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Новости за 01.04.2020


Apply here: How to spend $2.2 trillion — and rescue economy

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump aims to shovel $2.2 trillion into the U.S. economy over the next few weeks to try to cushion its free fall. But that means putting his fate in the hands of banks, profit-minded businesses and government bureaucrats he has frequently derided, along with a man who has emerged as arguably


Review: Synth band Nation of Language make a nifty debut

Nation of Language, “Introduction, Presence” (self-released) Come, friends, let us return to the near-distant musical past, thanks to the new band Nation of Language. Back to when synths were thick and hair was teased. The Brooklyn-based trio has made a very ’80s splash on their debut album “Introduction, Presence,” with many songs not out of


Mexico allows 46 British passengers to leave cruise ship

MEXICO CITY — Mexico allowed 46 British citizens to disembark from a cruise ship off its Caribbean coast and fly home, and in exchange the cruise line paid for 141 Mexicans stuck in England by coronavirus travel restrictions to fly home, the Mexican government said Wednesday. On Tuesday, the Mexican navy removed a passenger in


Stryker, Children’s Place fall

NEW YORK — Stocks that moved heavily or traded substantially on Wednesday: BP Plc., down 2 cents to $24.37. The oil company is cutting spending by 25% as the virus pandemic and low demand sink oil prices. Stryker Corp., down $21.82 to $144.67. The surgical equipment company pulled its financial forecasts because of a sharp


Caylee Hammack’s band went from concerts to mowing lawns

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Country singer Caylee Hammack and her band are facing months without income after the concert industry came to a halt to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. So they put down their guitars and started pushing lawnmowers. Hammack and her band were touring in Europe last month when the virus started to


IndyCar’s virtual race to be aired on NBC Sports Network

IndyCar’s virtual racing will be televised beginning with Saturday’s iRacing event, which has been picked up by NBC Sports. The debut virtual race last weekend drew 433,000 combined viewers to both IndyCar and iRacing’s online stream. Totals viewers jumped to 600,000 when IndyCar tallied how many watched drivers’ social media feeds or gaming channels. NASCAR


Palestinians: Man dies of wounds in clash with Israel forces

RAMALLAH, West Bank — Palestinian officials say a 22-year-old man has died from wounds he sustained in a confrontation with Israeli forces last month. The officials said Wednesday that Islam Dweikat had been in intensive care since he was shot in Beita, a village near the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank. Another


Bucks try to make sure they’re ready whenever season resumes

MILWAUKEE — The NBA-leading Milwaukee Bucks remain confident the coronavirus pandemic won’t put a permanent halt to the season and that they’ll get to resume chasing their first league title in nearly half a century. The Bucks had a league-best 53-12 record when play was suspended three weeks ago. With Giannis Antetokounmpo having a a


‘Wicked’ movie release delayed, ‘Minions’ pushed to 2021

LOS ANGELES — “Wicked” fans are going to have to wait even longer to see Stephen Daldry’s film adaptation of the popular Broadway musical. Universal Pictures on Wednesday announced that another handful of theatrical release dates are shifting due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has bumped “Wicked” off the calendar entirely for the moment. The


Healthy-looking people spread coronavirus, more studies say

NEW YORK — More evidence is emerging that coronavirus infections are being spread by people who have no clear symptoms, complicating efforts to gain control of the pandemic. A study conducted by researchers in Singapore and published by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wednesday is the latest to estimate that around 10%


QB quest new for Patriots, but familiar for AFC East foes

NEW YORK — Welcome to the club, Patriots. You know, that unsettling feeling over not being sure who your starting quarterback will be this season, next year — or beyond. Just ask New England’s AFC East rivals about it. Miami, Buffalo and the New York Jets have lived through that frustrating uncertainty for much of


Review: James Elkington’s melancholy the stuff for shut-ins

James Elkington, “Ever-Roving Eye” (Paradise of Bachelors) With his “Ever-Roving Eye,” James Elkington sings about wolves in the womb, the sincerity of hyenas and the clock running out — a cradle to grave perspective, in other words. The album is a follow-up to the Chicago-based Englishman’s 2017 debut and was recorded in 2018, but it


Why health experts aren’t warning about coronavirus in food

NEW YORK — Chicken with salmonella can make you sick. So can romaine lettuce with E. coli and buffets with lurking norovirus. So why aren’t health officials warning people about eating food contaminated with the new coronavirus? The answer has to do with the varying paths organisms take to make people sick. Respiratory viruses like


Simone Biles on 2021 Olympics: ‘Nothing is set in stone’

