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Новости за 05.03.2016


13 major differences between successful and unsuccessful people

Courtesy of Dave Kerpen

In 2014, Dave Kerpen, chief executive of Likeable Local and author of "The Art of People," received a postcard that illustrated the traits and behaviors of successful and unsuccessful people.

The card came from fellow Entrepreneurs' Organization member Andy Bailey, the chief executive of Petra Coach, a business-coaching service. Although the two CEOs have never met, Kerpen said in a 2014 LinkedIn post that the postcard has had a profound effect on him, "reinforcing... Читать дальше...


The Wolves of Wall Street are everywhere

The Market for Financial Adviser Misconduct

There are more wolves on Wall Street than you might realize.

In a paper published February 26, academics Mark Egan, Gregor Matvos, and Amit Seru looked at conduct records for financial advisers.

They point out that while a number of highly publicized scandals (think: "The Wolf of Wall Street") have rocked the industry, the full scale of misconduct has not been "systematically documented."

Their study, they argue, is "the first... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump's rivals are about to be tested in another cluster of elections

Benjamin Krain/Getty Images

Another group of primaries and caucuses on Saturday will provide the first test for Donald Trump's GOP rivals to try and halt his momentum after the "Super Tuesday" elections earlier this week.

Three states are hosting Republican caucuses Saturday morning and afternoon: Kansas, Kentucky, and Maine. Another state, Louisiana, is holding a traditional primary election all day.

Last Tuesday, Trump dominated in a swath of elections across country, only losing three states to Sen. Читать дальше...


The best shows to binge-watch right now according to TV stars


Stars are, in fact, a lot like us — which includes sitting on their couches and endlessly consuming new TV shows they heard were great.

Celebrities haven't escaped this new national pastime. And who would expect them to? According to a recent TiVo survey, about nine out of 10 people are regularly binge-viewing at least three episodes of a program in one sitting.

TV and film stars often count themselves among the biggest entertainment fans out there. Not only that, but... Читать дальше...


NASA is developing a supersonic jet that could change the way we travel

NASA just announced it is currently developing a supersonic jet intended for commercial use. It will feature "boom reduction" technology to lessen the impact of the sonic boom heard from the ground when the aircraft flies overhead. 

Due to the noise created by the sonic boom, supersonic commercial air travel has been banned since 1971.

Produced by Graham Flanagan and Jessica Orwig

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The 20 richest people in sports

Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images

Yet again Michael Jordan is one of the richest people in sports, and enjoying his second year as a billionaire on Forbes' latest list of "The World's Billionaires."

But Jordan still has a ways to go to catch Steve Ballmer, the richest person in sports, with an estimated net worth of $23.7 billion.

Ballmer has shaken up the sports world since his decision to purchase the Los Angeles Clippers, both with the mind-blowing $2 billion purchase price... Читать дальше...


The week the Republican Party imploded


One of the most tumultuous weeks in recent Republican Party history ended with a sort of détente.

Sen. Ted Cruz has painted GOP frontrunner Donald Trump as a liberal who will work with the Republican Party's most vehement Democratic enemies in Congress. Sen. Marco Rubio has labeled Trump, over and over again, as a "con man."

Yet, when pressed at Thursday's debate, both senators said they'd support Trump if he ends up as the Republican nominee — a scenario that grows more and more likely by the day. Читать дальше...


14 of the most unusual sports played around the world

Darren Staples/Reuters

Many sports, such as baseball and volleyball, are known around the world. But not many people know about the more unusual sports — like toe wrestling, for example. 

Although they may seem bizarre, some of these sports are taken pretty seriously. Some odd sports, such as Wife Carrying, even have World Championships.

These sports may be strange and hard to believe, but that's what makes them so great and hilarious. 

Below are some of the most unusual sports from around the world. Читать дальше...


Shocking footage shows the moment police overran Turkey's largest newspaper using tear gas and water cannons

Osman Orsal/Reuters

Police dressed in riot gear seized the headquarters of Turkey's highest-circulation newspaper in a midnight raid Saturday, in arguably the biggest blow yet to press freedom in President Recep Erdogan's Turkey.

The government takeover of Today's Zaman was evidently in response to Erdogan's perception of the paper as a front for the Gülen movement — a social movement led by the Turkish scholar and preacher Fethullah Gülen that is openly critical of Erdogan's government. Читать дальше...


The best thing about working at Facebook, according to someone who left and came back (GOOG)


Facebook gives its employees a lot of sweet perks.

But what makes Facebook a unique place to work isn't its vibrant campuses or cushy salaries. It's the sheer, insane scale of how many people use its product around the world. 

That's according to John Hegeman, director of engineering for advertising delivery, ecommerce, and analytics. 

Hegeman is behind which ads you see when you're scrolling through your Facebook News Feed, because he oversees the online auction... Читать дальше...


Xerox CEO Ursula Burns explains the problem with a corporate culture that's too nice

Kimberly White/Getty Images

When Xerox's executive team met in 2014 to discuss the proposed sale of its information technology outsourcing (ITO) business to the French company Atos, everyone expressed agreement that it was the financially savvy decision, CEO Ursula Burns told journalist Adam Bryant at the New York Times New Work Summit on Tuesday.

