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Новости за 07.08.2015

Washington Post 

The Republican candidates idolize Reagan. But not one of them can match his style.

When it comes to aesthetics and public perception, the candidates seeking the Republican presidential nomination love nothing better than red ties, blue ties, boxy suits, tiny American-flag pins and regular invocations of Reagan, Reagan, Reagan. At the start of the first prime-time debate of this election season, the 10 top-polling candidates stood on stage — awkwardly, uncomfortably — for a group photo. It was a historic moment, in front of a record-setting TV audience, and all 10 looked as if they... Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

Balz: GOP debate contenders give Democrats reason to worry

CLEVELAND — Donald Trump may top the polls in the contest for the Republican presidential nomination, but Thursday’s debate was a reminder that the party has able rivals who eventually could take him down — and who also could mount a stiff challenge to Hillary Rodham Clinton in the general election.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Why Chuck Schumer isn’t actually going to kill the Iran deal

While much of the political world (and the rest of America, for that matter) was enthralled by the first Republican presidential debate Thursday night, close watchers of Congress and foreign policy were just as intrigued by a piece of simultaneously breaking news: Sen. Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) had come out against the Iran nuclear deal.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Frances Oldham Kelsey, FDA scientist who kept thalidomide off U.S. market, dies at 101

In the annals of modern medicine, it was a horror story of international scope: thousands of babies dead in the womb and at least 10,000 others in 46 countries born with severe deformities. Some of the children were missing limbs. Others had arms and legs that resembled a seal’s flippers. In many cases, eyes, ears and other organs and tissues failed to develop properly.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Robinson: The one reason Donald Trump was the clear winner of the first GOP debate

CLEVELANDIt was billed as The Donald Trump Show, and the Republican front-runner delivered. He mugged. He pouted. He projected outrage without being troubled by specificity or fact. When he got punched — and the moderators threw haymakers all night — he stuck out his chin and punched back.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

How Arby’s came to embrace Jon Stewart’s jabs — and even create a sandwich in his honor

If you’ve been a loyal watcher of “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart” in recent years, you know the show has been serving up a steady diet of jokes about Arby’s.“It’s like shock and awe for your bowels,” Stewart declared back in June. He’s also called it “the meal that’s a dare for your colon” and “the only food classified as a war crime.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

‘We are the tip of the spear’ that protects Israel, radical settlers say

YITZHAR, West Bank — This Jewish settlement of zealots on a stony hilltop has been branded by fellow Israelis as one of the most extreme in the West Bank, the vanguard of past violent confrontations with both the Israeli military and Palestinian neighbors.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Troops in Mali surround hotel after gunmen storm compound

Gunman in Mali stormed a hotel used by U.N. peacekeeping personnel Friday, initiating a standoff with troops in a nation facing escalating attacks by Islamist militants, a military official said.Security forces surrounded the hotel in Sevare, about 370 miles northeast of the capital Bamako, and exchanged gunfire with the attackers after an apparent attempt to seize hostages.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Politician reportedly leaked fake male prostitution emails to hide his real affair

A Michigan state representative distributed a fake e-mail that suggested he had sex with a male prostitute so he could hide his relationship with another Republican state representative who is also a home-school mom, according to the Detroit News. Both lawmakers are Christian conservatives who frequently refer to their faith.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

The Fix: Thursday’s debate was hugely entertaining. We learned almost nothing.

