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Новости за 12.01.2017


Police: Mom, son die after set ablaze by estranged husband

PALM BAY, Fla. — Authorities say a Florida woman and her adult son are dead after her estranged husband broke into their home and set them on fire. Palm Bay police tell local news outlets that 61-year-old Daisy Tapia and her son, 32-year-old Erik Montes, died from their injuries Thursday. Sixty-four-year-old Edgard Fuentes faces murder,


For Rodgers, Pack, Hail Mary is more than wing and a prayer

Not so long ago, it was a one-in-a-million play, the sort of thing a player or fan would pray about. These days, Aaron Rodgers is turning the Hail Mary into touchdowns — and doing so at such a rate that his high-in-the-sky heaves into the end zone feel more like routine, and less like a


North Dakota’s experience with pipeline protests spurs bills

BISMARCK, N.D. — North Dakota’s Republican-led and largely oil-friendly Legislature is quickly introducing a raft of bills spurred by the bitter dispute between Dakota Access protesters and law enforcement, from restricting face coverings at protests to requiring the state to sue the federal government as a means of recouping millions in policing costs. Sen. Kelly


Big business of footwear on display at outdoor retail expo

SALT LAKE CITY — Footwear’s position as the second largest segment in lucrative outdoor retail industry is on full display at a trade expo in Salt Lake City this week with a wide array of colors, prints and designs of sandals, shoes and boots that companies promote as being lighter and more versatile. The basic


Truman Show: Big East mandate means Creighton plays D2 foe

OMAHA, Neb. — Truman State at Creighton. The game sticks out on the schedule of the nation’s eighth-ranked team, and not because it’s supposed to be a good one Saturday. The analytics website KenPom.com gives the Bluejays a 100 percent chance of beating their Division II opponent from Kirksville, Missouri. Told that, Truman State coach


Texas suspends leading scorer Mack for rules violation

AUSTIN, Texas — Shaka Smart’s tough second season at Texas is taking yet another rough turn. With his team already struggling at 7-9 after starting the season the Top 25, Smart indefinitely suspended leading scorer Tevin Mack on Thursday for an unspecified team rules violation. “We have a set of standards that we expect people


Decision on appeal of Habre conviction set for April 27

DAKAR, Senegal — A court in Senegal will rule in April on an appeal of the life sentence conviction of former Chad president Hissene Habre for war crimes, crimes against humanity and torture, the head of the court said Thursday, leading to the final step in a landmark trial pursued by victims for over 15


MLS will play again during World Cup qualifying

NEW YORK — Major League Soccer will play again during World Cup qualifying but with a reduced schedule. Three games each are scheduled during the June and September international fixture periods and two in October, the league said Thursday. National teams have the right to players during those dates, meaning clubs may be without stars.


Coughlin controls ‘all facets’ of Jaguars football ops

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — If it wasn’t clear how much power Tom Coughlin would wield in his return to Jacksonville, it became evident Thursday. Coughlin’s introductory news conference started five minutes sooner than initially scheduled, a you’re-early-or-you’re-late staple of Coughlin’s coaching career. Owner Shad Khan also said Coughlin will have final say on all football decisions,


New Broncos coach has a tough act to follow

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — In the Denver Broncos, Vance Joseph saw a championship culture, impressive roster, proven front office, esteemed ownership and fervent fan base, a combination not often seen in an NFL head coach opening. “It’s not a rebuild, it’s a reboot,” Joseph said Thursday as he was introduced as Gary Kubiak’s successor. While not


Hungarian reporter who kicked migrants gets probation

SZEGED, Hungary — The Hungarian camerawoman who was filmed kicking and possibly tripping migrants along the country’s border with Serbia was sentenced Thursday to three years’ probation for disorderly conduct. Petra Laszlo, who appeared in the Szeged District Court by remote video from an undisclosed location, mounted a tearful defense and said she would appeal.


Spain’s envoy to UK resigns amid outcry over plane crash

MADRID — Spain’s ambassador to the United Kingdom has resigned amid increasing calls for him to be sacked over his handling of 75 deaths in a 2003 crash of a military jet. Ambassador Federico Trillo announced his resignation on Thursday, saying he doesn*t want to interfere with the government’s work. Trillo was chosen for the


The Latest: San Diego mayor says Chargers will regret move

SAN DIEGO — The Latest on the Chargers’ decision to move to Los Angeles from San Diego (all times local): 11:30 a.m. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer says the Chargers’ decision to move the NFL franchise to Los Angeles after 56 years is “extremely frustrating.” The Republican leader said at a news conference Thursday that


