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Новости за 29.04.2020


Democratic candidate says Indiana shouldn’t ease virus rules

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Democratic gubernatorial candidate Woody Myers argued Wednesday that the state’s coronavirus situation hasn’t stabilized enough for a loosening of business and travel restrictions as some states have started doing. Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb has said he would announce changes Friday to the statewide stay-at-home order that has been in effect since March


Indiana trooper fatally shoots man during traffic stop

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. — An Indiana State Police trooper fatally shot a southern Indiana man early Wednesday during an exchange of gunfire following a traffic stop, authorities say. Malcolm Xavier Ray Williams, 27, of Clarksville, died at an area hospital after being shot just before 1 a.m. in Jeffersonville, state police spokesman Sgt. Carey Huls said.


A 1st: US study finds Gilead drug works against coronavirus

For the first time, a major study has found that an experimental drug works against the new coronavirus, and U.S. government officials said Wednesday that they would work to make it available to appropriate patients as quickly as possible. In a study of 1,063 patients sick enough to be hospitalized, Gilead Sciences’s remdesivir shortened the


‘U ok?’ Virus-era friendships can be both crucial & fraught

A single mother hunkering down at home with a teenage daughter, Sharon Litwin sees her friends, like most people these days, only virtually. Even so, they’ve been a crucial lifeline. “Sometimes I just need to have a conversation with adults,” she says. “And sometimes I just need to cry, which I really don’t want to


Car tech to guard against distracted driving

Distracted driving puts not only drivers on the road at risk but also passengers, cyclists and pedestrians. In 2018, it led to the deaths of 2,841 people, according to the most current data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Holding a phone and texting are two of the most common causes, but eating, changing


COVID-19 showing suburbs are just as vulnerable as cities

NEW YORK — Haunting images of an empty Times Square and the daily accounting of hundreds of fatalities in New York City have reinforced the idea of the coronavirus as an urban contagion. That may obscure an equally sobering truth: Many of the city’s suburbs have been hit just as hard. In some, there have


California food for seniors plan could run out of money soon

LOS ANGELES — California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s first-in-the-nation plan to pay for and deliver three meals a day to vulnerable seniors during the coronavirus crisis has less than two weeks to launch before federal funding runs out, government documents show. It wasn’t clear how many, if any, cities and counties would be delivering meals in


VIRUS DIARY: A positive test, then a Mumbai hotel quarantine

MUMBAI, India — I was on assignment April 20 outside Mumbai, India’s financial center. My phone rang nonstop. Fellow news photographers checked whether I’d heard about the COVID-19 tests we had taken days earlier at the Mumbai Press Club. I hadn’t yet, and I was anxious. Then I received the news: I was positive. I’d


Alcohol consumption slightly down under Belgian lockdown

BRUSSELS — A university research survey has found that alcohol consumption in Belgium is remaining mostly stable during the country’s coronavirus lockdown, with only one out of four respondents saying they are drinking more while confined at home. A team of researchers at the University of Louvain said Wednesday that their online survey of more


Insurers stick to 2020 outlooks as COVID-19 pandemic spreads

Anthem and Humana became on Wednesday the latest health insurers to stick with their 2020 earnings forecasts, even as the COVID-19 pandemic forces companies in many other sectors to abandon outlooks. The pandemic has shut down large portions of the economy and made annual forecasts mostly worthless. But insurers say they are still waiting to


Prosecutors charge neo-Nazi with German politician’s murder

BERLIN — German prosecutors have charged a far-right extremist with the killing of a regional politician from Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party and in a near-fatal attack on an Iraqi asylum-seeker a few years before. Federal prosecutors said Wednesday that Stephan Ernst, who has previous convictions for a string violent anti-migrant crimes, is accused of murder,


Fitch cuts Italy’s gov’t debt grade, auto plants reopening

The outbreak of the coronavirus has dealt a shock to the global economy with unprecedented speed. Following are developments Wednesday related to the global economy, the work place and the spread of the virus. ________________________ CENTRAL GOVERNMENTS & BANKS: Countries are slowly trying to reopen their economies in phases, as infections wane in some locations


Italian soccer’s chances of resuming looking bleak

MILAN — The chances of Italy’s soccer season resuming are looking increasingly unlikely and a definitive decision could even be made by the end of the week. Premier Giuseppe Conte announced Sunday that professional sports teams can resume training on May 18. The move means that in theory Serie A could resume playing games in


