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Новости за 22.03.2017


NHL to hold hearing on Sabres’ Ristolainen’s hit on Guentzel

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The NHL is considering further disciplinary action against Buffalo Sabres defenseman Rasmus Ristolainen for his blindside hit that led to Pittsburgh Penguins forward Jake Guentzel suffering a concussion. The league’s Department of Player Safety will hold a hearing with Buffalo’s top defenseman on Thursday. The hit occurred about nine minutes into Pittsburgh’s


After fight, Indiana man receives ‘ATHE1ST’ license plate

ELKHART, Ind. — A man who was initially denied an Indiana license plate reading “ATHE1ST” now has the personalized plate. The Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles denied Chris Bontrager’s first request in February without citing a specific reason. The bureau’s denial letter to Bontrager noted the agency could refuse a personalized plate if it had


Russian lawmakers vote to tighten law on sports disturbances

MOSCOW — Russian lawmakers have voted to double fines for some repeat troublemakers at sports events, a year before the country hosts the World Cup. The lower house of parliament voted Wednesday to raise the penalties to between 40,000 and 50,000 rubles ($690 and $860) for fans who breach bans on attending sports events. They


Fact sheet: 2017 Kia Forte EX

2017 Kia Forte EX BASE PRICE: $16,600 for LX manual; $17,600 for LX automatic; $19,300 for S; $21,300 for EX. PRICE AS TESTED: $26,685. TYPE: Front-engine, front-wheel-drive, five-passenger, compact sedan. ENGINE: 2-liter, double overhead cam, gasoline direct injection four cylinder with D-CVVT. MILEAGE: 25 mpg (city), 33 mpg (highway). TOP SPEED: NA. LENGTH: 179.5 inches.


Judge dismisses ex-rowers’ suit against University of Kansas

LAWRENCE, Kan. — A judge dismissed a lawsuit against the University of Kansas by parents of two former rowers who allege they were sexually assaulted by a Jayhawk football player in a campus dorm. Douglas County District Judge B. Kay Hoff ruled, among other things, that the former rowers have left the university and no


2017 Kia Forte sedan is updated, retains value for money

Kia’s compact Forte sedan retains its value-for-the-money status for 2017 while adding refined new styling, upgraded seat fabric, more features and a new, fuel-efficient engine. Starting manufacturer’s suggested retail price, including destination charge, for a base, four-door Forte with automatic transmission is $18,495. That’s only $55 more than the comparable 2016 Forte and includes heated


Lawmakers want details on Flynn’s foreign contacts, payments

WASHINGTON — Republicans joined Democrats on Wednesday in pressuring the Trump administration to surrender records of former national security adviser Michael Flynn’s payments and contacts with foreign officials during the past three years. In a sign of deepening interest among congressional investigators, leaders of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee asked for materials on


First US aircraft carrier of Trump presidency enters Gulf

ABOARD THE USS GEORGE H.W. BUSH — American sailors watched as the first Revolutionary Guard vessels appeared on the horizon of the Strait of Hormuz, beginning a daylong face-off that has become familiar to both Iranian paramilitary and U.S. naval forces that pass through the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf. But these routine, if


Man charged with taking bribes for military base work

NEWARK, N.J. — A Pennsylvania man took more than $100,000 in bribes in a scheme involving construction projects at two New Jersey military bases, the U.S. attorney’s office said in a criminal complaint released Wednesday. Kevin Leondi, 56, of Stroudsburg, was charged with conspiracy to accept bribes and defraud the United States, which carries a


Trump’s SEC pick, a lawyer for Goldman, to face skepticism

WASHINGTON — Goldman Sachs may be about to get another friend in Washington. Jay Clayton, a well-connected Wall Street lawyer who is President Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission, is sure to face sharp questions from Democrats at his confirmation hearing Thursday over his years of work for Goldman and other


Preliminary approval given to $208.7 million NCAA settlement

About 40,000 college football and basketball players will not need to submit a claim to receive a portion of the $208.7 million the NCAA will pay to settle a federal class-action lawsuit that claimed the value of their athletic scholarships was illegally capped. U.S. District Judge Claudia Wilken in California gave preliminary approval Tuesday to


The film is ‘CHIPS’ and ‘CHiPs TV fans are poised to hate it

LOS ANGELES — Hardcore “CHiPs” fans hate it and the real California Highway Patrol seems not quite sure what to make of it. But Larry Wilcox, who rode his motorcycle to everlasting fame in the old “CHiPs” TV series, says that for now, he’ll give the benefit of the doubt to “CHIPS,” the forthcoming film


Cauliflower, onion and chickpeas make a tasty side dish

The produce aisle is a healthy budget cook’s best place to start a supermarket shopping trip. By loading up the cart with bulky, nutrient-filled produce, you’ll visually make the cart smaller, and you’ll spend be less likely to fill up the cart with (less healthy) impulse buys from the more processed middle aisles. Plus, if


