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Новости за 07.08.2023

Times Union 

8-year-old Chicago girl fatally shot by man upset with kids making noise, witnesses say

An 8-year-old Chicago girl riding a scooter was fatally shot in the head. The Chicago Sun-Times reports witnesses say the gunman was upset over noise. The shooting happened Saturday night in Chicago’s Portage Park neighborhood. Police were at the suspect’s apartment building Sunday, interviewing people and collecting evidence. A neighbor, Megan Kelley, says the gunman complained about noise before shooting the girl. Police say the gunman was tackled by the girl’s father after the shooting and shot during a struggle. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

President Biden hosts Astros, says he can relate to Dusty Baker, oldest manager to win World Series

President Joe Biden says he can relate to Dusty Baker, the oldest manager to win the World Series. Baker was 73 when he guided the Houston Astros to the title last year. The team celebrated at the White House on Monday. Biden says people counted Baker out and said he was past his prime. Biden says he knows something about that. Biden was the oldest president ever elected, at age 77. Baker has been around the game for decades, winning a World Series as a player with the Los Angeles Dodgers. He finally... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Tesla CFO Zachary Kirkhorn steps down, but will remain with company through year's end

Tesla Chief Financial Officer Zachary Kirkhorn has left the company after 13 years with the the electric vehicle and solar panel maker. The Austin, Texas, company says he stepped down from the post on Friday but will stay with Tesla through the end of the year to “support a seamless transition.” The company says in a regulatory filing Monday that Vaibhav Taneja was named CFO, in addition to his current role as chief accounting officer. Kirkhorn has been CFO for the past four years and was a consistent... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Illinois to ban advertising for guns allegedly marketed to kids and militants

Illinois will soon outlaw advertising for firearms that officials determine produce a public safety threat or appeals to children, militants or others who might later use the weapons illegally. The move is part of the state's continued effort to curb mass shootings. Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker has pledged to sign the plan into law. Gun-rights advocates say it violates not only the constitutionally protected right to own firearms but free speech. Legislation developed by Attorney General Kwame Raoul... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

2 people are fatally shot on a fifth day of protests in the South African city of Cape Town

Two people have been fatally shot on a fifth day of violent protests in the South African city of Cape Town sparked by a dispute last week between minibus taxi drivers and authorities. Police say a person was killed and three others were wounded in a shooting Monday near the Cape Town International Airport after protesters pelted a car with stones and the driver responded by firing shots at them. A man died of multiple gunshot wounds in a separate shooting. The unrest on the outskirts of South Africa’s... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

People are losing more money to scammers than ever before. Here's how to keep yourself safe

Business for scammers is booming. The most recent Federal Trade Commission data from 2022 shows that reported consumer losses to fraud totaled $8.8 billion. That's a 30 percent increase from 2021. The biggest losses were to investment scams, including cryptocurrency schemes, which cost people more than $3.8 billion. Younger adults ages 20-29 reported losing money more often than older adults ages 70-79. But when older adults did lose money, they lost more. With the rise of the digital economy, scammers... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

More people are opting for early dinners since the pandemic, says OpenTable CEO Debby Soo

When OpenTable CEO Debby Soo joined the restaurant reservation company in 2020, the industry was struggling through the pandemic. These days, she is focused on growing the 25-year-old company, which was acquired by Amsterdam-based Booking Holdings in 2014. OpenTable manages reservations for 55,000 restaurants worldwide and seats more than 1 billion diners per year. Soo has noticed some shifts in dining trends over the years. For instance, there had been a surge of early dinner dining during the pandemic that still remains today... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Democrats see Michigan and Minnesota as guides for what to do with majority power

Democrats in Minnesota and Michigan who won full control of their state government have used their new power to enact sweeping policy changes that have been stalled for years. Michigan and Minnesota Democrats won full control of their state governments last year and have already been able to pass gun safety packages, expanded voting rights, free meals for all students, and increased protections for abortion rights and LGBTQ+ people. The swift legislative action is being viewed as a potential roadmap... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

3 killed after firefighting helicopters collide in midair in Southern California, officials say

Emergency officials say three people were killed after two firefighting helicopters collided in Southern California while fighting a blaze in Riverside County. One of the helicopters landed safely during the accident on Sunday. Cal Fire Southern Region Chief David Fulcher says the second helicopter crashed and all three people aboard perished, including a Cal Fire Division chief, a Cal Fire captain and a contract client pilot." He did not identify the victims. The crash caused an additional 4-acre fire, which was extinguished. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Troubled Toshiba announces buyout offer led by Japan businesses

Toshiba has announced a 2 trillion yen, or $14 billion, tender offer in a move that would take it private, as the scandal-tarnished Japanese electronics and energy giant seeks to turn itself around. The tender offer led by a buyout fund of major Japanese banks and companies called Japan Industrial Partners starts Tuesday and is priced at 4,620 yen, or about $32, a share. Chairperson Akihiro Watanabe asked shareholders to back the proposal, saying it is the only option for Toshiba Corp. to return to its former strength. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Trucking giant Yellow Corp. declares bankruptcy after years of financial struggles