Russia, Turkey sign Syria flight safety agreement

MOSCOW — Russia’s defense ministry says it has signed an agreement with the Turkish army to ensure flight safety over war-torn Syria. The Russian defense ministry said in a statement on Thursday that the memorandum lays the groundwork for coordination between the two countries’ air forces to “prevent accidents involving planes and drones” in Syrian


Watson becomes first 2-time Manning Award winner

NEW ORLEANS — Clemson quarterback Deshaun Watson has been named the first repeat winner of the Manning Award, which is presented by the Sugar Bowl to the nation’s top college quarterback after the postseason. Watson is coming off his second consecutive 400-yard passing performance in a national championship game. On Monday night, he led Clemson


El Salvador has rare murder-free day, 1st in nearly 2 years

SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador — El Salvador, one of the world’s deadliest countries, has recorded a rare day without a single homicide. National Civil Police commissioner Howard Cotto said Thursday that no murders were reported the previous day in the gang-plagued little Central American nation. The last time the country went a full day without


Josh Holloway: The stakes get higher on season 2 of ‘Colony’

NEW YORK — Josh Holloway says he’s terrible at keeping secrets, which is ironic because the actor has starred in two TV shows where it’s key to keep plot points quiet: ABC’s “Lost” and now USA’s “Colony,” premiering its second season Thursday at 10 p.m. EST. “My wife laughs at me all the time. She’s


Testing wearable sensors as ‘check engine’ light for health

WASHINGTON — A next step for smart watches and fitness trackers? Wearable gadgets gave a Stanford University professor an early warning that he was getting sick before he ever felt any symptoms of Lyme disease. Geneticist Michael Snyder never had Lyme’s characteristic bulls-eye rash. But a smart watch and other sensors charted changes in Snyder’s


Man who killed 3 at party near Seattle gets life in prison

EVERETT, Wash. — A young man accused of shooting and killing three people at a house party in July near Seattle has been sentenced to life in prison without parole. Allen Ivanov pleaded guilty last month to three counts of aggravated first-degree murder and two counts of attempted murder for wounding two other victims. He


Country singer Tanya Tucker hospitalized after a fall

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Tanya Tucker is postponing tour dates after fracturing a vertebrae and injuring a rib during a fall while on tour. A statement from her publicist says Tucker was also diagnosed with bronchitis while in a hospital in Texas. The statement says Tucker is receiving breathing treatments and physical therapy but will not


US skier Lindsey Vonn to take ‘lot of risk’ with broken arm

ALTENMARKT-ZAUCHENSEE, Austria — Lindsey Vonn is taking “a lot of risk of doing more damage” to her right arm when she returns to World Cup skiing this weekend, nine weeks after breaking her right upper arm. Surgery has made the arm more vulnerable to another fracture if she has to break a fall, the four-time


All but 2 minor charges tossed against Steelers assistant

PITTSBURGH — A Pennsylvania district attorney says he’ll drop all but two minor charges against Pittsburgh Steelers assistant coach Joey Porter after reviewing video of his altercation with a bar bouncer and a police officer. District Attorney Stephen Zappala Jr. says the video evidence supports only summary citations for disorderly conduct and public drunkenness. Charges


Kansas hires TCU assistant Doug Meacham to oversee offense

LAWRENCE, Kan. — Kansas coach David Beaty has plucked veteran coach Doug Meacham from Big 12 rival TCU to serve as his offensive coordinator and work with the Jayhawks’ wide receivers. Beaty announced the hiring on Thursday. Meacham was the co-offensive coordinator for the Horned Frogs. He has also coordinated offenses at Houston and several


USA Hockey executive director Dave Ogrean retires

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — USA Hockey executive director Dave Ogrean will retire in August after two separate stints on the job that included 28 gold medals in international competition. Ogrean, who also serves on the board of the U.S. Olympic Committee, oversaw USA Hockey from 1993-1999 and since 2005 as it established the National Team


In eastern Mosul, small signs of progress amid the fighting

MOSUL, Iraq — Small stalls and carts have sprung up outside the bombed-out buildings in eastern Mosul, selling meat and vegetables, cigarettes and cellphones to the thousands of civilians still living in neighborhoods where the Iraqi military has driven out the Islamic State group. As the grinding military operation enters its fourth month, about a

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Экология в России и мире

Чем грозит парковка на газоне

Путин в России и мире

Приказ Путина об учениях с ядерным оружием вызвал бурную реакцию в Вашингтоне

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Comedy Club

Гарик Мартиросян прокомментировал беременность Анны Хилькевич в Comedy Club на ТНТ


«Спартак» после Абаскаля не проигрывает! «Краснодар», похоже, выпал из чемпионской гонки

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