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Новости за 22.03.2017


NTSB cites mechanical issue in Michigan plane incident

YPSILANTI TOWNSHIP, Mich. — A preliminary investigation into the runway accident involving a plane carrying the Michigan men’s basketball team cites a mechanical problem. The National Transportation Safety Board on Wednesday issued an update about the March 8 crash at Willow Run Airport in Ypsilanti Township, near the Ann Arbor school. The aborted takeoff caused


Wisconsin fugitive convicted of kidnapping Michigan student

DETROIT — A woman captured last year while living under an alias in Wisconsin was convicted Wednesday of kidnapping a Detroit-area college student in 2000. Kim Johns was accused of kidnapping her former lover at gunpoint and taking her on an eight-day journey to Illinois and Iowa. The government alleged that Johns was upset because


Agency: California farmers will get bump in irrigation water

FRESNO, Calif. — Farmers in a vast agricultural region of California will receive a significantly greater amount of irrigation water this summer compared to past drought years — but not their full supply, federal officials announced Wednesday. Record winter rain and snow in some parts of California have put a major dent in the five-year


QB Falk returns as Washington St. seeks 3rd straight bowl

SPOKANE, Wash. — The return of record-setting quarterback Luke Falk for his senior year highlights Thursday’s opening of spring practice for the Washington State football team, which is seeking a third consecutive bowl game. The Cougars have 15 returning starters, including All-America offensive guard Cody O’Connell, a trio of established running backs and veteran linebackers


How major US stock market indexes fared on Wednesday

After a shaky start, U.S. stocks finished mostly higher Wednesday as technology and industrial companies rose. Banks fell with interest rates as the market came off its biggest loss in five months. On Wednesday: The Standard & Poor’s 500 index added 4.43 points, or 0.2 percent, to 2,348.45. The Dow Jones industrial average lost 6.71


Staley: South Carolina’s Gray will play in Sweet 16

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina has dodged what could have been another major blow to its championship hopes as the banged-up Gamecocks have learned that injured guard Allisha Gray will be able to play in the Sweet 16. It was good news for the Gamecocks, as the situation looked anything but positive a few days


National Park Service: DC cherry trees start bloom period

WASHINGTON — The National Park Service says Washington’s famous cherry trees are blooming again after a killing frost. National Park Service spokesman Mike Litterst said in an email Wednesday that the bloom period has begun and can last two weeks. He says officials expect the trees’ will reach peak bloom this weekend. The prediction is


Browns return specialist Josh Cribbs officially retires

CLEVELAND — There will be no more returns for Josh Cribbs. The former Browns Pro Bowl return specialist and wide receiver officially announced his retirement Wednesday from the NFL, ending a storybook career he began as an undrafted free agent quarterback out of Kent State. Cribbs played eight seasons with Cleveland, where he blossomed into


Dunleavy: 3 to transfer out of Tulane’s basketball program

NEW ORLEANS — Tulane coach Mike Dunleavy Sr. says sophomore guards Kain Harris and Von Julien, as well as freshman forward Darian Jones, have been granted releases from the men’s basketball program and will transfer. Dunleavy, in a news release Wednesday, said all three are great kids and he wishes them the best. Harris, of


Sears, Nike and US Bancorp stumble while FedEx, Duluth rise

NEW YORK — Stocks that moved substantially or traded heavily on Wednesday: Sears Holdings Corp., down $1.12 to $7.98 The retailer said in a regulatory filing that there is “substantial doubt” it will be able to remain in business. Nike Inc., down $4.09 to $53.92 The shoe and athletic apparel retailer reported weaker sales than


Bears re-sign DL Wilson to 1-year contract

LAKE FOREST, Ill. — The Chicago Bears have re-signed defensive lineman C.J. Wilson to a one-year contract. A seven-year veteran, he appeared in six games for the Bears last season and had one sack. He has 122 tackles and 7 1/2 sacks with the Green Bay Packers (2010-13), Oakland Raiders (2014-15), Detroit Lions (2015) and


British lawmakers tweet about parliament attack

LONDON — British lawmakers were the first to tell the nation, and the world, about a deadly terror attack Wednesday, with members of Parliament tweeting about events unfolding on their doorstep while huddling inside the Palace of Westminster after armed police locked down the area. Several took to Twitter as the incident unraveled. Chris Philp


Member of counterfeit CD and DVD ring gets 5 years

ATLANTA — A Senegalese man has been sentenced to serve five years in prison for his participation in an Atlanta counterfeit DVD and CD ring. Federal prosecutors in Atlanta say 41-year-old Mamadou Aliou Simakha pleaded guilty in March 2010 to one count of conspiracy to commit criminal copyright infringement, to traffic in counterfeit goods and