Butterbeer ice cream hitting shelves for Harry Potter fans

ORWIGSBURG, Pa. — A Pennsylvania ice cream maker is courting Harry Potter fans with a new flavor based on Hogwarts’ favorite drink, “butterbeer.” Yuengling’s Ice Cream notes that J.K. Rowling once described butterbeer as tasting “a little bit like less sickly butterscotch.” With that in mind, Yuengling’s says the new butterbeer variety combines buttercream and


Putin boasts about rising Russian arms sales abroad

MOSCOW — President Vladimir Putin says Russia’s arms sales abroad last year have topped $15 billion. Putin, speaking Wednesday at a meeting with officials, said Russia last year also signed $9.5 billion in new arms-export contracts, which currently total $50 billion. He said that Russia accounts for nearly a quarter of global arms sales, coming


Ex-guard targeted in hit via inmate’s cellphone to testify

COLUMBIA, S.C. — An ex-South Carolina prison guard who was nearly killed in a hit orchestrated by an inmate using an illegal cellphone is traveling to Washington this week, asking federal authorities for help to make sure nothing like it happens again. On Thursday, former corrections officer Robert Johnson is scheduled to testify before the


Catalonia approves funds to hold secession vote from Spain

MADRID — Pro-independence lawmakers in Spain’s powerful northeastern Catalonia region have approved a 2017 budget that guarantees funds for a referendum on secession despite warnings from legal advisers that such a vote would be unconstitutional. Catalonia and Spain have been at loggerheads for years because of the regional government’s plans to hold an independence vote,


Onetime defendant in legendary Lufthansa heist is rearrested

NEW YORK — An aging mobster who two years ago beat charges in a legendary heist retold in the film “Goodfellas” has been rearrested. The U.S. attorney’s office in Brooklyn says Vincent Asaro is charged with an arson committed before his 2015 arrest in the robbery of the Lufthansa cargo terminal at John F. Kennedy


911 call: Mom tried to resuscitate unresponsive twin babies

LINDENWOLD, N.J. — The mother of twin baby girls who were found dead in an apartment can be heard screaming on a 911 call that they “are not breathing and both are purple.” The woman called for help Wednesday morning from a unit at a Lindenwold apartment complex. Her initial comments could not be understood,


Death toll in Hungarian bus crash in Italy rises to 17

BUDAPEST, Hungary — The director of Hungary’s Military Hospital says a survivor of a January bus crash in Verona, Italy, has died, raising the death toll to 17. Robert Tamas said Wednesday that the male passenger, about 40 years old, was the most-severely burned survivor of the Jan. 20 crash of the bus carrying mostly


‘Oh, my God’: Day care worker denies force-feeding babies

A former New Hampshire day care worker accused of forcibly feeding three infants and kicking a bouncy seat that had a baby on it pleaded not guilty on Wednesday, but police said she had acknowledged being frustrated with the babies and exclaiming, “Oh, my God, they’re driving me nuts.” Chelsea Blais, of Hooksett, worked for


In Europe spat, Turkish president warns Westerners on safety

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan ramped up his anti-European rhetoric on Wednesday, warning that the safety of Western citizens could be in peril if European nations persist in what he described as arrogant conduct. Erdogan’s remarks came amid tension over Dutch and German restrictions on Turkish officials who tried to campaign for


EU warns of ‘serious consequences’ if no Brexit deal

BRUSSELS — The European Union’s chief negotiator for the upcoming negotiations with Britain on leaving the bloc has warned that there will be “serious consequences for everyone” if the two sides fail to clinch a deal within the two years of talks. EU negotiator Michel Barnier said on Wednesday that there could be “total uncertainty”


Melting business: Warmer US winter hurts small companies

NEW YORK — The big snowstorm in the U.S. Midwest and East last week was a respite for some small business owners, after a generally mild winter that has nipped into the revenue of many companies and forced them to rethink their cold-weather strategies. Retailers who sell winter clothing or snow shovels have had fewer


ABC’s Diane Sawyer to interview Caitlyn Jenner again

NEW YORK — ABC News’ Diane Sawyer is reprising her interview with Caitlyn Jenner, with the former Olympic gold medalist slated to talk about her first couple of years of life as a woman. The former Bruce Jenner spoke to Sawyer in a 2015 special that reached 17.1 million viewers and won a DuPont-Columbia journalism

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о повышении экологического статуса целлюлозно-бумажных технологий в России

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил действие ДОВСЕ

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Суд продлил арест двум адвокатам Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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«Сурганова и Оркестр» приглашают на Летник на Флагшток


Тимур Хайдаров не хочет молчать и тоже намерен судиться

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