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Новости за 22.03.2017


Grandmother charged after toddler hit, killed by vehicle

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. — Police in an Atlanta suburb have arrested a woman they say backed a sport utility vehicle over her granddaughter. Gwinnett County police said Wednesday they’ve arrested 44-year-old Gilma J. Ordonez-Guevara of Lawrenceville on charges including vehicular homicide, hit and run, obstruction of a law enforcement officer and no license. Online jail records


House panel OKs letting staffers carry guns in Statehouse

INDIANAPOLIS — A House panel has advanced a measure to give legislative employees the right to carry guns at the Indiana Statehouse. State regulations that ban deadly weapons from the Statehouse already exempt judges, police officers and members of the Legislature. This bill extends the right to be armed to employees of the Senate and


Funeral held for pugnacious NY journalist Jimmy Breslin

NEW YORK — Generations of New York journalists and political leaders joined Jimmy Breslin’s family Wednesday in celebrating the life of the pugnacious Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist who championed the downtrodden and battled corrupt public officials for more than five decades. Breslin, who died Sunday at age 88, was remembered as a peerless prose stylist whether


Mets move exhibition game against Army to Citi Field

WEST POINT, N.Y. — The New York Mets are moving their exhibition game against Army to Citi Field. The Mets originally were scheduled to play the Black Knights at West Point on March 31. But the snowstorm that slammed the Northeast last week affected Army’s diamond and forced the switch of fields. The teams now


Idaho man who didn’t match DNA from killing is freed

BOISE, Idaho — An Idaho man who experts say was coerced into a false murder confession was freed Wednesday after spending half of his life behind bars. A judge released Christopher Tapp after vacating his rape conviction and resentencing him to time served for the 1996 killing of Angie Dodd. The release came after years


Tigers star Cabrera, out with stiff back, could return soon

DUNEDIN, Fla. — Detroit Tigers slugger Miguel Cabrera could soon return to the lineup after being sidelined by back stiffness. Cabrera has been out since leaving Venezuela’s game last Saturday in the World Baseball Classic. Detroit manager Brad Ausmus said Cabrera might play Friday against Atlanta. “Just not going to rush it,” Ausmus said before


The Latest: Parents accused of murder in boy’s shooting

PHOENIX — The Latest on the fatal shooting of a 9-year-old Phoenix boy (all times local): 11:45 a.m. A Phoenix couple whose 9-year-old son was shot and killed are now accused of first-degree murder, with police saying there’s evidence that blood in the home was cleaned up before they were called. Wendy Larvarnia has told


The Latest: Jason Day leaves Match Play to be with mother

AUSTIN, Texas — The Latest on the Dell Technologies Match Play (all times local): 4:15 p.m. Jason Day says his mother, Dening, is having surgery Friday for lung cancer and he wants to be with her. Day walked off the course when he was 3 down after six holes to Pat Perez. He made a


The Latest: Lawmaker wants public debate on climate change

AUGUSTA, Maine — The Latest on a Maine lawmaker’s bill protecting climate change beliefs (all times local): 2:40 p.m. A Republican lawmaker in Maine who has introduced a bill that would protect people from discrimination based on their beliefs about climate change says he thinks it’s an open question whether human activity is the primary


Rangers star goalie Lundqvist to return this weekend

NEW YORK — New York Rangers star goalie Henrik Lundqvist will play this weekend after being sidelined since March 7 with a hip injury. The team will be at Los Angeles on Saturday and Anaheim on Sunday. The Rangers also play in San Jose on Tuesday and Lundqvist is expected to start two of those


Duke’s Jayson Tatum declares for NBA draft after 1 season

DURHAM, N.C. — Jayson Tatum is leaving Duke after his freshman season to enter the NBA draft. The school announced Tatum’s widely expected decision Wednesday , and team spokesman Cory Walton said Tatum plans to hire an agent, which means he won’t have the option to return to his college team. “I’m excited to take


UFC star McGregor’s fine for Vegas pre-bout fracas reduced

LAS VEGAS — Nevada athletic officials on Wednesday significantly reduced the penalty they imposed on UFC star Conor McGregor following a profanity-laced, bottle-throwing fracas with a rival during a pre-fight news conference last year in Las Vegas. The Nevada Athletic Commission approved an agreement with McGregor that settled on a $25,000 fine, 25 hours of


