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Новости за 30.08.2016


Here's the latest on the federal investigation into Tesla's first fatal Autopilot crash (TSLA)

William Wei, Business Insider

Tesla got some extra time to get its ducks in a row for a federal investigation into the first known fatality while a Tesla was driving in Autopilot.

A Tesla Model S was involved in the first known fatal crash while Autopilot was activated May 7, prompting two separate government investigations — a preliminary evaluation of Tesla's Autopilot system by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and a homicide investigation by the Florida Highway Patrol. Читать дальше...


Democrats troll North Carolina's governor after he replaced state posters with pictures of himself

Democratic Governor's Association

Democrats are mocking North Carolina Republican Gov. Pat McCrory over his apparent decision to replace generic posters at a state building with pictures that show the his accomplishments.

Last week, the Raleigh Agenda reported that McCrory's office replaced photos in a state administrative building from movies shot in North Carolina, such as "The Hunger Games."

In their place are posters touting the governor's own policy positions and accomplishments... Читать дальше...


Like 'reality television': Bridgewater employees spend over an hour each week watching each other's meetings

Bridgewater Associates

Every week, employees at the world's largest hedge fund spend at least an hour with "management principles training" lessons (MPTs), where they analyze recordings of meetings and answer questions about what they observed.

Bridgewater Associates founder Ray Dalio implemented this process around 10 years ago as a way to further instill his unique management insights into his growing firm, which now has $150 billion in assets under management and 1,700 employees in its Westport, Connecticut offices. Читать дальше...


The 20-minute travel workout you can take anywhere

Joe Daunt/Chloe Pantazi

While you can carve a tantalizingly toned body in less than a half hour, we’re here to tell you what you likely already know: To reap the rewards—increased calorie burn, strength, power, blissful endorphin high—truncated workouts must be insanely intense. So, we asked a team of Equinox trainers and group fitness instructors what they would do if they were given just 20 minutes to have at it. Here is the latest in the series.

The Pro: Courtney Corbeille, professional dancer for the NHL’s Dallas Stars... Читать дальше...


Meet the power players who really run $69 billion Uber


Travis Kalanick may be the public face of Uber, but he hasn't built the company by himself. 

Like any chief executive, Kalanick leans heavily on his team and direct reports to manage all parts of the business, from people operations internally to putting out regulatory fires externally. 

As Uber faces challenges on all fronts in 2016, here's who is leading the charge internally to make transportation "as reliable as running water."

Jeff Jones is Uber's new president of ridesharing. Читать дальше...


Why some people get the symptoms of a hangover after being in social situations

Raelene Gutierrez/flickr

After too much time cooped up with too many people, your head starts to buzz, your brain sort of hurts (or appears to stop working entirely), your heart pounds, maybe your palms sweat.

Are you having a panic attack? Have you had a few too many cocktails?

Nope, according to IntrovertDear's Shawna Courter, you just might be suffering an 'introvert hangover.'

In the reassuring post, Courter describes her own experiences with the unpleasant aftereffects of too much socializing... Читать дальше...


Tim Tebow worked out in front of 42 MLB scouts, and the results were very mixed

Brynn Anderson/AP

Former Heisman Trophy winner and aspiring professional baseball player Tim Tebow worked out in front of 42 MLB scouts on Tuesday in California, where he took batting practice, shagged fly balls, and more.

The results were fairly average. 

Tebow, who played for four NFL teams between 2010 and 2015 and struggled with throwing the football, announced earlier this month that he was transitioning from football to baseball. The 29-year-old hasn't played organized baseball since high school. Читать дальше...


Midtown Manhattan has a ton of empty office space


By now the headlines are familiar: Tenant X is heading Downtown or Tenant Y is taking space on the Far West Side.

But what’s often left out of the headlines is that those tenants are leaving behind giant blocks of office space elsewhere. And, more often than not, those empty sites are located in Midtown.

While Midtown has been losing its competitive edge for some time, the slippage has accelerated in the last few years as new office supply has come on the market in other... Читать дальше...


REPORT: Department of Defense employees rang up over $1 million in casino and strip club charges with no serious repercussions

Erik de Castro/Reuters

Department of Defense personnel racked up over $1 million in casino and "adult entertainment" charges on their Pentagon-approved cards, according to a new report from the department's inspector general.

Defense Department personnel charged the government for 900 "adult entertainment transactions," totaling $96,576, and 4,437 casino transactions, totaling $952,258.

The report also says the department did not take "appropriate action" over the misuse of the cards. Читать дальше...


A tropical storm might be headed for the East Coast

NOAA/National Hurricane Center

Forecasters expect a tropical cyclone that's brewing in the Gulf of Mexico to soon gain enough strength to be named as a tropical storm.

For now weather experts are calling it "tropical depression nine," or TD9, which means it can blow sustained winds up to 38 mph for at least a minute.

TD9 first appeared on Sunday, Aug. 28, near Havana, Cuba, and has moved west into the Gulf's warm waters ever since.

Most computer models predict TD9 will... Читать дальше...


We visited one of New York City's first marijuana dispensaries — take a look inside

Columbia Care

New Yorkers will soon have an easier time getting their hands on legal marijuana, thanks to several new policies announced this week.

Under the new regulations, patients too ill to travel can have their cannabis delivered, and nurse practitioners may now certify patients for access to the drug. The state may also double the number of companies allowed to operate dispensaries, from five to 10. 

Earlier this year, we toured one of the first medical marijuana dispensaries to open doors in New York. Читать дальше...


The F-35 could come equipped with weaponized lasers

US Marine Corps Photo

The Marine Corps is working toward the day when it could equip an F-35B joint strike fighter with a directed energy weapon, a top service official said Aug. 30.

