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Новости за 25.10.2016


Laura Ingraham's 'LifeZette' website promotes conspiracy theory Clintons have been involved in murders


The media outlet owned by Fox News contributor Laura Ingraham promoted a conspiracy theory Tuesday that posits the Clintons have been involved in the murders of several political operatives.

Ingraham’s news website, LifeZette, produced a video titled “Clinton Body Count,” which featured an unidentified correspondent.

“The Clintons have a long history of people in their inner circle dying under mysterious circumstances,” the correspondent said at the outset of the video. Читать дальше...


Donald Trump calls for an investigation into Obama after latest WikiLeaks revelations

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Donald Trump on Tuesday called for an investigation into President Barack Obama after hacked emails from Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, published by WikiLeaks, suggested Obama may have known about Clinton's use of a private email server.

In an interview with Reuters, Trump called the revelation "a big thing."

"This means that he has to be investigated," Trump said.

During a rally in Sanford, Florida, on Tuesday afternoon, Trump addressed the latest emails. Читать дальше...


Hugo Boss is no longer a luxury brand

Facebook/Hugo Boss

Hugo Boss couldn't quite become the boss of luxury.

Newly appointed CEO of Hugo Boss Mark Langer says the 92-year-old German brand will be abandoning its attempt to become a true luxury brand.

"The effort to make in-roads in the luxury market didn't prove to be particularly helpful for our business," Langer said in an interview with German language newspaper Handelsblatt, according to Reuters. 

Langer assured Handelsblatt that the company would remain a premium brand... Читать дальше...


It’s official: Chipotle’s desperate attempt to save itself failed (CMG)

Business Insider/Hayley Peterson

Chipotle's sales continue to plunge following the E. coli outbreak that affected restaurants in 14 states one year ago. 

Revenue declined 14.8% to $1 billion in the third quarter and same-store sales, or sales at stores open at least a year, dropped 21.9%, the company said Tuesday.

Net income for the quarter was $7.8 million, a decrease from $144.9 million for the period last year. 

The company's rewards program — called Chiptopia — did little to lift third-quarter sales. Читать дальше...


Tom Cruise calls Scientology a 'beautiful religion' in a new interview

Jun Sato/WireImage via Getty Images

Tom Cruise opened up in a new interview about his unremitting devotion to Scientology more than 30 years after he joined the controversial religion.

Chatting with ITV News at the Thursday, October 20, London premiere of his latest film,  Jack Reacher 2: Never Go Back, Cruise, 54, was asked about his thoughts on Louis Theroux's 2015 documentary, My Scientology Movie. The film features young actors "auditioning" for parts playing high-profile Scientologists... Читать дальше...


Apple sold 45.5 million iPhones last quarter (AAPL)


Apple's earnings for the third quarter are out, and the big number on everyone's mind is iPhone sales.

Apple reported that it sold 45.5 million iPhones last quarter. Analysts were expecting 45 million iPhone sales. It's a slight beat.

iPhone sales have been in decline all year, as Apple faces a saturated high-end smartphone market.

This was the first quarter to represent at least some iPhone 7 sales. But the iPhone 7 only went on sale on September 16. Next quarter... Читать дальше...


6 attempts at utopian settlements and where they are now

Hans Holbein

The word "utopia" is made up of two Greek words, together meaning "no place." The word suggests that no place on Earth could possibly be perfectly egalitarian, free of conflict, and sustainable.

That didn't stop people from trying, however. The Puritans believed in creating a utopia while escaping the Protestants in the 1600s. In the 1960s, as hippie subculture was at its apex, people again strove to form utopian settlements.

Today, the tech elite are putting new kinds of utopian projects forward... Читать дальше...


Working on the weekend doesn't make you a workaholic — but it could make you less stressed


The image of someone sitting at home on a sunny Saturday afternoon writing a project report does not seem to illustrate the phrase "work/life balance."

More like "workaholic."

But Laura Vanderkam wants to challenge that assumption, as well as the common fear that if you, too start working on the weekends, your work/life balance will disappear. Instead, she suggests that spending part of the weekend on professional tasks can reduce stress, bolster your career, and help facilitate work/life balance. Читать дальше...


Chipotle misses big on sales but says next year will be great (CMG)

Joe Raedle/Getty

Chipotle on Tuesday reported third-quarter results that showed sales fell more than expected, about one year since outbreaks of E. coli and norovirus were linked to its food.

The company reported revenue of $1 billion, and said sales at locations open for at least one year fell 22%. Analyst had forecast revenue of $1.09 billion, and a sam-store sales decline of 19%.

Diluted earnings per share fell to $0.27 from $4.59.

That includes 29 cents related... Читать дальше...


Here's the memo Citi's investment banking head just sent his team to say congratulations


Monday was a big day for dealmakers, and bankers across the Street are sure to be celebrating.

Citigroup advised on a number of deals Monday and throughout the past week.

To congratulate the team, Citi's global head of corporate and investment banking, Ray McGuire, sent the following memo to his team.

Here it is:


"Merger Monday is alive and well! Thanks to the partnership between Coverage and M&A and the hard work and perseverance of deal teams across the globe... Читать дальше...