There’s a large whiteboard calendar on a wall inside the massive gym owned by Simone Biles’ family that outlines every major gymnastics event of the year, the 2020 Olympics included. When the Tokyo Games were officially postponed to the summer of 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the reigning Olympic champion’s coaches ran


Review: Saxman Jimmy Greene’s album is spirited, spiritual

Jimmy Greene, “While Looking Up” (Mack Avenue) Change is a constant on jazz saxman Jimmy Greene’s new album, “While Looking Up.” The 68-minute set flies by because of the way he varies the performing cast and mood. Greene’s daughter was a Sandy Hook shooting victim, and the album title refers to the direction he looks


Oprah on rap song ‘Oprah’s Bank Account’: LOVEEEEEEEE IT!

NEW YORK — Lil Yachty, DaBaby and Drake’s new rap song “Oprah’s Bank Account” is one of Oprah’s favorite things. No, the song hasn’t officially made the media mogul’s annual list, but when asked what she thought of the song, Winfrey exclaimed to The Associated Press: “I love it. I love it. I loveeeeee it!


Indiana jobless claims surged to 120,000 last week

INDIANAPOLIS — Initial unemployment insurance claims surged to 120,331 in Indiana last week and more than one in 20 Hoosier workers have now lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, the state reported. The new claims released Tuesday by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development represent a more than 50-fold increase from just 2,312 two


Dua Lipa’s ‘Future Nostalgia’ is a party with a purpose

NEW YORK — Put on Dua Lipa’s sophomore album and you’ll experience of party — a collection of upbeat, dance-flavored, power-pop gems that could brighten your day. But take a closer, deeper look, and you’ll also find songs brimmed with messages of hope, equality and vulnerability. Lipa closes her 11-track “Future Nostalgia” release with “Boys


A ‘Solidarity Menu’ for poor Colombians, migrant Venezuelans

Emiliano Moscoso fights back tears. Moscoso’s chain of brightly colored restaurants, Sierra Nevada, serves hamburgers and milkshakes in Colombia’s capital of Bogota. In the poorer districts of that same city, a rising number of people are going hungry because they have lost their livelihoods in the coronavirus outbreak. Moscoso weeps for them. But he has


Reporting for duty: Airline crew sign up to help hospitals

STOCKHOLM — Filip Palmgren had wanted to work on planes since he was a child. Now, after just two years as a flight attendant, the 21-year old has lost his job because of the coronavirus crisis and will be soon heading to work in a hospital instead to help save patients. He is part of


Macy’s to be removed from S&P 500; credit rating downgraded

Its market value just a fraction of what it was five years ago, Macy’s is being removed from the S&P 500 index. Macy’s has been struggling amid competition from discounters and online retailers like Amazon. S&P Dow Jones Global Indices said Tuesday that Macy’s will be removed from the benchmark S&P 500 and shifted to


3 people fatally shot at central Oklahoma convenience store

BETHANY, Okla. — Three people were killed and one was wounded early Wednesday in a shooting at a convenience store in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, police said. Two women and a man died in the shooting about 1 a.m. at an OnCue store in Bethany in northwestern Oklahoma City, Bethany Police Lt. Angelo Orefice


Indiana testing more for coronavirus as deaths rise to 65

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana has increased its ability to test people for the coronavirus but continues to target certain patients because of limited supplies, the state health commissioner said Wednesday. Pregnant women and certain high-risk individuals such as those with high blood pressure are given top priority for testing, Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box said during state


Brandy Clark’s breakup record allows creative freedom

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — When singer-songwriter Brandy Clark went into the studio to record her next album, many of her songs reflected on the breakup of a 15-year relationship. But musically, she was also divorcing herself of the notion that she was just a country singer. “All I ever saw myself as was a country artist


Spanish league says charity festival raised $1 million

MADRID — More than 1 million euros ($1.1 million) was raised for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic with the help of athletes and musicians in Spain, the country’s soccer league said Wednesday. The final tally was announced four days after the athletes and musicians took part in a four-hour online music festival organized by

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Новости 24/7 Все города России


Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

Волгодонские таланты: Татьяна Скакунова признана «Лучшим детским писателем 2024 года»

Путин в России и мире

Путин назвал враждебными действия Запада против финансовых организаций из РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Минск не видит тенденций к развязыванию войны против Белоруссии

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Пушков объяснил, почему Трамп не захотел встречаться с Зеленским

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Волочкова рассказала, кто мог стоять за поджогом ее любимого банного комплекса


В Москве врачи внедрили новейший метод лечения аденомы простаты

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