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Новости за 06.08.2016


Mike Pence, who swore off mudslinging years ago, is now Donald Trump's damage-control guy

REUTERS/Carlo Allegri/File Photo

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - If Mike Pence had any doubts about what life would be like on the 2016 Republican presidential ticket with Donald Trump, the past week will have erased them: He is the damage control guy.

The Indiana governor who swore off political mudslinging years ago heard Trump call Democratic rival Hillary Clinton "the devil" and watched him fan the flames of a feud with the parents of a Muslim soldier who died saving U.S. troops in Iraq. Читать дальше...


Ecuador says tourists are afraid to return to the country after a devastating earthquake


NEW YORK (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Almost four months after a devastating earthquake hit Ecuador, a leading government minister has appealed to tourists to return to the financially-struggling Andean country.

Nearly 700 people were killed and about 6,200 injured on April 16 in the strongest earthquake to hit Ecuador in almost four decades, leaving about 8,650 people living in government shelters, according to government figures. 

Maria Duarte... Читать дальше...


10 'bad' habits that aren't always as bad as you think

Jim McCluskey/Flickr

Here's the thing about bad habits.

Many of them can hurt you when taken to the extreme. But in small doses, those same "bad" habits can be part of a healthy lifestyle.

As in, you don't want to live like a total slob — but a desk in slight disarray could make you more creative. Who knew?

Below, we've rounded up 10 supposedly negative behaviors that can — contrary to what your mom, your teacher, and your know-it-all coworker said —  be good for you. Читать дальше...


Olympic rowers blasted the 'horrific' and 'unrowable' conditions after the Serbian boat capsized

NBC Olympics

Serbian rowers Milos Vasic and Nenad Benik got a taste of the Rio water on the first day of the Olympic regatta Saturday.

In an unusual moment, the duo's boat capsized, tossing them into the water. According to the Associated Press, it's the first time a boat has capsized in the Olympics since Athens in 2004.

While rowers usually have to cross the finish line to complete the race, officials gave the Serbian team an exemption, pulling them into their boat and allowing... Читать дальше...


The world's biggest hedge fund thinks the next radical change in central-bank policy is almost upon us

Bridgewater Associates

The world's biggest hedge fund thinks that the next radical change in central-bank policy is almost upon us.

Bridgewater Associates sent a note to clients on Wednesday written by Greg Jensen, Jason Rotenberg, and Jeff Amato. Jensen is Bridgewater's co-CIO and former co-CEO.

The note said that central-bank policies up until now — such as dropping interest rates and quantitative easing — haven't boosted economies enough. Policy makers need to try something radical... Читать дальше...


Airbnb is now worth $30 billion

Kimberly White/Getty Images for Fortune

Airbnb is raising massive new round of funding that values the company at $30 billion.

That makes it the second-most-valuable US tech startup after Uber, which investors have valued around $68 billion.

Bloomberg reports that Airbnb is raising an $850 million round, bringing its total to $3.2 billion. Investors in the round have not been revealed.

The home-sharing company has been experimenting with new business areas. Earlier this week... Читать дальше...


The biggest difference between your purebred from a breeder and a mutt from a shelter has little to do with the dogs themselves

Ben Pruchnie / Staff / Getty Images

Dogs are big business.

In "The Dog Merchants: Inside the Big Business of Breeders, Pet Stores, and Rescuers," Kim Kavin delves into the business of buying, selling, and rescuing dogs, which she estimates is worth about $11 billion annually worldwide.

If you love dogs, the dogs-as-business approach might be hard to swallow. How could your furry family member be bought, marketed, and sold as a product? How could anyone buy a "puppy mill" dog from a pet store ... Читать дальше...


Hungarian swimmer's intensely energetic husband went bonkers watching his wife narrowly miss a world record


Hungarian swimmer Katinka Hosszu narrowly missed setting a new world record in the 400-meter individual medley during the prelims on Saturday afternoon in Rio, and as she raced against the clock her husband went absolutely bananas in the stands.

Hosszu entered the freestyle leg of the race three seconds ahead of the current world record. As she swam, NBC cut to Shane Tusup, her husband and coach. 

How's this for spousal support: 

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Tim Kaine taught Democrats not to fear the NRA

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

When Tim Kaine was running successfully for governor in 2005, he headed out to Hardy, Virginia, an unincorporated community near the Blue Ridge Mountains, to blast clays with fellow skeet shooters. Kaine had come up in politics as the mayor of Richmond, and he was eager for rural voters to see that he was no gun-grabber, and was in fact handy with a shotgun himself.

He told a handful of reporters and spectators that tagged along, “I’m committed to protecting... Читать дальше...


12 hobbies that look great on your résumé, and one that doesn't

Flickr / Ellen Munro

As the traditional career advice goes, you usually shouldn't include your hobbies on your résumé because they take up valuable space and waste the precious few seconds a recruiter spends skimming through your history.

