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Новости за 30.01.2017


Sean Spicer claims Trump's Holocaust statement was 'praised,' lashes out at 'pathetic' critics

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Monday defended the controversial White House statement on Holocaust Remembrance Day on Friday, which did not specifically mention Jewish people. Spicer said President Donald Trump had been "praised" for the statement and called its critics "pathetic."

He added that Trump "went out of his way to recognize the Holocaust."

"Well, I think he's aware of what people have been saying," Spicer said. "But I think, by and large, he's been praised for it. Читать дальше...


The makers of insulin are being accused of price-fixing in a class-action lawsuit

Alden Chadwick/Flickr

A lawsuit filed Monday alleges that the three companies that make insulin have been part of an "organized scheme to drive up prices at the expense of patients who need insulin drugs to live."

Insulin is a hormone that helps people absorb and process the sugar in food. Roughly 1.25 million people in the US who have Type 1 diabetes need to inject insulin to live, as do many people with Type 2 diabetes, the more common form. 

The complaint filed in the US... Читать дальше...


Here's exactly what to say in 10 of the most awkward moments you'll have in a new relationship


If your experience in the dating world isn't at least a little bit awkward, you're doing something wrong.

Especially in a relationship that's only a few months old, there are bound to be hurt feelings, and embarrassment, and confusion. When do you tell the person you're seeing that you'd like to be exclusive? Or that you're just not into them anymore?

There are no easy answers, and we're not pretending to have them. But for some nuanced insight, we consulted relationship expert Andrea Syrtash... Читать дальше...


Saudi Arabian site used to monitor ceasefire violations in Yemen struck by rockets

Wikimedia Commons

A building in southern Saudi Arabia used by United Nations staff to monitor ceasefire violations in Yemen was damaged by rocket fire on Monday.

Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya TV reported that the entrance of the building in Dhahran al-Janoub province, near the Yemeni border, had been hit by Katyusha rockets launched by the Iranian-allied Houthi group who control Yemen's capital, Sanaa.

United Nations special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed did not attribute blame but... Читать дальше...


5 of the best documentaries about money on Netflix

Sony Pictures Classics

With Netflix bulking up on its collection of documentaries, it may be hard to figure which ones to watch.

In addition to various documentaries on everything from health care to the drug trade, the streaming service has a small but worthy set of titles centered on the global financial system and its tumultuous history.

Here are five of the best money-themed documentaries currently available to watch on Netflix.

1. 'The True Cost'

Youtube... Читать дальше...


Brand usage snoozes on Snapchat

BI Intelligence

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Digital Media Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

A new L2 study suggests that a large share of brand accounts are dormant on Snapchat, Digiday reports. Research firm L2 surveyed 427 brands for its latest report. Among these brands, 64% had had created an account on Snapchat between January and October 2016. However, by the end of October, only 67% of these brands with Snapchat accounts were still active on the platform... Читать дальше...


Hedgeable Review 2017: Fees, Returns, Investing Services & Competitors

BI Intelligence

Robo advisors are increasingly growing in popularity, and these automated services are threatening to take huge amounts of business away from traditional financial advisors.

Multiple different segments of the investing public have already taken advantage of robo advisors for a variety of reasons. Many traditional financial advisors have decided to work cooperatively with robo advisors rather than try to compete with them directly, and this strategy has helped streamline the process and reduce costs. Читать дальше...


The price reduction for the latest batch of F-35's has been in the works prior to Trump's presidency (LMT)

Lockheed Martin

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump announced on Monday that the latest contract with Lockheed Martin for America's priciest weapons system — the F-35 — will be reduced by $600 million.

"They were having a lot of difficulty. There was no movement. And I was able to get $600 million approximately off those planes. So I think that was a great achievement," Trump told reporters.

"We will be savings billions and billions and billions of dollars on contracts," Trump added. Читать дальше...


12 books to read this year if you want to get rich

Oli Scarff/Getty Images

The wealthiest, most successful people bury themselves in books. They commit to self-education long after they've finished school.

To help make 2017 a prosperous year, we've highlighted 12 of our favorite personal-finance books — one for each month — from century-old classics to hot new releases.

No guarantees you'll get rich, but it can't hurt to kick off the new year with one of these gems.

Kathleen Elkins contributed to a previous version of this article. Читать дальше...


Here's how ESPN can get its mojo back (DIS)

Michelle McLoughlin/Reuters

ESPN has been having a tough time of it. 

Disney has been struggling of late due to falling ESPN advertising revenue and 2% annual subscriber erosion at ESPN for the last three years.

Programming costs were also higher toward the end of last year, escalated by the costs of Olympics programming, rights to air the World Cup of Hockey, and higher rates for college sports.

And like other networks, ESPN is struggling with a consumer shift towards... Читать дальше...


