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Новости за 11.11.2016


A massive nonprofit rejected a bunch of donated vaccines from Pfizer — and now the drug giant is offering them at a lower price

Mike Segar/Reuters

A pharmaceutical company just made a major move to make its vaccine more accessible to people.

In October, Medecins Sans Frontieres, otherwise known as Doctors Without Borders, a humanitarian group focused on supplying medical care in emergency situations around the world, turned down a donation of 1 million doses of pneumonia vaccines from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, arguing that the group would rather pay a lower price for each vaccine than getting donations... Читать дальше...


People are wearing safety pins in response to Donald Trump's victory — here's why

Donald Trump has won the 2016 presidential election, and now many of the various groups he spoke out against during the campaign are concerned for their safety. A social media campaign has emerged, inspired by a response to the Brexit vote earlier this year which also left people feeling threatened and unsafe. Here's a look at the #SafetyPin movement and how it got started.

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12 things successful people do every Friday afternoon


How you end your workweek will not only have a huge impact on how productive you are the following week, but also may determine how relaxed you are over the weekend.

"Successful people tend to adhere to routines in general, so it's no surprise that the most successful people I know maintain a Friday afternoon routine," says Michael Kerr, an international business speakerand author of "The Humor Advantage."

Here are 12 things successful people typically do on a Friday afternoon:

1. Читать дальше...


Scientists are tickling giggly rats to crack the mysteries of laughter


At parties and bars, he introduces himself as a "rat tickler."

The title makes Shimpei Ishiyama sound like he belongs in some forgotten guild of yore, with the Victorian "pure-finders," who collected dog dung for a living, and the "flankers and flaggers," who kept partridges in the range of hunters' guns.

But he is, in actual fact, a neuroscientist, and his rat-tickling is anything but antiquated. By trying to titillate these rodents — and recording how their neurons respond ... Читать дальше...


ESPN's most controversial show, 'First Take,' is on the move and it is a sign that the 'Worldwide Leader' is at a crossroads


ESPN is moving their star morning debate show, "First Take," from ESPN2 to ESPN in 2017 in an effort to boost its declining viewership, according to John Ourand of Sports Business Daily. 

While this move can be looked at as an effort to revive ESPN's most controversial show, it is also a sign that ESPN is at a crossroads and a larger shake-up is brewing for the self-proclaimed "Worldwide Leader in Sports."

It has been a rough year for ESPN. They laid off more than 300 employees at the end of 2015 ... Читать дальше...


What 15 corporate buzzwords really mean


Corporate lingo is notoriously annoying.

Peppering your speech with a few clichés once in a while is fine, but becoming overly reliant on jargon will make you hard to understand.

Practically everyone has suffered through a conversation or presentation featuring a boss or a coworker needlessly stuffing buzzwords into presentations and conversations. Most of the time, it's better to just be clear and say what you mean.

For everyone who doesn't speak "corporate,"... Читать дальше...


There's one place in the country that isn't remotely surprised by Trump's big win — a tiny town in eastern Michigan

Thomson Reuters

ALGONAC, Mich. (Reuters) - Back in April, there were already early signs in this quiet Michigan town of the rural American discontent that helped propel Donald Trump to election victory, even if it was underestimated by the Washington establishment, pollsters and Hillary Clinton's campaign.

On a return visit after Tuesday's election, Reuters found that many of Algonac's 4,000 residents were jubilant that Trump had captured the White House, although there were also echoes of what some people said seven months ago... Читать дальше...


BRANSON ON TRUMP: We have to give him a chance

Business Insider

Richard Branson, the billionaire founder of Virgin Group and a fervent critic of Donald Trump, is willing to give the next president's administration three to six months to see how much of the campaign points become reality.

If Trump doesn't temper his plans, the responsibility for progressive change will fall on entrepreneurs, Branson told Business Insider during the promotional tour for his new biographical documentary, "Don't Look Down."

"I think we as business... Читать дальше...


The case for completely merging your finances with your spouse

REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko

Handing over even half the reins to your hard-earned money is a scary prospect. So it can be tempting to dismiss the possibility as soon as your spouse-to-be brings it up.

But give it a little more thought. Because, while there are a bunch of situations in which it might not make sense to merge finances when you get married, there are plenty of compelling reasons to go ahead and do it.

Some of those reasons are practical. For example, according to Thomas J. Читать дальше...


The former US ambassador to Russia has been banned from traveling there

Maxim Shemetov/Reuters

WASHINGTON (AP) — The former U.S. ambassador to Russia says he has been banned from traveling there in a tit-for-tat response to U.S. visa bans for senior Russian officials.

Michael McFaul told The Associated Press on Friday that he had applied for a Russian visa in order to travel to Moscow in December for possible work on ensuring a smooth transition to a Hillary Clinton presidency, had she been elected.

McFaul, who served in Moscow from 2012 to 2014 and now works at Stanford University... Читать дальше...


