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Новости за 14.04.2020


Vandy senior Clevon Brown granted extra year after injury

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Vanderbilt senior forward Clevon Brown has been granted an extra year of eligibility after a knee injury limited him to nine games this season. The Commodores announced Tuesday that the 6-foot-8 Brown would return for the 2020-21 season. Coach Jerry Stackhouse said they are excited that Brown was granted another year of


Trudeau: It will be weeks before Canada restarts economy

TORONTO — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday it will still be weeks before Canada can start reopening the economy and the country’s most populous province announced that all nonessential businesses will be closed until at least May 12 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Ontario extended its state of emergency for another 28 days. Ontario Doug


AP source: NWHL in process of establishing Toronto-area team

The U.S.-based National Women’s Hockey League is in the process of establishing an expansion franchise in the Toronto area, a person with direct knowledge of the plans told The Associated Press. The team will be headed by Margaret “Digit” Murphy, and the former Brown University coach already has begun building a roster of players, the


Republicans decry Michigan governor’s latest stay-home order

LANSING, Mich. — Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to toughen rather than relax what already was one of the nation’s strictest stay-home orders in response to the coronavirus is hitting opposition in her home state, where Republicans who backed her moves initially are now ratcheting up their criticism. Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey took to


Indiana boy, 2, goes missing, found dead in neighbor’s pond

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — A 2-year-old Evansville boy reported missing by his father was found dead in a neighbor’s fish pond, authorities said. An autopsy was under way Tuesday to determine the child’s cause of death, said David Ason, Vanderburgh County’s chief deputy coroner. He said the boy has been identified as Carter Pickerell. Pickerell was


Closing prices for crude oil, gold and other commodities

Benchmark U.S. crude oil fell $2.30, or 10.3%, to settle at $20.11 a barrel Tuesday. Brent crude oil, the international standard, fell $2.14, or 6.7%, to $29.60 a barrel. Wholesale gasoline rose 2 cents to 72 cents a gallon. Heating oil fell 5 cents to 94 cents a gallon. Natural gas fell 7 cents to


Starting a vegetable garden: the basics

Lots of people sheltering at home now because of the coronavirus pandemic are thinking about planting a vegetable garden. It offers more than food: Growing vegetables is a family activity, gives everyone a reason to get out in the fresh air, provides exercise and saves money. Home-grown vegetables are delicious not only for their freshness,


NBC’s Peacock launching in July with ‘handful’ of originals

NBCUniversal says its video-streaming service Peacock will launch nationally in July as planned, even though just a handful of its original series will be ready. The service was meant to have a mix of originals, classic shows and movies, and current NBC programming like its late-night shows and “Law & Order: SVU.” Original shows are


Search for a COVID-19 vaccine heats up in China, US

WASHINGTON — Three potential COVID-19 vaccines are making fast progress in early-stage testing in volunteers in China and the U.S., but it’s still a long road to prove if they’ll really work. China’s CanSino Biologics is beginning the second phase of testing its vaccine candidate, China’s Ministry of Science and Technology said Tuesday. In the


2 largest US rivers top new listing of endangered waterways

O’FALLON, Mo. — The nation’s two largest rivers top a new listing of the most endangered waterways, according to a report released Tuesday. The Washington, D.C.-based conservation organization American Rivers released its list of the 10 most endangered rivers in the United States. The Upper Mississippi River in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and Missouri was


Adidas cleared for 3 billion euros in rescue loans

FRANKFURT, Germany — Sports apparel and shoe company Adidas says it has been approved by the German government for a 3 billion-euro ( $3.3 billion) emergency loan to help the company get through a period of lost business due to the virus outbreak. The company based in Herzogenaurach, Germany, said Tuesday that it was suspending


Indiana order blocks local bans on virus patient moves

INDIANAPOLIS — Nursing homes around Indiana will be allowed to establish facilities specifically for coronavirus patients under an order issued Tuesday by the state health commissioner that prohibits local officials from blocking the transfer of such patients. Elderly people and those with serious health troubles living in nursing homes have been among the most at-risk


IMF projects Lebanon’s economy will shrink 12% in 2020

BEIRUT — The International Monetary Fund projected Tuesday that Lebanon’s economy will shrink 12% in 2020 amid the country’s worst economic and financial crisis in decades. The announcement came as the local currency hit its highest pound-to-dollar exchange rate ever on the parallel market. Lebanon has suffered in recent years from a lack of economic


A day after ire, CNN’s Chris Cuomo says ‘I love where I am’

