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Новости за 13.01.2017


Paris draft: 2-state solution best for Israel, Palestinians

JERUSALEM — In a strong message to Israel and the incoming Trump administration, dozens of countries are expected this weekend to reiterate their opposition to Israeli settlements and call for the establishment of a Palestinian state as “the only way” to ensure peace in the region. France is hosting more than 70 countries on Sunday


Nigeria leader in new effort to get Gambia’s Jammeh to leave

DAKAR, Senegal — Nigeria’s president was leading a regional delegation to Gambia in a last-ditch attempt Friday to persuade its longtime leader to step down and allow his rival’s inauguration next week, while fears grow that the impasse could turn violent. President Muhammadu Buhari has been authorized to offer Gambian President Yahya Jammeh asylum, if


Acts of kindness mark 35th birthday of late Indiana man

JASPER, Ind. — Mickinzie Marks clutched a daisy and walked across the classroom to one of her former teachers. The Ireland Elementary fourth-grader handed over the flower and the teacher wrapped the pupil in her arms. One squeeze. Then another. A long hug. The kind that really means something. Might make you cry a little,


Submarine veterans welcome crew of USS Indiana to New Albany

NEW ALBANY, Ind. — Spending most of 23 years working under water sounds a little crazy to most. But for John Smith, the experience was life-changing. Smith, a Pekin resident, served in the Navy from 1956 to 1978, and for most of his career he was a submariner. For as many as 93 days at


China, Russia say united against South Korea missile defense

BEIJING — China has a range of economic, diplomatic and military options to retaliate if the U.S. and South Korea proceed with deployment of an advanced missile defense system, experts said Friday, as Beijing remained vague in its threats against the plan. Such steps could raise the stakes for Washington and Seoul in a controversial


Spain: 2 arrested for suspected links to IS armed group

MADRID — Spanish police have arrested two people for terrorism offenses linked to the Islamic State armed group. An Interior Ministry statement said the two arrested Friday in Spain’s North African enclave city of Ceuta had undergone a long process of radicalization and formed part of a group that was advancing toward carrying out terrorist


‘Couldn’t save them:’ 6 kids die in Baltimore house fire

BALTIMORE — Robert Spencer said he often saw children playing on the porch of the home across the street from his in their northeast Baltimore neighborhood. When he looked out the window early Thursday morning, the home was in flames. Spencer ran toward the fire, but it was so big and hot he couldn’t help


2 members of R&B band Tower of Power hit by train, injured

OAKLAND, Calif. — Two members of Tower of Power, a group that has been an R&B institution for nearly 50 years, were hit by a train as they walked across tracks before a performance in their hometown of Oakland, but both survived, their publicist said. Calling it an “unfortunate accident,” publicist Jeremy Westby said in


Motorist who aided wounded trooper recalls fear, confusion

PHOENIX — An Arizona man who helped a wounded state trooper said Friday he was afraid and confused when he saw three bodies and pulled over on a freeway. Authorities say another motorist had just shot and killed a man who wounded Trooper Edward Andersson early Thursday on Interstate 10 west of Phoenix. Brian Schober,


Tigers, utilityman Romine avoid arbitration at $1.3 million

DETROIT — Andrew Romine and the Detroit Tigers have agreed on a one-year contract for $1.3 million, avoiding salary arbitration. The versatile Romine played every position besides catcher last season and batted .236 with two home runs and 16 RBIs in 109 games and 174 at-bats. He started at every infield spot, as well as


Serial toll evader with $12K tab arrested at Lincoln Tunnel

WEEHAWKEN, N.J. — Port Authority of New York and New Jersey police have arrested a man who owes $12,000 in unpaid tolls and fees. Police arrested 42-year-old Julian Garcia, of Morris County, after authorities say he attempted to avoid paying the toll at the Lincoln Tunnel on Thursday. The Towaco man was charged with theft


Congress to complete first step to repealing health law

WASHINGTON — Congress is on the cusp of completing the first — and by far the easiest — step toward gutting President Barack Obama’s divisive health care law. Friday’s vote in the House would adopt a House-Senate measure to make it easier for a subsequent “Obamacare” repeal bill to advance through the Senate without the


Marshmallow? Matcha? Boudin? A look at offbeat king cakes

NEW ORLEANS — King cakes — the treats that come around only during Mardi Gras — are rich in history and tradition, but many bakers push the boundaries with quirky ingredients. SKIP SWEET FOR SAVORY Twins Burgers and Sweets makes the Boudin King Cake. The savory creation is hamburger bun dough, with boudin (a Cajun-style


