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Новости за 06.10.2016


The US Army is drastically scaling up the firepower of its Stryker infantry to counter Russia

US Army via Flickr

The US Army will soon receive its first prototypes of a newly-engineered up-gunned Stryker infantry vehicle armed with a more lethal, longer-range 30mm cannon as compared with the currently installed .50-cal machine guns.

Called the Stryker Enhanced Lethality Program, the effort was implemented as a rapid-development acquisition program to better equip 9-man infantry units with combat arms to support their missions, maneuvers and ground-attacks.

“It is really... Читать дальше...


49 incredible public-space transformations captured by Google Street View


Cities are built for humans.

But if you look at the layout of most of them, it looks like they're made for cars.

Seeing that, a Brazilian urban planning collective called Urb-i (shorthand for Urban Ideas) set out to show examples of people-friendly spaces with a before-and-after gallery of Google Street View images revealing the most stunning public space transformations from around the world.

The results give us hope that our cities are becoming better places to live. Читать дальше...


Looks like the tech IPO winter is over: Coupa's IPO is a smash hit (COUP)

Coupa Software

In an encouraging sign for the tech industry, Thursday saw another smash hit IPO. This time it's Coupa, which priced its initial 7,400,000 shares at $18, and opened at $35.

At 11 a.m. Eastern time, Coupa was trading above $40, up over 126%.

After initially setting an initial price of $14-$16, Coupa bumped up the price of $18 just before its opening day. Even with that bump, the valuation of the company was $866 million and that was below what its private venture funds had thought it was worth. Читать дальше...


How Apple could use Netflix to fight Amazon

Ethan Miller/Staff/Getty Images

Earlier this week, Netflix stock popped over 4% on rumors that Disney might be interested in buying it.

It’s not the first time Wall Street has buzzed about the idea of a Disney takeover of Netflix, nor is Disney the only company that has sparked Netflix acquisition rumors. One of the other companies that comes up again and again is Apple, as it’s one of the only ones that could both afford to buy Netflix, and seems to have (largely thwarted) ambitions in TV. Читать дальше...


A hard Brexit might actually be a good thing for fintech


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Fintech Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

A new report by business management consultancy Oliver Wyman suggests that if the UK decides on a "hard" Brexit (by which it would lose access to the single market), the UK economy stands to lose £18 billion to £20 billion ($23 billion to $25 billion) in revenue, £3 billion to £5 billion ($4 billion to $6 billion) in taxes, with 31,000 to 35,000 jobs put at risk. Читать дальше...


The dollar is climbing


The dollar's stronger after a solid initial jobless claims report.

The US dollar index is up 0.5% at 96.58 as of 11:31 a.m. ET.

Earlier in the day, the Department of Labor reported that the number of first-time filings for unemployment insurance fell to 249,000 last week, compared to economists' expectations that claims climbed to 256,000.

Separately, Marc Chandler, the global head of currency strategy at Brown Brothers Harriman wrote earlier: "...we think... Читать дальше...


You should absolutely plan a trip to the French Caribbean this winter — here's why

Flickr/Sébastien Avenet

These days, budget air deals aren't hard to come by. There are plenty of flash sales and discount carriers to choose from, but not all of them are created equal. It's become easy to find reasonable flights between big air hubs, but dreamy, far-off islands will almost always cost you more.

Last year, one discount airline changed that by kicking off crazy-cheap seasonal routes to the French Caribbean — just in case you needed another excuse to use your vacation days once the cold weather hits. Читать дальше...


Stephen Colbert calls out Mike Pence for making up an old Russian proverb

"The Late Show with Stephen Colbert"/CBS; Getty Images

While Mike Pence is widely believed to have won this week's vice presidential debate, the record could be marred by using what he claimed to be an old Russian proverb. Stephen Colbert decided to look into the matter on Wednesday's "Late Show."

"This could be the biggest Trump campaign scandal since Melania quoted the ancient proverbs of Michelle Obama," Colbert said, alluding to Melania Trump's plagiarism of the First Lady's convention speech. Читать дальше...


KFC customers hate the Colonel, and the CEO says that's led to the brand's incredible 'breakthrough'


One-and-a-half years after Colonel Sanders' return to KFC marketing, the chain is in full comeback mode.

On Wednesday, KFC reported that US same-store sales increased 6% compared to the same quarter last year, a growth of 8% compared to the same quarter in 2014.

"I wouldn't say it was an abrupt change," Yum Brands CEO Greg Creed said in a call with analysts on Thursday, in response to a question on Taco Bell and KFC's impressive quarter. "KFC US just delivered its 9th... Читать дальше...


