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Новости за 20.03.2024


House Republicans ask for probe of unspent mental health funds

House Republicans want a government watchdog to look into how the federal government has managed unspent mental health funding, including COVID-19 emergency money and funds provided to launch the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. In a letter sent Tuesday to the Government Accountability Office, Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee said the Substance Abuse...


What you should know about the new electric vehicle rule

The Biden administration on Wednesday published a rule that’s expected to drive a significant shift away from gas-powered car sales and toward electric vehicles. For consumers, this is expected to mean more available and affordable EVs. Some analysts say it could also have the opposite effect on gas-powered cars, making them pricier and less available. “Purely gas-powered vehicles...


Biden touts 'landmark agreement' with Intel during visit to Arizona

President Biden on Wednesday boasted about a "landmark agreement" between his administration and Intel to invest up to $8.5 billion in federal funds in semiconductor facilities in Arizona and three other states, arguing it would transform the country's manufacturing capacity. Biden toured an Intel campus in Chandler, Ariz., where he delivered remarks on the latest...


Freedom Caucus votes to remove Ken Buck

The House Freedom Caucus voted to remove Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) from the group Tuesday night, three members of the conservative group told The Hill, a dismissal that comes days before he is set to retire from Congress. One of the Freedom Caucus members, who requested anonymity to discuss the internal proceedings, said the group...


Beyoncé reflects on not being welcomed by country music fans ahead of 'Act II' release

Just over a week before her new country album is released, Beyoncé Knowles-Carter is reflecting on the hate she received performing at the 2016 Country Music Awards (CMAs) with The Chicks.  “This album has been over five years in the making,” the multi-Grammy winner posted on Instagram on Tuesday. “It was born out of an...


U.S. hits all-time low in world happiness ranking

Story at a glance The United States fell to a new low in a world happiness ranking partly because of rising unhappiness among the nation’s young people. The World Happiness Report, published Wednesday, ranked the U.S. as the 23rd happiest country out of 143, placing it right behind the United Arab Emirates and ahead of...


Hermès accused of violating antitrust law by only selling Birkins to 'worthy' customers

A new class action lawsuit in California accuses Hermès of violating antitrust law by only selling its iconic luxury Birkin handbag to customers with a sufficient purchase history of other items. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in San Francisco on Tuesday, claims sale associates are pushing customers to buy Hermès’s ancillary products — merchandise...


Top Latina advocates decry Trump's 'not people' comments

A coalition of advocacy, labor and civil rights groups led by Latinas is condemning former President Trump's escalating rhetoric against immigrants, arguing words like his contribute to the incitement of hate crimes. In a joint statement Wednesday, the Latina leaders sought to shake off the normalization of language that's become part of the mainstream political...


Trump calls Milley a 'loser' after hearing on Afghanistan withdrawal

Former President Trump called retired Gen. Mark Milley, former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a “loser” Wednesday after a hearing on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. “Mark Milley is a loser who shamed us in Afghanistan and elsewhere!” Trump said in a post on Truth Social. This is far from the first time...


NAACP calls for federal probe into police shooting of unarmed Black man in Pittsburgh

The NAACP is calling on the Department of Justice to investigate the death of Jim Rogers, a 54-year-old Black man who died in an October 2021 incident with a Pittsburgh police officer. Rogers died the day after police officer Keith Edmonds repeatedly shocked him with a taser.   “Jim Rogers deserved better, and Black America...


Texas Democrat slams immigration law as an 'absolute disaster'

Texas Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) claimed the state’s immigration law is an “absolute disaster” that would violate the civil rights of many of the citizens in the Lone Star State. Castro joined MNSBC on Wednesday, the same day a federal appeals court is hearing oral arguments over a Texas immigration law that would enable state...


Fed Chair Jerome Powell holds press conference: Watch live

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell will provide an update Wednesday on decisions reached by the nation’s central bank in meetings over the past two days. The Fed had in recent months indicated it might roll back interest rates by this point. But no change in rates is expected at present because February’s inflation remained higher...


Sherrod Brown: New Republican Senate nominee 'not fighting for Ohio'

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) went after his opponent Bernie Moreno on Wednesday, a day after the Trump-backed Republican won the state’s contested primary. Brown said in an MSNBC “Morning Joe” interview that the difference between him and Moreno is clear. “My opponent has always looked out for himself. He's even said he's not going to...


Fed holds off on rate cuts after hot jobs, inflation data

A committee of Federal Reserve officials voted Wednesday to keep interest rates at a 22-year high after unexpectedly high job gains and inflation delayed likely plans for rate cuts. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the panel of Fed officials responsible for setting borrowing costs, voted to keep its baseline interest rate at the range...


Who’s afraid of RFK?

While RFK may not win the presidency — or even a single state — he can certainly play a crucial role in the eventual results.


Larry Hogan leads Democratic Senate hopefuls by double digits in Maryland

Republican Senate candidate and former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan is leading his Democratic rivals running for outgoing Sen. Ben Cardin’s (D-Md.) seat by double digits, new polling shows. A Washington Post-University of Maryland (UMD) poll, released Wednesday, found Hogan leading Rep. David Trone (D-Md.) with 49 percent to 37 percent in a 2024 hypothetical match...


JetBlue eliminating service to five cities after failed Spirit Airlines merger

JetBlue Airways says it will be eliminating routes to destinations both in the U.S. and abroad as it reevaluates its profitability after a federal judge blocked it from acquiring Spirit Airlines earlier this year. The airline said in an emailed statement that it will be leaving behind five cities, Bogotá, Colombia; Quito, Ecuador; Lima, Peru...


It's Brown vs. Moreno in Ohio: What to know

Welcome to The Hill's Campaign newsletter {beacon} Campaign Report Campaign Report   The Big Story Trump, Dems get their GOP pick in Senate race Former President Trump and Senate Democrats supported Bernie Moreno's bid to face Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown in the Ohio Senate race for different reasons — making Tuesday a win for both....


Biden delivers remarks on investment in America: Watch live

President Biden is expected to announce a multi-billion dollar CHIPS & Science Act award for the major chip manufacturer Intel while visiting its campus Thursday in Chandler, Ariz. — just outside Phoenix. Intel will receive nearly $20 billion in grants and loans the administration may provide for the semiconductor company to expand operations in Arizona,...


Senate Democrats release ad targeting Ohio GOP candidate Moreno: 'Even Republicans don't trust him'

Senate Democrats’ campaign arm released a new ad targeting Ohio Senate GOP nominee Bernie Moreno shortly after he clinched the Republican nomination on Tuesday. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee called the ad “Matter of Trust” and quoted statements from Moreno and his two primary opponents that he defeated, state Sen. Matt Dolan and Ohio Secretary...

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Путин: РФ и КНР наладят более тесное взаимодействие в инновационных отраслях

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Урганта и Смехова исключили из концерта памяти Окуджавы: Вдова барда извинилась - в том числе, за проведение события


Программа переподготовки для мам в декрете началась в Подмосковье

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