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Новости за 23.10.2016


Iran president Rouhani: US election is a choice between ‘bad’ and ‘worse’

Thomson Reuters

DUBAI (Reuters) - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said on Sunday the choice offered to voters in the U.S. presidential election was between "bad and worse" and that harsh exchanges in the debates pointed to a lack of morality in America, Tehran's arch adversary.

"America claims it has more than 200 years of democracy, and they have had 50 presidential elections, but there is no morality in that country," Rouhani said in a speech, carried live by state television.

"You saw the presidential debates... Читать дальше...


8 countries with the highest quality of life

The Organization for Economic Cooperation recently ranked 34 countries to see which ones had the best quality of life. They looked at parameters of well-being, like work-life balance, financial wealth, and access to education to determine the top countries — here are the top 8.

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Egyptians are losing patience with President al-Sisi over the tanking economy

Thomson Reuters

CAIRO (Reuters) - A cartoon which appeared on social media shows a drowning Egyptian, only his hand protruding from the depths, waving for help. The next strips show President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi diving in, taking the drowning man's watch and turning away.

The cartoon captures the mood of desperation and anger among Egyptians clobbered by tax rises, soaring food price inflation and cuts in state subsidies. Some fear a repeat of the mass street protests that drove Sisi's two immediate predecessors from power. Читать дальше...


McDonald's franchisees reveal the 3 things that are killing them


McDonald's franchisees claim the fast-food chain's sales turnaround is slowing down.

The company is lapping last year's launch of all-day breakfast, which helped boost same-store sales by as much as 5.7% in the fourth quarter of 2015.

But the excitement of all-day breakfast has been wearing off, and McDonald's franchisees are now expecting flat-to-negative growth for the rest of the year, according to a survey by Nomura analyst Mark Kalinowski.

"No way... Читать дальше...


Priscilla Chan explains what it's like to work alongside her husband, Mark Zuckerberg

Stuart Isett/Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit

A lot of people will tell you it's a bad idea to work with the one you love.

But mixing work with romance is more common than you might think, and it doesn't always end in tears.

In fact, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan may be a prime example of how working with your partner can be an advantage.

During Fortune's 2016 Most Powerful Women Summit, Chan explained to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg what it's... Читать дальше...


How Google's self-driving car project rose from a crazy idea to a top contender in the race toward a driverless future (GOOG, GOOGL)

AP Photo/Eric Risberg

Google's self-driving car project was started in 2009 on one premise: build an autonomous vehicle by 2020. 

Now, it's seven years later, and Google's test cars have driven two million miles in four cities around the nation and have learned everything from how to honk politely to how to sense cyclists and pedestrians. 

But Google has also failed to commercialize its cars so far — falling behind competitors like Uber and Tesla, despite being the first company to put the cars on the road ... Читать дальше...


Oil giants can't come to an agreement on where prices could go

Reuters/Sebastian Derungs

Saudi Arabia’s energy minister Khalid al-Falih spoke at the Oil & Money Conference in London this week, where he offered a robust defense of OPEC’s 2014 decision to not intervene in the market to try to support oil prices. He also warned that future supply shortages could lead to a price spike.

“Now consider if OPEC had cut production to maintain supply-demand balances. The effect would have been to encourage continued investments in expensive resources like shale... Читать дальше...


The government will make its airport expansion decision on October 25

Getty Images News

LONDON, Oct 23 (Reuters) - The British government will make a decision on Tuesday about where to allow airport expansion in south east England, transport minister Chris Grayling said on Sunday.

It is due to decide between plans for a new runway west of London at Heathrow, the busiest airport in both Britain and Europe, or at Gatwick to the south. The decision has been debated for more than 25 years.

"We have got a genuinely difficult decision ... there is... Читать дальше...


The government will make its airport expansion decision on October 25

Getty Images News

LONDON, Oct 23 (Reuters) - The British government will make a decision on Tuesday about where to allow airport expansion in south east England, transport minister Chris Grayling said on Sunday.

It is due to decide between plans for a new runway west of London at Heathrow, the busiest airport in both Britain and Europe, or at Gatwick to the south. The decision has been debated for more than 25 years.

"We have got a genuinely difficult decision ... there is... Читать дальше...


Deep Linking Explained: The differences between basic deep links, deferred deep links and contextual deep links


Deep linking technology has gained considerable attention over the past few years by enabling marketers to enhance their engagement with mobile app users.

Deep links provide a clear way for app publishers to identify, address, and transport users to specific content within apps. Ultimately, they can help app publishers increase installs, user engagement, and conversions — the keys to any app's success.

BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service, has compiled... Читать дальше...


Economists never imagined negative interest rates — now they're rewriting textbooks

Samantha Lee / Business Insider

If you’re a bank, the idea sounds crazy. Why pay someone to hold your cash?

In 1983, when Frederic Mishkin started writing "The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets," his seminal textbook on macroeconomics, he never thought he'd devote much space to the idea of negative interest rates.

"A million years no," Mishkin told Business Insider.

Negative rates were seen as a bizarre thought exercise by academic economists, not something any of us would see in the real world. Читать дальше...


Economists never imagined negative interest rates — now they're rewriting textbooks

Samantha Lee / Business Insider

If you’re a bank, the idea sounds crazy. Why pay someone to hold your cash?

