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Новости за 04.08.2015

Washington Post 

Chelsea Clinton steps into the spotlight — on her own terms

Why do people care about Chelsea Clinton? Five years ago, all she wanted was a quiet wedding (of about 500 people). It required police barricades and a no-fly zone. Reporters chased her guests through the streets while savvy locals hawked Marc-and-Chelsea T-shirts and “I Do” pizzas. The Vera Wang dress, the gluten-free cake, the uninformed estimates of the event’s exorbitant cost — headlines for days.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

While airlines ban hunting trophy shipments, UPS says it won’t bow to controversy

Hunters and others looking to ship lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo heads and other big-game trophies across the world still have options available, even as Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and Air Canada announced this week that they will no longer allow such cargo on their planes.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

The Fix: How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding

The long-running calls for the federal government to cease all funding directed toward Planned Parenthood have once again come to the fore. This time, a congressional vote and debate took shape after an anti-abortion group secretly recorded a series of videos with the organization's medical officers and staff speaking dispassionately — some would say dismissively — about the work of extracting fetal tissue from aborted fetuses and and transferring it to research facilities.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Katie Ledecky breaks own world record in winning 1,500 gold

KAZAN, Russia — She wasn’t going to make it. She must have been too tired. In the end, it must have been simply too difficult a task. No shame in that. Fifty meters remained in the second heat of the women’s 200-meter freestyle semifinals, and nobody at Kazan Arena — not the screaming fans, not the Team USA members assembled to watch their most unbeatable teammate, not the international media horde that long ago ran out of superlatives for the phenom before them — would have blamed Katie Ledecky... Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

Family of Sandra Bland sues Texas trooper and county jail for wrongful death

The family of Sandra Bland filed suit Tuesday against a Texas state trooper who arrested her during a traffic stop days before she was found dead in a county jail.Bland, a 28-year-old African American woman, was pulled over by Brian Encinia on July 10 and was arrested after the routine traffic stop became confrontational. Her death in the Waller County jail was called a suicide by hanging after an initial autopsy. But her family and their supporters insist that Bland’s death should be investigated... Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

I was a picky eater, and now my kids are

I sat at my parents’ faux-wood kitchen table, alone except for the whoosh of the dishwasher and a Corelle plate containing a dreaded hunk of “London Broil.”Everyone else had left, their dinners finished, but I was to sit at that table until I ate that beef, which I remember as an unyielding brown wad, a sort of perversely meat-flavored chewing gum. “Just make sure they eat their meat,” a pediatrician had told my mother in the 1970s. Clearly, my parents had taken this advice to heart.Read full article... Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

Obama administration joins the push for diversity in Silicon Valley

The Obama administration Tuesday joined a push to increase diversity in the tech sector, announcing commitments by an array of venture capital investors and Silicon Valley firms to hire and promote more women and minorities.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Does early fatherhood lead to early death?

Could fatherhood literally kill you?Researchers have observed for a long time that men who have children at a young age tend to die earlier. But this finding has been mostly dismissed as a quirk of statistics, one that most researchers assumed could be explained by the fact that they were poorer, had less education or other socioeconomic factors  rather than the stresses of fatherhood itself.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

The Fix: Boy, was I wrong about Donald Trump. Here’s why.

Donald Trump is now doubling the rest of the Republican field in the average of the last five national polls. And polling out of early states like New Hampshire puts him in the pole position in those places too.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Wemple: Jon Stewart to Fox News: Just who’s the propagandist here, folks?

Over the weekend, Fox News media critic Howard Kurtz took a shot or two at soon-to-depart “Daily Show” host Jon Stewart. The hook for the discussion was the news that Stewart had paid some “secret” visits to the Obama White House at key moments. “Does this dent his halo a bit?” Kurtz asked Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik, who responded in part, “If you serve a politician’s ideological agenda, you are a propagandist.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Wonkblog: The definitive ranking of the best and worst months of the year

It's telling that Congress typically only does one sensible thing in a given year, and they do it in August: they take the entire month off. FDR's vice president John Nance Garner famously proclaimed "no good legislation ever comes out of Washington after June."Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Your kid’s picky eating may not be so harmless after all