Titans agree to terms with offensive lineman Tim Lelito

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The Tennessee Titans have agreed to terms with veteran offensive lineman Tim Lelito. The Titans announced the deal Wednesday, though contract terms were not released. The 6-foot-4, 315-pound Lelito has started 24 of his 63 games over the past four seasons with the New Orleans Saints. Lelito also has been very versatile


Life sentence upheld for father who tossed girl into creek

FREEHOLD, N.J. — A New Jersey appeals court has upheld the life sentence of a man who threw his 2-year-old daughter into a creek while she was strapped into her car seat and weighed down by a tire jack. A two-judge panel ruled Wednesday that 32-year-old Arthur Morgan III did not receive an excessive sentence


Rare frog discovery has researchers hopping for joy

THOUSAND OAKS, Calif. — A discovery involving a rare California frog has researchers hopping for joy. Nine egg masses from the California red-legged frog were discovered on March 14 in a creek in the Santa Monica Mountains, which stretch from Los Angeles westward along the Malibu coast into Ventura County. The endangered species hasn’t been


New York Giants sign running back Shaun Draughn

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — The New York Giants have signed veteran running back Shaun Draughn. The Giants announced the signing Wednesday, a little more than a month after releasing veteran Rashad Jennings in a salary cap move. Draughn has played for six teams in six years, most recently the San Francisco 49ers. He has played


Connor Barwin chose LA Rams for reunion with Wade Phillips

LOS ANGELES — Connor Barwin had several options for the next stop in his NFL career after he couldn’t work out a way to stay with the Philadelphia Eagles. He decided to make a fresh start on the West Coast with an old mentor. Barwin signed with the Los Angeles Rams last week, agreeing to


UN atomic chief: Iran inspections at risk without more money

WASHINGTON — The inspections regime put in place to closely monitor Iran’s nuclear activity is in jeopardy unless the U.S. and other nations contribute more money, the head of the U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency said Wednesday. Yukiya Amano, the agency’s director general, said he used his visit to Washington to make the case for


CBS and ‘Young and Restless’ lead with Daytime Emmy nods

NEW YORK — CBS led with 70 nominations overall while its daytime drama “The Young and the Restless” led with 25 nods when nominations were announced Wednesday for the 44th Annual Daytime Emmy awards. TV’s remaining trio of soap operas, “General Hospital” (23 nominations), “The Bold and the Beautiful” (23 nominations) and “Days of Our


NFL looking to speed up games via officiating and breaks

NEW YORK — For all those NFL fans longing for more action, fewer interruptions and a better flow to games, Commissioner Roger Goodell is with you. The NFL is making plans to speed up the pace of games, including changing how video replays are handled and using a time clock for extra points. The league


Aid group says millions of Afghan children are not in school

KABUL, Afghanistan — Nearly a third of all children in war-torn Afghanistan are unable to attend school, leaving them at increased risk of child labor, recruitment by armed groups, early marriage and other forms of exploitation, an aid group said Thursday. Save the Children said more than 400,000 Afghan children are expected to drop out


Cyprus president: Turkey vote prevents peace talks progress

NICOSIA, Cyprus — Cyprus’ president says he and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres share the view that progress in efforts to reunify the ethnically divided island is unlikely before next month’s referendum in Turkey on expanding presidential powers. President Nicos Anastasiades said after talks with Guterres Wednesday that peace negotiations which stalled amid a dispute


Xavier looks for another upset against Arizona

SAN JOSE, Calif. — No. 11 seed Xavier (23-13) vs. No. 2 seed Arizona (32-4) Third round, West region; San Jose, California; 10:09 p.m. EDT. BOTTOM LINE: Xavier is the lone double-digit seed left in a Sweet 16 filled with power programs. The Musketeers pulled off a pair of upsets to reach the regional semifinals,


With Buxton, Kepler and Rosario, future is here for Twins OF

FORT MYERS, Fla. — When Byron Buxton, Max Kepler and Eddie Rosario started in the Minnesota Twins organization, they were spindly teenagers with plenty of potential. They’ve been through their growing pains since then. Now the Twins hope their young outfielders have grown enough to shoulder the load of a rebuilding team. “There’s no pressure,”

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Экология в России и мире

Собянин сообщил о планах создания отечественной платформы электромобиля

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о перспективном развитии соцполитики государства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко надеется на восстановление транспортных маршрутов с Израилем

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Вадим Самойлов

Вадим Самойлов («Агата Кристи») выступит на фестивале «Окна Открой»!


Задержанный в Москве голым американец извинился за свое поведение

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