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Новости за 18.05.2023

Times Union 

Supreme Court avoids ruling on law shielding internet companies from being sued for what users post

The Supreme Court has sided with Google, Twitter and Facebook in lawsuits seeking to hold them liable for terrorist attacks. But the justices sidestepped the big issue hovering over the cases — namely the federal law that shields social media companies from being sued over content posted by others. The justices unanimously rejected a lawsuit alleging that the companies allowed their platforms to be used to aid and abet an attack at a Turkish nightclub in 2017. In the case of an American college student... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

False claims of a stolen election thrive unchecked on Twitter even as Musk promises otherwise

Election falsehoods are thriving on Twitter after former President Donald Trump dug in on those claims during a recent CNN town hall. That's going on despite Twitter owner Elon Musk insisting that stolen-election claims on the platform “will be corrected.” An analysis for The Associated Press shows the 10 most widely shared tweets promoting a “rigged election” narrative in the five days after the town hall have not been labeled or removed. Tech accountability experts say monitoring content on such a large scale is difficult. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Judge rejects lawsuit by Nantucket residents to block wind turbines, protect right whales

A federal judge has rejected a lawsuit brought by Nantucket residents who argue that the planned construction of dozens of wind turbines off the affluent resort island would threaten the survival of endangered Northern Atlantic right whales. Nantucket Residents Against Turbines said Vineyard Wind’s proposed project of some 62 turbines in waters south of the island would disrupt a crucial foraging and nursing area for the dwindling right whale population. Researchers estimate the species numbers only about 340. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Videos show purported ivory-billed woodpeckers as US moves toward extinction decision

New video and photographs purporting to show ivory-billed woodpeckers flying in a Louisiana forest have been published by researchers. The grainy images published Thursday comes as government officials said they will make a final decision on whether the birds are extinct by the end of the year. Several experts said it adds to prior indications of the woodpecker's survival, but others dismissed the new research. There have been multiple reported sightings over decades. None fully resolved doubt, and... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Takeaways of AP's report on Chinese loans pushing poor countries to brink of collapse

A dozen poor countries are facing economic instability and even collapse because of a common, undeniable factor: their struggle to pay back hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign loans, much of them from the world’s biggest and most unforgiving government lender, China. An Associated Press analysis of the countries most indebted to China -- including Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia and Laos — found the debt is consuming an ever-greater amount of revenue needed to provide even basic services. And it's... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

China's loans pushing world’s poorest countries to brink of collapse

A dozen poor countries are facing economic instability and even collapse under the weight of hundreds of billions of dollars in foreign loans, much of them from the world’s biggest and most unforgiving government lender, China. An Associated Press analysis of a dozen countries most indebted to China — including Pakistan, Kenya, Zambia and Mongolia — found payments on the debt are consuming an ever-greater amount of the tax revenue needed to provide basic services. And it’s draining foreign currency... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

UK telecom company BT plans to shed up to 55,000 jobs, replace some with AI

U.K. telecom company BT Group plans to shed up to 55,000 jobs by the end of the decade and replace some of them with artificial intelligence. BT has 130,000 workers including both staff and contractors. The company said in its latest earnings report Thursday that the number would be reduced to between 75,000 and 90,000 by 2030. The CEO of the former state monopoly previously known as British Telecom said BT wants to rely on a "much smaller workforce and a significantly reduced cost base.” Tech and... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Here are the restrictions on transgender people that are moving forward in US statehouses

Hundreds of measures targeting transgender people have been proposed in statehouses this year, and several have moved forward this week. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed a ban on gender-affirming care for minors along with restrictions on transgender people as he appears to approach a presidential bid. Missouri and Nebraska proposals are poised for action as well, and could add to the list of at least 17 states that have enacted laws restricting or banning gender affirming care for minors. Meanwhile... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Asian stocks follow Wall St higher on hopes for US debt deal

Asian stock markets have followed Wall Street higher on hopes U.S. political leaders can reach agreement to avoid a potentially disastrous default on government debt. Shanghai, Tokyo, Hong Kong and Sydney advanced. Oil prices edged lower. Wall Street rallied after President Joe Biden expressed confidence “America will not default” despite lack of agreement between Republicans and Democrats in Congress on raising the total amount the government is allowed to borrow. Speaker Kevin McCarthy of the House... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Surf's up! Florida's St. George Island beach named nation's best in annual ranking

A 9-mile stretch of Florida sugar-white sand in an unspoiled natural setting alongside the Gulf of Mexico is the nation’s best beach for 2023. That's according to an annual ranking released by a university professor known as “Dr. Beach.” The state park on St. George Island just off the Florida Panhandle drew the top honor Thursday from Stephen Leatherman, professor in the Department of Earth & Environment at Florida International University. This year’s top 10 list marks the 33rd year Leatherman has rated America’s beaches. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Montana se convierte en 1er estado de EEUU en prohibir TikTok

HELENA, Montana, EE.UU. (AP) — Montana se convirtió el miércoles en el primer estado de Estados Unidos en prohibir por completo TikTok, luego de que el gobernador Greg Gianforte firmó una medida de mayor alcance que los intentos de cualquier otra entidad para restringir la app de redes sociales, la cual es propiedad de una compañía china.