Trucking company Yellow Corp. has declared bankruptcy after years of financial struggles and growing debt. It marks a significant shift for the U.S. transportation industry and shippers nationwide. The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filed Sunday arrives just three years after Yellow received $700 million in pandemic-era loans from the federal government. But the company was in financial trouble long before that. Industry analysts have pointed to poor management and strategic decisions dating back decades. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Saudi Arabian oil giant Aramco reports $30B in Q2 profits, down nearly 40% from last year

Saudi Arabia’s state-run oil giant Aramco made $30 billion in profit in the second quarter, a nearly 40% decline from the same period the previous year. It attributed the decline to lower crude oil prices. The company said Monday that total sales were about $106 billion, down from $150 billion in the second quarter of 2022. Aramco is one of the biggest companies in the world, and Saudi Arabia is looking to oil revenues to fund ambitious plans to overhaul its economy. The company reported a profit of over $160 billion in 2022... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Ex-Minneapolis officer faces sentencing on a state charge for his role in George Floyd's killing

The last former Minneapolis police officer to face sentencing in state court for his role in the killing of George Floyd is expected to learn Monday whether he’ll spend any additional time in prison. Tou Thao has said he merely served as a “human traffic cone” in 2020 when he held back the crowd as former Officer Derek Chauvin, who is white, knelt on Floyd’s neck for 9 1/2 minutes as the Black man pleaded for his life. Minnesota guidelines have recommended four years for Thao's conviction on an aiding and abetting manslaughter charge. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Attacks at US medical centers show why health care is one of the nation's most violent fields

Shootings and other attacks are increasing at hospitals across the U.S., contributing to health care becoming one of the nation's most violent fields. Numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show American health care workers are now far more likely to suffer nonfatal injuries by violence than workers in any other profession, including law enforcement. They racked up 73% of all such injuries in 2018, the most recent year for which figures are available. Hospitals have armed security officers with handguns, stun guns or batons. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Ohio election that revolves around abortion rights fueled by national groups, money

An Associated Press analysis of campaign finance data shows that supporters and opponents of a proposed constitutional amendment change in Ohio are largely funded by out-of-state donors, despite repeated messaging about the need to get such interests out of Ohio politics. National money, celebrities and influence are fueling much of the last-ditch campaigning and misinformation about the measure, known as Issue 1, on Tuesday’s ballot. It would raise the threshold to pass amendments to the Ohio Constitution from a simple majority to 60%. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Asian benchmarks mostly slip after Wall Street's losing week

Asian shares are trading mostly lower after U.S. employment data had Wall Street close out a losing week. Investors are also closely watching earnings reports due later this week, including from Disney in the U.S., Alibaba Group in China and Sony and SoftBank in Japan. Benchmarks fell in morning trading in Tokyo, Sydney, Seoul, Hong Kong and Shanghai. Although a strong job market is generally a positive sign for the economy, if wage growth is particularly strong, the U.S. Federal Reserve could see it as putting upward pressure on inflation. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

China releases TV documentary showcasing army's ability to attack Taiwan

China has released a new documentary about the army’s preparation to attack Taiwan and showcasing soldiers pledging to give up their lives if needed as Beijing continues to ramp up its rhetoric against the self-ruled island. “Chasing Dreams,” an eight-part docuseries aired by state broadcaster CCTV earlier this week to mark the People Liberation Army’s 96th anniversary, features military drills and testimonials by dozens of soldiers, of which several express their willingness to die in a potential attack against Taiwan. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

The future is uncertain for the United States after crashing out of the Women's World Cup

The once-dominant Americans crashed out of the Women’s World Cup on penalties after a scoreless draw with Sweden in the Round of 16. It was the earliest exit ever for the four-time tournament champions. The Americans struggled from the start of the World Cup. With the rest of the world catching up in skill and physical conditioning, the future of the team could look dramatically different. There's no guarantee that coach Vlatko Andonovski will continue with the team as it prepares for the next big tournament, the Olympics in France next year.

Times Union 

Dungeons & Dragons tells illustrators to stop using AI to generate artwork for fantasy franchise

The Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game franchise says it won’t allow artists to use artificial intelligence technology to draw its cast of sorcerers, druids and other characters and scenery. D&D art is supposed to be fanciful. But at least one ax-wielding giant seemed too weird for some fans, leading them to take to social media to question if it was human-made. Hasbro-owned D&D Beyond, which makes online tools and other companion content for the franchise, said it didn’t know until... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

California authorities capture suspects in break-ins at Lake Tahoe homes: a mama bear and three cubs

California authorities have captured four suspects in multiple break-ins at homes around South Lake Tahoe: a mama bear and three of her cubs. The Department of Fish and Wildlife says DNA has confirmed the large female black bear and her three little accomplices were responsible for at least 21 instances of property damage since 2022. Officials say the mother bear and her babies were “safely immobilized” on Friday. 64F, who was outfitted with a tracking device earlier this year, is one of three adult... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Животных для Красной книги Москвы выберет нейросеть

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Comedy Club вернулся с 20-м сезоном после шутки о закрытии


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