But in some situations, they can actually add value to your résumé and help you stand out in a good way.

If you're looking for an internship at a company like Google, for example, one previous intern says hiring managers want to see interesting personal details on your résumé. Читать дальше...


Whole Foods still has some brand magic left (NASDAQ:WFM, NYSE:KR)


Whole Foods Market has been testing investors' patience for some time now. The company just reported its fourth straight decline in same-stores sales, and the stock is down more than 50% from its all-time high a few years ago.

But even as the company has struggled to adapt to new competition, there's at least one sign that the brand continues to flourish. New store openings continue to draw crowds in a way rivals like Kroger just can't compete with.

Last week, the company opened its second store in Brooklyn... Читать дальше...


​Zika has reached the US mainland — here's how bad experts say it could get

Alan Diaz/AP

Zika virus has finally made its way to the US mainland, and the virus is now spreading locally in Miami. That means people are getting the virus from American mosquitoes, not just ones that have bitten them while they're abroad.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has even warned pregnant women not to travel to the Miami neighborhood where local cases have been detected.

That may sound scary, but it's not a surprise. Experts expected that the virus would start circulating in Florida. Читать дальше...


The Porsche 911 is a great car — but its cupholders are pathetic

Matthew DeBord/BI

We recently borrowed a Porsche 911 Targa 4S, and I greatly enjoyed spending a weekend in what I consider to be the perfect car driving from the New Jersey suburbs to Lime Rock Park to watch the IMSA WeatherTech Northeast Grand Prix, in which Porsches were racing.

The 911 is a masterpiece of German automotive engineering: Introduced in 1963, it's been steadily improved for over 50 years. If you want a great sports car, you really need to look no further.

This... Читать дальше...


The demand for 'transcendental eating' is growing across the world

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

In today’s ever expanding world of gastro-tourism, the discussion of meals, restaurant venues and menu items has become something of a hobby for many people – with Trip Advisor, Yelp and Zomato filled with dining tales from both near and afar.

The rise of dedicated food blogs, gastronomic YouTube channels, and Instagram pages, along with the dramatic increase in new eateries across major cities and the suburbs has meant “foodie-ism” is now something that many people can buy into. Читать дальше...


One thing is keeping the restaurant industry from falling apart

The restaurant industry is facing dire straits.

Labor costs, one of the biggest expenses for the industry, are on a steady rise. Sales are declining, and companies are resorting to discounts and incentives to get customers in the door.

Despite all this bad news, one thing is keeping the business afloat: Food is cheap.

NOW WATCH: Scientists just collected a mysterious 'purple orb' at the bottom of the ocean, but no one could anticipate what happened next


Every character in 'Suicide Squad,' ranked

Warner Bros.

It’s time to finally see “Suicide Squad,” one of the most anticipated movies of the summer. But we have to warn you, there are a lot of characters to digest.

From some that show up for what seems like seconds, to others that are on-screen for way too long, and one we wish we could have seen more (we’re talking to you, Panda Man), the latest DC Comics movie throws a lot at you in two hours (don't get us started with all the music queues).

Here we break down all the characters and rank them from worst to best. Читать дальше...


American manufacturing isn't dead — it's just not where you think it is

Reutesr/Mike Blake

America has been de-industrializing for decades, as manufacturing becomes automated and moves to cheaper offshore locations. Meanwhile, a growing chorus of economists believe the United States economy has entered an era of ongoing stagnation and is no longer nearly as innovative as it once was.

But a report released Thursday by the Brookings Institution finds that what it calls advanced industries—which span the sectors of advanced technology services, advanced manufacturing... Читать дальше...


The Ringo Starr of precious metals is probably not worth investing in

Thomson Reuters

Investors have been flooding into precious metals.

The price of gold is up 28 percent in 2016, and the price of silver has increased 47 percent. One of the most popular gold ETFs, the SPDR Gold Shares Trust (GLD), has seen assets increase by 28 percent, or by more than US$20 billion, this year alone.

Regular Truewealth readers know precious metals are widely considered “safe havens” for investors – a form of insurance when financial markets go through periods of big uncertainty. Читать дальше...


French gymnast suffered a horrific leg injury that could be heard throughout the arena

Rebecca Blackwell/AP

French gymnast Samir Ait Said suffered a gruesome leg injury during his vault attempt in the men's gymnastics qualifier on Saturday. 


When Said landed, his left leg snapped in the wrong direction. Several people in attendance said on Twitter that you could hear the snap in the arena.

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Oh, no! A loud snap just echoed... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Цветение березы началось в столице

Путин в России и мире

Строители мостов и дорог удостоены государственных наград

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не собирается проводить в Белоруссии мобилизацию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фёдор Шаляпин

В театре имени Шаляпина в Петербурге восстановят исторические лестницы


Подмосковные врачи помогли пострадавшему в ДТП с девятью переломами

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