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Новости за 03.04.2016

Times of Malta 

Cesare Maldini passes away

Italy and Milan football star Cesare Maldini has died aged 84. The sad news was announced by his family this morning Maldini played 347 matches for Milan between 1954 and 1966 and as coach led Italy in the World Cup in 1998. He was later also coach of Paraguay.

Times of Malta 

Indian priest Fr Tom kidnapped in Yemen "could be freed soon"

An Indian priest abducted by gunmen in Yemen last month is safe and could be released soon, a Catholic group said today, quoting the Indian foreign minister. Father Tom Uzhunnalil was captured from the southern Yemeni city of Aden by gunmen who killed at least 15 people at an old people's home in an attack that was condemned by Pope Francis. The Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) said a delegation met Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj who said the government was working to secure the priest's safe return. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

St Julian’s mayor may return to Parliament

Karl Gouder, the mayor of St Julian’s, may find himself in Parliament again following yesterday’s resignation of Nationalist MP Albert Fenech due to his travel commitments. Mr Gouder, 37, who already served as an MP between 2010 and 2013 following a co-option, is the most likely candidate to fill the vacancy through another co-option. According to the Constitution, the person to fill the seat vacated by Prof. Fenech, a cardiologist, will be selected by the Nationalist Party and not through a casual election. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Black hog seen running wild in Marfa

A black hog has been seen running wild at the Torri l-Ahmar area in Marfa. A reader saw it on Friday and yesterday and took these pictures.

Times of Malta 

Malta newspapers review

The following are the top stories in the Maltese newspapers today. The Sunday Times of Malta reports that plans for a statue to Dom Mintoff at Castille Square have been revived. It also says that St Julian's Mayor Karl Gouder may be co-opted to parliament to replace Prof Albert Fenech, who has resigned. It-Torca sees an opportunity for the PN to co-opt lawyer Joe Giglio for Prof Fenech's place in Parliament. It also  says the PN had a debt of €22m after the general election and it was rising owing to interest which was higher than 4%. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Plans for Dom Mintoff statue revived

A statue of Dom Mintoff is to be erected at Castille Place later this year as the government again reverses its plans for the monument to the fiery former prime minister. Last year, the government ditched a plan to erect a statue of Mr Mintoff in the Valletta square and decided to have an abstract memorial done instead. It has now decided to go back to the statue idea, which will cost about €70,000, according to sources. The statue will not, however, be the one designed by renowned artist Alfred Camilleri Cauchi (see above)... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Video reveals airstrike on IS 'chemical lab' in Mosul

The U.S. military has released video from March 19, saying it shows its air strikes pounding an administration building at Mosul University in Iraq. Media reports had said Islamic State was using a high-tech lab there to build bombs, chemical weapons and to secure uranium compounds. Mosul is one of Islamic State's two major power centers in Iraq. The video's release comes one day after U.S. President Barack Obama warned that IS must not be allowed to get its hands on a radioactive "dirty bomb."

Times of Malta 

Investors tiptoe back into emerging markets as storm clouds still linger

Emerging markets may well appear cheap again after years of attrition, but there’s considerable trepidation about venturing back out to the developing world until the financial and political storms have finally lifted. Global investors have tiptoed back into emerging assets over the past six weeks at least partly on hopes that the gut-wrenching New Year shakeout may have been a final capitulation after three years of downdrafts and disappointments. According to the Institute for International Finance... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Eurozone sentiment falls again in March

Eurozone economic sentiment fell for the third consecutive time in March, mainly because of falling confidence among consumers and in the construction and services sectors, according to European Commission data. The cut-off date for the collection of the data was before the Brussels bomb attacks that happened on March 22, the Commission said. The EU executive said that economic sentiment in the 19 countries sharing the euro fell to 103.0 points in March from 103.9 in February. It was at 105.0 in... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Employee engagement ‘challenge’ for firms

As competition for talent intensifies, keeping employees engaged may well become a greater challenge for organisations, according to the results of a global survey by PwC. In 2015, PwC launched an Employee Engagement Landscape Study of employees across industries and countries to gain an insight into the trends and challenges organisations face in their efforts to actively engage their employees. Employee engagement measures the extent to which employees are motivated to contribute to business success... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

6PM shares rally by 10%

During last week’s three trading sessions, the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) index extended its previous 0.87 per cent gain by a further 0.81 per cent to close at 4,544.983 points. The leading equity was 6PM Holdings, having rallied by 10.4 per cent on the week. However, the share of larger capitalised stocks, namely Bank of Valletta (BOV), HSBC Bank Malta plc and Malta International Airport plc, were the main contributors in lifting the MSE higher. Meanwhile, most of the traded property equities and Lombard Bank Malta plc witnessed declines. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Fed chairperson Yellen foresees only gradual rate hikes amid worries about global growth

In a much-anticipated speech last week, Federal Reserve chairperson Janet Yellen said the Fed anticipates that only gradual in­creases in the Fed funds rate are likely to be warranted in the coming years. Ms Yellen acknowledged that it is “too early” to say if the recent pickup in core inflation will prove durable. Given the current low oil prices, she continues to expect overall inflation for 2016 to remain “well below” the Fed’s two per cent objective. Ms Yellen emphasised the global dangers to... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Company briefs

International online gaming company World Match has opened a sales office at Smart City Malta. It will be hosting its sales team for the Maltese market at the new office, which will also provide a meeting place for consultants to discuss and define new business strategies. Andrea Boratto, World Match executive director, said: “Besides being supported by cutting-edge infrastructure and unique life­style amenities, Smart City Malta also hosts many service pro­viders, including the Malta Gaming Authority... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

‘Do not fear change’

The proposed business model for the BOV Premier League has sparked controversy despite the Malta FA’s insistence that the new blueprint is aimed at giving the championship and clubs a much-needed boost. Norman Darmanin Demajo, the president of the MFA behind the proposals, gives his views to Kevin Azzopardi... The recent proposals to the Premier Division Standing Committee for the consideration of a revised ‘business model’ have stirred controversy even before the model is presented to the MFA council for discussion. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Emotions in investor behaviour

Most times in life, when we are looking to buy something, we view falling prices as a positive factor. If we want to buy a new television set or furniture, we often wait for the sales to get better value for money. Lower prices can encourage us to buy. If the prices of cars made by your favourite manufacturer have fallen, you may take the opportunity to buy a new car now. The scenario is similar with property. Even though when we buy property we hope it will rise in value over the period we own it... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Juventus beat Empoli to continue unbeaten streak

Mario Mandzukic scored a trademark first-half header as Juventus defeated Empoli 1-0 to provisionally extend their lead at the top of Serie A to six points. Mandzukic netted in the 44th minute by heading home his first goal since the New Year following Paul Pogba's delightful chipped pass. Juve have 73 points from 31 matches, and while second-placed Napoli could cut their lead to three points with a win at relegation-threatened Udinese on Sunday, Massimiliano Allegri's side remain on course for a record fifth consecutive 'Scudetto'. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Директор Московского зоопарка Светлана Акулова провела экологический марафон

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о показателях нефтедобычи

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Союзное государство – сила двух суверенных стран

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Охранник Зеленского предлагал Киеву сдаться в первые дни СВО

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Бутман и Хабенский представят джазовую версию «Пети и волка» Прокофьева


Пайетки, металлик и розовая «Биркин»: в Ульяновске прошла юбилейная неделя моды

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