White House press secretary goes on lengthy rant in attempt to clarify changes to national security team

REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

White House press secretary Sean Spicer on Monday slammed reports about President Donald Trump reorganizing the National Security Council.

Spicer defended Trump's decision to sign a presidential memorandum that removed the nation's top military and intelligence advisers as regular attendees of the NSC's principals committee, the interagency forum that deals with policy issues affecting national security.

The executive measure established Trump's chief strategist... Читать дальше...


Obama speaks out on Trump's immigration order: 'American values are at stake'

Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images

Former President Barack Obama spoke out through a spokesman praising protesters opposed to President Donald Trump's executive order barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the US.

Obama spokesman Kevin Lewis released a statement saying that the former president was "heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country."

"Citizens exercising their Constitutional rights to assemble, organize... Читать дальше...


This phone case is also a drone designed to take selfies


If you can hide your arm or selfie stick in a selfie, good for you.

For those who can't, there's a drone for that.

The Airselfie is a tiny drone that's housed in a phone case, and it lets you take selfies or group shots from further away than you could with your arms or a selfie stick.

Airselfie already went through its Kickstarter campaign, where it amassed more than €500,000 (about $534,000), and the company behind the tiny selfie-taking drone is now taking pre-orders. Читать дальше...


Trump calls Trudeau to offer condolences for Quebec mosque shooting

REUTERS/Chris Wattie

President Donald Trump called Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau on Monday to offer condolences over a shooting at a Quebec City mosque on Sunday night that left six dead. 

"President Trump expressed his condolences to the Prime Minister and people of Canada following the tragic shooting at the Centre culturel islamique de Québec, located in Québec City, and offered to provide any assistance as needed," Trudeau's office said in a statement, according to The Toronto Star. Читать дальше...


Two school teachers who retired before 30 with $1 million share their best advice for traveling on a budget

Joe and Ali Olson

Joe and Ali Olson are living their dream.

After just eight years in the workforce, the couple, both in their early 30s, were able to quit their jobs as public school teachers in August 2015, retire, and begin traveling the world — now with their one-year-old daughter, Annabelle, in tow.

By living frugally and finding a good side hustle — in their case, real estate — the couple was able to achieve financial independence relatively quickly. After purchasing their Las Vegas home at a steep discount in 2007... Читать дальше...


These haunting photos reveal what happens when a mall becomes abandoned

The Metro North Shopping Center in Kansas City, Missouri has only been vacant since April of 2014, but the building looks like it has been crumbling for decades. Photographer Seph Lawless ventured into the abandoned property to show how time has not been kind to this decaying mall. You can see more of Lawless' work in his upcoming book, Autopsy of America: The Death of a Nation.

Читать дальше...


One big reason Netflix isn't scared of President Trump (NFLX)

Getty Images Latam

On Saturday, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings wrote on Facebook that President Trump's actions were "hurting Netflix employees around the world, and are so un-American it pains us all."

It was a strong statement, especially compared to many other tech CEOs who came out against Trump's immigration ban, but were more measured in the wording of their criticisms.

Here's the rest of Hastings' statement:

"Worse, these actions will make America less safe (through... Читать дальше...


Facebook will announce its fourth-quarter earnings this week — here’s what to expect (FB)

Stephen Lam/Reuters

Facebook is set to announce its fourth quarter earnings on Wednesday.

The social media giant is riding an impressive five-quarter earnings and revenue-beat streak, but investors are eager to see how management plans to tide over the slowed News Feed ad growth that's coming in mid-2017.

During Facebook's Q3 earnings call, CFO Dave Wehner told investors to brace for a "meaningful" slowdown in revenue growth rates and for "aggressive" investment spending in 2017. Читать дальше...


'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' is inspired by these three movies, according to the director

Although we now have less than a year left until the next installment in the Star Wars franchise hits theaters, we still know very little about it. Rian Johnson's The Last Jedi has not released a single frame of footage (and it hopefully won't), so the tone and overall visual style of the upcoming sequel remains incredibly mysterious. That said, the director recently opened up and explained that the next Star Wars movie has drawn inspiration from three very specific films: Twelve O'Clock High, Three Outlaw Samurai, and To Catch A Thief. Читать дальше...


Trump's latest executive order could impose an impossible choice on the EPA

Thomson Reuters

President Donald Trump's latest executive order will force government agencies to kill two regulations for every one they create — literally.

The order, as listed on whitehouse.gov, reads: "Unless prohibited by law, whenever an executive department or agency (agency) publicly proposes for notice and comment or otherwise promulgates a new regulation, it shall identify at least two existing regulations to be repealed."

Analysts are still scrambling to figure out... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Цветение березы началось в столице

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Ивлеева

Блогер Ивлеева не явилась в суд на заседание по делу о дискредитации ВС России


Суд взыскал миллиарды рублей по иску ФНС к IKEA

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