Picky eating is such a common complaint among parents of young children that some physicians consider it a normal part of childhood development.As many as 20 percent of parents of preschoolers say they experience a familiar struggle: Child refuses to eat certain foods, parent engages in an attempt — not always successful —to force him or her to try it. Rinse and repeat.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Outrage and an officer: The anatomy of a Navy controversy after the Chattanooga attack

In the days after the attack on military facilities in Chattanooga, Tenn., last month, a complicated picture of what occurred began to emerge. Among the details: At least one service member, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White, opened fire on the shooter using a personally owned firearm before the shooter was killed by police.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Now swimmer Katie Ledecky is taking aim at 200-meter gold

KAZAN, Russia — About 23 hours had passed between Katie Ledecky’s world-record-setting swim Monday morning in the women’s 1,500-meter freestyle preliminaries and her prelim heat Tuesday in the 200-meter freestyle. The events represent the north and south poles of her program at the FINA World Swimming Championships — the former a nearly mile-long endurance race of 30 laps, the longest event in international pool swimming, and the latter a breakneck sprint of just four laps. Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Darren Wilson’s ‘very quiet life’ revealed in New Yorker profile

Ahead of the first anniversary of the day he shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., former police officer Darren Wilson has been interviewed for a lengthy New Yorker profile.In the profile, entitled “The Cop,” author Jake Halpern described Wilson’s “very quiet life” after Brown’s death and the subsequent protests that roiled Ferguson on-and-off for months: a life on “a nondescript dead-end street on the outskirts of St. Louis” filled with fears of death threats, dim prospects of a future in law enforcement... Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

The military operation in Gaza that still haunts Israel one year later

RAFAH, Gaza Strip — It all began at a hole in the ground in a field of melons, when an Israeli reconnaissance squad surprised Hamas militiamen near a tunnel entrance. A vicious firefight erupted, just a few bursts long, but enough to leave two Israeli soldiers and one Palestinian militant dead. Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Chris Wallace, moderator of the first GOP debate, plans ‘some doozies’

Chris Wallace tapped the black three-ring binder resting on the corner of his desk. “I’ve got some doozies in there,” he said, eyebrow raised provocatively.The unlabeled binder holds the veteran Fox News anchor’s questions for Thursday’s Republican primary debate, for which he will serve as a moderator. Clamped inside it are newspaper clippings, memos to his researcher and outlines of what the hodgepodge of presidential candidates vying to top the GOP field have been saying about the issues and about... Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

DHS deportation program meets with resistance

Philadelphia Mayor Michael A. Nutter scaled back cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security’s immigration-enforcement efforts in April 2014, accusing agents of aggressively targeting for deportation illegal immigrants who led otherwise law-abiding lives.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Charles Koch’s focus on ‘injustices’ is fueled by an unlikely partnership

DANA POINT, Calif. — Last month, billionaire industrialist and conservative donor Charles Koch was meeting in his Wichita office with Michael Lomax, president of the United Negro College Fund, when the conversation turned to the recent church massacre in Charleston, S.C.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Republican effort to strip Planned Parenthood funding stalls in Senate

Senate Democrats on Monday blocked a Republican-backed effort to end federal funding for Planned Parenthood following the release of undercover videos that raise questions about the practice of harvesting tissue from aborted fetuses for research.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Editorial: Despite shortcomings, Mr. Obama’s Clean Power Plan sets an important example

PRESIDENT OBAMA unveiled the final version of his signature climate change policy Monday, to aggressive attack and enthusiastic cheering. The cheering is on target: Mr. Obama’s Clean Power Plan will be the single largest action the country has taken to combat global warming. It sets an important example for other nations; draft rules on the table before Monday already had helped galvanize climate commitments from other major polluting nations. Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Suspect in Memphis cop killing surrenders

After an extensive manhunt, the man who allegedly shot and killed a police officer over the weekend has surrendered, authorities announced Monday evening.Police said 29-year-old convicted bank robber Tremaine Wilbourn shot officer Sean Bolton, who stopped a drug deal, on Saturday night and then fled. Bolton was rushed to a nearby hospital where he died from his injuries.Read full article >>

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Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье


ЦСКА и «Спартак» завершили безголевой ничьей первый тайм матча РПЛ

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