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Новости за 13.01.2017


Nicole Kidman calls for Americans to support Trump

Nicole Kidman says it’s time for Americans to come together to support President-elect Donald Trump. Kidman tells the BBC that now that Trump has been elected, “we as a country need to support who’s ever the president because that’s what the country’s based on.” Kidman was born in Hawaii to Australian parents and holds dual


Palace signs Schlupp, Man United rejects Lyon’s Depay bid

LONDON — Crystal Palace has signed Jeffrey Schlupp from Leicester in Sam Allardyce’s first signing since taking charge of the struggling English Premier League club last month. The versatile Ghana international, a winger who also plays in defense, has signed a deal through June 2021 with Palace, which is one point and one place above


Report: FAA not prepared for major air traffic outages

WASHINGTON — The Federal Aviation Administration still isn’t prepared to handle major air traffic control outages despite promises to update plans, a government watchdog said Friday. The FAA has been working on new contingency plans since a fire at control facility in the Chicago area in 2014 led to widespread flight cancellations and delays for


MLK “war room” is the heart of a new national monument

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A motel room once used by Martin Luther King Jr. to plan civil rights protests is the centerpiece of a new national monument in Alabama. President Obama signed an order creating the Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument in one of his final acts as the nation’s first black president. The announcement, made


Vilsack leaving USDA early, no Trump replacement named

WASHINGTON — Secretary Tom Vilsack left the Agriculture Department a week before his tenure ends and before President-elect Donald Trump has chosen his replacement. Vilsack, who has led USDA for eight years and was President Barack Obama’s longest-serving Cabinet secretary, told employees in an email that Friday is his final day. The email did not


Man accused in murder case gets 30 years for jail obscenity

HOUMA, La. — A Louisiana man facing trial in a murder case has been sentenced to 30 years in prison without parole — for committing a lewd act. His lawyer said he thinks prosecutors pursued the unusually harsh sentence because of doubts about whether they could get a conviction on a more serious charge. Maurice


Filings: Pipeline opponents allegedly threatened officials

BISMARCK, N.D. — Police allege in court filings that opponents of the Dakota Access oil pipeline made threats against officers and public officials in North Dakota last year, prompting additional security for the state’s governor. The filings are part of a lawsuit filed in November by pipeline protesters who accuse police of excessive force in


Killer whales could have quiet space off Washington coast

SEATTLE — The federal government is considering whether it should set up an area off Washington’s San Juan Island where endangered killer whales would be protected from motorboats and other disturbances. Most motorized vessels would be banned under a proposed whale protection zone sought by three conservation groups. Puget Sound orcas face multiple threats, including


UNC’s Bradley to miss game with No. 9 FSU due to concussion

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — North Carolina freshman Tony Bradley Jr. won’t play Saturday for the 11th-ranked Tar Heels against No. 9 Florida State due to a concussion. The team tweeted from its official account Friday that Bradley was “improving” but it’s unclear when he can return. Team spokesman Matt Bowers says the 6-foot-11 native of


Lilly Endowment giving $100M to human service organizations

INDIANAPOLIS — The Lilly Endowment is handing out $100 million in grants to 15 human service organizations to help improve quality of life in Indiana. Officials announced Friday that the organizations include 10 neighborhood community centers in Indianapolis and will use the grants to invest in sustainability plans, including the creation of endowments. The grants


Driverless shuttle is new thrill in downtown Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS — There’s a new thrill on the streets of downtown Las Vegas. High and low rollers alike can climb aboard what officials say is the first driverless electric shuttle operating on a public U.S. street. The oval-shaped shuttle that carries 12 people began a 10-day, free pilot program Tuesday along Fremont Street in


Peskov: alleged author of Trump dossier unknown to Kremlin

MOSCOW — A spokesman for President Vladimir Putin says the Kremlin is not familiar with the reported author of a dossier claiming that Russia has obtained compromising material on President-elect Donald Trump. The documents that surfaced this week cite unidentified sources as claiming that Russia has evidence of Trump engaged in sexual activities, that members


Obamas donate daughters’ swing set to Washington shelter

WASHINGTON — The swing set that President Barack Obama installed on the South Lawn for his young daughters eight years ago has a new home. The White House said Friday that the Obamas donated the set to a shelter in southeast Washington. The Obama family plans to visit the Jobs Have Priority Naylor Road Program


Column: Geno proves again winning is not a sometime thing

Nobody wins all the time. Geno Auriemma comes closer than just about anyone else, even if he gets only so much credit for it: nearly nine out of every 10 games UConn has played since he took over as coach at the start of the 1985 season are victories. Along the way, he’s collected 11


Auto show concepts: Would you build them or forget them?