NEW YORK — CNN anchor Chris Cuomo has reaffirmed his commitment to CNN and his gratitude for his primetime perch, a day after the TV host expressed frustration at elements of his job. “I’ve never been in a better position professionally, I’ve never been more grateful, I’ve never been on a better team,” Cuomo said


Man charged in fatal shooting of Indianapolis police officer

INDIANAPOLIS — A man was formally charged with murder Tuesday in the slaying of an Indianapolis police officer who authorities said was shot through an apartment’s door while responding with other officers to a domestic violence call. Elliahs Dorsey, 27, faces one count of murder in last Thursday’s killing of Officer Breann Leath, 24. Dorsey,


Women in Poland protest draft law curbing abortion rights

WARSAW, Poland — Paying lip service to COVID-19 lockdown rules, scores of women driving cars or riding bicycles in Warsaw protested Tuesday against a new effort by the conservative government to tighten already restrictive anti-abortion laws. They oppose draft laws due to be debated in the lower house of parliament this week that would ban


Death toll from tornado outbreak rises to at least 34

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The death toll from a tornado outbreak that ravaged the South rose to at least 34 on Tuesday as Mississippi officials said a 12th person had died there. The storms claimed lives in at least six states, and the National Weather Service said preliminary assessments found evidence that at least 19 twisters


Voters reject Trump’s pick in chaotic Wisconsin court race 

MADISON, Wis. — A liberal challenger ousted a conservative Wisconsin Supreme Court justice endorsed by President Donald Trump, overcoming a successful push by Republicans to forge ahead with last week’s election even as numerous other states postponed theirs due to the coronavirus pandemic. Joe Biden also emerged victorious, as expected, Monday in the state’s Democratic


AP Interview: Sports medicine leader promotes virus protocol

ROME — While soccer leagues around Europe are still debating whether and when to resume playing, the leader of the continent’s Federation of Sports Medicine Associations is calling for a detailed series of tests to clear athletes before they return to training. Maurizio Casasco, who is also president of the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine,


Larson fired after sponsors drop NASCAR driver over slur

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Kyle Larson was fired Tuesday by Chip Ganassi Racing, a day after nearly every one of his sponsors dropped the star driver for using a racial slur during a live stream of a virtual race. Larson, in his seventh Cup season with Ganassi and considered the top free agent in NASCAR just


Senior British Open postponed, could be played later in 2020

The Senior British Open was postponed on Tuesday amid the coronavirus outbreak, with organizers still hoping the last senior major of the year can be played in 2020. The event, due to take place at Sunningdale from July 23-26, is the fourth of the five senior majors to lose its scheduled place on the calendar


A phone call, a song: Small gestures soothe COVID-19 stress

A phone call sounds like such a small thing. But the sedated man in a Missouri hospital room was gravely ill with COVID-19, and nurses arranged for his family to wish him well, perhaps for the last time. In another hospital, a guitar-playing nurse sings ‘’Amazing Grace” outside patients’ rooms. And in another, doctors show


AP Sportlight

April 15 1918 — Babe Ruth pitched a four-hitter for Boston in the season opener and drove in two runs in a 7-1 win over Philadelphia. 1937 — The Detroit Red Wings beat the New York Rangers 3-0 to take the Stanley Cup in the fifth and final game. 1947 — Jackie Robinson plays his


Bates becomes 1st sophomore to win Gatorade prep hoops award

Emoni Bates of Michigan was named Gatorade’s national player of the year in high school basketball on Tuesday, becoming the first sophomore to win the award. Bates beat out Evan Mobley of California and Cade Cunningham of Texas, the top-ranked seniors in the country. Bates could potentially be selected with the No. 1 pick in


Beach trash finds: Full pickle jar, vape pods, cremation bag

SANDY HOOK, N.J. — As New Jersey’s beaches go, so goes the state of the environment. Items plucked from the sand during spring and fall cleanups each year help illustrate trends going on in the state and the nation, and last year was a particularly good example. Empty cartridges used with electronic cigarettes, known as

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Новости 24/7 Все города России


Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

Доля жилья класса «делюкс» на элитном рынке выросла до 45%

Путин в России и мире

???? По горячим следам 24.09.2024. Блинкен: Путин использует зиму, использует погоду как оружие. Предстоящая зима будет сложной

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: Минск не видит тенденций к развязыванию войны против Белоруссии

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Хамское поведение Зеленского в США шокировало Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Олег Лундстрем

​Мастерская Леонида Лундстрема в Чите объединила 90 талантливых детей из разных регионов России


Petrobras претендует на 40% акций крупнейшего нефтяного блока Galp в Намибии

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