Putting a laser on board an F-35 is “absolutely,” something the Marine Corps would be interested in, said Lt. Gen. Robert Walsh, commanding general of Marine Corps Combat Development Command and deputy commandant of combat development and integration.

To get to that point, the service would start by putting the system on a KC-130... Читать дальше...


California just passed a bill that would've ensured Brock Turner served 3 years in prison

Santa Clara Sheriff's Office

California lawmakers, responding to outrage over the six-month jail term given to a former Stanford University swimmer after his conviction for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman, passed legislation on Monday closing a loophole that allowed the sentence.

The bill now goes to Democratic Governor Jerry Brown for his approval. He has not indicated whether he will sign it into law.

The measure was introduced in response to the sentence given to... Читать дальше...


5 languages that are hard to master, but will pay off forever

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

Being able to speak different languages is a coveted skill. It doesn't come easy to everyone, however.

I've observed friends and family members learning Italian, Japanese, Spanish, German, Greek, French, and Irish Gaelic.

Still, according to Gallup, only one in four Americans can hold a conversation in a language other than English.

Personally, I'm definitely not in that skilled 25% of the US population. I... Читать дальше...


These are the personality tests you take to get a job at the world's largest hedge fund

REUTERS/Ruben Sprich

Bridgewater Associates, with $150 billion in assets under management, is not only the world's biggest hedge fund.

It's also a highly ambitious, 1,700-person management experiment. And to get a job there, you have to undergo an intensive examination of your psyche.

Ray Dalio founded Bridgewater in 1975 out of his apartment, and throughout the '80s he laid the foundation of a corporate culture based on "radical transparency." This culminated in "Principles," his manifesto of 210 management insights... Читать дальше...


How to make the most of your small-business loan

Getty Images

It's a great feeling to receive a small-business loan. It can open the door to new growth opportunities and keep you a step ahead of the competition. But you need to consider your long-term goals and immediate financial needs to be sure you are spending that money wisely. Here's how to put your business loan to good use.

1. Purchase new equipment

Many manufacturing, distribution, or R&D companies — as well as other businesses — can gain significant financial benefits from installing new equipment. Читать дальше...


A company that searches for Bigfoot is trying to raise $15 million

Flickr/Wayne Parrack

You will soon have another chance to invest in finding Bigfoot.

Bigfoot Project Investments filed for a public offering of stock on Tuesday, offering 20 million shares at $0.75 per share.

The company specializes in finding and documenting proof of the creature known as Bigfoot, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

"Bigfoot Project Investments Inc., plans to establish itself as the most reliable and dependable source for materials including documentaries... Читать дальше...


Snapchat deleted its Facebook page after forgetting it had one (FB)


Snapchat has unpublished its official Facebook Page. Snapchat declined to comment as to why the page is no longer available, but a person close to the company told VentureBeat that the main reason was simply due to the lack of use.

As Snapchat continues to grow and plow ahead, there is increasing scrutiny on competition from its larger social giant, Facebook, and the duo's relationship. But this quiet move is unlikely to change anything between the two — the reality is Snapchat didn’t use its Facebook page much. Читать дальше...


After helping Hillary Clinton, Meg Whitman says she'll help 'rebuild' the Republican Party

Tom Pennington/Getty

Billionaire Meg Whitman, who has been a major fund-raising force in the Republican Party for eons, is putting her might behind her new candidate, Hillary Clinton.

On Tuesday, Whitman was in Denver delivering her first speech for the Democratic nominee.

Whitman is the CEO of Hewlett Packard Enterprise who once campaigned to be governor of California. During the primaries, the lifelong Republican was the national finance chairwoman of Gov. Chris Christie's campaign. Читать дальше...


7 robots that could replace humans in the kitchen

Business Insider

Momentum Machines/The University of Pennsylvania

From China's robotic waiters to the world's first robotic lettuce farm, robots are only becoming more advanced. And robots are not only waiting tables and manning farms, but making food in the kitchen too. 

They might even take over chef and food service jobs in the future.

Here are seven of the most sophisticated robots that can make meals, including burgers, sushi, and pizza.

The Foxbot slices perfect noodles faster than humans. Читать дальше...


A man who went from his last few hundred dollars to earning $250,000 a year explains how his view of wealth has changed along the way

Courtesy of Johnny FD, via Facebook

In 2008, Johnny FD left behind a soul-sucking 9-5 in California to move to Thailand.

He quickly picked up scuba diving and spent the next few years going from zero dives to nearly 1,000, traveling the world teaching diving and searching for the perfect place.

Until he decided that wasn't enough. "I realized I no longer wanted to be the dive guy working at the resort," he told Business Insider. "I wanted to be the guest. I told myself I didn't... Читать дальше...


The CEO of a successful startup shares 5 research-backed ways he boosts his productivity

Flickr/Heisenberg Media

As the CEO of a fast-growing startup, and in my capacity as a self-employed consultant to many businesses, my biggest struggle is with productivity.

Often, at the end of a "very busy" day, a quick analysis of my work shows that I've been unable to get anything tangible done.

Research shows that I’m not alone, and productivity is a major struggle we all deal with.

According to research by Gallup, an alarming 70% of American employees are not working to their full potential. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Результативность, вовлечённость, трудоголизм — где грань? Книга от автора российской модели факторов вовлечённости персонала.

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

VII Всебелорусское народное собрание: основные заявления Александра Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Запрещено в служении проводившему панихиду по Навальному священнику

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Старшая дочь Оксаны Самойловой и Джигана призналась, боялась ли она развода родителей


Синхронистка Гелена Топилина провела мастер-класс в Химках

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