'Wolverine' movie

Hugh Jackman is hanging up his claws and retiring from his days as an X-Men, but not until he has one last adventure as Wolverine. The new 'Logan' movie stars Jackman alongside a young girl, played by new actor Dafne Keen, who is endowed with similar powers as Wolverine. The film appears to be focused around a manhunt for the young girl and Logan's determination to protect her.

Читать дальше...


Scientists think they've spotted mud cracks on the surface of Mars


Scientists studying the surface of Mars believe they have found evidence of drying mud cracks that, if confirmed, would be a first for the Curiosity rover mission.

Curiosity, which has been crawling across the windswept Martian landscape for more than four years, previously found evidence of ancient lakes on the Red Planet.

The latest discovery, announced Tuesday by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), could serve as evidence that... Читать дальше...


Physicists who created 'pure nothingness' say they detected something astonishing inside of it


According to quantum mechanics, a vacuum isn't empty at all. It's actually filled with quantum energy and particles that blink in and out of existence for a fleeting moment — strange signals that are known as quantum fluctuations.

For decades, there had only ever been indirect evidence of these fluctuations, but back in 2015, researchers claimed to have detected the theoretical fluctuations directly. And now the same team says they've gone a step further, having manipulated the vacuum itself... Читать дальше...


George R.R. Martin's friends explain why his next book might be taking so long to write

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty/Livejournal

The INSIDER Summary:

• "A Song of Ice and Fire" author George R.R. Martin has been working on his next book for six years.
• We spoke with his friends and co-authors Elio García and Linda Antonsson about the delay.
• The possible reasons include his "gardening" writing style and the influence of "Game of Thrones."

George R.R. Martin is more than just the brain behind "Game of Thrones." He's also an editor, a former TV writer,... Читать дальше...


IBM CEO says AI and automation will create jobs (IBM)

BI Intelligence

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At the World Economic Forum in Davos, IBM CEO Ginni Rometty argued that AI and automation will render some professions obsolete, but, in the long run, create jobs, The Wall Street Journal reports.

She made these comments as part of a panel discussing the role AI will play in various spaces moving into the future.

As more jobs and tasks are automated... Читать дальше...


'Zootopia' directors: Why the movie has a special meaning after the Trump victory


Animated movies go through a lot of changes before they hit theaters, but "Zootopia" became a whole different movie.

After spending two years developing "Zootopia," director Byron Howard, Walt Disney Animation head John Lasseter, and the studio's "story trust" — creators at Disney who give candid input about projects — made a risky decision: They would completely revamp their story by changing the prominence of the two lead characters, and in turn give "Zootopia" a new message. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве в парке нашли труп мужчины

Путин в России и мире

Песков: возможное изъятие активов РФ будет солидным гвоздем в гроб западной экономики

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Башкирские проекты победили в Международном профессиональном конкурсе НОПРИЗ на лучший проект – 2023


"Динамо" и "Зенит" назвали стартовые составы на матч 26-го тура РПЛ

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