The 15 best changes from 'The Walking Dead' comic to the show


Warning: There are spoilers ahead if you haven't seen "The Walking Dead" through season six.

When adapting something from a preexisting source material, the usual rule is: don’t change things. Whether it’s events or characters or relationships, fans usually don’t respond well when someone messes with their favorite stories. Adapting a book or a comic can be a bit of a minefield.

But every now and then, especially when it comes to TV, some changes are not only necessary, but welcome. Читать дальше...


6 things you should always ask for at an all-inclusive resort


The INSIDER Summary:

• Resorts can be difficult to navigate.
• Take note of these suggestions to help make your stay relaxing.

Seasoned travelers with more than a few all-inclusive stays under their belt know that quality can vary from resort to resort. Take Punta Cana, a gorgeous stretch of prime beaches and plenty of all-inclusive properties, for example. While many of the resorts here have similar concepts and designs, differences tend to sneak up that... Читать дальше...


Why so many people don't understand introverts

Flickr/Holly Lay

This post by Ellen Vrana appeared originally on Quora as an answer to the question Why do most people not understand introverts?

I think there are several drivers of this rather annoying and all-too-common dismissive behavior.

People don’t know introverts exist:

Do you remember the first time you learned about “introverts” and “extroverts?”

I do, I was in my 30s. I took an MBTI test and I thought s---, that makes a lot of sense!

Middle... Читать дальше...


Colin Powell says he's voting for Hillary Clinton in November

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced Tuesday he will vote for Hillary Clinton for president in November's election.

Powell made the endorsement at the Long Island Association fall luncheon attended by more than 1,000 business and political leaders, Newsday reported.

Powell told the crowd that Donald Trump “insults us every day” and has denounced the Republican nominee as a "a national grace" in leaked emails.

However, he also bashed Clinton in hacked emails and said... Читать дальше...


STOCKS FALL: Here's what you need to know (CAT, MMM, UA)

Aaron Vincent Elkaim/Getty

Business Insider has launched Markets Insider, which combines the best of Business Insider with real time market data. You can follow the site on Twitter @MktsInsider, and on Facebook.

Stocks closed lower on Tuesday after some key companies on the Dow Jones Industrial Average announced earnings forecasts that were weaker than analysts had expected.

Here's the scoreboard:


New Jersey man commits suicide jumping off 100-foot-tall bridge holding his 2 sons, but the kids lived

Thomson Reuters

Two young boys survived a 100-foot (30-meter) fall after their father leaped off a New Jersey bridge with them in his arms, police said on Tuesday.

The father, identified as John Spincken, jumped from an overpass along Interstate 187 in Wanaque, New Jersey, sometime after 7 p.m. EDT (2300 GMT) on Monday in what police have described as a suicide.

Spincken, 37, was found dead at the scene, but his 1- and 3-year-old sons were alive and taken to a hospital for treatment... Читать дальше...


Ikea sets the prices of its products before they're even designed


I had a few burning questions when I visited the IKEA headquarters in Älmhult, Sweden.

How did IKEA get so cheap? Do you have to sacrifice everything for low prices? Does design take a back seat to price?

“That’s partially true,” Per Krokstäde, new business manager at IKEA Sweden, tells Business Insider Netherlands. “We don’t say that a product has to cost exactly $8.50. But we do say we want to design a folding chair in our so-called ‘lower price category.’ Next, we draft a target price... Читать дальше...


Lots of Amazon's projects have failed...and that's ok, says Amazon's Andy Jassy (AMZN)

WSJ D.Live/screen capture

Amazon Web Services CEO Andy Jassy is running the company's most profitable runaway success story, the cloud business.

AWS is on track to do $10 billion in revenue this year and along the way AWS has upended the entire computer industry, with giants like Microsoft and Google now chasing Amazon. 

While it's easy to point to all that success, no one ever seems to forget the company's big fat failures either. On Tuesday, speaking at the Wall Street Journal's WSJ D Live conference in Laguna Beach... Читать дальше...


We talked to a sleep scientist about the 3 best habits for healthy, restful sleep

Mita Stock Images/Shutterstock

After a long, rough day, nothing sounds quite as appealing as crawling into a soft, warm, bed — and sleeping.

Yet for many of us, even when we've set aside the time for it, rest doesn't come easy.

Part of the problem has to do with light. In the evening, our crisply lit smartphones, tablets, and laptops keep our eyes and brains on high alert — making it tough to relax and potentially robbing us of the long and peaceful slumber we need to be productive during the day. Читать дальше...


Parents want to change TV ratings after that 'brutally explicit' 'Walking Dead' episode


A parents' group known as the Parents Television Council has come out strongly against the violent season-seven premiere episode of "The Walking Dead."

The conservative watchdog group slammed the "brutally explicit" episode, which saw the deaths of series-regular characters and shocked fans.

"Last night’s season premiere of 'The Walking Dead' was one of the most graphically violent shows we've ever seen on television, comparable to the most violent of programs found on... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Уроженец Кировской области с позывным Струна стоял на параде рядом с Путиным

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: великая Победа является главным моментом становления белорусской нации

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