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Новости за 30.08.2016


More ugly warning signs are popping up in Saudi Arabia

Reuters/Mohamed Al Hwaity

A bunch of warning signs have bubbled up in Saudi Arabia's economy over the past few months.

The Saudi economy grew at just 1.5% in the first quarter, compared with the year before — its slowest rate since 2013.

And while the oil sector grew by 5.1% year-over-year, the non-oil sector shrank by 0.7% — the weakest reading in at least five years.

Moreover, output in the construction sector shrank by 1.9% year-over-year in July.

And, most recently... Читать дальше...


17 questions you'll be able to answer easily if you're an excellent communicator

National Farm Worker Ministry/flickr

Whether you regularly speak in public and write online, or you mostly express yourself over email, being a good communicator is part of every single job description.

But how can you really know if it’s something you’re good at?

Here are 17 questions that can help you identify whether you’re awesome at communicating — or a bit rusty.

(And don’t worry if it’s the latter, there are simple ways to improve each of these skills.)

1. Читать дальше...


Tell us about the worst part of your job

Columbia Pictures

Your job might have all the sweet perks in the world, but there's still most likely a part of the gig that you're not crazy about.

Perhaps the issue is the people you work with. No one wants to deal with sketchy coworkers or a psychopathic boss. Maybe there are just certain necessary but mundane tasks that turn your brain to mush. It's also possible that the job is fine, in theory, but is so stressful and time consuming that it's blowing up your work life balance and making you miserable. Читать дальше...


Suicidal Germanwings pilot had struggled in US flight school



The retirement crisis will hit one half of America harder than the other

Bloomberg TV screenshot

America is facing a retirement crisis. 

We're all living longer, many companies are facing huge pension deficits, and with interest rates so low returns have been lousy. 

And there is one group that is going to have an even tougher time of it: women.

That's according to Sallie Krawcheck, a former Wall Street executive who founded Ellevest, an online investing adviser for women.

In the latest episode of "Hard Pass," a podcast I host with Josh Barro... Читать дальше...


A startup burned through $700,000 in 10 months then lied about back pay, former employees say

Juliana Coutinho/flickr.com

Penny Kim, a marketing professional with a one-month career at a Silicon Valley startup, shared a detailed account of one of the ugliest startup stories we've ever heard.

Her tale started with a job offer in July of $135,000 a year plus equity and a $10,000 signing bonus for relocation expenses. (She was moving from Dallas for the job.)

It ended with her dismissal in August after she filed a complaint with the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement over failure to properly pay her... Читать дальше...


Apple tells investors its $14B tax bill won't have any near-term impact (AAPL)


Europe sent Apple a $14 billion tax bill over a sweetheart deal in Ireland on Tuesday.

Apple's response?

It doesn't think it will have an impact on the company. Not only does the company not expect the decision to affect its tax rate going forward, but it also doesn't expect "any near-term impact on" its financial results, according to a document posted on Apple's investor relations website.

The biggest change is that Apple expects to put an amount of money — likely the amount of the decision ... Читать дальше...


A retired Navy SEAL explains how to survive a drowning attempt

US Navy

In this excerpt from 100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative's Guide, retired Navy SEAL Clint Emerson explains how to survive a drowning attempt.

When an operative is captured in hostile territory, the odds of survival are low.

Instead of being taken to trial, he will likely simply be made to "disappear" — which is why operatives practice escaping while wearing undefeatable restraints on hands and feet, both in water and on land.

Tied up, thrown into open waters... Читать дальше...


7 bedtime rituals that are hard to adopt, but will pay off forever


Bedtime rituals can make or break your success.

The last few things you do before bed tend to have a significant impact on your mood and energy level the next day, as they often determine how well and how much you sleep.

Business Insider talked to experts to find out what the most successful people do before bed. Some of these habits — like bedtime reading, spending time with family, and going for an evening stroll — are easy to take on. Others, however, are more difficult. Читать дальше...


Sears is turning to this Home Depot staple to save its business

REUTERS/Jonathan Bachman

Sears is turning to the paint business to boost its sales.

The retailer, in the midst of a years-long sales downturn, has decided to start selling paint again after a four-year hiatus. 

The company announced its plan on Tuesday, one week after reporting that net sales fell 8.8% to $5.7 billion in the most recent quarter.

By selling paint, Sears is likely hoping to benefit from the strong housing market that has fueled recent sales growth at companies like Home Depot and Lowe's. Читать дальше...


On-demand laundry service Washio is shutting down


Washio is shutting down for good. 

The on-demand laundry service announced that as of Monday, it's no longer accepting new orders and any outstanding orders will be returned to its customers, according to a post on the company's website. 