Thursday's inaugural 2016 GOP primary debate was much ado about not-quite-nothing.The so-called "Happy Hour" forum for the lesser candidates kind of spilled the secret more than three hours before the debate began. There was a lot of talk, just a little jazz, but not much in the way of campaign-altering substance.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Biggest Kabul blast in years kills 8, wounds hundreds

KABUL – Wali Khan, a laborer and father of eight, moved his family to Kabul several years ago because he thought it would be safer than his native Baghlan Province, where Taliban attacks were becoming frequent.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Milbank: In first debate, Republicans ditch the lessons of 2012

Maybe it’s time to exhume the body and have another look.Back in 2013, the Republican National Committee “autopsy” of the 2012 election concluded that to win future presidential elections Republicans would need to be more inclusive of women, be more tolerant on gay rights to gain favor with young voters, support comprehensive immigration reform to appeal to Latinos, and stand strong against “corporate malfeasance.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Wemple: Trump aide accuses Fox News and adviser of orchestrating a ‘setup’ against candidate

Last time Michael Cohen made headlines, he didn’t help his boss, real-estate mogul and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Executive vice president of the Trump Organization, Cohen has handled some media inquiries for Trump — and there have been many of those in the past two months. What vaulted Cohen to the front of the news cycle were his threats and mistaken comments to the Daily Beast, whose reporters, Tim Mak and Brandy Zadrozny, were preparing a story on a three-decade-old rape allegation against Trump from his wife. Читать дальше...

Washington Post 

Sen. Charles Schumer announces opposition to nuclear pact with Iran

Sen. Charles E. Schumer announced his opposition Thursday night to President Obama’s nuclear pact with Iran, becoming the most senior Democrat to break ranks with the administration.The likely next leader of Senate Democrats, Schumer (N.Y.) said his three-week reading of the proposal left him unconvinced. “There is a strong case that we are better off without an agreement than with one,” he said, referring to the nuclear pact.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Jon Stewart’s final ‘Daily Show’ recap: Correspondent reunion, Hillary Clinton and Bill O’Reilly cameos, Bruce Springsteen and more

On Thursday night Jon Stewart signed off “The Daily Show” for the final time in an hour packed with nostalgia and special guest stars. Here’s a recap of the emotional farewell.11:01 p.m.: “What’s up?!” Stewart starts as the audience won’t stop cheering. “This is it! This is the final episode! And what a night! What a big, big night.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Balz: The Donald is still on top — for the moment, at least

CLEVELAND — The first Republican debate of the 2016 campaign appeared to leave the nomination contest just as it was before.Donald Trump brought to Thursday’s debate the same sharp tongue and controversial style that has propelled him to the top of the polls in the Republican race. He was outspoken, bombastic and unapologetic. He did exactly what he has been doing up to now, and it hasn’t hurt him yet.Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Trump roils first debate among GOP contenders

CLEVELAND — Donald Trump landed on the Republican debate stage like a hand grenade here on Thursday night — serving notice that he may run as an independent if he does not get the party’s nomination, dismissing criticism of his insulting comments about women as “political correctness” and flatly calling the nation’s leaders “stupid.”Read full article >>

Washington Post 

The Fix: Winners and losers from the first Republican presidential debate

The top 10 Republicans running for their party's presidential nomination debated for the first time Thursday night in Cleveland. It was amazing in every sense of the word and I loved every minute of it. I jotted down some notes during the two-hour event -- I could have watched for at least another hour! -- and picked some of the winners and losers from the night.  Enjoy!Read full article >>

Washington Post 

Annotated transcript: The Aug. 6 GOP debate

Ten leading Republican candidates for president gathered in Cleveland for the first GOP debate on Aug. 6. This is a full transcript of the debate, which has been annotated using Genius.We have featured comments and insights from Washington Post reporters as well as readers. To see an annotation, click or tap the highlighted part of this transcript; if you would like to leave your own annotations, make sure you have a Genius account .Read full article >>

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Экология в России и мире

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Путин в России и мире

МИД РФ иронично прокомментировал высказывание Шольца о Путине и Канте

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Во Франции назвали бредом слова Зеленского про угрозу Путина Европе

Навальный в России и мире

Священнику, отпевавшего Навального, запретили носить рясу и крест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Оззи Осборн

Оззи Осборн во второй раз войдет в Зал славы рок-н-ролла


Мужчины стали в 2 раза активнее пользоваться маркетплейсами

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