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Новости за 17.05.2023

Times Union 

Here are all of the abortion debates happening this week in US courts and statehouses

Abortion bans are back on the agenda for lawmakers in the Carolinas and Nebraska this week. In North Carolina, lawmakers overrode the Democratic governor's veto of a ban on abortion after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Lawmakers in Nebraska and South Carolina are considering bans just weeks after stricter ones narrowly failed in the conservative-dominated states. In another issue that's returned, a federal court is deciding whether to uphold a judge's ruling rescinding approval for a drug used for abortion. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

BP subsidiary agrees to record $40M penalty and pollution-cutting steps at Lake Michigan refinery

Federal officials say a BP subsidiary will pay a $40 million penalty and install technology to control the release of benzene and other contaminants at its Whiting oil refinery in northern Indiana. The actions announced Wednesday will settle a civil case against BP Products North America Inc., which was filed by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency, They describe the penalty as the largest ever under the Clean Air Act for pollution from a structure. Additionally... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Twitter is purging inactive accounts including people who have died, angering those still grieving

Elon Musk announced last week Twitter would be “purging accounts that have had no activity at all for several years.” The move caused outrage among people fearing they could lose tweets from now-inactive accounts, including those belonging to users who have died. Some users reported seeing profiles of late loved ones disappear — or have an “account suspended” message listed on it. Musk said that impacted accounts would be archived, and that pointed to freeing up abandoned handles as a reason behind removing the accounts. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Justice Department watchdog finds US attorney in Massachusetts tried to influence DA election

The Justice Department's internal watchdog is out with a highly critical report on the top federal prosecutor in Massachusetts. The inspector general says Rachael Rollins tried to use her position to influence the outcome of a race for Boston’s district attorney by leaking information aimed at sabotaging the campaign of her preferred candidate’s rival. The report accuses Rollins of a broad array of misconduct. Another federal watchdog agency, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel, found in its own investigative report that on multiple occasions... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Grand jury indicts man in 4 University of Idaho stabbing deaths, eliminating need for hearing

A grand jury has indicted a man who was already charged in the stabbing deaths of four University of Idaho students, allowing prosecutors to skip a planned week-long preliminary hearing that was set for late June. Bryan Kohberger was arrested late last year and charged with burglary and four counts of first-degree murder in connection with the Nov. 13, 2022, slayings of four students at a rental home near the University of Idaho campus. At the time, Kohberger was a graduate student studying criminology at nearby Washington State University. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Pale Male, red-tailed hawk who nested above NYC's Fifth Avenue for 30 years, dies at 33

A red-tailed hawk named Pale Male has died after bringing a touch of the wild to swanky Manhattan for 30 years. The hawk gained fame nesting above Fifth Avenue for three decades with a succession of mates. Wildlife rehabilitator Bobby Horvath posted on Facebook that Pale Male died late Tuesday. The bird was found ill and grounded in Central Park. He was believed to be 33 years old. Pale Male got his name because of his whitish plumage. He was first spotted in Central Park as a juvenile in 1991 and... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

La CEO de Theranos pierde intento de evitar la cárcel; deberá pagar 452 millones de dólares

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — La CEO de Theranos Elizabeth Holmes podría ir pronto a la cárcel, luego que un tribunal de apelaciones rechazó el martes su intento de revocar el fallo de culpabilidad por engañar a inversionistas y consumidores diciéndoles que su empresa era capaz de producir pruebas de sangre instantáneas. La fallida empresa que prometió revolucionar los análisis de sangre se convirtió en un símbolo de la ambición de Silicon Valley.

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Times Union 

Exceptional rains in drought-struck northern Italy kill 6, cancel Formula One Grand Prix

Officials say six people are now confirmed dead in northern Italy following floods from rain-swollen rivers. The flooding forced Formula One to cancel this weekend's Grand Prix in Emilia-Romagna. Officials are warning the rivers could again burst their banks as rain continues. The rainfall has also stretched across the Balkans. Flooding, landslides and evacuations were reported in Croatia, Bosnia and Slovenia. The mayor of Cesena warned residents Wednesday that continued heavy rains in the Emilia-Romagna... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Ecuadorian president puts end to impeachment proceedings against him by dissolving National Assembly

Ecuadorian President Guillermo Lasso has put an end to impeachment proceedings against him by dissolving the opposition-led National Assembly which had accused him of embezzlement. The right-wing president has denied any wrongdoing. He can govern for up to six months by decree under the South American country’s constitution. The National Electoral Council now has seven days to call presidential and legislative elections which must be held within 90 days. Those elected will finish the terms of Lasso and the lawmakers he ousted... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden scraps planned visit to Australia, Papua New Guinea to focus on debt limit talks

President Joe Biden has decided to curtail an upcoming visit to the Indo-Pacific to focus on the debt limit standoff at home. He's canceling what was to be a historic visit to Papua New Guinea and a stop in Australia, where he was to meet with other leaders of the so-called Quad. Biden still plans to head to Hiroshima, Japan, on Wednesday for the Group of Seven summit with leaders from some of the world’s leading economies. Biden spoke by phone with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese earlier... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Australia rules out Quad summit going ahead in Sydney without Biden, but Modi still plans visit

