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Новости за 12.08.2016


What does George Soros want for his 86th birthday? A new CIO

REUTERS/Bernadett Szabo

George Soros' chief investment officer Ted Burdick is stepping down just eight months after being promoted to the role, according to Bloomberg News.Burdick will remain at Soros Fund Management, running a credit portfolio, Katherine Burton and Katia Porzecanski reported.

The fund is searching for Burdick's replacement and will most likely hire from an external firm, according to a person familiar with the matter who spoke with Business Insider.

Burdick's... Читать дальше...


A beer hotel is opening in California

Facebook/Stone Brewing/Hamann Companies

Beer travel is a real thing.

With events like The Great American Beer Festival, which attracted 60,000 attendees last year, popular beer trails popping up from Colorado to Virginia, and the rise of cities like Bend, Oregon, a small town with 22 breweries, more and more people around the US are tailoring their travels around local brews.

San Diego-based Stone Brewing, the 10th largest craft brewer in the US, is cashing in on this trend by opening up a hotel. Читать дальше...


TECH IPOS & PRANK CALLS: What you need to know on Wall Street right now

Thomson Reuters

Finance Insider is Business Insider's summary of the top stories of the past 24 hours.

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The tech IPO market is primed for a resurgence in September after a historically sluggish start to the year.

At least three software companies that have filed for initial public offerings confidentially could make their intentions public later this month, with plans to debut in September. Читать дальше...


We tried Burger King's infamous new 'Whopperrito' — here's the verdict

Hollis Johnson

Burger King has unleashed yet another polarizing menu item.

Following in the hallowed steps of the beloved Chicken Fries, the infuriatingly good Angry Whopper, and the horrifying Mac n' Cheetos is: the Whopperrito.

"We know Tex-Mex is growing a lot ... and there are not that many national chains that sell burritos," company president Alex Macedo told Business Insider's Hayley Peterson.

It began as a test item in franchises in Ohio and Pennsylvania, garnering... Читать дальше...


Ryan Lochte 'guarantees' Michael Phelps won’t retire

Clive Rose/Getty

Rio has been huge for Michael Phelps: So far, he's gone four-for-four in his races, winning his 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd career gold medals. But there's one question on everyone's mind: Will Phelps retire after the Rio games?

Phelps says that he will, Fox Sports reports. But his longtime friend, teammate, and rival Ryan Lochte doesn't think so. 

In an interview with NBC's Matt Lauer today, Lochte said he planned to compete in Tokyo — and that he believes Phelps will, too. Читать дальше...


My father worked 130 hours a week and it destroyed our family

Flickr / Pabak Sarkar

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is in the news again, talking about the relationship between the length of the workweek to company performance, stating that in her opinion Google's success can largely be attributed to the insanely long hours early employees worked.

Of course, Mayer is no stranger to controversy when it comes to statements and actions regarding work-life balance. She generated controversy early in her tenure by banning remote work while building a nursery adjacent to her office. Читать дальше...


US-led forces executed the largest single airstrike of the year against ISIS' oil business

Screenshot via Guerrilla TV/YouTube

In one fell swoop, a series of aerial strafing and bombing runs destroyed 83 oil tankers belonging to ISIS forces in Syria.

USA TODAY reports that after a pilot witnessed a gaggle of vehicles in the oil-rich, ISIS-held region of Deir ez-Zor province, US-led coalition forces sent a surveillance aircraft to provide intelligence on the area. After confirming the targets, A-10s and F-16s were scrambled to dispense more than 80 munitions against the vehicles. Читать дальше...


China has been making 'under appreciated progress' on fixing its banks, but has a long way to go

REUTERS/Toru Hanai

China’s banking sector has been making unexpected progress towards dealing with its credit problem.

UBS conducted an analysis of 765 banks in China, and found that “contrary to market perception, bank capitalisation and bailouts have begun.” Put simply, China has started bailing out its banks.

UBS estimates that between 2013 and 2015, China’s banking sector disposed of somewhere between 1.65 and 1.8 trillion yuan ($248 to $270 billion) of bad loans and raised 620 billion yuan in capital ... Читать дальше...


Here's what Simone Biles eats before and after she competes

Associated Press

Olympic champion Simone Biles works up a pretty big appetite stomping her competition. (In Rio, she's already won gold medals in the team competition and the individual all-around.) And after each meet, Biles recently told ABC News, she refuels with one delicious meal:

Pepperoni pizza. 

“It doesn’t even matter if I don’t win a self-gold, after every meet I have pizza. Pepperoni pizza,” she said.

While she's preparing for competition, however, Biles' diet is a bit less greasy and cheesy. Читать дальше...


These are the top fintech deals in Southeast Asia


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence "Fintech Briefing" subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Fintech funding grew 197% year-over-year (YoY) in the region to reach $41.5 million in Q2 2016, according to Tech in Asia.

And while that pales in comparison to the $5.75 billion raised in the rest of Asia, one country is raking in considerable capital — Singapore alone accounted for over three quarters of the region's funding, half of the deals, and three of the top five deals by value. Читать дальше...