New idea shakes up dinosaur family tree for T. Rex and pals

WASHINGTON — Tyrannosaurus Rex and his buddies could be on the move as a new study proposes a massive shake-up of the dinosaur family tree. Scientists who took a deeper look at dinosaur fossils suggest a different evolutionary history for dinosaurs, moving theropods such as T. Rex to a new branch of the family tree


6 3-year-olds nominated late to Triple Crown series

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Thunder Snow, winner of the UAE 2000 Guineas, is among six 3-year-olds made eligible to compete in the Triple Crown series during the late nomination period. The late nominees, which required a payment of $6,000 each, raise the total nominations to 425 for the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont stakes. The late


AP FACT CHECK: Trump and his unachieved achievements

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is taking credit for persuading TransCanada Corp. to withdraw a hefty lawsuit against the U.S. government over the previous administration’s rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. But the Canadian company says its bid for compensation for the stalled project is merely suspended, as it has been for weeks. Trump’s account,


Illinois hires Fahey as next women’s basketball coach

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Illinois has hired Hall of Famer Nancy Fahey to be its next women’s basketball coach. Fahey comes to Illinois after a 31-year tenure at Washington University in St. Louis. She won an NCAA record five Division III national championships, made 10 Final Fours and has 737 career victories. She guided the program


Box office reaches new record, but international sales flat

NEW YORK — The Motion Picture Association of America said Wednesday that the worldwide box office reached a record $38.6 billion in 2016, though international revenues were essentially stagnant. The MPAA’s annual report showed a global increase of .5 percent in ticket sales from 2015. While China, the world’s second-largest market after the U.S., has


Sex offender admits groping woman on international flight

NEWARK, N.J. — A registered sex offender has admitted that he improperly touched a sleeping woman aboard a flight from Israel to the U.S. Federal prosecutors in New Jersey say Yoel Oberlander pleaded guilty Wednesday to assault with intent to commit stalking. The 36-year-old New York man faces up to 10 years in prison when


Arctic sea ice dips to record low for winter

WASHINGTON — The frigid top of the Earth just set yet another record for low levels of sea ice in what scientists say is a signal of an overheating world. The extent of floating ice in the Arctic hit a new low for winter: 5.57 million square miles (14.42 million square kilometers). That’s about 35,000


The Latest: Figures show drop in crime reporting by Latinos

LOS ANGELES — The Latest on reports of sexual assaults and domestic violence declining among Latinos in Los Angeles amid concerns of increased immigration enforcement. (all times local): 11:10 a.m. Crime statistics show there were 41 fewer sexual assaults reported by Latinos in Los Angeles during the first two months of 2017 compared to the


A look at attacks where vehicles have been used as weapons

LONDON — When an attacker plowed a vehicle into pedestrians on London’s Westminster Bridge, killing two people and injuring scores of others, it was the latest in a string of incidents in which drivers used their vehicles as weapons. Some were orchestrated by extremist groups, others by unstable individuals with unclear motives. Radical groups have


London attack is latest in which vehicles are used as weapon

LONDON — When an attacker plowed a vehicle into pedestrians on London’s Westminster Bridge on Wednesday, it was the latest in a string of incidents in which drivers used their vehicles as weapons. Some were orchestrated by extremist groups, others by unstable individuals with unclear motives. While no one so far has claimed responsibility for


Fado, sardines and the Age of Exploration: A visit to Lisbon

LISBON, Portugal — Have you ever heard a song so tender and soulful it brought you to tears, even though you couldn’t understand a word? That’s how I feel about fado, a Portuguese folk music tradition that blends the drama and rhythm of flamenco with the sentimentality of a torch song. You don’t need to


School district under fire over slave auction reenactment

MAPLEWOOD, N.J. — Parents at a New Jersey school are outraged after white students held a reenactment of a slave auction of a black child during class. A spokeswoman for the South Orange Maplewood school district outside New York says the assignment was not authorized by the district. Spokeswoman Suzanne Turner says a substitute teacher


Industry chief: solar doesn’t now threaten utility profits

INDIANAPOLIS — The leader of a group representing Indiana’s power companies has publicly acknowledged that the growing popularity of solar energy in the state doesn’t currently pose a threat to utility profits. However, Indiana Energy Association President Mark Maassel said Wednesday that lawmakers still should move forward with a bill to sharply curtail an incentive

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Экология в России и мире

В МЧС предупредили об аномальной жаре в Москве в ближайшие дни

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил действие ДОВСЕ

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Суд Москвы продлил арест трем адвокатам Навального по делу об экстремизме

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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