Emirates' and British Airways' CEOs believe major changes are coming to the airline industry (LON:IAG)

World Travel Market

Alliances have had their day, Air France is in deep trouble and long-haul, low-cost carriers (LCC) may be close to getting it right.

Just some of the points made by two of the world’s leading airline executives during a panel discussion at the World Travel Market (WTM) exhibition in London.

Sir Tim Clark, president of Emirates Airline and Willie Walsh, CEO of International Airlines Group, which includes Aer Lingus, British Airways, Iberia and Spanish Low-Cost Carrier Vueling... Читать дальше...


Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren want one of the party's most progressive members to lead the DNC

Alex Wong/Getty Images

Just three days after President-elect Donald Trump mounted a massive upset victory over Hillary Clinton, some of the top Democratic leaders have offered a new direction for the party in rallying behind a candidate for chair of the Democratic National Committee.

Over the past two days, Rep. Keith Ellison has garnered endorsements for the position from top Senate leaders, including Sens. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and likely incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Читать дальше...


BUFFETT ON TRUMP: 'You've got to be behind the president'

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Warren Buffett, the famed investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, is behind Donald Trump, even if he didn't support him in the election.

Buffett said during an interview with CNN's Poppy Harlow that despite being a vocal Hillary Clinton supporter during the campaign, he will support Trump as the president of the country.

"I support any president of the United States," said Buffett. "It's very important that the American people coalesce behind the president. Читать дальше...


What you need to know on Wall Street right now

Warner Bros.

Welcome to Finance Insider, Business Insider's summary of the top stories of the past 24 hours.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at all-time highs on Thursday, a move not many on Wall Street saw coming. 

"I'm kind of proud of the markets" for turning around so quickly, said Jeff Kleintop, the chief global investment strategist at Charles Schwab, in an interview with Business Insider.

"They learned the Brexit lesson: that the market's first reaction... Читать дальше...


I just ran my first half marathon — here's what I tell my friends when they say they could never start running

Emmie Martin/Business Insider

In October, after four months of training and endless hours spent traversing every sidewalk in Brooklyn, New York, I ran an uninterrupted 13.1 miles to finish my first half marathon.

It was hard, but worth the effort.

However, when I first started running four summers ago, I could barely make it two blocks without stopping. I questioned if I'd be able to finish the 5K I'd impulsively signed up for and laughed at the prospect of even attempting a half marathon. Читать дальше...


The glaring flaw in Trump's health plan

Thomson Reuters

The Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, has experienced hiccups of late.

An older, sicker, and more expensive pool of patients have led to losses for health insurers and pull backs from the ACA's public exchanges. Increased costs — mostly in states that have not expanded Medicaid — and higher deductibles have put pressure on Americans' wallets.

On the flip side, one of its successes has come from the fact that 20 million Americans who would did not have coverage before Obamacare now have it. Читать дальше...


Here's what the cast of 'Westworld' looks like in real life


The cast of "Westworld" often dons cowboy (or cowgirl) hats and old-fashioned clothing appropriate for the Wild West, but in real life they're a glamorous group of Hollywood stars. Though the actors playing Delos staff have a much more typical wardrobe — and therefore don't look too strikingly different — we love seeing them in our host-free world.

Keep reading for a look at the cast of "Westworld" off set. 

Maeve Millay is the dolled-up robot host "madame" of the Mariposa saloon. Читать дальше...


10 reasons companies should hire military veterans

U.S. Army / Tommy Gilligan

Companies take note: hiring a veteran of the U.S. Military comes with a host of benefits. 

A number of Quora users responded to the question "What are the advantages of hiring someone who has been in the U.S. Military?" Of the responders, retired Marine sergeant and current hiring manager Jon Davis outlined ten key reasons employers should hire military veterans. 

We have summarized his response below. 

1. Veterans come from a previous culture built for mission accomplishment in mind. Читать дальше...


Green Dot is looking to a younger audience (GDOT)

Green Dot's prepaid gains

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Payments Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Prepaid card issuer Green Dot posted “another solid quarter” in Q3 2016, according to the firm’s earnings released Wednesday.

The firm improved across multiple key metrics, and saw “stronger than expected” bottom line performance — results that position it for continued gains, even in light of stricter rules governing prepaid cards from the CFPB... Читать дальше...


These strange funnels on Mars might be cauldrons for alien life

Joseph Levy/NASA

Scientists have analyzed a strange depression on the surface Mars, and say it could be the perfect place to search for signs of life, because it could contain three key ingredients for life: water, heat, and nutrients.

The funnel-shaped structure looks like the ancient 'ice cauldrons' we have on Earth, that formed when volcanoes erupted under the ice sheets of Iceland and Greenland. If the same process occurred on Mars, it could have left behind a warm, nutrient-rich environment. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

Путин в России и мире

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Анциферова заявила, что уехавшие из России артисты мозолили глаза на ТВ


Москвичей предупредили об усилении ветра до 17 метров в секунду 30 апреля

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