Jerry Seinfeld says he turned down a chance to bring 'Seinfeld' back


Jerry Seinfeld isn't interested in bringing back his hit 1990s comedy "Seinfeld" — even for just one episode.

The Hollywood Reporter asked the comedian in a new interview if he'd bring back the show, and he said no, but he did mention that he had been given the opportunity to do so.

"We did have an offer — I won't say who from — to do a new, live episode of 'Seinfeld' on TV," he said.

When the reporter asked if he considered the offer at all, Seinfeld emphatically answered... Читать дальше...


A Muslim woman is suing Chicago after officers arrested her thinking she was a potential 'lone wolf' terrorist

Thomson Reuters

A Muslim woman filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Chicago and six of its officers on Thursday because of an incident last year in which she said her civil rights were violated.

The complaint says the woman, Itemid Al-Matar, was walking up the stairs from a train station on July 4, 2015, when she was "grabbed" by several officers, who "threw her down upon the stair landing" and then began "pulling at her and ripping off her hijab."

Al-Matar further claimed... Читать дальше...


I hung around with hackers for a week, and now I'm completely paranoid


I was somewhere around the Paris Hotel on the edge of the Las Vegas Strip when the paranoia began to take hold.

I glanced down at my phone. Sitting in a talk by Lavabit CEO Ladar Levison, I noticed my Wi-Fi was left turned on, though it wasn't connected to a network.

Was someone sniffing my phone's data? Could I have been hacked?

I quickly turned it off and put it back in my pocket.

This is what it's like to attend Def Con, the world's largest hacker conference... Читать дальше...


Donald Glover is reportedly the first choice to play young Lando in a new 'Star Wars'

Getty, Lucasfilm

Shortly after the news broke on Thursday that the Han Solo standalone movie is looking to cast a young Lando Calrissian, we now have our first report of an actor who could play the part.

"Community" star Donald Glover is the first choice for the role, according to Birth Movies Death.

The actor will star next in the FX series "Atlanta," and is set to star in "Spider-Man: Homecoming."

The Birth Movies Death story states that it's unknown if an offer has been sent out to Glover's camp yet... Читать дальше...


Adidas will open an automated, robot-staffed factory next year (ADS)


This story was delivered to BI Intelligence IoT Briefing subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here.

Adidas announced on Wednesday that it will be opening a factory in Atlanta in 2017 where shoes will be produced entirely by robots, according to Engadget.

In a press release the company outlined how the factory, dubbed the Speedfactory, will allow the company to manufacture shoes faster while bringing that production closer to US consumers.

The Speedfactory... Читать дальше...


The number of American babies born addicted to opioids has tripled in 15 years

Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

The number of babies being born in the United States addicted to opioids has tripled in a 15-year stretch, according to a government report published Thursday.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in its most recent Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that the findings, based on hospital data, are likely underestimates of the true problem and point to an urgent need for public health efforts to help pregnant women deal with addiction.

The... Читать дальше...


Rio organizers fixed a hole in the velodrome bike track with duct tape and cardboard


The Rio Olympics have been filled with problematic examples of how the best materials aren't readily available at all times. Case in point, racing organizers fixed a hole in the track at the Olympic velodrome with some cardboard and duct tape.

After Dutch cyclist Joost van der Burg crashed during Thursday team sprint event, he left a sizable hole in the track. Pressed for time, organizers covered up the hole with duct tape and cardboard.

RAW Embed

According to The Independent... Читать дальше...


Mexico's presidential family is involved in more controversial property dealings — and his approval rating has plummeted

G20 Australia/Patrick Hamilton/AP

Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto's family has again come under scrutiny for its property dealings, this time for the first lady's use of a luxury property in Florida owned by a company reportedly vying for government contracts in Mexico.

According to a report by The Guardian, Angelica Rivera, the president's wife, has been using two units in Ocean Tower One, a gated community in Key Biscayne.

One of the units was purchased by Rivera in 2005... Читать дальше...


The new Air Force chief is sick and tired of Russia’s aerial antics

Thomson Reuters

All is not “pretty darn good” to Air Force Gen. David Goldfein.

The new Air Force Chief of Staff is a month into his command and is already known for “straight talk” to his airmen and the reporters who cover him.

This time, the decorated combat pilot had some strong words for Russia’s air force after several instances of dangerous fly-bys and aerial close encounters.

“I will tell you I am concerned, very concerned about recent Russian behavior in a couple... Читать дальше...


Having friends at work might be more important than you realized

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

They say people don't leave jobs, they leave bosses. Most everyone can talk about a manager who effectively made their workday a living nightmare.

Now, new research suggests it's not just managers — our coworkers in general have the potential to make or break our work experience.

The research methodology itself is fascinating. For the second year in a row, career services site Monster and social intelligence company... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: москвичей 7 мая ждет аномально холодная погода

Путин в России и мире

Ушаков: Путин и Пашинян расставят точки на «и»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья отказался от должности и попросил защиты у Лукашенко. Он обвинил Варшаву в нечестной политике

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Сергей Брановицкий

Композитор Классической музыки Сергей Брановицкий представляет произведения классической музыки.


«МК»: известный банкир Филипьев найден мертвым в московской квартире

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