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Times Union 

Florida judge rejects attempt by Tiger Woods' ex-girlfriend to throw out nondisclosure agreement

A Florida judge has sided with superstar golfer Tiger Woods in a legal dispute with his ex-girlfriend. Judge Elizabeth Metzger rejected late Wednesday an attempt by Erica Herman to throw out her nondisclosure agreement with Woods. Metzger called Herman's allegation that was a victim of sexual harassment “vague and threadbare.” She also said that Herman's questioning if whether she actually signed the agreement is also something that should be decided by the arbitrator. Herman has been suing Woods and the trust that owns his Florida mansion... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Spread of abortion restrictions in South puts pressure on Virginia

As more Southern states pass new restrictions on abortion, Virginia is poised to become an outlier in the region for its relatively permissive laws. That could set up Virginia as a destination for women seeking abortions and raise questions about providers’ capacity to meet demand. South Carolina is among the last bastions in the region for those seeking legal abortions, but that status could end soon. Access would be almost entirely banned after about six weeks of pregnancy under a bill expected... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Texas Legislature OKs ban on gender-affirming care for minors

Texas would soon become the largest state to ban gender-affirming care for minors under a bill now headed to Republican Gov. Greg Abbott. The bill cleared the GOP-controlled Legislature on Wednesday after a final vote in the Senate over the objections of Democrats. Texas is now poised to join at least 17 other states that have enacted similar bans. Abbott has previously ordered child welfare officials to investigate gender-affirming treatment as abuse. The investigations were later halted by a Texas judge. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

FACT FOCUS: Videos of empty store aisles are unrelated to Florida’s immigration bill

A sweeping immigration bill recently signed into law by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is sparking fears of deserted workplaces – and barren grocery shelves. The new law, set to take effect in July, will require businesses with more than 25 staffers to verify that their employees can legally work in the U.S. through a federal system, among other restrictions. Amid the outcry, a pair of videos circulating widely on social media are claiming to show empty supermarkets in the Sunshine State, purportedly... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Dancers at Los Angeles bar to become only unionized strippers in US after 15-month battle

Dancers at a Los Angeles bar could soon become the only unionized group of strippers in the U.S. The Actors’ Equity Association labor union says that owners of the Star Garden Topless Dive Bar in North Hollywood have withdrawn their opposition and agreed to recognize the strippers’ union. Dancers at the club have been seeking safer workplace conditions, better pay and health insurance, among other benefits for 15 months. But their unionization drive was stalled by objections and legal challenges from the club's management. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Effort to expel Santos falters as Republicans vote to send measure to Ethics Committee

A resolution to expel New York Republican Rep. George Santos from Congress is being referred to the House Ethics Committee. Republicans successfully sidestepped an effort Wednesday to force them into a vote that could have narrowed their already slim four-seat majority. California Democratic Rep. Robert Garcia introduced a resolution in February to expel Santos. He sought to force a vote on that resolution under a process that left three options for Republicans: a vote on the resolution, a move to table or a referral to committee. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Montana becomes 1st state to ban TikTok; law likely to be challenged

Montana has become the first state to completely ban TikTok. Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte signed the legislation Wednesday. The measure is more sweeping than bans put in place in nearly half the states and by the U.S. federal government that prohibit TikTok on government devices. The law is expected to face legal challenges and become a testing ground for whether it’s possible for a TikTok-free America many national lawmakers have envisioned. TikTok has vowed to fight for Montana residents to be able to use the video-sharing app... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Attorneys agree to pause federal litigation for water violations in Mississippi's capital

Attorneys for the federal government, Mississippi and the state’s capital city have agreed to request to delay litigation from a complaint filed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that says the city hasn't been meeting standards for providing reliable drinking water. In a Wednesday court filing, government attorneys asked for a six-month stay, which would be the second such order. It’s part of a broader federal push to fix Jackson’s water system, which nearly collapsed last summer and continues... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

New rule targets college programs that leave grads with low income, high debt

College programs that leave graduates underpaid or buried in loans would be cut off from federal money under a proposal issued by the Biden administration on Wednesday. The rules would apply only to for-profit colleges and a tiny fraction of programs at traditional universities. The Education Department is calling it a significant step toward accountability. The measure aims to weed out low-performing programs and assure students that the cost of tuition will pay off. Opponents say the scope is too... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Man accused in baseball bat attack of congressional staffers now facing federal charges

A northern Virginia man charged with assaulting two congressional staffers in their Virginia office with a baseball bat is now facing federal charges as well. The U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Eastern District of Virginia announced Wednesday that 49-year-old Xuan-Kha Tran Pham of Fairfax has been charged with assaulting federal employees. Pham was arrested Monday and already charged in state court with malicious wounding and aggravated malicious wounding after police say he struck two staffers for Democratic Rep. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Saint Rose men's basketball to play Syracuse in exhibition

Beaury is returning to the Golden Knights after a five-year retirement, while former Syracuse player Adrian Autry is in his first year as the Orange's head coach, promoted from assistant to replace Jim Boeheim. Beaury's nephew, Ryan, is a former Syracuse team manager and graduate assistant who now handles video for the program.

Times Union 

Limo service manager convicted of manslaughter in New York crash that killed 20

A limousine service manager has been convicted of manslaughter in a crash that killed 20 people in rural New York. The 2018 crash was one of the deadliest U.S. road wrecks in two decades. Jurors reached the verdict against Nauman Hussain on Wednesday, their second day of deliberations. Hussain faces the possibility of up to 15 years in prison when he is sentenced May 31. Packed with birthday revelers, the stretch-style SUV went off the road in 2018 after the vehicle’s brakes failed. The limo hit... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

А виновата Россия: Польша обвиняет Москву в организации «кампании по дезинформации»

Путин в России и мире

Путин поприветствовал участников форума «Российская энергетическая неделя — 2024»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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