Chinese head home in world’s biggest annual human migration

BEIJING — Hundreds of thousands of Chinese travelers are packing airports, train and bus stations as they head home for Lunar New Year celebrations. Officials say they expect that Chinese travelers will make almost 3 billion trips during the holiday travel rush that starts Friday and runs through Feb. 21. Each year, it represents the


During Mardi Gras season, tradition takes the (king) cake

NEW ORLEANS — New Orleans is a city strong on traditions, and few inspire as much passion as the king cakes of Mardi Gras season. Do you eat Haydel’s, Gambino’s or Randazzo’s? Fillings and toppings or old-school simplicity? Do you nibble before the Jan. 6 start to the season, or is that sacrilegious? To see


Williams shines, Mavericks beat Suns 113-108 in Mexico City

MEXICO CITY — Deron Williams’ savvy floor game helped the Dallas Mavericks offset Devin Booker’s sensational shooting in Mexico City. Williams had 23 points and 15 assists, and the Mavericks defeated the Phoenix Suns 113-108 on Thursday night in the fourth regular-season NBA game played in Mexico. Williams shot 9 for 15 from the field


Millennials are falling behind their boomer parents

SOUTH MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin — Baby Boomers: your millennial children are worse off than you. With a median household income of $40,581, millennials earn 20 percent less than boomers did at the same stage of life, despite being better educated, according to a new analysis of Federal Reserve data by the advocacy group Young Invincibles. The


An American fault line: High school-only grads left behind

WASHINGTON — Americans with no more than a high school diploma have fallen so far behind college graduates in their economic lives that the earnings gap between college grads and everyone else has reached its widest point on record. The growing disparity has become a source of frustration for millions of Americans worried that they


Trump’s Indonesian business partner to attend inauguration

JAKARTA, Indonesia — The Indonesian business partner of President-elect Donald Trump will be attending next week’s inauguration and also plans business meetings with Trump family members, his spokesman said Friday. Trump’s ties to Hary Tanoesoedibjo are among the many conflicts of interest he could face as the 45th U.S. president. The property billionaire’s presidency is


German finance minister resists pressure for quick tax cuts

BERLIN — Germany’s finance minister is resisting pressure for quick tax cuts and extra spending after the country posted another budget surplus. Wolfgang Schaeuble plans to use the federal government’s 6.2 billion-euro ($6.6 billion) surplus to pay off debt. The conservative Christian Democrats of Schaeuble and Chancellor Angela Merkel have long made getting Germany’s finances


Maya Moore hopes UConn shatters own record winning streak

Maya Moore has been watching UConn intently, cheering for them to keep winning. The former Huskies great, who was instrumental in the previous 90-game winning streak, hopes the current team can keep their record run going and shatter the mark her group set a few years ago. “I don’t feel like it’s their streak and


Thomas will take his 59, and a trophy would be a bonus

HONOLULU — Two islands, two big moments to celebrate, and Justin Thomas had to think about which meant more to him. He won at Kapalua, but that won’t put him in the record book. Winning a PGA Tour event happens 47 weeks out of the year. And then on Thursday in the Sony Open, he


Flaherty, McFarland agree to 1-year deals with Orioles

BALTIMORE — Utility infielder Ryan Flaherty has agreed to a $1.8 million, one-year contract with the Baltimore Orioles, and left-hander T.J. McFarland accepted a $685,000, one-year deal. As part of Thursday’s agreements, which avoided salary arbitration, each player would get a $50,000 bonus for making an All-Star roster or winning a Gold Glove. Flaherty made


Column: Greed wins out as Chargers abandon fans, flee to LA

For once, Roger Goodell was right. Dean Spanos did everything he could. Everything he could to fleece the people of San Diego. Everything he could to alienate a fan base that remained far more loyal than he deserved until the bitter end. Everything he could to pretend he cared about those fans when all he


Definitions of ‘comfort women’ reveal Japan-S. Korea divide

TOKYO — “Comfort women,” used by the Japanese military for sex, were present wherever the army invaded and occupied Asia countries from the early 1930s through the end of World War II. That aspect of wartime history was kept quiet until the early 1990s, when a South Korean woman came forward, joined by some others,

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Экология в России и мире

Минэкологии Подмосковья приглашает поучаствовать в премии «За верность науке»

Путин в России и мире

Путин назвал враждебными действия Запада против финансовых организаций из РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Пушков объяснил, почему Трамп не захотел встречаться с Зеленским

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Елена Волкова

Тайны королевской семьи: что скрывает нумерологический прогноз для Чарльза III?


Мексиканский картель похитил блогера Владимира Комарова

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