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Новости за 27.03.2017


Rockets owner Alexander donates $4 million to 20 charities

HOUSTON — Houston Rockets owner Leslie Alexander has donated a combined $4 million to 20 charities in Houston. Alexander has long been a champion for animal rights, and five such organizations are part of this gift. Also receiving money are six groups that assist children in need as well as groups aiding refugees, abused women


Heroin found hidden in dog crate at Kennedy Airport

NEW YORK — Two men were arrested on drug charges after heroin was found hidden in the false bottom of a dog crate containing a Labrador retriever that had been shipped from Puerto Rico to New York. Samuel Seabrooks, 35, of the Bronx, and Carlos Betancourt-Morales, 27, of Carmel, were arraigned on drug possession and


How major US stock market indexes fared on Monday

Worries that Washington may not be able to help businesses as much as once thought knocked stock indexes down hard early Monday, before they clawed back most of their losses and ended the day mixed. On Monday: The Standard & Poor’s 500 index fell 2.39 points, or 0.1 percent, to 2,341.59. The Dow Jones industrial


Xavier returns its core from unexpected trip to Elite Eight

CINCINNATI — Xavier coach Chris Mack spent a few extra seconds congratulating Mark Few after his Gonzaga team had reached the Final Four for the first time in school history. Gonzaga’s 83-59 win in the Elite Eight on Saturday marked yet another near miss for the Musketeers. They’ve reached the Elite Eight three times and


Iran’s president to meet with Putin; economic ties on agenda

MOSCOW — Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is visiting Russia for talks expected to focus on economic ties and the Syrian conflict. Rouhani is scheduled to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on Tuesday. During a meeting with Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Monday, Rouhani hailed the countries’ bilateral cooperation and said


Mexican fishermen burn boat, demand environmentalists out

MEXICO CITY — Dozens of fishermen have burned a boat as part of a threat to force out a ship operated by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Mexico’s Gulf of California. Sea Shepherd has been removing illegal and abandoned nets that endanger the vaquita, the world’s smallest porpoise. Illegal fishing for the totoaba, another


Miami Open’s future? ‘It’s a hard one,’ Federer says

KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. — When it comes to tournament matchups, Key Biscayne has fallen behind. A stalled plan to upgrade the complex has caused the Miami Open to decline in prestige, raising doubts about its future. “When I first arrived here, it was always the biggest tournament after the Grand Slams,” said retiring tour veteran


Media press FBI for price it paid for tool to unlock iPhone

WASHINGTON — FBI Director James Comey has made public enough details about the bureau buying a tool to unlock an iPhone as part of a terrorism investigation that the agency should also release how much it cost, The Associated Press and two other news organizations said in court papers Monday. The media companies said Comey


Wounded USF football player charged with pulling gun first

TAMPA, Fla. — Authorities say a University of South Florida football player who was shot during a road rage incident has been charged with pointing a gun at the shooter and his family. A Tampa police news release says 22-year-old Hassan Childs was charged Monday with three counts of aggravated assault and one count of


The Latest: White racist charged with murder as terrorism

NEW YORK — The Latest on James Harris Jackson, a white racist accused of stabbing Timothy Caughman, a black man (all times local): 4 p.m. A white racist accused of the fatal stabbing of a black man on a Manhattan street has been indicted on a charge of murder as an act of terrorism. James


Oklahoma authorities: Homeowner’s son kills 3 burglars

BROKEN ARROW, Okla. — Oklahoma authorities say three would-be burglars have been fatally shot by a homeowner’s adult son who was armed with a rifle. The Wagoner County Sheriff’s Office received a call around 12:30 p.m. Monday from someone inside a home who told dispatchers that people had broken into the house and that shots


Gianopulos named new chairman of Paramount Pictures

NEW YORK — Viacom Inc. named Jim Gianopulos the new chairman and chief executive officer of Paramount Pictures, turning to the former Fox chief to revive the flagging movie studio. Gianopulos will succeed Paramount’s former chairman, Brad Grey, who was ousted in February. Viacom Chief Executive Bob Bakish said Monday that Gianopulos will be able


Drake’s new CD ‘More Life’ breaks a new streaming record

NEW YORK — Drake, who was the most streamed act on Spotify last year, has started 2017 strong — his new album, “More Life,” has broken the U.S. record for the number of online streams from a single album in one week. The rapper’s 22-track album recorded 385 million streams across all platforms in its


The Latest: Police have video from Vegas Strip bus shooting

LAS VEGAS — The Latest on a fatal shooting on a bus along the Las Vegas Strip (all times local): 12:45 p.m. Police are reviewing security video from inside a double-decker bus where they say a passenger shot two people “for no apparent reason” during the weekend at a stop on the Las Vegas Strip.


