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Новости за 14.10.2016


76ers center Joel Embiid showed the ability to guard smaller, quicker players in just his 5th game — and it’s a critical development

Matt Slocum/AP

Philadelphia 76ers big man Joel Embiid has been a revelation in preseason.

The third pick in the 2014 draft, Embiid missed the first two years of his career with foot injuries. Prior to this preseason, he hadn't played a competitive basketball game since his freshman year at University of Kansas.

Through five preseason games, Embiid has looked solid, albeit in limited minutes. He's shown the ability to score from the low post, stretch the floor, and protect the rim. Читать дальше...


Turns out spiders can hear you from across the room

National Park Service via AP

A new study has just revealed that spiders are even more impressive - or terrifying, depending on your point of view — than we'd ever imagined.

Arachnids don't have ears, but it turns out spiders can hear you talking from metres away - despite the fact that many researchers previously assumed they couldn't hear at all.

"Surprisingly, we found that they also possess an acute sense of hearing," lead researcher Paul Shamble from Cornell University told Hannah Devlin from The Guardian. Читать дальше...


Here's how 4 of the best audio systems in cars stack up (GM, F)

Matthew DeBord/BI

Because I regularly test cars, I spend a huge amount of time listening to music in them — probably more time than I do at home.

The days of the good-old AM/FM radio, or era when a stack of cassette tapes was all you had to satisfy your listening needs are long gone.

Powerful, multispeaker audio systems are now custom-designed and perfectly integrated with a vehicle's infotainment setup. You can literally listen to anything except cassettes and and vinyl records in your car (CD players... Читать дальше...


Another accusation: Woman says Trump groped her decades ago at New York nightclub

REUTERS/Mike Segar

A woman on Friday accused Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of groping her in the early 1990s at a New York City nightclub.

Kristin Anderson, 46, did not come forward on her own accord — a reporter at The Washington Post had heard about Anderson's story from a person who knew of it, according to the newspaper.

The 46-year-old then decided to go public, however, when she saw the 2005 tape in which Trump was unknowingly recorded boasting about using his fame to kiss and grope women. Читать дальше...


Here's when the beautiful fall colors on trees will peak in your area

Flickr / Oleg Sidorenko

It feels like just days ago we were all sitting around complaining about the miserable summer weather. But somehow the calendar has turned way toward fall.

As we all know, there are three key things that happen every year in Autumn: This Onion story makes the rounds on your parents' Facebook accounts, people use the word "brisk," and the leaves on trees turn gorgeous shades of red and yellow.

But it doesn't happen at the same time everywhere.

The... Читать дальше...


19 retirement mistakes you're probably making — aside from not saving enough

Mark Wilson / Staff / Getty Images

It’s conventional wisdom by now that Americans aren’t saving enough for retirement. Recent studies have shown that many Baby Boomers might have to live on a mere $7,000 to $9,000 a year during their golden years, based on their current savings (not including Social Security).

If that’s not discouraging enough, financial planners say Americans are making plenty of other retirement missteps. Here are 19 other mistakes you could be making while planning for retirement. Читать дальше...


A big Alzheimer's drug trial is about to offer real hope for treating the disease — or crush it

Alvin Gogineni, Genentech / NIH

Scientists at Eli Lilly are racing to wrap up a clinical trial on a drug that could be the first major advance in treating Alzheimer's in more than a decade — or a crushing reminder of why the memory-destroying disease has bedeviled researchers for so long.

This is the third time Lilly has tested the drug in large-scale trials. The first two tests flopped. But the company, which has spent about $3 billion on Alzheimer's research over 25 years, believes... Читать дальше...


JANET YELLEN: The Fed might need to temporarily run a 'high-pressure economy'

Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

(Reuters) - The Federal Reserve may need to run a "high-pressure" economy in order to reverse damage from the crisis that depressed output, sidelined workers and risks becoming a permanent scar, Fed Chair Janet Yellen said in a broad review of where the recovery may still fall short.

Though not addressing interest rates or immediate policy concerns directly, Yellen's lunch address on Friday to a conference of policymakers and top academics laid out the deepening... Читать дальше...


A TSA agent shares the weirdest things he's experienced on the job

Justin Gmoser/Business Insider

In their line of duty, US Transportation Security Administration officers, or TSOs, have come across a number of bizarre and dangerous items, from Batarangs and tomahawks to stun guns disguised as everyday items like lipstick, cigarettes, and cell phones.

But perhaps the oddest items people pass through TSA screening are the ones they've made to look threatening.

The TSA considers improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, the "main threat" and one... Читать дальше...


