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Новости за 17.04.2020


USA Track and Field lays off 7; CEO takes 20% pay cut

INDIANAPOLIS — USA Track and Field has laid off seven people from its 65-person staff and CEO Max Siegel is taking a 20% pay cut to offset lost revenue due to the coronavirus pandemic. The organization that runs the country’s largest summer sport has been forced to cancel dozens of events, including the Olympic trials,


How major US stock indexes fared Friday

Stocks closed broadly higher on Wall Street Friday as investors latched onto strands of hope about progress in the fight against the coronavirus. Financial, industrial and technology stocks led the way as the S&P 500 soared to its first back-to-back weekly gains since the pandemic triggered a sell-off in February. Investors are focusing on the


Virtual racing drama dulls shine on popular NASCAR platform

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Scott Dixon, five-time IndyCar champion and relatively new iRacing competitor, received a brief set of instructions from boss Chip Ganassi about the world of virtual racing. “I did get a text from him that said ‘Just lay low,’” Dixon said Friday. What started out as a fun way for racing leagues to


Closing prices for crude oil, gold and other commodities

Benchmark U.S. crude oil fell $1.60, or 8.1%, to settle at $18.27 a barrel Friday. Brent crude oil, the international standard, rose 26 cents to close at $28.08 a barrel. Wholesale gasoline was little changed at 71 cents a gallon. Heating oil rose a penny to 95 cents a gallon. Natural gas rose 6 cents


‘Outlander’ star Sam Heughan speaks out against online abuse

HONOLULU — “Outlander” star Sam Heughan spoke out on social media about what he calls “six years of constant bullying, harassment, stalking and false narratives” about him. The 39-year-old Scottish actor said in a lengthy post on his Instagram and Twitter accounts Thursday that he’s been subjected to a range of claims that he has


Draft’s biggest losers: prospects without NFL medical exams

GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Florida receiver Josh Hammond was “a little shocked” he didn’t get an invite to the NFL combine. He was equally surprised he didn’t get asked to the Senior Bowl. He settled for a spot in the East-West Shrine Game, figuring any NFL team that missed him at the second-tier all-star game would


US restaurants expect big changes when their doors reopen

The days of standing shoulder-to-shoulder at a bar or sharing a meal at a table for 10 are gone for now — and could take a long time to return even after the coronavirus pandemic ends. U.S. restaurants are thinking ahead to a time when their dining room doors reopen to a changed world. Owners


Judge: Misconduct claims in college scam case ‘disturbing’

The judge overseeing the case against actress Lori Loughlin, her fashion designer husband Mossimo Giannulli and other parents charged with cheating the college admissions process called allegations of misconduct by investigators “serious and disturbing” on Friday. U.S. District Judge Nathaniel Gorton ordered prosecutors to respond to allegations that investigators bullied their cooperating witness to lie


FDA approves pill for aggressive breast cancer that’s spread

U.S. regulators on Friday approved a new drug for an aggressive type of breast cancer that’s spread in the body — including into the brain, where it’s especially tough to treat. The Food and Drug Administration said Tukysa, a twice-daily pill developed by Seattle Genetics, is for people with what’s known as HER2-positive breast cancer


‘A League of Their Own’ inspired baseball pioneer Croteau

There were moments when Julie Croteau’s baseball path was a lonely one even as she turned in a career historic enough that Cooperstown wanted her glove. Little League with mostly boys. Suing her high school to take the field on the varsity team (she lost). Notoriety as one of the first female NCAA baseball players.


Indiana Gov. Holcomb to extend stay home order to May 1

INDIANAPOLIS — The executive stay home order for Indiana that expires Monday will be extended to May 1 as planning is underway to reopen parts of the state’s economy, Gov. Eric Holcomb said Friday. Holcomb said a state task force is seeking ideas from various business sectors on on how they can safely reopen for


Aid group MSF splits with partner over migrant rescues

BERLIN — Aid group Doctors without Borders said Friday it is ending its cooperation with partner SOS Mediterranee amid disagreement over the continued rescue of migrants. Doctors without Borders, which is also known by its French acronym MSF, said it wants to continue its operations in the Mediterranean Sea, despite attempts by some European governments


