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Новости за 19.10.2016


The Philippines' president is headed to China with high hopes, but he may be in for a rough landing

Thomson Reuters

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte arrived in Beijing on Tuesday after months of overtures for better relations with the Chinese government.

His arrival in China has been accompanied by a series of interviews on that country's state media in which Duterte has voiced his affinity for the Asian giant and his hopes to affirm good relations between the two countries.

But Duterte's outreach to China is fraught with risks — even in a situation in which he gets what he wants... Читать дальше...


The first teaser poster for the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' sequel is here and you may overlook the best part of it


The INSIDER Summary

• Director James Gunn revealed the first teaser poster for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" on Facebook.
• If you look too quickly, you may miss a tiny Groot in the poster.

The first teaser poster for the "Guardians of the Galaxy" sequel is here and it shows off the returning crew with a few new members. 

Director James Gunn shared the black and white poster for "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2" on Facebook Wednesday morning. While... Читать дальше...


Derrick Rose cleared in civil rape trial

Nick Ut/AP

A Los Angeles civil jury on Wednesday cleared New York Knicks point guard Derrick Rose in a case involving an alleged 2013 gang rape, and dismissed a woman's $21.5 million lawsuit filed against the player.

The jury deliberated for three hours before reaching its verdict. Rose's two codefendants were also cleared.

In August 2015, a woman referred to in legal documents as Jane Doe accused Rose and his two friends, Randall Hampton and Ryan Allen, of drugging her at a party at Rose's house in Los Angeles... Читать дальше...


eBay is getting crushed after announcing weak guidance for earnings in the fourth quarter (EBAY)

Erik (HASH) Hersman/Flickr

eBay shares slid 7% in after-hours trading on Wednesday after the company reported earnings with weaker than expected guidance for the fourth quarter. 

The ecommerce company said it expects adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations to be in a range of $0.52 to $0.54 for the crucial holiday season. That was near the low end of analysts' forecast for $0.54, according to Bloomberg.

Also, gross merchandise volume (GMV) — a key measure of the dollar value of everything sold on eBay ... Читать дальше...


There's room for bond yields to rise

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Is the market ready for higher bond yields? After years of extremely low yields at home and a surge in negative-yielding debt in Europe and Japan, you might think the market would seize on any sign that conditions may be changing. But that doesn’t appear to be happening.

The forces that pushed yields lower—low and falling inflation, and very easy monetary policies by major central banks—appear to be abating. While we don’t think this this means yields will snap sharply higher... Читать дальше...


BLANKFEIN: It's tough out there, but we're 'not just sitting around singing kumbaya'

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein is hoping the 147-year-old bank can learn some new tricks.

In an interview with CNBC's David Faber, Blankfein said that the current market environment isn't that supportive for big merger deals, individual investments, and the types of things that Goldman staff have traditionally made their living on.

So the bank has had to get creative.

"We're not just sitting around singing kumbaya, waiting for the markets to come back," said Blankfein. Читать дальше...


Three sexually transmitted diseases have hit a record high in the US

Flickr/Shawn Latta

NEW YORK (AP) — Infections from three sexually transmitted diseases have hit another record high.

Chlamydia was the most common. More than 1.5 million cases were reported in the U.S. last year, up 6 percent from the year before.

Nearly 400,000 gonorrhea cases were reported, up 13 percent. And there were about 24,000 cases of the most contagious forms of syphilis, up 19 percent.

The three infections are treatable with antibiotics.

Officials at... Читать дальше...


American Express just announced its lowest quarterly revenue in more than 5 years

Mario Tama/Getty Images

(Reuters) - Credit card issuer American Express Co reported its lowest quarterly revenue in more than five years on Wednesday as it struggled to make up for the loss of its contract with Costco Wholesale Corp.

Total revenue, net of interest expense, fell 5 percent to $7.77 billion in the three months ended Sept. 30 - the first quarter with no revenue from the Costco partnership.

Net income attributable to common shareholders fell about 10 percent to $1.11 billion. On a per share basis... Читать дальше...


People are going nuts for these $25 mystery boxes

Subscription boxes with a random assortment of goodies inside have become very popular over the last few years. Loot Crate — a subscription box service that made more than $160 million in 2015 — is one of the biggest, sending various boxes full of pop culture fandom to its customers every month. We talked to founder Chris Davis to gain some insight into why these boxes have become so popular

Читать дальше...


POLL: Independent presidential candidate surges into stunning lead in deep-red state

George Frey/Getty Images

Evan McMullin — an independent conservative presidential candidate who launched his campaign in early August — has vaulted into first place in Utah, according to a new poll.

A Wednesday poll from Emerson College showed McMullin leading the pack in Utah with 31% support. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump came in second with 27%, followed by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton with 24%. Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson received 5% of the overall support. Читать дальше...