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has ruled out a so-called Quad summit taking place in Sydney without President Joe Biden. Albanese says he understands why Biden pulled out of the summit to focus on debt limit talks in Washington since they are crucial to the economy. The summit including Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida had been scheduled for May 24. Albanese said the four leaders will talk at the Group of Seven meeting this weekend in Japan. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Japan rises on GDP data; rest of region shaky

Asian shares are trading mixed as Japan’s benchmark jumped on the news of solid economic growth data, while the rest of the region was mired in uncertainty. Japan’s benchmark finished higher, while Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 dipped after a better-than-expected wage increase report. Shares gained in Seoul, but fell in Hong Kong and Shanghai. Japan’s GDP data showed consumption was rebounding after COVID-19-related restrictions were eased and borders opened to tourists. According to the Cabinet Office... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Black Californians hope state reparations don't become another broken promise

California’s first-in-the-nation Black reparations task force is nearing the end of its historic work with a hefty list of recommendations for lawmakers to consider turning into action. Black residents say they hope the effort results in meaningful reparations. Many fear this will end up being another broken promise from a government offering false hope. At the end of the Civil War, newly freed people were supposed to receive up to 40 acres of land, but that never happened. Efforts in Congress to study reparations have gone nowhere for decades.

Times Union 

North Korea shows Kim Jong Un examining a military spy satellite that may be launched soon

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has examined a finished military spy satellite that his country is expected to launch soon. State media said he did so Tuesday during a visit to his country’s aerospace agency where he described space-based reconnaissance as crucial for countering the U.S. and South Korea. North Korea hasn’t disclosed a target date for the launch, which some analysts say may be in the next few weeks. North Korea has previously shown the ability to put a satellite into space, but questions remain about the satellite's capability. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Cherelle Parker holds early lead in Democratic primary for Philadelphia mayor

Voters in Philadelphia are determining who will likely lead the nation’s sixth-largest city in a crowded field of Democratic candidates. Tuesday's polling is taking place against a backdrop of increasing gun violence and quality-of-life issues that make some people feel unsafe. Former city council member Cherelle Parker and former city controller Rebecca Rhynhart were in a close contest as early votes were counted. The city was just beginning to count in-person ballots that were cast on Tuesday, which could sway the results. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Elizabeth Holmes loses latest bid to avoid prison and gets hit with $452 million restitution bill

Disgraced Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes appears to be soon bound for prison. An appeals court has rejected her bid to remain free while she tries to overturn her conviction in a blood-testing hoax that brought her fleeting fame and fortune. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling Tuesday comes nearly three weeks after Holmes deployed a last-minute legal maneuver to delay the start of her 11-year prison sentence. The federal judge who imposed that sentence on Tuesday ordered to pay $452 million... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Missouri terminates emergency rule to limit trans care for minors, some adults

Missouri officials terminated the Republican attorney general’s emergency rule that would have placed limits on transgender care for minors and some adults. The move was announced Tuesday without explanation on the Missouri Secretary of State’s website. The website says: “This emergency rule terminated effective May 16, 2023.” The rule would have required adults and children to undergo more than a year of therapy and fulfill other requirements before they could receive gender-affirming treatments such as puberty blockers, hormones and surgery. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Washington lawmakers pass bill keeping drugs illegal

Washington lawmakers approved a major new drug policy, saying it strikes a balance between public order and compassion for those struggling with substance abuse. Democratic and Republican leaders reached a compromise between liberals who believe drugs should be decriminalized and conservatives who insist the threat of jail is necessary to force people into treatment. The bill retains criminal penalties for drug possession, but police and prosecutors would be encouraged to divert cases for treatment. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Wounded man who invaded Senate with knife sentenced to prison for Capitol riot

An Alabama man has been sentenced to nearly two years in prison for storming the U.S. Capitol and invading the Senate floor with a knife on his hip and a gaping wound on his face. U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson on Tuesday sentenced 47-year-old Joshua Matthew Black to 22 months in prison followed by two years of supervised release. A police officer shot Black in his left cheek with a crowd-control munition outside the Capitol during the riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Black later occupied the Senate floor with other rioters. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

North Carolina GOP takes first step to override veto of 12-week abortion limit

North Carolina’s Republican-controlled Senate voted Tuesday to override the Democratic governor’s veto of a bill banning most abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy in the first of two steps necessary to enact the policy over Gov. Roy Cooper’s opposition. House Republicans will attempt late Tuesday to complete the override in a consequential test of unity for their recently attained supermajority. Republicans have pitched the measure as a middle-ground change to state law, which currently bans nearly all abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Доля жилья класса «делюкс» на элитном рынке выросла до 45%

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Московский джазовый оркестр Игоря Бутмана отметит юбилей в Театре Эстрады!


Команда «Евроонко» приняла участие в крупнейшем международном онкологическом форуме

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