Valparaiso U lays off 200, cuts pay of others over virus

VALPARAISO, Ind. — Valparaiso University has laid off 200 employees and has cut the salaries of others to save money during the coronavirus pandemic, the school announced. The university furloughed 154 full-time employees and 46 part-time employees, it said in a news release. The layoffs began Thursday. Staff that hasn’t been furloughed and earning at


Initial virus fallout sends Pennsylvania jobless rate to 6%

HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate zoomed upwards in March to its highest point since 2014 as the effects of Gov. Tom Wolf’s coronavirus-related business shutdown and stay-at-home orders began to be felt, according to figures released Friday. Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate shot up to 6%, up from 4.7% in February, the state Department of Labor


Asian rapper Rich Brian is proving he belongs in hip-hop

When Brian Imanuel was a budding teen rapper in Jakarta, Indonesia, he wanted a rap name that would go well with a song that he was putting out on SoundCloud. He felt his own name, Brian Imanuel Soewarno, was too long, but a suggestion by his friend caught his eye: “Rich Chigga.” As Rich Chigga


Virus forced schools online, but many students didn’t follow

SAN DIEGO — During the first week that her San Diego public school was shuttered to slow the spread of the coronavirus, not one of Elise Samaniego’s students logged on to her virtual classroom. Three weeks in, the teacher still hadn’t connected online with roughly two-thirds of the students in her third- and fourth-grade combo


New York face-covering rule on; stay-home order extended

NEW YORK — New rules requiring New Yorkers to cover their faces in public are going into effect Friday as the state’s residents prepared for at least another month of social distancing to curb the spread of the coronavirus. Under the guidelines announced this week by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, everyone must wear a mask or


‘You hear the cries’: Virus toll haunts a New York paramedic

NEW YORK — Elizabeth Bonilla pulls her ambulance up to a set of Bronx row houses. Another ambulance and a fire truck are already there, their flashing lights painting the dark streets an eerie shade of orange. Neighbors gather on their stoops to watch. Some sip wine. “We gotta gown up,” she says as she


Olympic medalist Timmers to retire at the end of season

BRUSSELS — Pieter Timmers, the silver medalist in the men’s 100 meters freestyle at the 2016 Olympic Games, will retire from swimming at the end of the season. The 32-year-old Belgian had initially planned to compete at the Tokyo Olympics but the postponement by a year because of the coronavirus pandemic has derailed his ambition.


Experts take UK to task over late virus testing, death rate

LONDON — Not enough protective equipment. Too few tests. Too many needless deaths. The British government faced sharp criticism from health officials Friday over its response to the coronavirus pandemic, with one public health expert predicting that “system errors” would leave the U.K. with Europe’s highest death rate from the virus. “We were too slow,”


Chelsea’s Willian cautious about resuming even without fans

SAO PAOLO — Chelsea winger Willian is relishing the Premier League resuming, with some reservations during the coronavirus pandemic. “If we restart playing without fans but there’s contact on the pitch and maybe we can spread the virus between us,” Willian said in a video interview. “It’s not a bad idea but they have to


The Latest: Premier League still wants to complete season

The Latest on the effects of the coronavirus outbreak on sports around the world: The Premier League says it still wants to complete its season. The league held a call with all 20 soccer clubs but provided no specifics about its plan to resume. The competition was suspended more than a month ago because of


The Latest: Britain’s coronavirus death toll reaches 14,500

The Latest on the coronavirus pandemic. The new coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death. TOP OF THE HOUR: — Trump gives governors options on how to reopen the economy. — Japan Prime Minister


Stocks up on Wall Street, worldwide on virus progress hopes

NEW YORK — A worldwide rally swept markets Friday as investors latched onto strands of hope about progress in the fight against the coronavirus. The S&P 500 climbed close to 2% in the first few minutes of trading, following up on 3% jumps in Europe and rises of nearly as much in Asia. The gains


NHL stoppage has Devils’ Fitzgerald waiting on two fronts.

The suspension of play in the NHL because of the coronavirus pandemic has put Tom Fitzgerald of the New Jersey Devils in a strange situation. The 51-year-old is waiting to see if the league will finish its season and whether he gets to keep his job. Fitzgerald is the only interim general manager in the

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Экология в России и мире

Минэкологии Подмосковья приглашает поучаствовать в премии «За верность науке»

Путин в России и мире

Путин назвал враждебными действия Запада против финансовых организаций из РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

AP: Киев считает условием прекращения огня невозможность вторжения со стороны РФ

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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