Psychologists say being unable to find a job can change your personality

REUTERS/Shannon Stapleton

Some eyebrow-raising research presented at a recent conference suggests that young men without college degrees are staying out of the workforce for one major reason: They can live with Mom and Dad and play video games all day.

According to the research, which was highlighted by Ana Swanson in The Washington Post, these men spend three-quarters of the time they once spent working on the computer, mostly playing video games. What's more, happiness among this group has gone up in recent years. Читать дальше...


These 15 dog breeds are the most likely to run away from home


Dogs are a mischievous bunch.

Leave the backyard gate open, miss that hole they've been digging, or don't hold a leash tightly enough, and you could have a furry escaped convict.

But some canines are more adventurous than others: While one dog psyches himself out of his chance to run away, another will bound toward it like a freight train.

To find out if some dog breeds may be more prone to getting lost than others, Business Insider asked Whistle — a company... Читать дальше...


Russia has dispatched three warships off the Syrian coast

Pavel Rebrov/Reuters

The Russian Navy says one of its corvettes is heading to the Mediterranean Sea to join the country’s group of warships in the region.

A spokesman for the Black Sea Fleet said the Mirazh, armed with Malakhit cruise missiles, left its Crimean base at Sevastopol on October 6.

The Mirazh follows another two Black Sea Fleet corvettes, equipped with Kalibr long-range cruise missiles, which had been due to reach the Mediterranean late on October 5.

The... Читать дальше...


Airbnb is launching a loyalty program


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "E-Commerce Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Airbnb has partnered with Qantas airlines to add to rewards for frequent flyers when they book with the home-sharing site, reports Skift.

Members of Qantas' Frequent Flyer program will receive one Qantas Point for every dollar spent on an Airbnb booking when redirected from the airline's website. This new partnership can drive up membership in Qantas' loyalty program... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump brushes off past controversial comments about women as 'entertainment'

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

Donald Trump addressed his controversial comments about women's appearances Thursday in an interview with KSNV, a Nevada TV outlet.

The Republican nominee said he made some of the past comments "for the purpose of entertainment."

"You have two beautiful daughters past their teenage years. Can you understand the concern from parents of younger girls that some of your comments could be hurtful to girls struggling with body image and the pressure to be model perfect," the KSNV reporter asked Trump. Читать дальше...


The worst body language mistake you can make has to do with your eyes

Wikimedia Commons

When it comes to body language, there are plenty of serious mistakes you can make.

It's hard to tell which slip up is the worst of the bunch, as they all can really warp how others view you.

So Business Insider reached out to Dr. Lillian Glass, communications and body language expert and author of "Toxic People," to get her opinion on which body language mistake is the most damaging. 

Her pick: Bad eye contact.

She says making no eye contact can send the wrong message ... Читать дальше...


9 simple things that are making you dumber

New Line Cinema

Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about how to get better — how to be happier, more productive, fitter, smarter. We spend a lot less time thinking (constructively) about how we're screwing up.

There's no mystery there. Focusing on your faults and bad habits can be pretty depressing, after all. But often, by ignoring the small lifestyle decisions that take a toll on our well-being and health, we're missing the low-hanging fruit of relatively easy-to-implement... Читать дальше...


Eccentric habits of 8 geniuses that will make you smarter


There’s a fascinating link between geniuses and eccentric behavior.

Einstein picked cigarette butts off the street and used the tobacco for his pipe.

Benjamin Franklin sat naked in front of a window every morning and let the air circulate over his body. He called it an “air bath.”

Their eccentricity isn’t completely without explanation; there are mental benefits behind some of their madness.

Here are eight quirky habits from geniuses that will make you smarter. Читать дальше...


Alphabet's self-driving cars have hit a major milestone (GOOG)


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence IoT Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Alphabet Inc.’s self-driving test vehicles have now driven a total of more than 2 million miles on public roads, TechCrunch reports.

The company has about 60 vehicles on the road in four different states across the country that operate under Alphabet’s Google X subsidiary, according to The Wall Street Journal.

In a Medium post, project software leader... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге: "Акции по благоустройству способствуют формированию экологической культуры среди молодежи"  

Путин в России и мире

Для потенциальных участников программы «Время героев» в Ростове-на-Дону откроют постоянно действующий пункт

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подписал указ по реализации до 2028 года нового с РФ проекта в сфере космоса

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленского выпороли ультиматумом: США жестко ответили на наглость и поучения Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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