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Новости за 07.08.2016


Former nuclear missile officer: Trump can't be trusted with nukes

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Wednesday morning on his television show, Joe Scarborough claimed he had spoken to a foreign policy expert who had been advising Donald Trump.

During the course of that conversation, Scarborough said the expert told him Trump had asked three times why the president couldn’t use nuclear weapons.

In response to the uproar that followed Scarborough’s comments, John Noonan, a former nuclear missile officer (and former adviser to Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush)... Читать дальше...


One industry could get a $100 billion boost from the rise of driverless cars and car-sharing

Kim Kyung Hoon/Reuters

Imagine not having to say no to a drink anymore because you have to drive home.

That would be great for liquor sales, which have been hit hard by drunk-driving laws in countries like China and Scotland, according to a research note by Morgan Stanley's Adam Jonas and his team.

Drinking and driving should, of course, always be mutually exclusive, but the rise of car-sharing services and the development of driverless cars could shake things up.

Uber... Читать дальше...


After a rough week, Trump to focus on policy, beating Clinton

REUTERS/Eric Thayer

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will outline proposals for trade, taxes and regulation on Monday as he seeks to move beyond a week of discord and contrast his ideas for economic growth with those of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Senior aides and supporters said on Sunday the businessman, making his first run at public office, wanted to put behind him his disputes with Republican Party leaders and the parents of a Muslim American soldier killed in Iraq. Читать дальше...


8 signs you're on track for retirement, even if it doesn't feel like it

Cameron Spencer / Staff / Getty Images

You feel like you're a diligent saver, and are doing all you can to ensure you have a comfortable retirement. But how do you know if you're doing things right? It's hard to predict how much money you'll need, and it seems impossible to know if you're on the right track when retirement is years or even decades away.

Thankfully, there are some easy ways to tell if your retirement planning is sound. If your portfolio has most or all of these characteristics... Читать дальше...


9 things that make changing a tire much, much easier


Flat tires are no fun. And with advancements in tire technology, they happen less frequently than they once did. In fact, some tires don't even need to be changed if they blowout — they can "run flat" for a short period of time.

Still, flats and blowouts do occur, and most motorists dread the next step: Changing the tire. A lot of people will actually sit in their car, with the flat unattended to, call a roadside-assistance service, and wait for a pro to do the dirty work. Читать дальше...


Murder suicide claims Pennsylvania family of 5

Flickr/Picture Perfect Pose

The five people who died in a murder suicide in Pennsylvania over the weekend were identified as two parents and their three children, all of whom were shot to death, a local district attorney said on Sunday.

The parents in the incident that took place in Sinking Spring, some 60 miles east of the state capital Harrisburg, were identified as Mark and Megan Short. The three children were not named, the Berks County District Attorney's office said in an official Facebook post. Читать дальше...


More than a million people just marched through Turkey's capital to show support for the President

Umit Bektas/Reuters

More than a million Turks gathered in Istanbul on Sunday for a rally called by President Tayyip Erdogan to denounce a failed coup - a show of strength staged in the face of Western criticism of widespread purges and detentions.

The "Democracy and Martyrs' Rally" at the Yenikapi parade ground, built into the sea on the southern edge of Istanbul's peninsula, marks the climax of three weeks of nightly demonstrations by Erdogan's supporters, many wrapped in the red Turkish flag, in squares around the country. Читать дальше...


Here's why Google’s parent company wants to treat disease with zaps of electricity

Flickr/NIH Image Gallery

Verily has its hands in a lot of projects. 

The life sciences company has been developing glucose-monitoring contact lenses, and it makes silverware that makes it easier for people with hand tremors to eat. Along the way, Verily has partnered with some of the biggest names in pharma in everything from diabetes care to a surgical robot spin-out company. 

Its latest endeavor? A joint venture with British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, called Galvani Bioelectronics... Читать дальше...


31 things you should remove from your résumé immediately

Rick Wilking/Reuters

On average, hiring managers get 75 résumés per position they post, according to a study from CareerBuilder.com — so they don't have the time or resources to look at each one closely, and they typically spend about six seconds on their initial "fit/no fit" decision.

If you want to pass that test, you need to have some solid qualifications — and the perfect résumé to highlight them.

Here are 31 things you should never include on your résumé.

Vivian... Читать дальше...


Here's the biggest problem with 'Suicide Squad,' and how it could've been fixed

Clay Enos/Warner Bros

Warning: "Suicide Squad" spoilers ahead.

The Joker is not just one of the best comic-book characters ever created. He also happens to be box-office gold.

Jack Nicholson's Joker helped pave the way for the success of "The Dark Knight." I will never forget seeing Tim Burton's "Batman" in theaters in 1989 and the audience clapping when Nicholson said his famous line: "Wait till they get a load of me." He was a villain you rooted for.

Heath Ledger... Читать дальше...


Hedge funds have done a terrible job at picking stocks this year

Steve Bardens / Stringer / Getty Images

Hedge funds are not doing too hot in 2016.