DETROIT — Car companies don’t just show current models at auto shows. They also unveil prototypes that could be built in the future. These so-called concept cars help them gauge the public’s reaction to new designs or technology. They can also amp up excitement about a company’s future. These are some of the concept vehicles


Receiving yardage leader Badet will transfer from Kentucky

LEXINGTON, Ky. — Kentucky coach Mark Stoops has announced that junior wide receiver Jeff Badet will transfer after leading the Wildcats in yardage last season. Badet had 670 yards and ranked second on the team with 31 receptions and four touchdowns in 2016, totals that helped the Wildcats (7-6) reach the TaxSlayer Bowl in their


Michigan hires Pep Hamilton as assistant coach

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Michigan has hired Pep Hamilton has its new assistant coach and passing game coordinator. Hamilton was an associate head coach on offense for the Cleveland Browns last season and spent the previous three years as offensive coordinator for the Indianapolis Colts. He will work with Michigan’s quarterbacks and wide receivers. He


Watch the picnic basket: Bear sightings surge in Connecticut

HARTFORD, Conn. — Keep an eye on the picnic basket. Bear sightings are surging across Connecticut. The state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection says there were about 6,700 black bear sightings in 2016, a 49 percent increase over the previous year. Compare that to only about 450 sightings in 2000. State wildlife biologist Paul


Guardiola: Kompany could return, Jesus transfer not complete

MANCHESTER, England — Manchester City captain Vincent Kompany could return at Everton in the English Premier League on Sunday but Gabriel Jesus may have to wait for his debut. Jesus, the Brazil striker signed from Palmeiras in the summer transfer window, officially joined City this month but his registration is yet to go through. “When


Sanders backers look to sway Democratic politics from inside

LOS ANGELES — Maybe Bernie Sanders can change politics from the inside. The Vermont senator’s loyalists helped engineer a show of political muscle in Democratic Party elections in California last week, months after Sanders promised that the populist political movement he inspired would endure beyond his failed 2016 presidential campaign. Nurses and other liberal activists,


Prosecutors charge man in Saudi college student’s death

MADISON, Wis. — Prosecutors have charged a Minnesota man in the death of a Saudi Arabian college student during a street fight in northwestern Wisconsin last year. A criminal complaint filed Thursday charged 27-year-old Cullen Osburn of Minneapolis with one count of felony murder and one count of aggravated battery in connection with UW-Stout student


Wilks replaces McDermott as Panthers defensive coordinator

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Steve Wilks doesn’t expect the Panthers defensive scheme to change much now that he’s in charge. Wilks was promoted to defensive coordinator on Friday and has been a major part in the construction of the Carolina defense, which he said will continue to run a 4-3 scheme “with a few wrinkles.” “When


‘Exorcist’ author William Peter Blatty dead at 89

NEW YORK — Novelist and filmmaker William Peter Blatty, a former Jesuit school valedictorian who conjured a tale of demonic possession and gave millions the fright of their lives with the best-selling novel and Oscar-winning movie “The Exorcist,” has died. He was 89. Blatty died Thursday at a hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, where he lived,


Ryan Reynolds named 2017 Hasty Pudding Man of the Year

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Ryan Reynolds, who earned a Golden Globe nomination for playing the title role in 2016’s “Deadpool,” was named Man of the Year by Harvard University’s Hasty Pudding Theatricals student group on Friday. The award is presented annually to performers who have made lasting and impressive contributions to the world of entertainment. “Ryan


Federal agencies agree to better address lead contamination

EAST CHICAGO, Ind. — A new joint agreement between federal agencies aims to deal with lead contamination of subsidized housing in the wake of the crisis in East Chicago that has led to the relocation of more than 1,000 people. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Environmental Protection Agency signed the

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик предупредил об аномальной жаре в начале лета в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Москва не собирается просить о восстановлении порушенных Токио двусторонних отношений

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

И драники, и сало: Лукашенко угостил Путина в Минске национальными белорусскими блюдами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Панасыч, а местечковые то не знают...

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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Йеллен: США могут ужесточить санкции против европейских банков, работающих в РФ

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