Poll shows Hillary Clinton with a growing lead in a state that's turned blue only once since 1948

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Hillary Clinton has a growing lead in Arizona — a state that has voted for a Democratic president just once since 1948.

A Wednesday poll from The Arizona Republic showed Clinton with a 5-point lead over Donald Trump in a four-way race that included Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein.

The Democratic nominee held a 39% to 33.9% advantage over the Republican nominee in the poll. When undecided voters leaning toward either candidate were included... Читать дальше...


13 things mentally strong people don't do

Flickr/Gary Crawford

Sure, mental strength is reflected in what you do — like putting things in perspective and facing your fears — but it comes through just as much in what you don't do.

In her book "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do," Amy Morin writes that developing mental strength is a "three-pronged approach." It's about controlling your thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Read on for Morin's list of 13 things mentally strong people avoid at all costs.

This... Читать дальше...


Cellular download speeds are actually getting slower (VZ, T, TMUS, S)

REUTERS/Keith Bedford KDB/NL

If your phone's cellular download speed seems to be slower than it used to be, you're not crazy.

In big markets in the United States, LTE's median speeds have dropped by as much as 50% in the last year, according to a study done by TwinPrime, a startup that makes tools to speed up mobile apps. 

The study does not break down speeds by carrier, but the trend is something all four major carriers in the United States are seeing.

The reason why... Читать дальше...


The brutal 'honest trailer' for 'Ghostbusters' picks apart all the reboot's flaws


The new "Ghostbusters" became much bigger than just a movie when a mob of people decided to attack it online earlier this year. Now the "honest trailer" for the film has arrived to remind us of the real flaws with the film.

It's a sharp criticism of the movie, but it takes at least as much aim at the critics who exhausted themselves "trolling" the all-female-starring reboot from the beginning, like Donald Trump.

Still, the trailer argues, the resulting film did turn out... Читать дальше...


Why bond investors are so scared of rising interest rates

Brook Mitchell/Getty Images

It wasn’t supposed to be a conversation about why bond fund managers are so scared of rising rates at the moment. 

But when I caught up with New York based Tom Goggins, senior portfolio manager of Global Multi-Sector Fixed Income at Manulife and his colleague Kisoo Park, in the firm’s Hong Kong office, the discussion inevitably ended up there. 

Goggins and Park have an interesting vantage point from which to give their views on the potential risks... Читать дальше...


Here's why you have workplace anxiety dreams

Andrew Kelly/Reuters

Ever wake up feeling panicked that you missed an important deadline at work — only to realize you didn't? Do you dream of making out with your boss, even though you're happily married and not even remotely attracted to him or her?

You're not alone.

Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D., a dream researcher and author of "An Introduction to the Psychology of Dreaming" and "Big Dreams," says research shows that a lot of people have work-related dreams.

"Many of these... Читать дальше...


Life in America is good and still improving


Economically speaking, are we better off than we were ten years ago? Twenty years ago? When asked such questions, Americans seem undecided, almost schizophrenic, with large majorities saying the country is heading “in the wrong direction,” even as they tell pollsters that they are optimistic about their personal financial situations and the medium-term economic outlook.

In their thirst for evidence on this issue, commentators seized on the recent report by the Bureau of the Census... Читать дальше...


Apple sent out invitations for a new Mac announcement on October 27 (AAPL)


Apple sent out invitations Wednesday for an event on October 27 at its campus in Cupertino, California, where it's expected to announce a new Mac.

The invitation reads "hello again," a play off the greeting the original Macintosh gave when Steve Jobs introduced it in 1984.

There have been numerous reports about what to expect from Apple this month, so here's the rundown:

New MacBook Pro

A new MacBook Pro will likely be the star of the show.

According to the latest rumors... Читать дальше...


A 34-year-old trader at Goldman Sachs made a $100 million profit — and he is part of a dying breed

Thomson Reuters

You might have heard that traders at the biggest US investment banks have been curtailed.

So how is it that a 34-year-old Goldman Sachs trader made a $100 million profit in just a matter of months?

Justin Baer at The Wall Street Journal lifted the lid on the trader, Tom Malafronte, in a great story published Wednesday.

Baer reports that Malafronte, who works on the high-yield desk, bought billions in dollars in junk bonds in January from clients anxious to sell... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об эффективности экологических проектов в России

Путин в России и мире

Президент Азербайджана Ильхам Алиев прибыл в Москву по приглашению Путина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Губернатор Поморья встретился с президентом Беларуси Александром Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: "формулой Зеленского" США отвлекали внимание от нового транша Киеву

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фрэнк Синатра

Леонардо Ди Каприо сыграет Фрэнка Синатру в новом фильме


Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о платформах для общения и обмена опытом среди молодежи из стран СНГ

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