Lebanon’s Central Bank governor defends his role amid crisis

BEIRUT — Lebanon’s Central Bank governor defended himself Wednesday against scathing criticism, claiming there is a “systematic campaign” meant to hold him responsible for the country’s recent financial crisis and the collapse of the national currency. Speaking in an hour-long video conference, Gov. Riad Salameh, who has held the post since 1993, said he did


4 of 5 killed in Milwaukee shooting were under age of 20

MILWAUKEE — Four of the five people found fatally shot this week at a home in Milwaukee were under the age of 20, police said. Their bodies were found Monday after a 43-year-old man at the house called 911 to report his family was dead. He was arrested at the scene. The Milwaukee Police Department


The Latest: Bach says future may see fewer sports events

The Latest on the effects of the coronavirus outbreak on sports around the world: IOC President Thomas Bach says the future of sports after the coronavirus pandemic might mean fewer international events. Bach cited “financial pressure” on organizers and the need to address climate change and says “we may also have to look more closely


Daimler: Shift to electric cars non-negotiable despite virus

FRANKFURT, Germany — Germany’s Daimler AG, maker of Mercedes-Benz luxury cars, made only a small profit in the first quarter of 2020 as the company shut down factories and shifted into cash preservation and cost management mode during the coronavirus crisis. The company’s CEO said Wednesday the Stuttgart-based automaker was now engaging in a gradual


Airway experts’ work puts them inches from where virus lives

It starts with pulling on head-to-toe protective gear. Then comes a brisk walk down a hospital corridor, triple-gloved hands pushing a rattling anesthesia cart toward a door that leads to a frightened patient, gasping for air. Hundreds of times every week during this pandemic, doctors and nurses treating critically ill COVID-19 patients steel themselves for


In NYC it’s ‘survival of fittest for fashion brands’

NEW YORK — Felicia Lynch started a dream job last November as an assistant knitwear designer for a luxury brand working in lower Manhattan before the coronavirus pandemic took full swing in New York’s fashion capital and tossed her off the payroll. Now, the 23-year-old Fashion Institute of Technology graduate, whose resume includes an internship


China silent amid global calls to give Africa debt relief

KAMPALA, Uganda — African leaders are asking what China can do for them as the coronavirus pandemic threatens to destroy economies and wipe out some 20 million jobs across a continent where Beijing is both the top trading partner and top lender. The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have announced immediate relief measures,


The Latest: Tokyo Gov. calls to extend state of emergency,

The Latest on the coronavirus pandemic. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death. TOP OF THE HOUR: —Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike calls for an extension of Japan’s nationwide “state of emergency” —China


‘Trolls’ went straight to homes. Movie theaters are fuming.

NEW YORK — The most controversial movie of the year is … “Trolls World Tour”? As innocuous as the rainbow-colored, music-blaring animated movie may seem, the digital release of the “Trolls” sequel has caused a storm to course through the movie industry. Just as the pandemic worsened and movie theaters were shuttering, Universal Pictures shifted


Convict in LA Times hack again accused of attacking media

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A journalist who went to federal prison for hacking attacks on California media is now charged with a similar attack on a magazine. Probation officials filed a petition Monday alleging that Matthew Keys, 33, of Sacramento violated the conditions of his release by hacking into and deleting the YouTube account of Comstock’s


Lives Lost: Doctor taught a generation of Italian physicians

ROME — Every October, on the feast day of the patron saint of physicians, Dr. Roberto Stella would organize a simple ceremony at a tiny church in northern Italy to honor Italian doctors who had died that year in the line of service. As a key member of the governing body of Italy’s general practitioners,


Trump says US closer to testing international air travelers

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump said his administration is considering requiring travelers on certain incoming international flights to undergo temperature and virus checks to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. “We’re looking at doing it on the international flights coming out of areas that are heavily infected,” Trump said Tuesday at the White House.

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Экология в России и мире

Как выехать с ВДНХ после бесплатной зарядки электромобиля: инструкция

Путин в России и мире

Владимир Путин направил приветствие участникам и гостям Международного форума «Российская энергетическая неделя — 2024»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Минск не видит тенденций к развязыванию войны против Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

AP: Киев считает условием прекращения огня невозможность вторжения со стороны РФ

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Брановицкий

Дистрибьюция Музыки. Дистрибьюция Музыки в России.


В Музее Победы пройдет первое заседание Детского Общественного совета

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