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Новости за 05.03.2016


Amazon just reversed a controversial decision that would have made Fire tablets less secure (AMZN)

David Ryder/Getty Images

Amazon's decision to remove on-device encryption for its Fire tablets came under fire last week, after the updates were made public on Thursday.

Now, just a day after the controversial update, Amazon has backtracked and announced that it will bring back disk encryption on its Fire tablets.

According to a report by Engadget on Friday evening, Amazon will restore encryption to Fire OS 5, the latest version of operating system that powers Fire tablets, in a new update coming this spring. Читать дальше...


Amazon just reversed a controversial decision that would have made Fire tablets less secure (AMZN)

David Ryder/Getty Images

Amazon's decision to remove on-device encryption for its Fire tablets came under fire last week, after the updates were made public on Thursday.

Now, just a day after the controversial update, Amazon has backtracked and announced that it will bring back disk encryption on its Fire tablets.

According to a report by Engadget on Friday evening, Amazon will restore encryption to Fire OS 5, the latest version of operating system that powers Fire tablets, in a new update coming this spring. Читать дальше...


US: ISIS is losing, fight against them 'going to accelerate'


Islamic State is losing a battle against forces arraigned against if from many sides in Iraq and Syria and the focus would turn to stabilizing cities seized back from them, the US envoy to a coalition fighting the group said on Saturday.

Addressing a press conference in Baghdad, US official Brett McGurk declined to put a timeline on when the group would be defeated or when Mosul and Raqqa, the main cities under its control in Iraq and Syria respectively, would be retaken.

... Читать дальше...


US: ISIS is losing, fight against them 'going to accelerate'


Islamic State is losing a battle against forces arraigned against if from many sides in Iraq and Syria and the focus would turn to stabilizing cities seized back from them, the US envoy to a coalition fighting the group said on Saturday.

Addressing a press conference in Baghdad, US official Brett McGurk declined to put a timeline on when the group would be defeated or when Mosul and Raqqa, the main cities under its control in Iraq and Syria respectively, would be retaken.

... Читать дальше...


25 tough interview questions you'll hope you never have to answer

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

Getting thrown off by a hard interview question can be frustrating. But hiring managers toss curveballs all the time.

They ask difficult questions because they want to see whether you can think on your feet and how you behave under pressure, among other things. And how you answer these queries can make or break your chances of landing the job.

To find out some of the toughest questions employers have asked, career... Читать дальше...


4 reasons all your best employees are leaving

Jason Lee/Reuters

It’s time to face facts: As business leaders, we’re failing our employees.

A 2015 LinkedIn survey revealed that the No. 1 reason employees leave their company is because of a lack of career advancement opportunities.

Fifty-nine percent of job-switchers did so because the new workplace had a stronger career path.

Continuing to ignore employees’ aspirations affects recruitment, retention, engagement and the overall success of the organization.

And... Читать дальше...


All the events surrounding Valeant's stock collapse (vrx)

Valeant Pharmaceuticals is hitting another rough patch.

After a mostly quiet January, the former stock market darling has been hit by news of SEC investigations, questions about its business model, and a delay of its earnings.

Here's a timeline of what's happened to Valeant's shares over the past six months:

Andy Kiersz/Business Insider

September 21: Hillary Clinton tweets about price gouging, and the whole biotech market slumps.
Percent change in stock from prior day's close... Читать дальше...


4 reasons all your best employees are leaving

Jason Lee/Reuters

It’s time to face facts: As business leaders, we’re failing our employees.

A 2015 LinkedIn survey revealed that the No. 1 reason employees leave their company is because of a lack of career advancement opportunities.

Fifty-nine percent of job-switchers did so because the new workplace had a stronger career path.

Continuing to ignore employees’ aspirations affects recruitment, retention, engagement and the overall success of the organization. And unless... Читать дальше...


25 tough interview questions you'll hope you never have to answer

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

Getting thrown off by a hard interview question can be frustrating. But hiring managers toss curveballs all the time.

They ask difficult questions because they want to see whether you can think on your feet and how you behave under pressure, among other things. And how you answer these queries can make or break your chances of landing the job.

To find out some of the toughest questions employers have asked, career... Читать дальше...


A star Wall Street banker who breaks the mold reveals her 3 pieces of advice for aspiring entrepreneurs

Getty/Angela Weiss

When Morgan Stanley's Carla Harris offers up advice, you definitely want to listen.

Harris is the vice chairman for global wealth management and a senior client advisor for Morgan Stanley.

A former mergers and acquisitions and equity capital markets banker, she's landed some major deals over the years, including the initial public offerings of UPS and Martha Stewart Living. In 2013, President Obama appointed her to chair the National Women's Business Council. Читать дальше...


Taliban says will not take part in Afghan peace talks

Thomson Reuters

The Taliban said on Saturday it would not take part in peace talks brokered by a four-way group including representatives of Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, and the United States.

The Taliban, ousted from power in a U.S.-led military intervention in 2001, has been waging a violent insurgency to try to topple the Western-backed Afghan government and reestablish a fundamentalist Islamic regime.

Following a meeting of the so-called Quadrilateral Coordination Group... Читать дальше...


FIFA just made 'a really historic decision'

AP Photo/Rob Harris

Soccer's rule-makers on Saturday approved in-game trials with video assistance for referees as Gianni Infantino used the start of his FIFA presidency to push innovation in the sport.

Initially tests will be in private before moving to a live pilot phase with replay-assistance by the 2017-18 season at the latest, the International Football Association Board's annual meeting decided.

IFAB will have to approve all trials, with 13 leagues or associations already expressing an interest in hosting trials. Читать дальше...


This is the most bizarre movie-set story ever — from an actor in mysterious director Terrence Malick's new 'Knight of Cups'

Broad Green Pictures

For over 40 years, director Terrence Malick has been one of the most genius and elusive talents in the movie business.

His films can best be described as esoteric fever dreams portraying a person's exploration of life, from adolescence in "Tree of Life" to enduring the madness of war in "The Thin Red Line."

What makes him and his work even more mysterious is that he refuses to do interviews and shies away from public events. In fact, when he’s been nominated for Oscars... Читать дальше...


HEDGE FUND MANAGER: There are lots of Gordon Gekkos on Wall Street, and that needs to change

Flickr/ Richter Frank-Jurgen

Value investor Guy Spier, a Warren Buffett disciple and founder of Zurich-based Aquamarine Fund, said that he might have served the world a lot better had he studied something else in school.

"I think that I might have served the world a lot better if I had gone and done engineering because I would have ended up maybe making something," Spier said, "And instead all I do is manipulate claims of society."

Speaking to a room of students at the MIT Sloan Investment Conference on Friday... Читать дальше...


The frontrunners are looking to break out on Super Saturday

Thomson Reuters

Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton each look to strengthen their front-runner status when five states hold presidential nominating races on Saturday, as Trump tries to weather a barrage of blistering attacks from his party's establishment.

Trump, the controversial New York billionaire who has opened a substantial lead in delegates over his presidential rivals, will be vying to rack up more wins in Republican contests in Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana and Maine. Читать дальше...


What I wish I knew when I was 22

Flickr/Leo Hidalgo

First off, you might wonder how I could reach you from the future. I can't tell you that. Stop asking.

Second, don't believe anything in this letter. This is not an advice letter. You don't need any advice from me.

After 22, you have some very happy moments and some very unhappy moments. Surprise!

I can tell you that there are three key things to being a calm, pleasant person:

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Экология в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)


Виктория Боня показала новую прическу с нарощенными волосами за миллион рублей

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