The startup, which was founded four years ago, served six cities in the U.S. and was one of the early on-demand service companies. Based in Los Angeles, Washio raised $16.82 million in funding and counts Ashton Kutcher and Nas among its investors. Читать дальше...


SpaceX is recycling a piece of history to launch a satellite 22,000 miles above Earth

SpaceX Photos/Flickr

SpaceX is about to answer its critics with a historical first for the company: the reuse of an orbital rocket booster that it previously launched and landed.

But Elon Musk's aerospace company isn't just doing a demonstration flight of the recycled booster.

According to a statement released Tuesday morning, SpaceX has worked out a deal to put the expensive SES-10 satellite atop a recycled Falcon 9 — a 229-foot-tall rocket that's capable of launching 25 tons of payload... Читать дальше...


San Francisco's out-of-control housing market might start looking more 'normal' by the end of the year

Reuters/Noah Berger

San Francisco's housing market is very slowly cooling down.

The city is one of the most dire examples of the current housing crunch, in which potential homebuyers are plentiful and ready but inventory is insufficient.

On Tuesday, the S&P/Case-Shiller home price index showed that San Francisco's market may become more "normal" in the coming months, though affordability would remain a problem, according to Ralph McLaughlin, Trulia's chief economist.

For now... Читать дальше...


7 cheap and healthy alternatives to foods you love


Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to spend a ton of money on food in order to live a healthier lifestyle.

In fact, it’s possible to make nutritious meals and save money on groceries at the same time.

If  you’re trying to cut some of the high-calorie and high-sodium foods out of your diet, here are seven healthy food swaps you can make that won’t break your budget.

1. Make spaghetti squash instead of pasta

Spaghetti squash can be a healthy alternative to pasta. Читать дальше...


Snapchat is making it easier to create your own geofilters


You've been able to create your own Snapchat geofilter since February. But unless you're good at Photoshop, the process hasn't been simple — until now.

On Tuesday Snapchat announced customizable geofilter themes anyone can use to create filters for birthdays, weddings, and other special occasions.

The new themes are accessible through Snapchat's web tool for creating geofilters.

A Snapchat spokeswoman said that geofilters are viewed in the app more than one billion times per day day. Читать дальше...


Square forges partnerships to add large sellers (SQ)


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Payments Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Square is partnering with point-of-sale (POS) technology firms TouchBistro and Vend to give their merchant clients access to the suite of Square offerings, including payment processing, working capital, and other tools and services, without pushing them to the Square POS system.

TouchBistro and Vend provide POS software and business management tools... Читать дальше...


Why the EU's tax probe of Apple is making the US government angry



10 of the best hotel deals you can get in San Francisco right now


Apple will host its annual product launch at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco September 7. It's expected to announce the next model of the iPhone and possibly a new version of the Apple Watch. 

For those traveling to San Francisco for the announcement, there are still plenty of great places to stay. Our friends at Hotels.com sent us a list of some of the top-rated hotels that are offering deals at the time around the Apple event.

But act fast — these are likely to fill up soon. Читать дальше...


9 surprisingly beautiful tiny homes you can buy right now


Your next home-away-from-home may come in under 500 square feet.

The market for vacation properties reached an all-time high in 2015 and shows no signs of slowing down. If you don't want to go for a typical house, tiny homes offer a low-maintenance and environmentally friendly way to expand a real estate portfolio on any budget.

We teamed up with the experts at property listing site Estately to find nine tiny homes you can buy right now. From a mini-houseboat to a log cabin, any one of these could be yours. Читать дальше...


This city saw 26 opioid overdoses in less than 4 hours

AP/John Minchillo

HUNTINGTON, W.Va. — Officer Sean Brinegar arrived at the house first — “People are coming here and dying,” the 911 caller had said — and found a man and a woman panicking.

Two people were dead inside, they told him.

Brinegar, 25, has been on the force in this Appalachian city for less than three years, but as heroin use has surged, he has seen more than his fair share of overdoses.

So last Monday, he grabbed a double pack of naloxone from his gear bag and headed inside. Читать дальше...


Israel lashes back at UN envoy for 'distorting history' of settlements

AP/Tsafrir Abayov

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel on Tuesday said remarks by the U.N. Mideast envoy "distort history" after he declared that Israel's settlement-building is a main obstacle to peace with the Palestinians.

The spat drew new attention to Israeli settlement construction in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, which has continued to move forward during a more than two-year freeze in Mideast peace efforts.

The Palestinians seek both areas as part of a future independent state... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Изменение климата обойдется человечеству в 35 трлн долларов в год

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии социально-экономического потенциала территорий России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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