Performance metrics took a hit through the first six months of the year.

Hedge fund tracker Eurekahedge found the industry netted a $5.2 billion performance loss through the first six months of the year.

That has led to some tough consequences, including redemptions and calls for the industry's demise.

If you want one chart that sums up the reasons for the decline, Driehaus Capital Management has you covered. Читать дальше...


This one statistic will give Wall Street stock pickers nightmares

Warner Bros.

There's a big shift underway in the money-management business.

Passive funds, which track indexes, are vacuuming up assets, picking up 72% of all inflows in 2015, according to a survey by Casey Quirk by Deloitte and McLagan.

That's right: They garnered $7 of every $10 invested in funds in 2015.

That statistic is the most frightening number in the world right now for actively managed funds, which are run by stock pickers and bond managers.

"The asset... Читать дальше...


WHERE ARE THEY NOW? The 'Fierce Five' US women's gymnastics team that won gold at the 2012 London Olympics

Jamie Squire/Getty Images

On Sunday, the US women's gymnastics team will begin their quest to repeat as Olympic champions in the team all-around event.

The bar has been set high in Rio for team USA, thanks to the incredible performance of the "Fierce Five" during the 2012 Olympics in London.

In addition to winning the gold in the team competition, the five gymnasts combined to win four medals in the individual events, including two gold.

Below we look back at the "Fierce Five" and see what they are up to today. Читать дальше...


Two guys in a Connecticut jail cell helped change the way America does drugs

Nish242/Wikimedia Commons

George Jung is one of America's most well-known drug dealers, having been immortalized in the Johnny Depp film "Blow."

But in 1974, he was a relatively low-level drug smuggler; one who had just been sentenced to four years at the Federal Correctional Institute at Danbury, Connecticut, after being picked up with a car trunk full of marijuana in Chicago.

Danbury, in Jung's words, was a "very mellow, laid-back place." But it was also a place where, "You... Читать дальше...


Brexit was nothing compared to what's coming

Reuters/Adwit B Pramono/Antara Foto

The last two months alone have seen Britain leaving the European Union, terror attacks, cop killings, Deutsche Bank nearly collapsing, the German long term interest rates set at negative, to name a few.

But over the next couple of years, it’s going to get a whole lot worse. As economies worsen, there will be more social unrest, more angry people, and crazier politicians. Somebody will try to come along on a white horse to save us all, but she usually makes it worse. Читать дальше...


UK opens corruption probe into Airbus jet sales


Britain's Serious Fraud Office has launched a formal investigation into suspected fraud, bribery and corruption in connection with commercial plane sales by Airbus, parent company Airbus Group <AIR.PA> said on Sunday.

A UK government agency this year suspended the issue of export credits to Airbus, citing discrepancies in declarations by the plane maker on the use of third-party intermediaries during jet sale negotiations.

The agency, UK Export Finance, had said it was referring the discrepancies to the SFO... Читать дальше...


One of the biggest jails in the US hired a special-ops contractor to train its guards — and it's set off a debate on prison violence

Associated Press/Bebeto Matthews

New York City's biggest jail hired a special-operations group for $1.2 million to train corrections officers in tactical techniques and weapons on the heels of major push to curb the number of use-of-force incidents at the jail.  

The contractor in question, the Virginia-based US Corrections Special Operations Group (US C-SOG), has been stationed at Rikers Island since May, training the jail's nearly 200 Emergency Services Unit (ESU) officers in tactical techniques... Читать дальше...


China's Google has a plan to bring augmented reality to the masses

Reuters/Albert Gea

The Chinese Internet giant Baidu has announced a new AR platform that will allow people to make use of the technology from within many of the company’s own apps.

The system, called DuSee, is claimed to make use of "sophisticated computer vision and deep learning" to “understand the 3-D environment, and create virtual objects that have rich interactions with the user and the real world.”

The platform seems to sit somewhere between basic AR systems, like those used in Pokémon Go... Читать дальше...


I took the first step to living like a minimalist and it felt surprisingly unsatisfying

Facebook/Marie "Konmari" Kondo

There's a difference between being organized and living tidy.

The former is a good quality to have, the latter is a lifestyle choice called minimalism, a practice that extols living with less possessions. I'm an organizer and always have been — but I'm also a pack rat, which is a minimalist's foil.

Minimalism is a visually-appealing — albeit mentally-perplexing — trend. While it feels good to have possessions and own things, minimalists say it feels even better to own very few things... Читать дальше...


A hot finance startup led by a former JPMorgan high-flier has put together a dream team of hires

Business Insider/Oscar Williams-Grut

Digital Asset Holdings, the buzzy blockchain startup run by former JPMorgan executive Blythe Masters, has assembled a dream team of new hires.

The firm is building out its senior team with eight high-profile hires spread across New York, London, and Frankfurt.

Among the new hires are:

  • Carol Mathis has joined as CFO. She previously served as COO and CFO at RBS.
  • Josh Varsano joined as chief human resources officer. He... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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