In 1983, when Frederic Mishkin started writing "The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets," his seminal textbook on macroeconomics, he never thought he'd devote much space to the idea of negative interest rates.

"A million years no," Mishkin told Business Insider.

Negative rates were seen as a bizarre thought exercise by academic economists, not something any of us would see in the real world. Читать дальше...


It's up to Bob Dylan if he wants to come and collect his Nobel Prize


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - The committee that awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature to Bob Dylan said on Saturday it was up to the American singer-songwriter whether to attend the prize-giving ceremony later this year or not.

The notoriously media-shy Dylan has not yet made any comment on the 8 million crown ($900,000) prize, despite repeated attempts by award-givers the Swedish Academy to contact him since it named him as the winner on Oct. 13.

On Saturday, Swedish... Читать дальше...


It's up to Bob Dylan if he wants to come and collect his Nobel Prize


STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - The committee that awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature to Bob Dylan said on Saturday it was up to the American singer-songwriter whether to attend the prize-giving ceremony later this year or not.

The notoriously media-shy Dylan has not yet made any comment on the 8 million crown ($900,000) prize, despite repeated attempts by award-givers the Swedish Academy to contact him since it named him as the winner on Oct. 13.

On Saturday, Swedish... Читать дальше...


Here’s how we’d stop the zombie apocalypse

Whether it's George A. Romero's zombies or Robert Kirkman's zombies, one thing is always certain — humanity suffers greatly during zombie outbreaks. Dr. Stephen Morse — a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University — stopped by to walk us through how public health officials would attempt to stop a potential zombie apocalypse in its tracks.

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Here’s how we’d stop the zombie apocalypse

Whether it's George A. Romero's zombies or Robert Kirkman's zombies, one thing is always certain — humanity suffers greatly during zombie outbreaks. Dr. Stephen Morse — a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University — stopped by to walk us through how public health officials would attempt to stop a potential zombie apocalypse in its tracks.

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Clinton is turning her focus to down-ballot candidates in the campaign's final days

Associated Press/Mary Altaffer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Hillary Clinton is expanding her focus in the final days of the presidential race, seeking to help down-ballot congressional candidates.

In Pittsburgh on Saturday, Clinton assailed incumbent Republican Sen. Pat Toomey, saying he had failed to "stand up" to Donald Trump in the face of his comments about Mexican immigrants and a Muslim-American military family.

"If he doesn't have the courage to stand up to Donald Trump after all of this... Читать дальше...


Clinton is turning her focus to down-ballot candidates in the campaign's final days

Associated Press/Mary Altaffer

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Hillary Clinton is expanding her focus in the final days of the presidential race, seeking to help down-ballot congressional candidates.

In Pittsburgh on Saturday, Clinton assailed incumbent Republican Sen. Pat Toomey, saying he had failed to "stand up" to Donald Trump in the face of his comments about Mexican immigrants and a Muslim-American military family.

"If he doesn't have the courage to stand up to Donald Trump after all of this... Читать дальше...


The new era of payment processing will change everything

Thomson Reuters

The modern smartphone is a remarkable device. A single device that fits in your pocket can do all the tasks that once required cameras, camcorders, GPS devices, watches, alarm clocks, calculators, and even TVs.    

But the next change might be the most radical of all—it could eliminate the need to carry cash and credit cards.  

The growing importance of the smartphone as the go-to computing device for every digital activity is having a profound effect everywhere you look... Читать дальше...


11 advanced excel tricks that will help you get an instant raise at work

Flickr/Microsoft Sweden

Microsoft Excel just might be the greatest piece of software ever developed.

Massive swathes of the economy rely on the program, and becoming skilled at Excel has become a license to print money in business. 

So while there are a lot of basic tricks that you have to know, there are also a few tricks that will set you head and shoulders above the competition. 

If you want to dazzle your bosses and beat your rivals, know these eleven excel tricks. Читать дальше...


11 advanced excel tricks that will help you get an instant raise at work

Flickr/Microsoft Sweden

Microsoft Excel just might be the greatest piece of software ever developed.

Massive swathes of the economy rely on the program, and becoming skilled at Excel has become a license to print money in business. 

So while there are a lot of basic tricks that you have to know, there are also a few tricks that will set you head and shoulders above the competition. 

If you want to dazzle your bosses and beat your rivals, know these eleven excel tricks. Читать дальше...


THE CORPORATE TREASURY FINTECH REPORT: The emerging firms that help companies manage their cash


A surprisingly large share of even the biggest global companies depend on low-tech solutions like spreadsheets to manage their cash. A new class of tech firms is seeking to change that. 

Forty-six percent of companies with $500 million to $1 billion in annual revenue still rely primarily on Microsoft Excel or its competitors to mange their payments, cash forecasting, foreign-exchange management and financing. That rises to 55% for firms with less than $100 million in sales.

... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Прикамье» провело свыше 3 тыс. экологических исследований в I квартале 2024 года

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время движения поездов от Москвы до курортов Черноморского побережья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

«Это будет для вас сюрприз и фурор!»: Анастасия Волочкова взяла с собой на Мальдивы свадебное платье


Губернатор Петербурга поблагодарил Путина за организацию выставки-форума «Россия»

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