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Новости за 18.08.2015

Washington Post 

FAA pins Saturday’s air travel debacle on glitch in new software

New software intended to speed jetliners to their destination is to blame for the debacle Saturday that tied East Coast air travel in knots, causing nearly 1,000 airline cancellations and delays, the Federal Aviation Administration said Tuesday.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Rosie O’Donnell says her teen daughter Chelsea is missing

chelsea and her dog bear — last seen in nyack ny — may be in NYC — please call 845-358-0206 or 911 pic.twitter.com/1jXbNxravZRosie O’Donnell’s 17-year-old daughter, Chelsea, is missing, and authorities in Nyack, N.Y., have been searching for her since Sunday, according to a statement posted Tuesday on the comedian’s Web site.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

The Fix: Meet the White House’s first transgender staffer

The White House has appointed its first openly transgender staff member. Raffi Freedman-Gurspan has been hired as an outreach and recruitment director for presidential personnel in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, LGBT groups and the White House said Tuesday.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Clinton tells Black Lives Matter activists to focus on ways to change policy, not ‘change hearts.’

Activists from the Black Lives Matter movement challenged Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton to answer for criminal justice policies pursued by her husband’s administration and for the legacy of white privilege -- but Clinton told them to look for ways to change policies rather than trying to "change hearts."Read full article >>

Washington Post 

For Mexicans, Trump’s bid is getting scarier

MEXICO CITY — If Donald Trump were president, he would have Mexico pay to build a wall along its 2,000-mile border to keep itself out.He’d block the billions of dollars that Mexicans illegally in the United States send home to their families. And prevent their children born in America from automatically becoming U.S. citizens.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Route 29 Batman is killed after his Batmobile breaks down in Maryland

The Batmobile pulled into a gas station Sunday night and, as usual, the children who spotted it gawked.Lenny B. Robinson was used to that. The Maryland man, better known as the Route 29 Batman, had for years dressed as the Caped Crusader and driven his custom-made car to deliver moments of happiness and distraction to hundreds of sick children at area hospitals.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Thai police looking for male suspect wearing backpack in rush-hour attack

Thai authorities intensified a manhunt Tuesday for a suspect spotted on security video carrying a suspicious backpack moments before a pipe bomb exploded, killing at least 20 people and striking at the heart of Thailand’s vital tourism industry.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

The Fix: Maybe Hillary Clinton just isn’t a very good candidate

Hillary Rodham Clinton pledged that her 2016 campaign would be better than her 2008 campaign. And it has been.She has hired the best and brightest of Democratic staffers. She has purposely downplayed her celebrity and has tried to personally connect with voters in Iowa and New Hampshire. She has focused on telling her personal story rather than trying to constantly answer the "is she tough enough to be commander in chief" question.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Watch Google’s new humanoid robot stomp around the woods like a drunk Iron Man

This is Atlas.Atlas is an “agile, anthropomorphic robot” (who apparently is also fond of alliteration). Atlas was created by Boston Dynamics, the Google-owned robotics company also famous for its speedy robotic cheetah and its swimming, snow-climbing BigDog. And recently, Atlas went for its first-ever walk in the woods.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Federal Eye: The federal government wants you to review it on Yelp

The federal government is officially encouraging the public to rate their experiences with the biggest, most frustrating bureaucracy to deal with in the country — just like they would review the new Thai restaurant down the street.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Fact Checker: Carson’s claim that Planned Parenthood targets blacks to ‘control that population’

“Well, maybe I’m not objective when it comes to Planned Parenthood. But you know, I know who Margaret Sanger is, and I know that she believed in eugenics, and that she was not particularly enamored with black people. And one of the reasons that you find most of their clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find way to control that population. And I think people should go back and read about Margaret Sanger, who founded this place — a woman who Hillary Clinton by the way says she admires. Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

As the U.S. pulls back, more Afghans descend into joblessness

KABUL — In a dusty corner of the Afghan capital, stinking of sewage and crammed with makeshift dwellings, families arrive every day in cargo trucks that dump their possessions in a heap. They are among 82,000 unregistered Afghan refugees who have been pushed out of neighboring Pakistan since January — along with about 150,000 workers deported from Iran over the same period — and many have come home to nothing. Read full article >>

Washington Post 

A human tide, idled in Afghanistan

KABUL — In a dusty corner of the Afghan capital, stinking of sewage and crammed with makeshift dwellings, families arrive every day in cargo trucks that dump their possessions in a heap. They are among 82,000 unregistered Afghan refugees who have been pushed out of neighboring Pakistan since January — along with about 150,000 workers deported from Iran over the same period — and many have come home to nothing. Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Trump driving migrant debate among GOP field

The ideas once languished at the edge of Republican politics, confined to think tanks and no-hope bills on Capitol Hill. To solve the problem of illegal immigration, truly drastic measures were necessary: Deport the undocumented en masse. Seize the money they try to send home. Deny citizenship to their U.S.-born children.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Where cat videos, already dominant on the Internet, also take over real life

ST. PAUL, Minn. — What a felicitous night! A legion of exultant fans lay on blankets in the outfield of CHS Field, while thousands more filled the stands, there to participate in one of this region’s grand summer pastimes. Not exactly the beloved state fair, but close.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Robinson: Hillary Clinton is her own worst enemy

This isn’t about whether Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination, which is likely. It isn’t even about whether she becomes our next president, which she has a better chance of doing than anyone else. It’s about basic respect — for us and for the truth.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Editorial: Donald Trump’s immigration plan would wreak havoc on U.S. society

REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL hopeful Donald Trump, who unveiled his immigration platform over the weekend, says America’s illegal immigrants “have to go.” Although the large majority of Americans don’t agree, Mr. Trump is appealing to a more sympathetic audience: the most conservative slice of the Republican primary electorate.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Humanitarian conditions worsen in Syria as more civilians killed

The top United Nations humanitarian official, making his first trip to Syria, said in Damascus on Monday that he was “absolutely horrified” at conditions there and “by the total disregard for civilian life by all parties.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

With the force of ‘Star Wars,’ Disney tightens grip on toy universe

Disney chief Bob Iger recently announced his media-and-merchandising juggernaut would soon be launching one of its biggest theme-park expansions in history: A “jaw-dropping new world,” sprawled across Disney’s parks in Florida and California, exploring the Big Mouse’s newly purchased mega-franchise, “Star Wars.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Sen. Bob Corker: Congress should reject the bad Iran deal

By passing the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act with enough votes to overcome a veto, Congress ensured that it would have the opportunity to review and vote on the nuclear agreement with Iran.Now that the Obama administration has reached what it believes to be an acceptable agreement, it is Congress’s responsibility to determine whether this agreement will be in our national interest, will make the United States safer and will prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapons program. I do not believe... Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

State Department flags 305 more Clinton e-mails for review

This post has been updated.A State Department official told a federal judge Monday that 305 more of former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton's e-mail messages have been flagged for further review by intelligence agencies, to see whether they contain classified material that should not be released to the public.Read full article >>

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Экология в России и мире

Опыт проведения Всероссийской акции «Вода России» представлен на межведомственном заседании в Ташкенте

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черноморья до 16 часов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Валерий Гергиев — о судьбе театров после объединения Мариинки и Большого


"До допроса дело не дошло": Главу Гагаузии досмотрели после возвращения из Москвы

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