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Новости за 13.01.2017


Sick kitty: NYC quarantines 500 felines fearing the flu

NEW YORK — Hundreds of homeless New York City cats have been quarantined after health officials discovered many infected with a strand of bird flu. About 386 cats that live in city shelters have tested positive for the virus since a cat named Mimi was identified in November as having the virus. Health officials set


Priest: Talking with mass murderer Breivik is ‘challenging’

OSLO, Norway — The priest who acts as a prison confidante to Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik said his role is to “try to make things a little bit better for the most despised person” in Norway. Father Tormod Klovning told a court Friday that he speaks to Breivik through a glass wall that


Jaguars hire Joe DeCamillis as special teams coordinator

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The Jaguars have hired Joe DeCamillis as special teams coordinator, bringing him back nearly a decade after his first stint in Jacksonville. DeCamillis replaces Mike Mallory, whose units were mostly a mess in 2016. The Jaguars had at least one major meltdown on special teams in eight straight losses, the kind of


NY woman guilty of assaulting teacher at daughter’s school

MINEOLA, N.Y. — A suburban New York woman has been convicted of assault for punching and choking a teacher at her daughter’s school. Newsday (http://nwsdy.li/2jfLBAV ) reports a Nassau County jury deliberated about five hours before finding Annika McKenzie guilty of assault, harassment and disorderly conduct. She faces up to seven years in prison. Prosecutors


Lord Snowdon, ex-husband of Princess Margaret, dies at 86

LONDON — Lord Snowdon, the society photographer and filmmaker who married Britain’s Princess Margaret and continued to mix in royal circles even after their divorce, has died. He was 86. Buckingham Palace said that Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret’s sister, had been told that he died. “The Earl of Snowdon died peacefully at home on 13th


India’s government ends suspension of national Olympic body

NEW DELHI — India’s government revoked the suspension of the Indian Olympic Association after it stepped back from a proposal to appoint two tainted former officials as honorary life presidents. The IOA regretted the inconvenience and embarrassment it caused, the Sports Ministry said on Friday. The decision ends the government threat to suspend the IOA’s


US stock indexes mixed in afternoon trading; oil slides

U.S. stock indexes were mostly higher in afternoon trading Friday, giving up some of their gains from earlier in the day. Banks and other financial companies were up the most as investors sized up earnings reports from several big lenders. Utilities were the biggest laggard. Energy stocks were down as crude oil prices headed lower.


Yale further details sex complaint against ex-hoops captain

HARTFORD, Conn. — Lawyers for Yale University are providing more details about allegations of sexual misconduct that led to the expulsion last year of its basketball captain. Former point guard Jack Montague is suing the school in federal court and has asked for an injunction that would allow him to return to finish his senior


African Union to cease recognizing Jammeh as Gambia’s leader

DAKAR, Senegal — The African Union says it will cease to recognize Gambia’s President Yahya Jammeh as the country’s legitimate leader as of Jan. 19, when his mandate expires. Friday’s decision by the AU’s Peace and Security Council comes as West African leaders are visiting Gambia in a last-ditch effort to persuade Jammeh to accept


Police: Man ran down 2 people on purpose, then went to bar

WATERBURY, Conn. — Police say a Connecticut man intentionally ran down his girlfriend and another man, then walked to a bar where he had a couple of drinks and played video games. One of the victims later died. The Republican-American (http://bit.ly/2jrrhdH ) reports that Stefan Scerba, of Oxford, was held on $3 million bond after


US businesses boosted stockpiles in November

WASHINGTON — U.S. businesses stockpiled more goods in warehouses and on store shelves in November as sales improved slightly. The Commerce Department says business inventories rose a seasonally adjusted 0.7 percent in November, with strong gains among auto dealers, building materials stores and wholesalers. Sales edged up just 0.1 percent with the increase coming almost


Chelsea reveals cost of firing Mourinho, ending Adidas deal

LONDON — Chelsea says firing Jose Mourinho the second time cost about 8 million pounds, and 67 million pounds was paid for the early termination of the Premier League team’s Adidas sponsorship. Mourinho, who now manages Manchester United, was dismissed by Chelsea during his third season back in charge in December 2015. Chelsea’s newly-published accounts


The Latest: Funeral for paralyzed officer draws to a close

NEW YORK — The Latest on the funeral for NYPD Detective Steven McDonald (all times local): Noon The casket of a police officer known for forgiving a teen gunman who paralyzed him in 1986 has been carried out of St. Patrick’s Cathedral to the sounds of church bells and salutes by hundreds of uniformed officers.