A closer look at the ‘panic buttons’ distributed in Colombia

The Associated Press found that a “panic button” issued in Colombia to activists and journalists who work in risky areas has vulnerabilities that could let hostile parties disable the devices, eavesdrop on conversations and track users’ movements. Here’s a closer look: MANUFACTURER: Eview Industrial Ltd. of Shenzhen, China, which specializes in GPS trackers for motor


Agustina Castro, Fidel and Raul’s sister, dies in Cuba at 78

HAVANA — Agustina del Carmen Castro Ruz, the youngest sibling of Fidel and Raul Castro, has died in Cuba. She was 78. Agustina Castro died Sunday at a hospital in Havana due to complications from a recent surgery following a fractured hip, sister Juanita Castro said. She told The Associated Press that Agustina had been


Trump signs legislation rolling back Obama-era regulations

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump signed a handful of measures Monday rolling back Obama-era regulations under the Congressional Review Act. It’s part of a larger GOP effort to eliminate an array of regulations issued during President Barack Obama’s final months in office and comes days after Trump’s effort to repeal and replace “Obamacare” failed. Trump


Lawsuits: Hackers stole customer data at 1,000 Arby’s stores

ATLANTA — Georgia-based Arby’s restaurant chain failed to prevent hackers from stealing customer information at hundreds of its stores, a Connecticut couple said in a new federal lawsuit. Since early February, eight credit unions and banks from Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Montana have filed seven other federal lawsuits. All make similar allegations


The Latest: 13 states back Trump travel ban in appeals court

RICHMOND, Va. — The Latest on lawsuits challenging President Donald Trump’s travel ban (all times local): 5:30 p.m. A group of 12 state attorneys general and one governor is urging a federal appeals court to allow Donald Trump’s revised travel ban targeting six predominantly Muslim countries to take effect. In a brief filed in the


Schroder insists reeling Hawks OK despite 7-game skid

ATLANTA — Dennis Schroder insists the Atlanta Hawks will be fine when their three injured starters return. The point guard also believes the Eastern Conference playoff standings are too tight for the Hawks to wait for Paul Millsap, Kent Bazemore and Thabo Sefolosha to return from their injuries. Schroder said the Hawks must snap their


Study predicts significant Southern California beach erosion

LOS ANGELES — More than half of Southern California’s beaches could completely erode back to coastal infrastructure or sea cliffs by the year 2100 as the sea level rises, according to a study released Monday. Using a new computer model to predict shoreline effects caused by the rise of sea levels and changes in storm


Flow reduced in leaking underwater Alaska gas pipeline

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Natural gas spewing into Alaska’s Cook Inlet from a ruptured underwater pipeline has been reduced by about half after owners lowered pressure in the line. The pipeline carries gas from onshore to four production platforms owned by Hilcorp Alaska LLC. The platforms burn natural gas for power. Only two platforms were producing


George Lucas gives another $10M to USC for student diversity

NEW YORK — George Lucas has given another $10 million to the University of Southern California’s School of Cinematic Arts to fund the student diversity program he helped establish. The donation was announced Monday by USC, Lucas’ alma mater. Last fall, USC established a foundation in Lucas’ name to support students from underrepresented communities who


Agreement puts Jeanie Buss in control of Lakers for life

LOS ANGELES — A battle over control of the Los Angeles Lakers is over after an agreement was reached to have Jeanie Buss serve as controlling owner of the storied NBA franchise for the rest of her life, making permanent the arrangement her late father and longtime Lakers owner Jerry Buss said in his will


Future of ‘abortion reversal’ bill in doubt

INDIANAPOLIS — Two key Indiana lawmakers said they do not intend to take action on legislation addressing so-called abortion reversal procedures, likely dooming its chances of becoming law this session. The proposal by Republican Rep. Ron Bacon would mandate that abortion providers give women considering a drug-induced abortion a form containing information on potentially stopping

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко: тактическое ядерное оружие для Москвы и Минска — средство сдерживания

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

В Москве налоговая потребовала взыскать долг с Алексея Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




«Я не справляюсь»: мать Тимати пожаловалась на истерики и слезы 10-летней внучки


Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

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