Ohio is dumping Wells Fargo after John Kasich called the bank a 'disgrace' (WFC)

AP Photo/John Minchillo

John Kasich is furious at Wells Fargo, and now his state is cutting off its business with the bank for at least one year.

In an interview with Business Insider on Thursday, the Ohio governor and one-time 2016 Republican presidential contender said Wells Fargo executives should be held accountable for the bank's recent fraudulent-accounts scandal.

And on Friday, Kasich announced Ohio was suspending its business with the bank for one year. This will include... Читать дальше...


Obama unloads on Trump in blistering attack

NBC News

President Barack Obama unleashed a blistering attack on Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, during a rally in Cleveland on Friday.

Obama ripped into Trump's past comments about women, Mexican immigrants, and Muslim-Americans.

"You don't have to be a husband or a father to know that kind of language, those kinds of thoughts, those kind of actions, are unacceptable," Obama said. "They're not right."

Obama questioned why prominent Republicans like Sens. Читать дальше...


10 small things you do that people use to judge your personality

Bobby Yip/Reuters

Psychologists call it the "spotlight effect": People generally don't pay nearly as much attention to you as you think they do.


But when they are motivated to pay attention, they really pay attention. Not just to your outfit and your haircut, but to seemingly trivial things, like your handwriting and how fast you walk.

That's according to the dozens of people who posted responses to a question on Quora, "What are the really small things that tell... Читать дальше...


Russia and Europe are about to land a robot on Mars

ESA/D. Ducros

Cross your fingers for good weather on the Red Planet on October 19.

That's the day the European Space Agency's Schiaparelli lander pops open its parachute, fires nine, liquid-fueled thrusters and descends to the surface of Mars. Assuming fair weather, the lander should settle down safely on the wide-open plains of Meridiani Planum near the Martian equator northwest of NASA's Opportunity rover.

The region is rich in hematite, an iron-rich mineral associated with hot springs here on Earth:

ESA/D. Читать дальше...


Netflix is over 12 times more popular than its competitors among younger viewers


The video service for teens is Netflix, by far and away, according to a new survey by investment bank Piper Jaffray.

On Friday, Piper Jaffray released its semi-annual survey of 10,000 US teens, and it showed a whopping 37% of teens watched Netflix every day. After Netflix came YouTube (26%), which inched over cable TV (25%). This continued an upward trend for YouTube and a downward one for cable.

Significantly, Netflix's big competitors, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu, came in way below Netflix at just 3% each. Читать дальше...


A common mistake job seekers make is something you can easily avoid

Francisco Osorio/flickr

While it's definitely not the worst offense you can commit during the interview process, showing up way too early for an interview is a very common — and easily avoidable — mistake that many job candidates make.

"Most candidates who arrive very early do so because they're incredibly nervous and were afraid of being late, so they over-budget how long it will take them to get to the office," says Amanda Augustine, a career-advice expert at TopResume, says. "While... Читать дальше...


7 common misconceptions about one of the most flexible college savings accounts

Oli Scarff/Getty Images

Summertime ushers in lazy weekends at the beach, backyard barbecues, and vacations to visit grandparents. While your kids may be young now, they will grow quickly – and so will those college expenses.

Families with older children are finding college tuition bills in the mailbox for the fall semester.

If you're a parent, don't be deterred by common misconceptions about 529 college savings plans; they can serve as a valuable vehicle to build an education nest egg... Читать дальше...


Watch President Obama nerd out at a futuristic science fair

U.S. President Barack Obama recently travel led to Pittsburgh to attend the White House Frontiers Conference. After successfully docking with the International Space Station via simulator and meeting with a paraplegic who could control a robotic arm with his brain, the President gave a speech where he declared himself a "science geek" and that he doesn't "make any apologies for it."

Читать дальше...


The NFL's highest-paid players at every position, from quarterback to long snapper

Otto Greule Jr/Getty Images

In football, perhaps more than any other sport, there is a hierarchy of positions in terms of both real and perceived importance to the team.

Because of that there is a huge disparity in how well NFL players at different positions are compensated.

Below, we take a look at the NFL players who will make the most money this season at all 18 of the primary positions, from quarterback to long snapper, using data collected from Spotrac.

Long snapper... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире


Путин в России и мире

Путин перед поездкой в Минск встретился с патриархом Кириллом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин назвал продуктивными переговоры с Лукашенко в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

В Душанбе открылась книжная выставка, посвящённая Юлии Друниной и Булату Окуджаве


В Подмосковье напомнили о правилах безопасности во время отдыха с детьми на море

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