"But you'd walk out and I'd have more people trying to kill this thing than you can imagine, without discussing it out loud," Burns said. Читать дальше...


What happened to the settlers the Japanese army abandoned in China

Getty Images

71 years ago, thousands of Japanese settlers—mostly women and children—found themselves trapped in an area then known as Manchuria, or Manchukuo, the name of the puppet state the Japanese military established in 1931.

Abandoned by their army, 80,000 Japanese civilians died in northeast China, roughly equal to the number who perished after the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the city of Nagasaki.

Now, in a small northeast China town named Fangzheng, their memory lives in a one-of-a-kind... Читать дальше...


Hedge funds are betting against Saudi Arabia's currency

Reuters/Ali Jarekji

Betting against the Saudi currency: The world’s reserve currency of choice, used heavily if not almost exclusively for Middle Eastern oil trading, is in short supply, says a leading regional bank, as a change in the regional currency peg could benefit hedge funds.

National Bank of Abu Dhabi says “there is a dollar shortage”

Alex Thursby, CEO of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi PJSC, the United Arab Emirates’ largest bank, says “there is a dollar shortage”... Читать дальше...


Jack Welch shares the one question all bosses should ask themselves

Brian Snyder/Getty Images

Over the past 15 years, I’ve held Q&A sessions with over a million people at more than a thousand events around the world.

In all but a handful of these events, people bring up their bosses – and vent about them. This topic comes up without fail, no matter where I am, or what industry or company I’m speaking to.

The troubles range from, "My boss is too difficult and demanding" to "My boss doesn’t really care about me, it’s all about her" to "I’ve... Читать дальше...


Eerie images of the remnants of America’s Space Race will give you chills

Roland Miller

Scattered around the US are the remnants of a space race from half a century ago.

Before it fell completely into disarray, Roland Miller decided to capture the ruins on camera.

In his book, "Abandoned in Place" (now available via the University of New Mexico Press and Amazon) Miller gives a glimpse of life in the areas left over from the missions that took us to the moon.

Here are some of the images featured in his book:

Miller's interest in the project started in the early 90s... Читать дальше...


13 Mexican fast-food chains that could be the next Chipotle

Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

Chipotle customers are having "menu fatigue." 

According to Deutsche Bank analysts, Chipotle lacks innovation in its menu, meaning that customers are becoming bored with its limited selections.

There are other fast-food competitors that are offering fresh, customizable options similar to Chipotle. 

Here are 14 chains with fun, unique menus that have potential to become the next Chipotle. 

Freebirds World Burrito

Instagram... Читать дальше...


Researchers discovered a surprising trait shared by the worst bosses

Sebastiaan ter Burg/Flickr

What's worse than coming into the office and knowing you'll be berated by your manager for your recent performance?

Showing up and not knowing how your manager will treat you.

That's according to a new study, published in The Academy of Management journal and highlighted on The Washington Post, which found that unpredictability in managers is even more deleterious to employees' health and well-being than consistent unfairness.

To test this phenomenon... Читать дальше...


An NYU professor explains why Donald Trump's media strategy is so effective

Benjamin Krain/Getty Images

After Super Tuesday, print and broadcast media have woken up to the very real possibility of President Donald J. Trump.

But they can’t seem to understand that their own decline is a major reason for his success. Win or lose, Trump has changed the face of media and politics alike. It’s a simple formula: new media + reality TV = new media reality.

In the United States, 88 percent of the population can get online. For the first time, there is a universal national medium that is interactive. Читать дальше...


An NYU professor explains why Donald Trump's media strategy is so effective

Benjamin Krain/Getty Images

After Super Tuesday, print and broadcast media have woken up to the very real possibility of President Donald J. Trump.

But they can’t seem to understand that their own decline is a major reason for his success. Win or lose, Trump has changed the face of media and politics alike. It’s a simple formula: new media + reality TV = new media reality.

In the United States, 88 percent of the population can get online. For the first time, there is a universal national medium that is interactive. Читать дальше...


How the Kardashians are tied to O.J. Simpson's infamous murder trial

Jason Merritt/Getty Images for InStyle

Before the Kardashian family had their own reality-TV show and fashion line, they were known for their close ties to O.J. Simpson and his slain ex-wife, Nicole Brown. 

Robert Kardashian, Kris Kardashian's ex-husband and the father of Kourteny, Kim, Khloé, and Rob, was close friends with Simpson when he was arrested and tried for the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman.

Robert Kardashian, who died in 2003, was an attorney and served... Читать дальше...


How the Kardashians are tied to OJ Simpson's infamous murder trial

Jason Merritt/Getty Images for InStyle

Before the Kardashian family had their own reality TV show and fashion line, they were known for their close ties to OJ Simpson and his murdered ex-wife Nicole Brown. 

Robert Kardashian, mother Kris' ex-husband and the father of Kourteny, Kim, Khloé, and Rob, was close friends with Simpson when he was arrested and tried for the murder of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman.

Robert Kardashian, who died in 2003, was an attorney and served on... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Как выбрать в Москве идеальный район для семейной жизни

Путин в России и мире

Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Нашёлся ещё один пострадавший от криминальных схем бывшего жениха Волочковой


Подмосковные врачи прооперировали мужчину с девятью переломами и психозом

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