2 lumber company workers use forklift to rescue crash victim

BERGEN, N.Y. — Two employees of a western New York lumber business were in the right place with the right equipment when they used a forklift to rescue a woman from a burning car. Brian Frew and Ross Gingrich tell Buffalo’s WGRZ-TV (http://on.wgrz.com/2isl82n ) they were making a delivery Thursday afternoon when a vehicle broadsided


Man acquitted in slaying of sister of NBA’s Reggie Bullock

BALTIMORE — A Baltimore jury has acquitted a man of all charges in the 2014 slaying of the transgender sister of Detroit Pistons player Reggie Bullock. The Baltimore Sun (http://bsun.md/2jMcvkY) reports that 46-year-old Shawn Oliver of Hagerstown was acquitted of all charges Thursday. He was charged with first-degree murder in the July 2014 stabbing death


The Latest: Slippery conditions cause problems in Slovenia

PARIS — The Latest on severe weather in Europe (all times local): 7:00 p.m. Snow and ice are causing traffic problems in Slovenia, closing part of a highway leading toward the Adriatic coast. The official STA news agency says slippery conditions led to a number of accidents in the country on Friday. Authorities have urged


Jude Law stars as a disruptive pontiff in HBO’s ‘Young Pope’

NEW YORK — In HBO’s absorbing new drama “The Young Pope,” Jude Law plays the title character, American-born Lenny Belardo, who, through divine intervention or woeful human error (this will be hotly debated), is made Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church at the tender age of 47. A disruptive, puzzling presence who describes himself as


Mexico names new ambassador to United States

MEXICO CITY — The head of the North American Development Bank, Geronimo Gutierrez Fernandez, will be Mexico’s new ambassador in Washington, the Mexican government said Friday. Mexico’s Foreign Affairs Ministry announced the appointment in a statement that also said Mexico’s current ambassador in the United States, Carlos Manuel Sada Solana, will become undersecretary for North


Group: Government animal disease lab needs better oversight

MADISON, Wis. — A government lab in Madison that researches dangerous illnesses such as chronic wasting disease and West Nile virus has mishandled some of the animals used in testing and needs increased oversight, an environmental group has alleged. In its complaint filed Thursday with Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, the group Public Employees for Environmental


Markets Right Now: Banks lead stocks higher on Wall Street

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in financial markets (All times local): 11:45 a.m. Stocks rose in midday trading as investors pore over earnings reports from several big lenders. Banks and other financial companies rose more than the rest of the market Friday. JPMorgan Case and Bank of America rose 1 percent and Wells


Australian, Romanian tennis players banned over betting

LONDON — Two low-ranking tennis players have been banned for corruption offenses after they bet on matches. The Tennis Integrity Unit says Mihaita Damian of Romania has been banned for a year and fined 5,000 euros ($5,300) for placing 199 bets on games from 2011 to 2013. The 23-year-old Damian is 1,645th in the doubles


Detroit teachers, school district reach building repair deal

DETROIT — Detroit’s teachers union and the city’s school system have agreed to a settlement following complaints of mold, vermin and other building maintenance issues at schools. The agreement announced Thursday by the Detroit Federation of Teachers calls for an oversight committee to ensure that building repair requests are handled promptly. The deal also requires


German ministers to hold 1st Brexit meeting Wednesday

BERLIN — Angela Merkel’s spokesman says the chancellor will meet with key ministers Wednesday to begin formulating Germany’s position on Britain’s departure from the European Union. Steffen Seibert says it will be the first time the Cabinet’s specially created ‘Brexit’ committee holds a formal meeting. It takes place a day after U.K. Prime Minister Theresa


Lehane, Roberts and others featured in ‘Buzz Books’ preview

NEW YORK — Excerpts from upcoming works by Dennis Lehane, Nora Roberts and Roxane Gay are among dozens featured in a pair of free digital “Buzz Books” compilations. The industry newsletter Publishers Lunch has compiled previews from fiction and nonfiction releases for “Buzz Books 2017: Spring/Summer” and “Buzz Books 2017: Young Adult Spring/Summer.” James Patterson,


Suit: Play about police violence, race sparks surveillance

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. — A suburban New York community group says in a lawsuit it was racially profiled for producing a play about police violence called “A Clean Shoot.” The African-American group We the People says in court papers its 2015 play about a white officer who shoots a black off-duty officer sparked the scrutiny.

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Экология в России и мире

В Калмыкии прошел экологический праздник, посвященный Всемирному дню журавля

Путин в России и мире

Путин назвал враждебными действия Запада против финансовых организаций из РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Пушков объяснил, почему Трамп не захотел встречаться с Зеленским

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Филипп Киркоров

Суд взыскал с Киркорова 90 тысяч рублей за оскорбление Успенской попрошайкой


Мексиканский картель похитил блогера Владимира Комарова

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